CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 2 Perceptual Process Short Answer Questions

Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Solutions Unit 2 Perceptual Process Short Answer Questions.

CHSE Odisha 11th Class Psychology Unit 2 Perceptual Process Short Answer Questions

Short-Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Voluntary Attention.
It is also called effortful attention. When attention requires special effort on the part of the attention to attend to it, it is called voluntary attention.

Question 2.
Symbolic Process.
Sensory stimulation arouses certain neural activities which have their trace in the nervous system. These are popularly known as neural traces.

Question 3.
Figure and ground.
Gestalt psychologists have shown that the factor of figure-ground relationships operates even in the simplest form of perceptual organization. Primitive perception is only figure and ground perception.

Question 4.
Muller Lyer – Illusion.
It is also known as a geometrical illusion. Muller and Lyer, two psychologists, observed this kind of error in perception for the first time is called Muller Lyer illusion.

Question 5.
The illusion of Movement.
The observer perceives a moving picture when actually the object is not moving it is called the illusion of movement. Examples of the illusion of movement are movies, T. V. screens, and electrical advertisements.

Question 6.
Moon Illusion.
It is an example of the size constancy illusion. Recent research on moon illusion has supported an ancient explanation.

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Question 7.
Illusions are wrong perceptions. Illusion is the wrong or mistaken interpretation of a sensory experience.

Question 8.
It has been already discussed how the illusion is a normal affair. Hallucination which is also a type of perceptual error is experienced by mentally disturbed abnormal persons. Hallucinations may be visual, auditory, olfactory, tactual, gustatory, etc. Hallucinations represent our inner conflicts, fears, anxieties, and mental imbalances. Visual hallucination follows auditory hallucination.

Question 9.
Symbolic process.
Sensory stimulations arouse certain neural activities which have their trace in the nervous system. These are popularly known as neural traces. These traces act as symbols or substitutes for the original stimulus or experience. These symbolic images help us while perceiving something. This symbolic process is activated by any experience in an image.

Question 10.
Size Constancy.
The size of a stimulus varies with the change in distance between the percept and the perceiver. A tree that is usually perceived at a distance of 5 feet will look very small. Martin did an experiment on size constancy. Considerable constancy was indicated by the observer in the perception of the size of the blocks. But in spite of this significant difference in the sense of impression, we perceive the tree to be of its usual size.

Question 11.
PHJ Phenomenon.
Phiophenomcnon is an illusion of movement. When objects are more in quick succession, they appear as one continuous unit or whole. In an experiment, the phenomenon is when two more lights are of optimum brightness, size, and distance. Human adults, children, and animals all are used by this type Of illusion of movement. It is also due to the basic characteristics of the brain activity involved in perception.

Question 12.
The entire nervous system is composed of only two kinds of cells. Glia cells and nerve cells are neurons. Glia cells provide a mechanical framework supporting the networks of neurons.

Question 13.
Parietal Lobe.
The parietal lobe lies near the central fissure in the back half of the brain. It has the somesthetic area, which is the most important functional area.

Question 14.
Hind Brain.
The brain includes the cerebellum, medulla, and pons. The medulla and pons constitute the lower part of the brain stem.

Question 15.
The medulla connects each side of the cerebellum with the opposite side of the cerebrum. The medulla joins the spinal cord to higher parts of the brain.

Question 16.
Scanning method.
Scanning means taking pictures intently of all parts. The scanning method of the brain helps is knowing the damages and destruction made to the brain.

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Question 17.
The nervous system of a living organism is made up of cells. A cell may be defined as a unit of living material.

Question 18.
Spinal Cord.
A spinal cord is a continuation of the brain below the medulla. It is structured compared to the brain.

Question 19.
Mid Brain.
The midbrain is the topmost part of the brain stem and also its shortest part. It only directs sensory input to the midbrain.

Question 20.
Reflex Arc.
The structure through which reflex action takes place is called the reflex arc. It involves the sensory nerve, the spinal cord, and the motor nerve.

Question 21.
Parietal lobe.
The parietal lobe lies near the central fissure in the back half of the brain. The parietal lobe is the seat of sensation.

Question 22.
The junction of two neurons is called a synapse. The neurons interact only at synapses. Dendrites and axons for different reasons are gaps that are technically called synapses. If the stimulus is of high intensity the synapse restricts the flow and vice versa. Synapses, blow down or inherit.

Question 23.
Spinal Cord.
The spinal cord is a continuation of the brain below the medulla. It has a simple structure compared to the brain. The different parts of the spinal cord are connected to the brain. The spinal cord has a rich acroterial blood supply. These nerve clusters grow up the first step towards the evolution of the spinal cord.

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Question 24.
The hypothalamus is a small structure directly below the thalamus and is connected with it. It lies at the base of the cerebrum. It is closely connected with ANS. It controls body metabolism, hunger, thirst, and sexual activity. The function of the hypothalamus in emotional behavior is very significant.

Question 25.
Reticular Activating System.
The reticular activating system is situated within the hindbrain and extends into the midbrain and hypothalamus. There is grey matter interplaced with crisscrossing groups of axons and cell bodies it is called ‘reticular’. The cerebral cortex and RAX influence each other’s functions, particularly in the sleep and arousal process. RAS has a lot of importance for the normal behavior of man. RAS is less activated during sleep.

Question 26.
Sympathetic system.
A sympathetic system called “The Thora Cicolumbar System”. The sympathetic nervous system consists of 22 sympathetic ganglia in a man, arranged along the spinal cord. The sympathetic system put itself into action to meet this emergency situation. The sympathetic system consists of the visceral blood vessels and directs them to muscles and the brain increasing it. This sympathetic outflow it takes place through the thoracic and lumber regions of the spinal cord.

Question 27.
The entire nervous system is compared to only two kinds of cells. Glia cells and nerve each or neurons. Glia cells provide a mechanical framework, supporting the networks of neurons. The neurons are the most active but smallest units of the whole nervous system. The axon transmits nerve impulses from the body to the effects organs of another neuron. Sensory and motor nerves are made up of neurons.

Question 28.
Functions of Cerebellum.
The cerebellum is responsible for maintaining body balance and making fine muscular and motor coordinates in various bodily movements. The dorsal lobe is the most important part of the cerebellum. It helps in motor coordination. Cerebral unions lead to disturbances in the pattern of movements. The cerebellum part of the hindbrain receives stimulation from many different receptions.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 2 Fundamentals of Educational Psychology Questions and Answers

Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Solutions Unit 2 Fundamentals of Educational Psychology Questions and Answers.

CHSE Odisha 11th Class Foundations of Education Unit 2 Fundamentals of Educational Psychology Questions and Answers

Very Short-Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Give the meaning of growth.
Growth refers to the physical sense. Growth refers to an increase in height, weight, and size. It is measurable as quantitative.

Question 2.
What is development?
Development is in a mental sense. It is both physical and mental aspects.

Question 3.
Give three natures of educational psychology.
The nature of educational psychology is as follows:

  • Educational psychology deals with two facts related to educational situations.
  • It helps the process of learning like memorising, perceiving, recalling, reasoning and intelligence.
  • It discovers new methods and approaches in the field of education.

Question 4.
Give three objectives of educational psychology.
The three objectives are :

  • It helps create a positive attitude towards learning.
  • It helps to provide correct methods of teaching to the pupils:
  • It helps to study the learner and his environment.

Question 5.
Discuss three features of educational psychology
Educational psychology is the application of psychology in the field of education. It is the study of human behaviour. It deals with the problems of education.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 2 Fundamentals of Educational Psychology Questions and Answers

Question 6.
Give three distinctions of growth and development.
Growth refers to change in aspects of the body but development implies the organisation as a whole. Growth does not continue throughout life but development is a continuous process, from womb to tomb. Growth is structural and development is functional.

Question 7.
Give three scopes of educational psychology.
To give knowledge of the nature of the child. To present principles and techniques of learning and teaching. To give knowledge of the growth and development of the children.

Question 8.
Explain any three principles of development.

  • The development follows a pattern, a regular step-by-step process.
  • Development in intelligence correlated to physical development.
  • All changes in the body are due to growth and development.

Question 9.
Give three factors that determine growth and development.
Maturation and learning affect growth and development. Heredity and environment always affect growth and development. Environmental factors like school, family, culture, S.E.S, and nutrition always affect growth and development.

Question 10.
Give three behaviours during the childhood stage.

  • Friendship: Adolescents choose and make friends.
  • Leadership: Leadership is an important aspect of this stage of behaviour.
  • A boy-girl relationship is developed.

Short-Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Explain how education and psychology are related.
Education is the modification of behaviour whereas psychology is the science of behaviour. Education helps in the physical, moral, and spiritual development of man and psychology helps in such growth. Education is a lifelong process. By psychology, there is developmental knowledge and experience in different stages of growth. Framing the aims of educational psychology helps. In the case of a child’s internal and external responses and mental analysis, psychology helps

Question 2.
How educational psychology is an applied science?
Educational psychology is an applied science in the sense that various psychological principles are being widely applied to the field of education. The principle of individual differences of learning by doing the self-discipline of personality, adjustment, guidance and counselling finds favour in all educational situations. The various laws of learning have made the teaching-learning process in the classroom economical and effective.

Question 3.
Discuss the aims of educational psychology.
The aims of educational psychology are as follows:

  • To give insight to the teacher about the nature of the child.
  • Enlightening the teacher with the growth and development of the child
  • Imparting knowledge about principles out of methods of learning.
  • Studying the control of emotions and their educational implications.

Question 4.
Forming differences between growth and development?
Though the terms growth and development are synonymous still there is a great distinction between the two. Growth refers to change in a particular aspect or aspect of the body whereas development implies the organisation as a whole. Growth does not continue throughout life. It stops at maturation but development is a continuous process which goes from womb to tomb.

Growth is structural and development is functional. Growth is quantitative which is measurable but development is qualitative which can not be measured but is assessed. The changes brought about by growth can be measured directly whereas changes brought about by development are difficult to be measured directly. Both growth and development are affected by heredity and environment.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 2 Fundamentals of Educational Psychology Questions and Answers

Question 5.
Give, the nature of educational psychology.
The nature of educational psychology is as follows:
Educational psychology deals with the facts related to educational situations. Educational psychology studies the behaviour of the child in teaching learning matters. Educational psychology becomes general rules, laws and techniques in order to achieve educational objectives. Educational psychology discovers the method and approaches in the field of education. Educational psychology develops a scientific outlook.

Question 6.
Give the scope of educational psychology.
The following is the scope of educational psychology:
To give knowledge of the nature of the child. To give an understanding of the nature, aims and purposes of education. To present principles and techniques of learning and teaching. To give training in methods of measuring abilities and achievement in school subjects.
to give knowledge of the growth and development of the children.

Question 7.
How is educational psychology helpful to a teacher?
Educational psychology is helpful to a teacher and a learner in many ways. To study the most effective ways to teach, specific materials to different children. To place the learner in the best possible learning situation, independent study, large or small group instructions with one or several teachers for a given course. To estimate the optional level wage at which the subject matter should be presented. To determine what courage material is appropriate to the needs, characteristics and goals of each teamer.

Question 8.
Define in short educational psychology?
Educational psychology is a combination of two different words- education and psychology. Education is aimed at the modification of behaviour whereas psychology is the science of behaviour. Psychology is an applied science related to the principles and techniques of psychology to solve all the problems in education to achieve educational objectives.

Educational psychology is concerned with the child, the learning situation, the learning process and, the teacher. The teacher with the help of educational psychology becomes conscious of the content of the educational method of teaching, the nature of the child and the frame curriculum. He studies the characteristics of the child as well.

Question 9.
Write at least five contributions to educational psychology.
Educational psychology influences the aims of education and studies the developmental characteristics of the child. A survey of learning situations and different types of education centres is opened taking into account to individual differences. Psychology helps the teacher with new methods and techniques of teaching.

The pupils face a large number of problems at different stages of growth and development. The knowledge of psychology aids him so solve those problems. It helps in curriculum construction. It helps in evaluating learning outcomes. The psychological study helps in making provision for learning, the process for exceptional children.

Question 10.
What special behaviours are seen during the childhood stage?
In the late childhood stage, some special features are seen in children.
Adolescents choose and make friends with others of some age group.

Social maturity:
As they become socially mature they develop a wide behavioural form of hard living, kindness, sympathy, emotional stability, cooperation and sacrifice.

Leadership is an important aspect of this stage of behaviour.

Boy-girl relationships:
The boy-girl relationship is developed. There are recreational interests.

Question 11.
Give five distinctions of growth and development.

  • Growth is structural arid development is functional
  • Growth is quantitative in nature whereas development is both qualitative and quantitative.
  • Growth refers to change in particular aspects of the body arid development implies the organisation of the whole body.
  • Growth continues till maturation but development continues till death.
  • Growth is additive in nature whereas development is both additive and subtractive.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 2 Fundamentals of Educational Psychology Questions and Answers

Question 12.
What are the factors that determine that growth and development?
The growth and. development is affected by the factors like maturation and learning and heredity and environment. The factors influence the development of physical, moral, social intellectual and emotional abilities. Heredity is quite inclusive and affects the sex hormones, twin birth, sex and chromosomal anomalies. The environment includes a large variety of actors such as family, school culture, socioeconomic status, nutrition etc.

Question 13.
Give the role of the environment in growth and development.
The environment has a powerful effect on the growth and development 6f an organism. The same person may behave differently in a different environment. Moreover, different persons behave differently in the same environment. The environment which influences growth and development can be classified under two heads. Physical environment and social environment in the form of condition takes care of self-expression, play and exercise etc.

Question 14.
Give five objectives of educational psychology.
Some specific objectives of educational, psychology art are as follows:
It helps in creating a positive attitude towards learning. It helps to provide correct methods of teaching to the pupils. It helps to study the principles and techniques of learning. It helps to study the learner and his environment. It helps to study individual differences.

Question 15.
Give the nature of educational psychology.
The nature of educational psychology arc as follows:
Educational psychology deals with the facts related to educational situations. Educational psychology studies the behaviour of the child in teaching-learning situations. It helps the process of learning like memorizing, perceiving recalling, reasoning and intelligence. It studies the instincts and drives, habits and attitudes, emotions and sentiments and personality. It discovers new methods and approaches in the feels of education.

Long Type Questions With Answers

Question 1.
What is psychology? What is educational psychology? How it is derived? Give its meanings.
Psychology i$ a mind’ and mental process. It is also that part of philosophy which studies the mind and mental process as a positive science. In the beginning, it was the part of philosophy known as mental philosophy. The word Psychology is derived from two greek words ‘psyche and Logos’ in which ‘Psyche’ means ‘soul’ and ‘logos’ means ‘to study’ or ‘science of’.

Therefore, Psychology means the science of the soul. Such a definition was put. forward by the Greek philosopher Plato and Aristotle. But such a definition of psychology was discarded, Soul is a metaphysical idea. It can neither be perceived nor imagined. The nature and function of the soul cannot be studied. Scientific methods like observation and experimentation in psychology.

On this ground, the definition that psychology is the science of the soul’ has been rejected. Psychologists like Descartes defined psychology as the ‘science of the mind’. It is also supported by Aristotle, But the word ‘mind’ is as vague and ambiguous as soul. The mind is not a, part of human anatomy. It is nothing but an assembly of ideas.

It stands for the private, personal and internal experience of a man like pleasures and pain, wishes and images, dreams arid desires. No two psychologists agree on the such definition of mind. Moreover, that definition of psychology had been rejected and discarded by other psychologists.

The psychologists like Descartes and Mc. Dougall could not agree with the mind’s definition of psychology. Sir William James put forward another definition of ‘psychology. “Psychology is the science of consciousness”. But the mental life is not only conscious but also there are unconscious and sub-conscious mental levels.

These conscious and subconscious mental levels also affect and influence the behaviour of men and animals in various ways without our knowledge and consciousness. Our conscious mental, functions cannot be fully explained without the help of unconscious and sub-conscious mental processes. Consciousness constitutes only a part of our mental life and it does riot include animal, behaviour.

Therefore, psychology is the science of consciousness is an incomplete definition which it is discarded and rejected by modem psychologists. Again, psychology has also been defined as the ‘science of experience’. This is out and out a subjective definition as it does not take Into consideration outward or external behaviour into account.

Experience is what a man feels internally during any activity. Psychology deals with both inward and outward activities, experiences and behaviours, So the definition is also incomplete. J.B. Watson, the American psychologist, and the founder of the school of behaviourism put forward the latest definition of psychology, “Psychology is the science of behaviour”.

Behaviour means actions and activities. J .B. Watson and other behaviourists wanted to make psychology an objective science and so they rejected experience as the subject matter of psychology. Psychology is a positive science of behaviour with two scientific methods – objective observation and experiment.

Meaning of Educational Psychology:-
Psychology is applied in the field of education with principles and techniques to the development of educational practices and solutions to educational problems like wastage and stagnation, and dropouts. So educational psychology is the science of engineering concerned with the application of psychological principles, the practical problems in the field of education.

Other Definitions of Educational Psychology:
To support the definition of psychology put forward by J.B.Watson, some other modem psychologists advanced some other supporting definitions, as follows:-

  • Me Dougall- “Psychology is the positive science of human conduct and behaviour”.
  • Woodworth- “Psychology is the science of the activities of the individual in relation to the environment”.
  • Skinner – Educational psychology – deals with the behaviour of human beings in educational situations.
  • Tro – Educational psychology is the study of the psychological aspect of educational situations.
  • Pillsbury – “Psychology is the science of human behaviour”.
  • Nunn – “Psychology is the positive science of experience and behaviour”.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 2 Fundamentals of Educational Psychology Questions and Answers

Question 2.
What are the aims and objectives of educational psychology? Give its nature.
The aims and objectives of educational psychology are as follows- Educational psychologists assist a teacher to give an insight into the nature of the child. To enlighten the teacher with the growth and development of the child, the developmental process. It helps the teacher in finding ways and means of social adjustment for the child.

A study of the psychological method of investigation is used in the field of educational psychology. It helps to control the emotions of the child and their emotional development. It imparts knowledge about the principles and methods of learning. It helps to understand the social problems of the children.

It helps to plan the education of children to their age, ability and aptitude. Imparting knowledge to the teacher about the latest problem in education, the latest development in the field of education, the field of child psychology and various methods of teaching.

Helping the teaching in solving the problems that may arise in the classroom.
Nature of Educational Psychology:

Positive science:
Educational psychology is a positive science but not a normative science like logic and ethics. It always deals with the facts that are happening. It studies the laws of children’s nature as they are or as they operate. It has nothing to do with “ought to be”. It has scientific investigation and application.

It is an applied science:
Educational psychology is an applied science. It constitutes the application of psychological principles and techniques in the development of educational practices and programmes and in the study of educational problems. It acts as an applied science.

As a social science:
Educational psychology acts as a social science because educational findings are applicable to all individuals. As a social science, it studies the behaviour of human beings in all activities. It also studies both the social individual and the interaction.

A practical science:
Educational psychology is practical in nature because the educator makes use of the knowledge of, the educational psychology of each and every walk of teaching and learning situations.

A growing and developing science:
Educational psychology is a growing and developing science new facts and principles also come about from human nature and behaviour a number of researches in the field of education. So educational psychology as a science is ever-growing and developing.

An academic discipline:
Educational psychology is an academic discipline. It is a science which is focussing on human behaviour and its result can be generalised into the principles theories.

Question 3.
Discuss the scope of Educational Psychology.
The word ‘Scope’ means the range extent and limitations of the study of what is to be included in the study of a particular subject of the subject matter. The scope of educational psychology is very vast, and wide because it studies human behaviour under various conditions from birth to death.

The scope of educational psychology centres around” the learner- developmental characteristics, individual differences, intelligence, personality and mental health of the teacher and students. It deals with the learning process, motivation in learning, and factors affecting learning and the evaluation of learning performances, in conducting research on educational problems.

Some of the scopes of educational psychology are as follows:
Human behaviour:
It studies human behaviour in all educational situations in the various stages of growth and development, and the characteristics of each stage are included in the study of educational psychology.

Growth and development:
Educational psychology is a psychological process study, the growth and development of a child. How a child passes through the various stages of growth like infancy, childhood and puberty and what the characteristics of each stage can be included in the study of educational psychology.

Learning process:
Educational psychology as-a a psychological process it studies the laws of learning. Learning is a major phenomenon in education. It studies how learning can take place most effectively and economically.

Heredity and Environment:
To what extent do heredity and environment contribute towards the growth of individuals and how knowledge can be made used for bringing about the optimum development of the child, It studies the heredity and environment of the child for better learning achievement.

The scope of educational psychology also includes the study of the nature of intelligence as well as its measurement. The teacher educator handles educational psychology to measure. The intelligence of the child.

Individual differences:
Every individual child differs from others in physical and mental aspects. The learning experience differs in the same manner. Educational psychology deals with the nature of learning, laws in learning, principles and theories of learning, remembering and forgetting, perceiving, concept formation, thinking and realising process, problem-solving, transfer of learning, and training ways and means of effective earning etc.

The learning situation:
Educational psychology deals with the environmental, factors and learning situations which come between the learner and the teacher. Topics like classroom climate and group dynamics, techniques and aids which facilitate learning situations, techniques and practices, guidance and counselling etc. which help in the smooth functioning of the teaching-learning process come under the scope of educational psychology.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 2 Fundamentals of Educational Psychology Questions and Answers

Question 4.
How the knowledge of psychology is helpful to a teacher in the teaching-learning process? Explain. Discuss the application of educational psychology helpful in the teaching-learning process. Explain.
Educational psychology is helpful to a teacher to guide the process of education and the knowledge of psychology helps the teacher to realise the objective of effective teaching and educating the pupils properly. The knowledge of psychology helps the teacher in the below following ways.

Understanding the child:
It has been recognised that the teacher can truly teach the child only when he possesses the knowledge of child psychology. The teacher must know how children think, what are their interests of various stages of development and how their energies can be utilised for educational purposes. All modifications in the technique of teaching are really the growing application of the knowledge of psychology in the process of teaching and learning.

To understand the developmental characteristics:
The human child passes through different stages of development as infancy, childhood and adolescence. Each stage has its unique characteristics. A teacher possessing knowledge of these characteristics can profitably apply them to properly educate his pupils.

To understand, individual differences:
No two individuals are alike even though maybe twins. We find individual differences in body structures, achievement, intelligence, personality, interests, and attitudes of children, A teacher must be responsible for determining such individual .differences. The teacher can adopt different methods of instruction, curricular and means of evolution for individual interests.

To develop knowledge of the learning process:
All education depends upon the learning of new responses and the capacity of a human child to learn new responses. Psychology analyses different aspects of the process of learning. It tells us that learning is impossible if the learner does not cooperate in the learning process. The problem of teaching then takes the form of a psychological problem. Incentives like illustrative aids in the classroom and general maxim of the teaching area all are based on sound psychological theory.

To understand the relative importance of heredity and environments :
The heredity and environment of the child determine his growth and development, his personality and his learning process, intelligence, interest and attitude. The body structure is determined by heredity whereas other factors like intelligence, personality interest and attitude are determined by the environment. So, teachers should create environments for the healthy development of their pupils.

Curriculum construction:
For constructing a balanced curriculum educational psychology is helpful to a teacher. The needs of the child, his developmental characteristics, interests, attitudes etc. are some of the essential factors that should be taken into consideration while framing the curriculum.

Planning methods of education:
Psychology is also helpful to a teacher planning methods of education in such a manner – that there is no problem with motivation. Modem methods of teaching like project methods help to achieve educational goals. Separate methods of instruction should be adopted for gifted or bright children, average children and slow learners. The knowledge of educational psychology equips the teacher with all these effective methods of teaching.

Research :
The knowledge of educational psychology helps teachers to develop and try out tools and devices for measuring various variables which affect the child’s behaviour. He can control, direct and predict the behaviour of students on the basis of action research in the classroom.

Question 5.
What do you mean by growth and development? Bring the difference between G and D.
Growth and Development: Growth means it is in a physical Sense. When and after the birth of a human baby, we make a number of changes in-bodily parts gradually, which is seen in the increase in height, weight, and body size. Such changes in the structure of the body of the child are known as growth. Structural change is the result of rapid cell divisions in the body.

At different stages of growth, a number of physical changes take place in the child. Development implies changes in bodily functions. As the body grows there is gradual progress in the movements. The child starts to swing his hands and legs. He is able to sit wait and run to and throw many things. The child starts to walk, to think, to express emotions like laughter, anger mid fear.

Thus, all the changes in the functions of different parts of the body and mind are the features of this development. So development is a progressive series of functional changes in a child and such changes lead the child towards maturity. So development is in a mental sense, the mental powers, mental ability. There is the power of concept formation, thinking, reasoning and power judgement.

Difference between growth and development:-
Growth and development seem to be synonym terms but in a strict sense there is a gulf of difference between the two, as follows:

Growth implies quantitative changes in bodily structures. Such changes can be expressed in some quantitative terms like metres (height), and kilograms (weight). On the other hand, development is qualitative in nature. All aspects of development like the development of motor activities: language, thinking, and emotions cannot be expressed in numerical measures.

So growth is structural and quantitative in nature but development is functional and both qualitative and quantitative in nature. Growth refers to changes in particular aspects of the body but development implies the organisation of the body as a whole. Growth continues for a specific period called physical maturation. But development continues throughout life.

For example, after the age of 25, there is no growth but development continues till death. Growth is always additive in nature which means adds something to the structure of the body, So it proceeds in the forward direction only. But development is both additive and subtractive in nature and may add new features and eliminate some old features to improve the quality of body functions.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 2 Fundamentals of Educational Psychology Questions and Answers

Question 6.
Explain the general principles of growth and development.
Various studies and research have highlighted certain significant principles underlying the process of growth and development.

The development follows a pattern:
If we take any dimension of growth and development we will find a particular pattern of growth. In physical development, in the cephalo-caudal sequence, the development proceeds from the head to the upper parts of the body and grows earlier than the lower parts. At birth, the head is much large compared to the adult head. Similarly, the development of movements is earlier in the upper parts of the body. The child can raise his head first with better control before he can move his chest or hand or leg.

Development proceeds from general to specific:
The child first shows general responses and then he shows specific responses to specific stimuli. For example, the new bom baby moves his whole body. If one time instead of moving one part of it. He moves his whole hand to specify one object instead of using a finger. In the emotional field, he responds through only general responses like crying to denote joy, hunger, pain or fear.

Development is a continuous process:
Development maintains continuity at a slow and regular pace. It does not take place abruptly or by leaps and bounds. All dimensions of development continue to grow gradually until they reach their maximum. For example, a child cannot speak all of a sudden and he develops speech habits through continuous efforts.

Growth is not uniform:
Different aspects of growth develop at different rates. All parts of the body can never grow at the same rate. At birth, the head is larger, about one-fourth of the body in length, But the rate of growth slows down and hands and legs grow at a faster rate. The brain reaches its maximum size at about six. Likewise, memory develops faster than creative imagination.

Most traits are correlated:
Most of the traits of growth and development are correlated which means superior in other respect, he is also found superior in other respect. A child whose intelligence is above average is also so in health size, sociability and special aptitudes. But this is not always true. We find very lean and thin boys with high intelligence but not sociable.

Individual differences in growth and development:
There are Individual differences in growth and development. No two individuals grow and develop in the same way or at the same rate. Some grow taller, some dwarf, and some become adolescents very soon. Some others develop secondary sex characteristics very soon and some get early maturation. So there is the individual difference in physical and mental characteristics.

Development is predictable:
It is impossible to predict in advance what type of development a child will follow because the rate of development of a particular child remains fairly constant. The environmental factors determine the product of maturation. But mental development cannot be predicted with some degree of accuracy.

Development is a product of heredity and environment:
Both hereditary and environment determine the growth and development of a child. Heredity is responsible for physical growth and intellectual development, whereas the environment is responsible for the intellectual, social and temperamental development of the child. Likewise, parental care, nutrition, the climate in the home and school and society are also essential for a child’s sound development. So hereditary and environment both contribute effectively maximum growth of the child.

Question 7.
What is physical growth? Explain the physical characteristics of growth and development.
In growth and development remarkable physical and physiological changes take place in boys and girls, Specially in adolescence period, there is rapid physical and physiological changes are seen.

Changes in height and weight:
In the infancy stage, there is rapid physical growth. The development of the body and nervous system is very fast. Almost all adolescent boys and girls show remarkable growth in height and weight. There is a rapid growth in girls from 10 to 14 years and in boys from 12 to 16 years. The mature height is attained from 13 to 20 years. Boys are in average taller than girls up to 11 years. From 12 to 15 years girls grow faster than boys. Boys are heavier than girls in all ages.

Changes in body proportion:
Human individuals differ not only in height and weight but also in body proportion as they grow. The different parts of the body mature more in one age while others attain maturity at earlier or later ages.

Changes in internal organs:
During the growth of child important changes occur in the internal organs such as the brain, muscles, skeleton and glands. The brain gradually matures with the nervous system. The skeleton becomes .longer day by day and the joints of the bone become also stronger. During the physical. growth there are glandular changes and the sex glands. The thyroid, Hymus, and pituitary also develop ill at maximum rates. The changes, in glands, affect the behaviour of adolescents, boys and girls and they also develop masculine and feminine qualities.

Change in voice:
There is a change in the voice of the boys and girls. During the stage of adolescence, the voice becomes course day by day and the voice of the adolescent girls becomes sweeter day by day.

Changes in physical activity strength:
In the childhood stage, the child remains engaged in play. He becomes physically strong. Adolescent boys and girls become physically active and they develop the ability, skill, strength and speed in doing any work or activity. Jn physical activity girls become more mature than boys. Boys are more muscular in strength. Then the girls always like adventure activities.

Growth of secondary sex qualities:
During adolescence, secondary sex characteristics are seen in both boys and girls. Hairs appear in different parts of the body and boys develop beards on their faces and menstruation starts in girls.

Development of sex:
During the stage of adolescence, both boys and girls are sexually mature. The genital organs in boys and the sex organs in girls increase. Both boys and girls develop an interest in the opposite sex and develop an interest in mutual intercourse or heterosexuality. For sex satisfaction, they practise masturbation, and both adolescent boys and girls achieve production capacity.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 2 Fundamentals of Educational Psychology Questions and Answers

Question 8.
What is social development? What are the social characteristics seen in adolescents? Explain.
Man is a social animal. As the child grows and psychologically matured he develops gradually some of the social behaviours. Social development means the attainment of the maturity of social relationships and helps the individual for adjustment to his environment.

As the child grows to adolescence he learns the social ways of the society like customs, traditions, miners and languages, and ways of living which change his tastes, interests, and attitudes. He may develop interaction from person to person, person to group and group to group.

The social characteristics seen among adolescent boys and girls are given below:
Adolescents tend to choose friends of their own age and temperament They develop friendships based on common interests, needs and goals.

Social consciousness:
Adolescent boys and girls become socially conscious and they develop social responsibilities duties, rights and responsibilities, and obligations. In attending social programmes, they develop group loyalties. Social service attitudes are developed with them.

Social maturity:
Adolescent boys and girls attain social maturity and they very soon develop the ability to adapt to changing situations. They become social and develop social potential ties like kindness, sympathy, tolerance, cooperation, dependability etc. They also learn sacrifice and wise judgement.

Leadership is an important aspect of social development in adolescence. The adolescent boys and girls participate in group activities and develop leadership qualities. They develop the qualities like patience, endurance, quality of domination, sincerity, hard-working, and responsibility. In schools and colleges, adolescents show their leadership in academic performances, games and sports, participating in college union elections, and organising debates, competitions, excursions and social service programmes.

Development of social, cultural, recreational, and vocational interests:
Social interests:
The adolescents develop an interest in attending different fairs, social functions, festivals etc. visiting religious places, running discussions on social problems and developing social awareness and interests.

Recreational interests:
The adolescents develop an interest in reading, cultural activities, attending movies, group games, and radio listening, and they also organise different hobbies like gardening, writing, photography, collection of stamps etc. which develop a recreational interest in them.

Development of social attitudes:
Social interaction determines the degree of adjustment of adolescents. Such social interaction is possible by observing different customs, organising cultural and religious ceremonies and marriage functions etc.

Question 9.
What is emotional growth? What are the emotional characteristics seen in adolescence? Explain.
Emotion is a feeling, a state of mind, a state of being moved or stored up. So emotion involves feelings, impulses and physiological reactions. The feelings of emotions are anger, disgust, pleasure and fear. Emotions are accompanied by physiological changes including heart and stomach problems, heartbeat, breathing and blood pressure which affect hunger, rest, sleep etc.

Such emotions are reflected with over behaviour like throwing, smiling, staring at etc. The adolescence period is marked by heightened emotions like nailbiting, tension, conflicts, quarrels with parents and teachers, and siblings with classmates. Other emotions like absent-mindedness, shyness and negativism are seen.

Emotional characteristics during adolescence:
As the child grows from childhood to adolescence his emotions become complex. Various experiences come from the environment and to the complexity of emotional development. The adolescent hides his emotions and it is difficult to understand.

Emotional feelings widened:
At adolescence, adolescents start making friends, forming groups with other taking leadership etc. and he is also emotionally attached to the group or person.

Development of tolerance:
Adolescents develop the tendency to bear and tolerate tensions, troubles, frustrations and failures in different social situations. They give emphasis to self-control and redirect their emotions in acceptable directions.

Capacity to share emotions:
The adolescents develop the ability to share with others and to love their neighbours, mates, fellow beings, and members of groups. Adolescents also derive pleasure from the achievement of their friends.

Love for freedom:
Adolescents develop a kind of inner freedom to feel, express act and behave independently which makes them rebellious and stubborn.

Tolerance of aloneness:
Adolescents at times prefer to stay alone in their homes and get pleasure from daydreaming and fantastic imagination by sitting alone for a long time.

Common emotions-during adolescence:
Love and affection :
During the period of childhood, love comes around as the object of interest but in adolescence, love is associated with relatives, peers and the opposite sex. During adolescence, love takes a sexual colour and adolescent boys and girls engage in conversations about sex and its problems.

Joy, pleasure and delight:
In adolescence period, adolescents feel joy when he is well adjusted and they also he get pleasure and delight from their achievements. He develops a feeling of superiority. He gets delighted when he gets successful in competitions, sports, debates and other such activities.

Worries and anxieties:
Worry is an imaginary fear which is caused by frequent thinking about a situation. Adolescents get worried about school work, examinations and tests, unreasonable homework, failure in competitions, and sex problems. Some other worries include lack of adjustment with parents, illness of parents and poverty of parents family problems and presence of stepmother.

Fear is formed by the child from the environment which includes fear of animals and snakes, fear of electric appliances, huge machines, deep seas and rivers, high places, strange noise and darkness etc.

Anger is the violent emotion expressed by adolescents due to the reasons like unfair treatment by teachers and parents, satirical remarks, encroachment of human rights, tasks beyond ability etc. Sometimes anger is seen in the failure of responsibility.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 2 Fundamentals of Educational Psychology Questions and Answers

Question 10.
What is intellectual development? Give its characteristics.
Intellectual development refers to cognitive, mental, memory, reasoning, understanding, intelligence, generalisation, interpretation, language ability, conceptual ability etc. These abilities are interrelated. Intellectual development is the mental development and overall development of all those above abilities.

Characteristics of intellectual development:
Development of time senses:
As the child grows he develops the ability to differentiate, between events that are now occurring and those which have occurred in the days gone by. He is in a position to locate events in the space where they are performed. As he advances in image his ability to react in terms of recollection from the past and anticipation of the future increases.

Increase in the power of attention:
The child has the ability to utilise past experiences but with the passage of time, he acquires an increasing ability to plan out remote goals and actions. For instance, in order to advise the remote goal through the examination a child may make or prepare time table plan to study.

Increasing ability to use symbols and signs:
With the increased ability to use signs and symbols, for example, the hungry child who would stop crying only when he was actually fed a later stage ceasing crying at the sight of a milk bottle a symbol for being fed.

Increase in the development of morality:
As a child advances in age, he learns to obey certain moral norms and starts thinking in terms of good and bad. In that way, the foundations of moral character are laid in the child.

Increase in curious questions:
As a child’s age increases the questions put by him to satisfy his curiosity are more definite as compared to those put by him prior to what is it? Who has done it? Why is it so?

Increase in creative impulses:
As the child grows in age he exhibits creative impulse in another world he engages himself in making on collecting things. He creates interest and social pleasure in solving puzzle problems. In this way, he develops the power of abstract thinking.

Increasing sensory development:
Sensory development occurs during the first month of the child. It learns to make effective use of the sense and experiences. Many topics of sensations such as hardness, pain, pleasure, and the sensation of smell and sound. As it advances in age it comes to have developed sensory equipment more accurately and sharpened the power of perception, the ability to compare various sensations. Logical thinking in place of vivid memory and the ability to generalise on the basis of experience.

Increase in language development:
The crying of a child at birth is an expression of the emotion of pain and pleasure. At the age of six months, its crying stands for its recognition of the new situation. By the time he is one year of age, he utters a few words- Aa, Ba, Maa, Daa etc. and at the age of two to three years it can repeat very short sentences spoken by elders.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 2 Perceptual Process Objective Questions

Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Solutions Unit 2 Perceptual Process Objective Questions.

CHSE Odisha 11th Class Psychology Unit 2 Perceptual Process Objective Questions

Multiple Choice Type Questions.

Question 1.
Perception is a ________.
(a) Mental process
(b) Physical process
(c) Motor skill
(d) Psychophysiological process.
(a) Mental process

Question 2.
Illusions are _________.
(a) False perception
(b) Wrong perception
(c) wrong belief
(d) none of these
(b) Wrong perception

Question 3.
Hallucination mostly occurs in people suffering from:
(a) Hysteria
(b) Paranoia
(c) Schizophrenia
(d) Myopia
(d) Myopia

Question 4.
One of the processes involved in the formation of a concept is:
(a) Classification
(b) Association
(c) Environment
(d) Generalisation
(d) Generalisation

Question 5.
One’s ability to distinguish five details is called:
(a) Attention
(b) Sensation
(c) Visual Activity
(d) Apperception
(c) Visual Activity

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 2 Perceptual Process Objective Questions

Question 6.
Perception of figure and ground is a function of:
(a) Past experience
(b) Structure of the nervous system
(c) Sensation pattern
(d) Insightful learning
(b) Structure of the nervous system

Question 7.
The monocular cue to distance in the perspective diagram is:
(a)Terial perspective
(b) Linear Perspective
(c) Gradient of texture
(d) None of the above.
(a)Terial perspective

Question 8.
Pilots usually rely mere on their instruments than on their perception on because of:
(a) Lack of any motion perception
(b) His movement perception
(c) The illusion of induced movements of objects
(d) Rules of the flight manual
(a) Lack of any motion perception

Question 9.
Illusion is a perception:
(a) Wrong
(b) False
(c) Correct
(d) Apperception
(a) Wrong

Question 10.
Hallucination is more often found in:
(a) Normals
(b) Neurotics
(c) Schizophrenics
(d) None of the above
(c) Schizophrenics

Question 11.
Hallucination is a_____ perception.
(a) False
(b) Correct
(c) Wrong
(d) Movement
(a) False

Question 12.
Perception is more determined by:
(a) emotion
(b) past experience
(c) thinking
(d) intelligence
(b) past experience

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 2 Perceptual Process Objective Questions

Question 13.
The basic movement perception used in films is:
(a) visual illusion
(b) motion
(c) perceptual constancy
(d) stroboscopic motion
(b) motion

Question 14.
Perceiving a rope as a snake is:
(a) perception
(b) illusion
(c) hallucination
(d) sensation
(b) illusion

Question 15.
Perceiving a rope as a rope is:
(a) hallucination
(b) imaginary
(c) perception
(d) illusion
(c) perception

Question 16.
When a rope is confused to be a nake, it is called:
(a) illusion
(b) image
(c) hallucination
(d) delusion
(a) illusion

Question 17.
Perception involves _____ process.
(a) receptor
(b) symbolic
(c) affective
(d) all These
(d) all These

Question 18.
The tendency to see the immobility of objects is called:
(a) color constancy
(b) size constancy
(c) location constancy
(d) brightness constancy
(c) location constancy

Question 19.
If a person gets a certain sensation that is not physically present in his environment it is due to the:
(a) illusion
(b) delusion
(c) hypnotism
(d) hallucination
(d) hallucination

Question 20.
If an object is perceived without any stimulus value it is called:
(a) delusion
(b) hypnotism
(c) illusion
(d) hallucination
(d) hallucination

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 2 Perceptual Process Objective Questions

Question 21.
An object in dim illumination can be perceived if is:
(a) familiar
(c) huge size
(d) colored
(a) familiar

Question 22.
A triangle is perceived as a triangle ¡n whatever position related to:
(a) brightness constancy
(b) size constancy
(c) color constancy
(d) shape constancy
(d) shape constancy

Question 23.
The principle of proximity in perception suggests that an object is more likely to be perceived if:
(a) it is huge
(b) it is nearer to the perceiver
(c) it is close to the perceiver
(d) the stimuli are close together they, tend to be grouped together.
(c) it is close to the perceiver

Question 24.
Apperception refers to the process of:
(a) not allowing new
(b) associating new ideas with old one
(c) substituting new ideas in lace of old ones
(d) None of the above
(c) substituting new ideas in lace of old ones

Question 25.
When two stimuli are presented and one perceives one thing in relation to the other it is called:
(a) Simultaneous perception
(b) Figure-ground perception
(c) Consecutive perception
(d) Successive perception
(b) Figure-ground perception

Question 26.
Muller Lyer illusion occurs because of:
(a) Visual defect
(b) errors in perception
(c) abnormality
(b) errors in perception

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 2 Perceptual Process Objective Questions

Question 27.
Muller Lyer illusion is ________ illusion.
(a) arithmetical
(b) geometrical
(c) geographical
(b) geometrical

Question 28.
The number of items a person can perceive at a single glance is called:
(a) Span of immediate memory
(b) Span of attention
(c) Span of perception
(d) Immediate perception
(d) Immediate perception

Question 29.
The theory of organization in perception has been advocated by:
(a) Behaviourist
(c) Gestalts
(d) Functionalists.
(c) Gestalts

Question 30.
Perception is the interpretation of sensation in the light of:
(a) Present experience
(b) Immediate experience
(c) Past experience
(d) None of the above
(c) Past experience

Question 31.
The mechanism through which the ‘O’ converts a sense impression to perception is called the __________.
(a) Process of sensation
(b) Process of attention
(c) Process of perception
(d) None of the above.
(b) Process of attention

Question 32.
Perception involves the _________ process.
(a) receptor
(b) symbolic
(c) effect or
(d) all of the above.
(d) all of the above.

Question 33.
Perceptual organization is best explained through the:
(a) Phi phenomenon
(b) Closure
(c) Movement
(d) Figure and ground phenomenon.
(d) Figure and ground phenomenon.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 2 Perceptual Process Objective Questions

Question 34.
A pattern will have the advantage of being perceived as a ___________ if it can be formulated by combining all the elements, present in the field:
(a) Part
(b) Whole
(c) Both whole and part.
(b) Whole

Question 35.
The organization helps in ___________ perception.
(a) quick
(b) delayed
(c) wrong
(d) false
(a) quick

Question 36.
The functional factors of perception lie _________ the individual:
(a) Within
(b) Outside
(c) In the environment of the individual
(d) None of these.
(a) Within

Question 37.
Experiments on value and need as organizing factors in perception have been conducted by:
(a) Bruner and Goodman
(b) Kofika
(c) Pinter and Anderson
(d) Muller and Lyer
(a) Bruner and Goodman

Question 38.
The tendency of a percept to remain the same from movement to movement and from time to time refers to __________ of perception :
(a) Closure
(b) Movement
(c) Constancy
(d) Good figure
(c) Constancy

Question 39.
The perception of movement in a stationary spot is called:
(a) Geometrical illusion
(b) Delusion
(c) Phi phenomenon
(d) Auto kinetic phenomenon.
(c) Phi phenomenon

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 2 Perceptual Process Objective Questions

Question 40.
Division of attention
(a) Does not affect the efficiency
(b) Affects efficiency
(c) Divisions of attention is impossible
(b) Affects efficiency

Question 41.
Attention is a __________.
(a) Preperceptive attitude
( b) Learning skill
(c) Mechanical process
(a) Preperceptive attitude

Question 42.
Habit is a _________ determinant of attention.
(a) Objective
(b) Subjective
(c) Quantitative
(d) None of the above.
(b) Subjective

Question 43.
Which of the following psychologist can be associated with a span of attention?
(a) Marrow
(b) Watson
(c) Miller
(d) Mc Gaoch
(c) Miller

Question 44.
__________conducted a test on shifting of attention.
(a) Linton
(b) Kholer
(c) Hersey
(d) Urban & Schitch
(d) Urban & Schitch

Question 45.
Those factors which lie in the stimulus is of great importance in determining the __________ attention.
(a) Nature
(b) Quality
(c) Directions
(a) Nature

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 2 Perceptual Process Objective Questions

Question 46.
An auditory nerve as connected to__________.
(a) acceipital lobe
(b) parietal lobe
(c) temporal lobe
(d) frontal lobe
(c) temporal lobe

Question 47.
Receptors are the structure that is _________ to physical energy.
(a) affective
(b) assertive
(c) reactive
(d) cooperative
(c) reactive

Question 48.
___________ conducted several experiments on cerebral localization.
(a) Lashley
(b) Maslow
(c) Proca
(d) Sherrington
(a) Lashley

Question 49.
Complex learning does not depend upon a definite structure of specified areas of the body. Who among the following said the above?
(a) Lashley
(b) Sherington
(d) Cock
(a) Lashley

Question 50.
Currently, neuropsychology is being studied in relation to:
(a) Psychology
(c) Sociology
(d) Neurosurgery
(d) Neurosurgery

Question 51.
The receptive organ is that organ of the human body which:
(a) Receive stimulation
(b) Sends the response
(c) Receives the response
(a) Receive stimulation

Question 52.
A neuron is a basic unit of:
(a) Gland
(b) Nervous system
(c) Brain
(d) Spinal Cord
(e)All these
(b) Nervous system

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 2 Perceptual Process Objective Questions

Question 53.
A neuron is also called a:
(a) Sweat Gland
(b) Duct Gland
(c) A ductless gland
(d) Nerve cell
(e) None of these
(d) Nerve cell

Question 54.
Posterior pituitary:
(a) Raise blood pressure
(b) Regulates metabolism
(c) Shows down the heartbeat
(d) Increases contraction of smooth muscles in the intestine and uterus.
(e)All the above.
(e)All the above.

Question 55.
The autonomic nervous system is divided into _________ parts.
(a) Two parts
(b) Three parts
(c) Four parts
(d) Striated muscles.
(a) Two parts

Question 56.
The brain fundamentally acts as a whole. This view is supported by:
(a) Principles ofequipotentiality
(b) Principle of Mass action
(c) Both the above
(d) None of these
(b) Principle of Mass action

Question 57.
To study the localization of brain functions the following method is used.
(a) Anatomical method
(b) Method of expiration
(c) Action potential method
(d) Method of stimulation
(e) All the above.
(e) All the above.

Question 58.
Electrical stimulation of which of the following organs can awaken a sleeping animal?
(a) Thalamus
(b) Hypothalamus
(c) Reticular formation
(d) None of the above.
(c) Reticular formation

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 2 Perceptual Process Objective Questions

Question 59.
Reflex actions are :
(a) Voluntary
(b) Involuntary
(c) Independent of the person’s will
(d) Controlled by the person
(e) None of the above.
(b) Involuntary

Question 60.
The size of the reticular activating system is just like ___________.
(a) Small finger of man
(b) Middle fmger of man
(c)Forefinger of man
(a) Small finger of a man

Question 61.
Which of the following is an aid to be the central switchboard of the brain:
(a) Thalamus
(b) Hypothalamus
(c) Cerebrum
(d) Midbrain
(e) None of these
(b) Hypothalamus

Question 62.
The occipetal lobe is a part of the:
(a) The central nervous system
(b) The autonomic nervous system
(c) The endocrine system
(d) The cardiac vascular system.
(a) The central nervous system

Question 63.
Reflex actions are controlled by __________.
(a) brain
(b) C.N.S.
(c) A.N.S.
(d) Spinal Cord
(d) Spinal Cord

Question 64.
The interior part of the mid-brain consisting of grey masters and interconnected with groups of actions is called ___________.
(a) Cerebral cortex
(b) Medulla
(c) Reticular formation
(d) Medulla oblongata
(e) None of these
(c) Reticular formation

Question 65.
Which region of the nerve cell is particularly sensitive to stimulation from a receptor of another nerve cell?
(a) Dendrite zone
(b) Axon
(c) Myclin shealth
(d) Nucleus
(b) Axon

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 2 Perceptual Process Objective Questions

Question 66.
In the cortex, a concentration of __________ is found.
(a) Axon
(b) Cell bodies
(c) Nerve cells
(d) Dendrites
(a) Axon

Question 67.
The reticular formation of the midbrain helps in the control of ___________.
(a) Eating behavior
(b) Eliminating behavior
(c) Well-coordinated movements
(d) Amusai level
(d) Amusai level

Question 68.
Most of the vital functions of life are governed by the___________.
(a) Sympathetic system
(b) Para sympathetic system
(c) Spinal cord
(d) None of these
(b) Para sympathetic system

Question 69.
Certain parts of the lymbic system arc intimately connected with ___________.
(a) Emotional behavior
(b) Reflex action
(c) Learning
(d) None of these
(a) Emotional behavior

Question 70.
Destruction of the septal region of the hypothalamus leads to ____________.
(a) Excessive fear
(b) Excessive anger
(c) Combination of hear and anger
(c) Combination of hear and anger

Question 71.
The sympathetic nervous system of man consists of ___________.
(a) 22 sympathetic ganglia
(b) 33 sympathetic ganglia
(c) 51 sympathetic ganglia
(d) None of these
(a) 22 sympathetic ganglia

Question 72.
The neurons are the ___________ units of the whole nervous system.
(a) Smallest
(b) Biggest
(c) Medium
(d) None of these
(a) Smallest

Question 73.
Which of the following areas of the cortex is concerned with the coordination of activity?
(a) Occipetal lobe
(b) Parietal lobe
(c) Temporal lobe
(d) Frontal lobe
(e) None of these
(d) Frontal lobe

Question 74.
The reticular activating system is damaged or injured when a man suffers from:
(a) Paralysis
(b) Diabetes
(c) Heart disease
(d) None of these
(a) Paralysis

Question 75.
The parietal lobe lies in the ___________.
(a) Front of the brain
(b) Back of the brain
(c) Centre of the brain
(d) None of these
(b) Back of the brain

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 2 Perceptual Process Objective Questionss

Question 76.
Damage of the temporal lobe leads to:
(a) Blindness
(b) Deafness
(c) Dumbness
(d) Forgetfulness
(e) None of these.
(b) Deafness

Question 77.
The parietal lobe is also known as:
(a) Body sensitivity area
(b) Anatomical area
(c) Association area
(d) Premotor area
(a) Body sensitivity area

Question 78.
The area for recognition of music is located in the ___________.
(a) Occipetal lobe
(b) Temporal lobe
(c) Parietal lobe
(d) Frontal lobe
(b) Temporal lobe

Question 79.
The shape of the occipetal lobe is __________.
(a) Circular
(b) Rectangular
(c) Parallelogram
(d) Triangular
(e) None of these
(d) Triangular

Question 80.
The cerebrum contains the major area of ___________.
(a) Intelligence
(b) Cognitive process
(c) Sensational process
(d) All these
(d) All these

Question 81.
A portion of the parietal lobe located just behind the fissure of Roland is called _____________.
(a) Somasthic area
(b) Body feeling area
(c) All these
(d) None of these
(a) Somasthic area

True or False Type Questions

Question 1.
Two membranes over the spinal cord. (True / False)

Question 2.
The spinal cord controls reflexes and simple acts. (True / False)

Question 3.
The hypothalamus is the master control center of all the endocrine glands. (True / False)

Question 4.
Most of the activities of the neonate are reflections. (True / False)

Question 5.
The sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions are largely thought to completely act in opposite directions. (True / False))

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 2 Perceptual Process Objective Questions

Question 6.
The brain and the spinal cord together control all bodily activity through the peripheral nervous system. (True / False)

Question 7.
An axon is a thin cylinder of cytoplasm which expands like a branch. (True / False)

Question 8.
The junction of two neurons is called the synapse. (True / False)

Question 9.
Primitive forms of animal life do not have a spinal cord. (True / False)

Question 10.
The flow of tears is an example of a glandular reflex. (True / False)

Question 11.
All reflex actions arc voluntarily. (True / False)

Question 12.
The cerebellum is the largest part of the hindbrain. (True / False)

Question 13.
The medulla connects each side of the cerebellum with the opposite side of the cerebrum. (True / False)

Question 14.
The size of the Reticular activating system is just like the small finger of a man. (True / False)

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 2 Perceptual Process Objective Questions

Question 15.
The R.A.S. and cerebrum are connected and contacted by receptors and effectors. (True / False)

Question 16.
The thalamus is said to be the central switchboard of the brain. (True / False)

Question 17.
Electrical stimulation of the somesthetic area of the brain leads to pressure sensation. (True / False)

Question 18.
The temporal lobe contains the visual area. (True / False)

Question 19.
The longitudinal fissure divides the brain into two halves. (True / False)

Question 20.
The effectors are the nerves. (True / False)

Question 21.
The parietal area of the brain is connected with coordination activities. (True / False)

Question 22.
The cerebellum is connected with balance. (True / False)

Question 23.
Lashley is made prominent studies on brain localization. (True / False)

Question 24.
The nucleus of each cell in the human body contains 23 pairs of chromosomes. (True / False)
Answer: True

Question 25.
Electrical stimulation of the hypothalamus produces compulsive drinking. (True / False)

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 2 Perceptual Process Objective Questions

Question 26.
Gonads are otherwise known as sex glands. (True / False)

Question 27.
The cerebrum is also called the new brain. (True / False)

Question 28.
The midbrain has important communicative and integrative functions. (True / False)

Question 29.
The nerve center in the hypothalamus controls the sympathetic and parasympathetic activities of the atomic nervous system. (True / False)

Question 30.
When the cortex is removed or damaged automatic reactions are very often exaggerated. (True / False)

Question 31.
If a region in the posterior hypothalamus is damaged in a person he sleeps and sleeps or remains in a coma stage.(True / False)

Question 32.
The right hemisphere is connected with the right side of the body and the left hemisphere with the left side of the body. (True / False)

Question 33.
The parietal lobe lies near the central fissure in the back half of the brain. (True / False)

Question 34.
If the parietal lobe is damaged a person cannot discriminate between a piece of silk cloth and sandpaper. (True / False)

Question 35.
That branch of psychology that studies the physiology of human beings is called physiological psychology. (True / False)

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 2 Perceptual Process Objective Questions

Question 36.
The parietal lobe is the seat of the association area. (True / False)

Question 37.
The peripheral nervous system includes all the cell bodies and the nerve fibers outside the brain and spinal cord. (True / False)

Question 38.
The sympathetic system helps the organism to meet the emergency situation more effectively. (True / False)

Question 39.
The overall function of the parasympathetic system is to conserve bodily resources and help build-up up the body. (True / False)

Question 40.
The nerve centers in the hypothalamus control the sympathetic and parasympathetic activities of the Autonomie nervous system. (True / False)

Question 41.
Perception is limited to our experience. (True / False)

Question 42.
Figure and ground perception is reversible. (True / False)

Question 43.
Precepts and concepts are the same. (True / False)

Question 44.
A percept is a specific instance of a concept. (True / False)

Question 45.
There cannot be any perception without a sensation. (True / False)

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 2 Perceptual Process Objective Questions

Question 46.
There cannot be perception without a sensation. (True / False)

Question 47.
There can be a sensation without some perception. (True / False)

Question 48.
Double images have a confusing effect on distance perception. (True / False)

Question 49.
Hallucination is the wrong perception while illusion is a false perception. (True / False)

Question 50.
Illusion is the wrong perception while hallucination is a false perception. (True / False)

Question 51.
We perceive things as they are and not as we are. (True / False)

Question 52.
We perceive them as things that exist. (True / False)

Question 53.
Hallucination is a universal phenomenon. (True / False)

Question 54.
Illusions are universally found in everybody. (True / False)

Question 55.
The law of good figures states that there is a tendency to organize things to make a balanced or symmetrical figure that includes all the parts. (True / False)

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 2 Perceptual Process Objective Questions

Question 56.
Perception is defined as a preperceptive attitude. (True / False)

Question 57.
Perception contributes meaning and awareness to a particular sensation. (True / False)

Question 58.
Perception is basically selective. (True / False)

Question 59.
Perception is an interpretation of the sensory world. (True / False)

Question 60.
Attention is the first step in the process of perception. (True / False)

Question 61.
Attention is a complex process while perception is a simple process. (True / False)

Question 62.
The process of perception consists of receptively symbolic and affective processes. (True / False)

Question 63.
Perception consists of sensations and images. (True / False)

Question 64.
The perception of adults is more subject to errors than the perception of children. (True / False)

Question 65.
The study of Bruner and Mc Gianes indicates the importance of social values on perception. (True / False)

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 2 Perceptual Process Objective Questions

Question 66.
The perception was first studied from the physiological point by Wundt and Titchener. (True / False)

Question 67.
Gestalt psychologists showed interest in the whole/part approach of perception. (True / False)

Question 68.
The Gestalt opined that isomorphism makes one perceive things constantly as a whole with meaning. (True / False)

Question 69.
This Wunditian school of psychology held that the process of perception is organized. (True / False)

Question 70.
The process of perceptual organization can be best experienced by the figure-ground phenomenon. (True / False)

Question 71.
The greater the ambiguity of the stimulus field the lower the chance for the organization. (True / False)

Question 72.
Gestalt’s view is that each and every perception is spontaneously organized into a figure-ground relationship. (True / False)

Question 73.
In the opinion of the structural school of psychology, the most primitive perception is only figured and ground perception. (True / False)

Question 74.
Structural and functional factors determine perceptual organization. (True / False)

Question 75.
A pattern will have the advantage of being perceived as a whole if it can be formulated by combing all the elements present in the field. (True / False)

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 2 Perceptual Process Objective Questions

Question 76.
Past experience and learning have nothing to do with perception. (True / False)

Question 77.
Continuous patterns tend to be grouped together compared to discontinuous patterns. (True / False)

Question 78.
In the principle of closure, the stimulus which makes the figure unsymmetrical is perceived as a single pattern. (True / False)

Question 79.
The principle of closure is found as an inherent tendency in every individual in the process of perception. (True / False)

Question 80.
Phi phenomenon is an illusion of movement. (True / False)

Question 81.
The illusion of movement is a universal phenomenon. (True / False)

Question 82.
Phi phenomenon is Wertheimer’s brainchild. (True / False)

Question 83.
The structural factors of perception lie within the individual. (True / False)
Answer: False

Question 84.
Perception is defined as the interpretation of sensation in the light of present experience. (True / False)

Question 85.
“We perceive as we are and not as things are”. (True / False)

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 2 Perceptual Process Objective Questions

Question 86.
Motives play a selective role in perception. (True / False)

Question 87.
One’s perception is colored by his need, value, and past experience. (True / False)

Question 88.
Culture and perception are integrally related. (True / False)

Question 89.
Bruner and Goodman viewed that the perceived world shows the organized need within. (True / False)

Question 90.
Horizontal, vertical illusions occur due to the stimulus factor. (True / False)

Question 91.
In perceptual defense, the perceptual threshold is higher. (True / False)

Question 92.
Perception is the wrong interpretation of sensation while illusion is the correct interpretation of sensation. (True / False)

Question 93.
Orbison illusion is a geometrical illusion. (True / False)

Question 94.
Zollner illusion is named after Zollner (True / False)

Question 95.
Hering illusion is not a geometrical illusion. (True / False)

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 2 Perceptual Process Objective Questions

Question 96.
Muller Lyer illusion is an illusion of movement. (True / False)

Question 97.
The Moon illusion is an example of a space constancy illusion. (True / False)

Question 98.
Hallucinations are only visual. (True / False)

Question 99.
There are as many hallucinations as sensations. (True / False)

Question 100.
In the illusion, the sensory stimulus is present, while it is completely absent in hallucinations. (True / False)

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Sociology Unit 1 Sociology & Its Relationship Short Answer Questions

Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 11 Sociology Solutions Unit 1 Sociology & Its Relationship Short Answer Questions.

CHSE Odisha 11th Class Sociology Unit 1 Sociology & Its Relationship Short Answer Questions

Short Type Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Write short note on the etymological meaning of sociology.
The term sociology has been desired from the Latin word Socius me Answer companion and the Greek word ‘Logos’ me Answer study or science. Etymologically sociology me Answer science which is concerned with the association of human beings. In other words it is a science of human society.

Question 2.
Define or explain Sociology.
Sociology is a science of society According to Morris Ginsberg “Sociology is the study of human interactions and inter-relations their conditions and consequences”.

Question 3.
Write a short note on the nature of Sociology.
Some sociologist opines that sociology is a science some other deny it. But sociology is-a social science not a physical science. It. is a pure science not an applied science. It is an abstract science.

It is a general science not a special social science. But science is a matter of degree. Sociology is not a science in terms of yes or no but it has attained scientific character in some degree.

Question 4.
Write short note on George Simmers view.
German sociologist George Simmel led formalistic school of thought of scope of sociology He opines that the scope of sociology is very limited. Because sociology confines itself to describe classify, analyse and explain tire several forms of social relationships.

It should not be concerned with their contents He makes distinction between the forms of social relationships and their contents Hence, according to Sirhmel, sociology is the science of the forms of social relationship.

Question 5.
Write a short note on Weber’s view on scope of sociology.
Max-Weber is another supporter of formalistic school of thought of scope of sociology. He opines the scope of sociology is limited. Because it confines itself to interpret and understand social behaviour social behaviour is related to behaviour of others.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Sociology Unit 1 Sociology & Its Relationship Short Answer Questions

Question 6.
Write short note on Veirkandt’s view on scope of Sociology.
Veirkandt is the supporter of formalistic school of thought of the scope of sociology. He opines that the scope of sociology is limited because it studies only the ultimate from, of mental or psychic relationship which links people to one another in society. These relationships include love, hate, cooperation, competition etc.

Question 7.
Write short note on Vonwiese’s view on scope of Sociology.
As a supporter of formalistic school of thought Vonwiese tries to establish sociology as an independent science. He opines that the scope of sociology is very limited because it studies different kinds of social processes in human society. There are two kinds of social processes such as associative like co-operation and dissociative like competition and conflict. Again these process are subdivided in different sub-processes.

Question 8.
Write short note on Durkhcim’s view on scope of sociology.
Emile Durkheim is one of the chief exponent of synthetic school of thought of scope of sociology. He opines that the scope of sociology is very wide because it is a synthesis of social sciences.

He opines that sociology has three main divisions such as social morphology, social physiology and general sociology. All these branches are regarded as special sociologies which study all aspects of social life.

Question 9.
Write short note on Morris Ginsberg’s view on scope of Sociology.
Morris Ginsberg was another supporter of synthetic school of thought of scope of sociology. He opines that the scope of sociology is very wide and the comprehensive, because it studies all forms of relationships between individual and society. It also studies different problems under social morphology, social process and social pathology.

Question 10.
Write short note on Ilobhouse’s view on scope of sociology.
L.T. Hobhouse is another supporter of synthetic school of thought who holds that the scope of sociology is very wide. He opines that sociology is a science which has the whole social life of man as its sphere. Sociology studies social life as a whole. Hence general sociology is a synthesis of different social sciences.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Sociology Unit 1 Sociology & Its Relationship Short Answer Questions

Question 11.
Write short note on Sorokin’s view on scope of Sociology.
Answer :
P.A. Sorokin as a supporter of synthetic school of thought opines that the scope of sociology is very wide. It studies different aspects of social relationships such as economic, political or Sociology studies these general phenomena which are common to different aspects of our life.

Question 12.
Mention different characteristics of Science.
(1) Science makes accurate observation.
(2) Science makes experimentation in the laboratory.
(3) Science makes accurate prediction.
(4) Objectivity science possesses the capacity to examine evidences without any prejudice and bias.

Question 13.
Distinguish between formalistic and synthetic schools of thought.
(1) George Simmel, Vierkandt, Von Wiese, Weber, Small and Tonnies are the supporters of formalistic school of thought whereas of Emile Durkheim, L.T. Hobhouse, P.A. Sorokin and Morris Ginsberg are the supporters of synthetic school.
(2) Formalistic school opines that scope of sociology is limited whereas synthetic school of thought opines that scope of sociology is very wide.
(3) Formalistic school opines subject matter of sociology consists of forms of social relationships. On the other hand synthetic school of thought opines that sociology is a general science.

Question 14.
Distinguish between Sociology and History.
Answer :
Sociology is a science of society whereas history is a science which studies past events. The scope of sociology is very wide whereas the scope of history is limited. Sociology is an abstract science whereas history is concrete on nature. Sociology is the youngest science but history is older than sociology.

Question 15.
Mention four objections or arguments against Sociology as a Science.
(1) Sociology lacks objectivity.
(2) Sociology lacks universal theory
(3) Sociology lacks laboratory experimentation.
(4) Sociology lacks accurate prediction

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Sociology Unit 1 Sociology & Its Relationship Short Answer Questions

Question 16.
What is the etymological meaning of Anthropology?
The term Anthropology is derived from two Greek wordsArithropos means man and Logosmeans study. Accordingly the etymological meaning of anthropology is the study of man.

Question 17.
What is Social Anthropology
Social anthropology is similar with sociology. It is concerned with social institutions. Patterns of social organization and other aspects of society.

Question 18.
What is Physical Anthropology?
Answer :
Physical anthropology tries to study both primitive and modem cultures by studying physical traits like shape and size of skills and artifacts like pottery etc.

Question 19.
What is Archaeology?
It is concerned with the early periods of human existence prior. to the written records. It is also called as pre-history.

Question 20.
What is Formalistic or Specialists School of thought?
There is no unanimity among sociologist, regarding the exact scope of sociology. As a result there are two main schools of thought about the scope of sociology such as Formalistic or Specialists School of thought and synthetic school of thought. The Formalistic School or thought is led by the German Sociologist George Simmel and others like Alfred, Vierkandt, Leopold, Vonwiese, Max-Weber, Small and F. Tonnies.

According to this school and its supporters the subject matter of sociology consists of forms of social relationships. Besides it regard sociology as a pure and independent science which has a limited scope.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Sociology Unit 1 Sociology & Its Relationship Short Answer Questions

Question 21
What is Synthetic School of thought?
There is one unanimity among sociologists regarding the scope of sociology. As a result two main school of thought about the scope of sociology come to exist one is formalistic and the other is synthetic school of thought.

The synthetic school of thought arises in reaction to die formalistic school of thought. The main supporters of this school of thought are Emile Durkhehji, L.T. Hobhouse, P.A. Sorokin and Morris Gipsberg. They believe that sociology is a synthesis of the social sciences. They opine sociology is a general science and not a pure science.

Question 22
The Formalistic School of thought consider sociology as a pure and independent science which has limited scope. Though this school of thought has been advocated by many sociologists still it has been criticised by many on the following grounds.

(1) The formalistic school of thought has narrowed down the scope of sociology. It makes it scope very limited.
(2) Sociology alone does not study of forms of social relationships other. Social sciences like Pol. Science and Economics also study it. Besides the distinction between the fonts of social relations the theory contents is not practicable as designed by this school of thought.

Question 23.
Sociology is a Science. Give your arguments in its favour.
Sociologists are not unanimous in their opinion about the exact nature of sociology. Some say it is a science whereas some others deny it. But the founding father of sociology took it for granted that sociology is a science. They opine the scientific nature of a subject can be assessed by the scientific method it adopts. However, sociology is a science because of the following reasons:

(1) Observation is possible in sociology. In most of the cases sociology make accurate observation like natural sciences.
(2) Experimentation is also possible in sociology. Sociology possesses laboratory like natural sciences. The whole social world is the laboratory of sociology.

Question 24.
‘Sociology is not a Science’. Justify your arguments.
During recent years every subject claims the status of science. So also sociology. But there is no unanimity among sociologists regarding the exact nature of sociology. Some say sociology is a science but some other say that sociology is not a science. Those who deny sociology the status of science they put forth the following arguments:

(i) Sociology lacks objectivity hence can’t be a science.
(ii) Sociology lacks experimentation.
(iii) Sociology lacks a general or universal theory.

Question 25.
Discuss about the nature or characteristics of Sociology.
(1) Sociology is a social science and not a physical science.
(2) Sociology is a categorical science and not a normative science.
(3) Sociology is a pure science and not an applied science.
(4) Sociology is an abstract science and not a concrete science.
(5) Sociology is a general science and not a particular science.
(6) Sociology is a general science and not a special social science.
(7) Sociology is both a rational and an empirical science.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Sociology Unit 1 Sociology & Its Relationship Short Answer Questions

Question 26.
Discuss in brief about the relationship between Sociology and Political Science.
Answer :
The relationship between Sociology and Political Science is very close, intimate and personal. As both are considered as social sciences, hence there exists a great deal of relationship between the two. As sociology studies man’s social life as a whole hence the subject matter of political science comes within the field of sociology.

Similarly, political science is concerned with the political life of man which is a part and parcel of man’s social life. Political science studies state, government, politics and power. But its main subject of study is state. Similarly, sociology and every political problem has social aspects so also each and every social problem has political aspects.

Question 27.
Distinguishes between Sociology and Political Science.
Inspite of close relationship between sociology and political science both the sciences are different from each other in the following way:
(1) Sociology studies the whole society and all aspects of human life. But political science studies only the political aspects of society.
(2) The scope of sociology is very wide whereas the scope of political science is very limited.
(3) Sociology studies both organized and disorganized societies whereas political science studies only politically organized.

Question 28.
Discuss about the relationship between Sociology and Economics.
As mother of all social sciences sociology has-close relationships with all other social sciences so also with economics. Both influences each other Economics is considered as a branch of sociology.

As a social science Economics studies human behaviour in relation to unlimited ends and scarce means Economics activities to a great extent are social activities. The study of Economics would be incomplete without an understanding of society. Each and every social problem has economic causes so also every economic problem has same social causes.

Question 29.
Discuss in brief the close relationship between Sociology and Psychology.
Answer :
As the mother of all social sciences, sociology has close relationship with psychology. Both are mutually dependent on each other. Both studies human behaviour. In many occasions sociology resembles psychology. Psychology depends on sociology for understanding of human nature properly. Sociological researches have contributed a lot to psychology.

Similarly psychologists analyse the role of society to the development of social behaviour. Sociologists take the psychological factors into consideration while standing changes in social structure psychological theories have explained the origin of social institutions. Almost all social problems have psychological causes. Similarly-every psychological problem has social causes.

Question 30.
Discuss the differences between Sociology and Psychology.
Inspite of some close and intimate relationships are find the following differences between sociology and psychology.
(1) Sociology studies society as a whole whereas psychology studies human mind.
(2) The scope of sociology is very wide whereas the scope of psychology is very limited
(3) Sociology is a much younger science whereas psychology is a older science.
(4) Sociology studies different social processes whereas psychology studies different mental processes.

Question 31.
Discuss in brief the close relationship between Sociology and Anthropology.
Sociology is a science of society. But Anthropology is a science of man and his work. The relationship between these two sciences are very close, intimate and personal. Both study human society and are concerned with all kinds of social groups, like families, tribes and nations etc. Social Anthropology a branch of sociology is almost similar with that of sociology many ideas and concepts in one discipline are used in the other.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Sociology Unit 1 Sociology & Its Relationship Short Answer Questions

Question 32.
Point out some differences between Sociology and Anthropology.
Though there exists a great deal of relationship between Sociology and Anthropology still both sciences differ from each other in the following ways :
(1) The scope of sociology is very wide whereas the scope of Anthropology is very limited.
(2) Sociology studies modem, civilized and complex societies whereas Anthropology studies pre-literate aboriginal and primitive people only.
(3) Sociology is the science of society whereas Anthropology is the science of man and his work.

Question 33.
Discuss the relationship which exists between Sociology and History.
Sociology is considered the mother of all social sciences. As a mother of all social sciences, it has a close relationship with history as well. The relationship between the two is very close intimate and personal because both sociologists and historians study human society. History studies the past, political, social, and economic aspects of society.

Sociology also teaches in these areas. Both sciences have many things in common. History provides materials that are used by sociologists. Similarlysociology provides facts that the modem historians relied on. History contains records of the society.

Question 34.
Discuss the differences between History and Sociology.
Inspite of the close and intimate relationship between history and sociology, both the sciences differ from each other in the following way:
(1) The scope of sociology is very wide whereas the scope of history is very limited.
(2) Sociology studies the present society whereas history studies the past events of society.
(3) Sociology is an abstract science but history is a concrete science.
(4) Sociology is an analytical science whereas history is a descriptive science.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Long Answer Questions Part-1

Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Solutions Unit 4 Process of Thinking Long Answer Questions Part 1.

CHSE Odisha 11th Class Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Long Answer Questions Part-1

Long Questions With Answers

Question 1.
Define the meaning and definition of thinking.
Thinking is a very often used psychological term in our daily life. The importance of thinking is evident not only for the wide use of the term but also because thinking helps in the solution of all our day-to-day problems. Thinking is the most complex of all psychological processes and it is thinking that normally differentiates man from lower animals.

The reasoning is different from mere thinking of something, as it involves a sequence of symbolic activities. Reasoning also differs from the free association of ideas as in reasoning recall and the sequence of associations is more or less controlled. Thinking helps in solving a problem, and in fulfilling a need or motivation.

Ruch (1970) observed that thinking is always directed toward preparation for action towards producing new meanings, towards producing beliefs, and towards attending enjoyment. The graphic and verbal symbols are mentally manipulated in order to solve a problem, plan a building a decorate a drawing room. Thinking is, therefore, called ‘mental trial and error’.

The motor activities are minimum in thinking. Thinking is also called a symbolic process. Earlier we have discussed how thinking has been described in different ways by different psychologists on the basis of its characteristics such as thinking as a mental exploration, symbolic process, cognitive activity, problem-solving, behavior, mental or implicit trial and error, subvocal talking, and so on.

However, Warren has attempted to give a more comprehensive definition of thinking which embraces most of its characteristics. According to him “thinking is an activity concerning in cell. It is symbolic in character initiated by a problem or task which the individual is facing involving some trial and error but under the directing influence of that problem and ultimately leading to a conclusion or solution of the problem.”

Thinking is possible without immediate stimulus, with the help of ideas. An idea or an image stands as a substitute for an object in its absence. This is called a symbol. A symbol is said to be anything that stands for something else. All thinking deals with substitutes for things. That is why thinking is called a symbolic behavior. Hence, symbolic representation, and manipulation are the most important characteristics of thinking.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Long Answer Questions Part-1

Question 2.
Define the pre-operational period.
The preoperational period extends from two to seven years. The first part of this stage is also known as the pre-conceptual period. It is characterized by the use of language and symbolic function. These two are built upon the systematic use of representation which begins in the last stage of sensory-motor operation.

Pre-conceptual refers to the beginning of symbolization in thinking. It is the period prior to the use of symbols in thinking or the preparatory stage for the same. Actually, the pre-operational stage extends from the end of the sixth stage of the sensory-motor period i.e., about 18 months to -1 year of age to 6 or 7 years.

The pre-operational period is sub-divided into

  • Pre conceptual period roughly lasts for 2-4 years and
  • Intuitive 4-7 years.

By the time the child reaches the pre-conceptual period he has mastered some language, constructs symbols, and is engaged in make-believe play like preparing food for mama in small covers of tins and bottles getting their dollars married, giving injections to their dollars, etc. It is the period when the child develops his symbolic function, imagery, and genuine representation.

He starts differentiating between words and images and perceptually absent events. The connection between these two is made by images that intervene in the development of imitation, play, and cognitive representation. Piaget thus states “Towards one half to two years, the symbolic function appears, language, symbolic play (the beginning of fictional invention) deferred imitation i.e., occurring sometime after the original event and that kind of internalized imitation which give rise to mental imagery occurs.

However the child cannot immediately construct such an operation, several years of preparation and organization are still required. In fact, it is much more difficult to reproduce and act correctly in thought than to carry it out on the behavioral level. The child of 2 years, for example, is able to coordinate his movements from place to place (when he walks about the room or in the garden) in a group, as well as his movements when he turns objects around.

But a lengthy period of time will elapse before he will be able to represent them precisely in thought in reproducing, for example, from memory with the help of objects, a plan of the room or garden, or in inverting the positions of objects in thought by turning the pan around.” Another important characteristic of the pre-operational stage is showing a response to a new stimulus considering it as if a previously known stimulus.

For instance, a two-year-old child may use a stick as a candle and try to light it putting it on the candle stand, or taking several matchboxes he may try to construct a two-story building. It is commonly seen that children consider their toys or dolls as brothers, sisters, and playmates and talk with the term, feed them, make them sleep on their laps sing a lorry, etc.

HoweverAnurag the two-year-old grandson of this author while playing with dolls “Anu and Sweta clearly express that they are not real Anu and Sweta. He says, “real Sweta is at Bangalore and real Anime. “These two are false ones.” However, pre-conceptual thinking at this stage is not of a high order compared to older children and adults. The child during the pre-operational stage only possesses preconceptions.

Question 3.
Define the sensory-motor period.
Sensory-Motor Period:
The sensory-motor period is the period that starts before the language development of the child. Piaget distinguished between two major stages in cognitive development i.e., sensory-motor intelligence (0-2 years) and conceptual intelligence (0-to Maturity). During the sensory-motor period, the child’s adaptations and activities do not involve extensive use of symbols or language.

For example, the ability of a 9-month-old baby to search for a missing toy under the bed or to move a blanket towards him to get the toy that is kept on the other end of the blanket is an act of intelligence that does not require any language. In this manner through various sensory-motor acts, the baby solves and adapts to various demands of life.

These acts are considered pre-verbal. The sensory-motor period extends approximately from birth to -2 years of age approximately. It is divided into six phases. Through these six stages, a gradually complex pattern of intellectual behavior develops. The first four stages of the sensory-motor period are generally achieved during the first year.

Reflex – (0 – 1 month):
During this stage, innate and simple reflexes like sucking movements become more prominently seen, for the first month the infant only exercises the reflexes present at birth. This is the only mental organization at this age according to Piaget. Besides sucking (reflex) the nipple put inside the infant’s mouth, other reflexes are crying, grasping, movement of arms, trunks, and head, etc.

All stimuli the infant faces in the environment are reacted through these reflex activities present at birth. These unlearned inborn reflexes constitute the major adaptive behavior of the infant.

Primary Circular Reaction (1-4 months):
This stage extends roughly from the age of one month to 0-4 months after birth. During this period simple activities are characterized by repeated acts. The same activity or reaction like sucking, fingering the bed sheet, and opening and closing of the fists are done repeatedly. These activities the child does without any purpose or intention.

He also appears not to be interested in the effect that his behavior has on the environment around him. His activities lack purpose and he makes simple coordinated movements. Particularly thumb sucking becomes habitual. Thus the primary circular reaction stage involves the coordination of responses and reflexes. There is eye-hand coordination. When he hears something he looks in that direction which is called orienting reflex. He grasps objects and sucks them.

Secondary Circular Reaction (4 to 8 months):
This is the third stage of the sensory-motor period, which extends from four to eight months approximately. In contrast to the second stage in this phase, the child is able to anticipate the consequences of his actions. After about four months of postnatal age, the infant starts making purposeful movements and intentionally repeats responses to achieve some end.

For instance, grasping activities are extended to pulling and shaking, etc. He may kick his legs at a toy to make astringing movements hanging in front of him. The child repeats responses to get some meaningful and interesting results. Most of the movements of the hand-eye and mouth are coordinated. His interest and attention are now shifted to objects outside his body.

Intentionality is the main characteristic of this stage which differentiates it from the second stage of the sensory-motor period. He repeats various activities to produce changes in his environment. He looks for toys and Other objects in which he is interested in places where he has seen them being kept earlier.

For instance, if he is interested in a pen kept on the small table, he may try to reach for it there. In the second stage, the act was repeated for its own sake without any intent or purpose while here the aim is to produce an interesting stimulus effect. Piaget names this act as reproductive assimilation meaning the child tries to reproduce events with an intention.

Now he is more interested in the objective world around him of which he was not aware in the earlier stages. These are all signs of intellectual development. Actions of this stage are called secondary as they are an amalgamation of images previously developed. Reactions are called circular because they are repetitive and self-reinforcing (Philips -1969).

Coordination of Secondary Circular Reactions (7-10 months):
In this stage, there is further development in the child’s mental activity. He starts solving simple problems and shows capability for the same. He uses already-learned responses to achieve a goal. A cigarette packet kept in daddy’s shirt’s front pocket earlier was hidden behind a pillow. Now when he does not sec it in daddy’s, he will try to search for it behind the pillow.

Here he uses his earlier learning of moving the pillow to get an object. The child understands that means are separate from ends and also forms a means-end relationship which is a sign of developed intellectual behavior, in this stage, he uses his learned response as a means to attain the desired goal (getting the toy) and not as an end in itself.

In this stage, he will with all seriousness do the job to achieve something in mind. He will try to overcome all obstacles to get the desired object. Thus his behavior shows greater intentionality. he shows the ability to anticipate. New objects are incorporated into the already existing schemata of the child. He shows lots of interest in different objects and play materials, and examines those in which he is interested.

He learns the shape, and size of the objects thus acquiring constancy of the shape and size of objects. He leams that an object exists in space even if it cannot be seen directly. This is a very important sign of improvement in the cognitive ability of the baby. This type of reaction indicates the rudiments of reasoning and anticipatory behavior.

Tertiary Circular Reactions (11-18 months):
This stage is characterized by active trial and error, experimentation like exploration, variation, and change of behavior. By the age of one year, the child seems to be really interested in new things and demonstrates a great deal of curiosity which indicate his operations at a higher level. He starts forming new schemata to solve new problems.

He will not play with the same toys again and again. In the earlier stages, he was repeatedly playing with the same toys. Now he wants new toys every day to play with and explore. He breaks toys to see what is inside. He would try to open toy cars, telephones, piano, etc, and then again would try to put them in order.

The child tries to experiment through trial and error methods to develop new means of reaching the end. Develops curiosity about different objects around him, and tries to know about them by asking questions like “what is this”, in the case of every object. He tries to solve various simple problems like opening a small pencil box, opening.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Long Answer Questions Part-1

Question 4.
What is the period of institutional thought and concrete operative stage?
Period of Intuitive Thought:
This stage lasts for 4 to 7 or 8 years, concepts develop more at his stage. He elaborates his concepts, thoughts, images and more complex representations are constructed. Now he is capable of grouping objects together into classes as per his own perception of similarity. Now he gathers some ideas about class membership and objects included in that particular class.

The child uses quantifiers such as some, all, more little, less, etc when Anurag who is now 26 months old eats a mixture, we put them one by one in his mouth, but he wants to eat more, says give me more or when a full spoon of rice is put inside his mouth, he says “give me less otherwise it will be stuck in my throat and I will have vomiting.”

Here he draws logical conclusions like if you give me more, it will stick inside my throat and I will vomit “If you go away I will cry”. However, in most children, this ability to draw logical conclusions at this stage is very very limited. His understanding is still comprehended objects or situations, from one angle only as discussed earlier.

A child of two years of age very well knows the existence of an object even if it is hidden from him. Even if the moon is not found in the sky in the daytime or during certain periods of the month, he knows that the moon stays in the sky because he asks his mama or grandma to show him the moon in the sky.

Irreversibility is the most important characteristic of the pre-operational stage according to Piaget. Reversibility refers to the ability of the child to main fair equivalence to perceive the object in a stereo-typed manner in spite of the change in the perceptual field. If papa is taller than Mama, then mama is shorter than Papa, and he is unable to accept, understand or conceive.

Thus during the age of 4 to 7 years, he does not develop the concept of invariance. Gradually his language develops and his thought processes become less entered. Conservation refers to the conceptualization that the quantity remains the same in spite of any change in the shape or position of the object.

Conservation of number appears around the age of 6-7 years. The conservation ability of the child can be increased through instruction and using various reinforcement techniques. But Piaget said that conservation comes mainly through experience, manipulation, and exposure, not by teaching the child how to conserve.

No difference is observed in the conservation ability of children of the same age who go to school and who remain at home. This happens for all cultures in the world. Further pre operational children are qualitatively different from sensory-motor children in thought.

Language helps tremendously in mental development at this stage. Piaget is of opinion that language serves three major purposes in mental development.

  • It helps in the socialization process.
  • The child thinks by using words and signs.
  • Action is more internalized and symbolized rather than perceptual motor because of language development. Language facilitates logical thought.

Between the age of 2 to 4 years, the child’s speech is mostly egocentric. He speaks to himself even when no one is present. In all his talk he says “It is mine I have done this, where is my toy, my mama, my papa, my pencil, my rocket, etc? He is not concerned about others. His speech does not mention others. But between 4 to 7 years of age language becomes more communicative.

He talks with others and exchanges ideas. Instead of ‘I’, I mine more and more your, you, he, she, mama, papa, etc. are used in language and speech. Thus their speech becomes more and more socialized between the age of 4-7 years. Socialization starts speedily after language is developed. Through language, the child begins better communication with family members peers, and outsiders.

He is now able to express his thought and images through language. Bernstein’s observations on class differences in children’s language ability indicate that lower-class children perform relatively more poorly than their middle-class counterparts on tasks involving cognitive functioning i.e., thinkings, reasoning, conceptualization, and on standard intelligent tests which depend upon language skills.

This gap between the middle and lower classes becomes more significant with an increase in age. Culture has also a pronounced effect on intellectual development. Culturally deprived and disadvantaged environments produce and maintain progressive retardation in the area of intelligence, cognitive development, and school achievement.

Hers and Shipman (1965) conducted some very important research in America the results of which confirmed Bernstein’s findings. But certain studies show that with concentrated individual training, the effects of early deprivation can be overcome and market gain can be observed in intellectual functioning. (Blank and Soloman, 1968).

Concrete Operation Stage:
The concrete operation stage starts from 7 years and continues up to 11-12 years. Real symbolic activity emerges during this period. Improvement in language ability helps in mediation, concept formation, abstraction, and problem-solving, children at this age instruct and direct themselves through silent talking and covert speech.

During the concrete operation stage when the child reaches 7 years of age, he begins to relate different aspects of a situation to one another and at last arrives at a “notion of conservation”. Piaget calls this principle of invariance. Suppose the child is making different shapes of animals from a particular amount of clay which remains constant, say an elephant or a dog or a horse.

The child now understands that whatever may be the figure or shape the amount of clay remains constant, the figure may vary, but the clay is the same. He could not have had this idea in the earlier period. A five-year-old child believes that.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Long Answer Questions Part-1

Question 5.
What is creative thinking and describe the stage and characteristics of creative thinking?
Creative Thinking:
Creative thinking refers to the ability to explore the situation in a novel way to contribute something new to society and mankind. It becomes explosive in the performance of a person. A creative person tries to achieve something new, to produce something original, something unique.

Creative thinkers are great boons to society. Creative thinking is a must for the progress and prosperity of any country. The advancement of science and technology in any country is the outcome of creative thinking. On the whole, creativity is a characteristic of thought and of problem-solving, generally considered to include originality, novelty, and appropriateness.

It is the process of developing original level and yet appropriate responses to a problem. However, unless an original and novel solution is appropriate, it can not be termed creative. An appropriate response is one that is deemed reasonable in terms of the situation.

Stages in Creativity:
Morris Stein (1974) has defined creativity as a process involving three stages:

  • hypothesis formation
  • hypothesis testing and
  • communication of results.

In hypothesis formation, people try to formulate a new response to the problem. However, finding a new response to a problem is not an easy affair. Individuals have to confront situations and try to think in non-stereotyped ways. They have to explore paths that have not been explored before and think in new ways. Creative persons sometimes experience a sudden brilliant illumination.

The creative person may be a scientist, an artist, or an artisan. But new ideas (or hypotheses) have to be tested against reality. At this stage, applying the criterion of appropriateness is crucial. If the result is novel, original, and appropriate, the individual can move towards the third stage i.e., communication of results. Communicating the idea is sometimes straightforward.

Very often, the process requires extensive explanation. Characteristics vary with creative people. Understanding the thought processes of creative individuals may allow psychologists to help others to become creative. Further, identifying the characteristics of creative individuals may allow psychologists and educators to spot these gifted persons early in life and facilitate the development of their creative abilities.

Research works of psychologists reveal that creative people are flexible in their approach to a problem. They do not use preconceived solutions. These people always desire a complex array of thoughts, ideas, and data (Dallas & Gaier, 1970). Moreover, creative people approach problem-solving in unique ways.

Guilford (1967) has defined creative thinking as a form of thought that is divergent. Guilford reveals that divergent thinking is the production of new information from known information or the generation of logical possibilities which serve as the basis of creativity. Emphatically he told that divergent thinking occurs in response to a problem that as yet is not defined.

The divergent mode of thinking is the essence of creative performance. From different studies, it was found that there is no significant difference between normal and creative people so far as brain-wave patterns are concerned. There is no firm evidence that creative people are either more or less intelligent than other people.

The data relating to IQ scores and creativity are inconclusive. Some studies have found a distinction between creativity and intelligence test scores others have shown a positive correlation. Creative people tend to be independent non-conformists, experiencing great tension and strong opposite drives.

Henry Poincare, the great French Mathematician experienced the following stages of creative thinking. These stages have been obtained through questionnaires, interviews, and the introspection of creative thinkers. Though these stages of creative thinking vary from individual to individual and problem to problem, still there are some common stages of creative thinking.
These stages are:

  • Preparation
  • Incubation
  • Inspiration or Illumination
  • Evaluation
  • Verification or Revision.

The first step of creative thinking is preparation. Education prepares an individual for creative work. The training that a doctor, an engineer, and a scientist gets through education, takes them in a new direction and opens new vistas for them. Moreover, formulation of a problem, collection of information, a survey of relevant work in the concerned field, preliminary knowledge of the subject, and trial and error method are all essential for creative thinking. According to Edison, preparation provides much inspiration for creative work. It is the foundation for creative thinking.

This is the second stage of creative thinking. In this stage, there is an almost complete absence of overt activity. Conscious thought about the problem is totally absent. This is said to be a period of no progress. But the thinker is not aware of the progress. Some experts opine that though the creative thinker does not think consciously about his creation, the problem is solved without his awareness. This is how many problems are solved while we are asleep. In this span of time, the ideas which were interfering with the solution to the problem tend to fade.

Inspiration or Illumination:
In a sudden flash, creative ideas come to mind after the period of incubation. If you were unable to solve a mathematical problem yesterday, now all of a sudden the solution comes to your mind abruptly. Very often, new ideas come in the dream, when the person is in the subconscious stage. For creative people, these sudden ideas are very crucial. The period of inspiration is often proceeded by a certain amount of trial and error. Some experts view that trial and error activity does not, anyway, supplement creative thinking. However, inspiration provides a specific direction toward the goal and it makes the person think in that direction.

This is the fourth stage of thinking. Here the thinker tries to find out whether the solution which comes to his mind is correct or not. Very often, the apparent solution proves to be wrong. When the thinker feels that it is wrong, then he goes back to the first stage of creative thinking i.e., the preparatory stage.

It is the individual finds that the solution is correct, then it is accepted. If it is proven wrong, then he thinks that it does not suit the assumption. As a result, he has to start again from the beginning. In certain cases, he may invite some modifications or revisions. Some observations indicate that ‘inspiration’ comes as the last stage of creative thinking instead of ‘verification’. But studies reveal that it becomes necessary to evaluate the process of creative thinking in most cases.

Characteristics of Creative Thinkers:
Generally, creative people are high in intellectual ability, but they are not necessarily in the highest brackets measured by these tests. Many creative people are talented in some special way – in music or in literature. In other words, they have certain specific abilities that they can use in their search for new ideas.

No doubt, many creative thoughts come as sudden insights. But such ‘ flashes’ are more likely after hard thinking about a problem. So in one way, diligence and strong motivation to work at solving problems are characteristics of creative thinkers. Further, creative thinkers have some personality features in common. Evidence from personality tests indicates that these people have the following traits:

  • They prefer complexity.
  • They are more complex psychodynamically and have greater personal scope.
  • They are more independent in their judgments.
  • They are more self-assertive and dominant.
  • They reject suppression as a mechanism for the control of impulses. (Barron, 1963).

In 1975, Welsh revealed that a personality dimension “origins” is related to creativity. An individual high on this dimension resists conventional approaches which have been determined by others. Such a person is more interested in artistic, literary, and aesthetic matters.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Long Answer Questions Part-1

Question 6.
Describe the stages of cognitive development by Piaget.
Piaget is a development theorist who believes that cognitive development occurs gradually phase by phase.
Piaget has divided the entire period of cognitive development into four basic stages.

  1. The sensory-motor period is 0-2 years approximately.
  2. Preoperational period 2-7years approximately.
  3. Concrete operational period 7-12 years approximately
  4. The formal operational period is 12 years above approximately.

Sensory motor period:
The sensory-motor period is the period that starts before the language development of the child. Piaget distinguished between 2 major stages in cognitive development that is sensory-motor intelligence (0-2 years) and conceptual intelligence (0-10 maturity). During the sensory-motor period, the child’s adaptions and activities don’t involve extensive use of symbols or language.

It is divided into six phases:
Reflex (0-1) month:
During this stage, innate and simple reflexes of live sucking movements become more prominently seen.

Primary circulation reaction (1-4) months:
This stage extends roughly from the age of one month to 0-1 month after birth.

Secondary circular reaction (4 to 8 months):
This is the 3rd. stage of the sensory-motor period who extends from four to eight months approximately.

Coordination of secondary circular reactions (7-10 months):
In this stage, there is further development in the child’s mental activity.

Tertiary circular reactions (11-18 months):
This stage is characterized by active trial and error, experimentation like exploration, variation, and change of behavior.

Internal mental combination (18-24 months):
This is the final and most advanced stage.

Pre-operational period:
The preoperational period extends from two to seven years. The first part of this stage is also known as the pre-conceptual period. It is characterized by the use of language and symbolic function. These two are built upon the systematic use of representation which begins in the last stage of sensory-motor operation.

Pre-conceptual refers to the beginning of symbolization in thinking. It is the period of the use of symbols in thinking or the preparatory stage for the same. Actually, the pre-operational stage extends from the end of the sixth stage of the sensory-motor period which is about 18 months to 1 year of age to 6 or 7 years.

The pre-operational period is subdivided into

  • The pre-conceptual period roughly lasts 2-4 years.
  • Initiative 4-7 years.

By the time the child reaches the pre-conceptual period he has mastered some language that he uses in his thinking process as a symbolic unit.

Period of intuitive Thought:
This stage lasts for 4 to 7 or 8 years. Concepts develop more at this stage. He elaborates his concepts, thoughts images, and more complex representations are constructed. Now he is capable of grouping objects together into classes as per his own perception of similarity. Now he gathers some ideas about class membership and objects included in that particular class.

The chi Id uses quantifiers such as some, all, more little, less, etc. when Anurag who is now 26 months, old cats mixture we put one by one in his mouth, but he wants to eat more sayS, give me more or when a full spoon of rice is put inside his mouth, he says, “give me less. Otherwise, it will stuck in my throat and I will have to vomit.”

Concrete operation Stage:
The concrete operation stage starts from 7 years and continues up to 11-12 years. Real symbolic activity emerges during this period. Improvement in language ability helps in mediation, concept formation, abstraction, and problem-solving, children at this age instruct and direct them through silent talking and covert speech. During the concrete operation stage when the child reaches 7 years of age, he begins to relate different aspects of a situation to one another and at last arrives at a “notion of conservation” Piaget catches this principle in this stage.

Formal operation stage (11 years and above):
After the age of 11, the child is capable of abstract thinking and reasoning. In the concrete operations stage, he uses logic and reasoning in an elementary way, applying them in the manipulation of concrete objects.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Long Answer Questions Part-1

Question 7:
Define thinking as a problem-solving behavior and its steps involved in problem-solving.
The problem means any conflict or difference between one situation and the goal is a problem. T}ie thinking that we do in problem-solving is goal-directed. For solving problems, we use some rules. But two rules are important algorithms and heuristics. An algorithm is a set of rules which if followed correctly will guarantee a solution to a problem.

Thinking is initiated by a problem and ends with a solution. The individual while interacting with the environment needs to solve several problems and fulfill goals and motives. But the satisfaction of various needs and desires is not so easily done. Sometimes using a face barrier to the goal blocks the satisfaction of a motive.

There is no readymade or immediate means to cross the barrier and reach the goal. Thus, the individual is faced with a problem. The problem is how to cross the barrier. For the solution to this problem, the person has to take recourse to some psychological process which helps in removing the obstacle from the way to the goal. This very psychological process is called thinking or problem-solving behavior.

Steps involved in problem-solving
To start thinking the basic requirement is the perception of a problem. The ‘ S ’ or the individual must be interested to solve the problem. He must understand the importance of the problem.

Formulation of a Hypothesis:
The ‘S’ must analyze and review the problem from various angles and standpoints. Certain assumptions are made regarding the final outcome. These assumptions are called hypotheses.

Preparation includes assembling the tools or materials required to solve the problem. New ideas crystalize at this stage.

Possible solutions:
In this stage, this subject is engaged in finding out the solution. A variety of solutions may come to his mind.

This stage includes checking the hypothesis against the obtained solution.

Testing and Revision of the solution:
Tentative solutions are carefully tested before they are accepted for practical use. All these steps are blended and interwoven in most problem-solving behaviors.

Question 8.
Define strategies in problem-solving and describe the different factors in helping problem-solving.
While trying to solve a problem, the person seeks a strategy or systematic mode of attacking the problem:
Problem-solving as Gap Filling:
Bart left on the basis of his research on the thinking process has concluded that all problem-solving appears to illustrate one or more of B kinds of gap-filling processes.

Structures in problem-solving:
Problem-solving has been regarded as essentially a process of thinking in Structure.

Problem-solving involves trial and error:
When a problem becomes quite difficult for the S to solve only by thinking, the S may be engaged in random. Trial and error, the case of Thorndike’s cat in the puzzle box serves as an example of physical trial and error.

Problem-solving and insight:
In many problem-solving experiments, it has been found the solution to the problem comes suddenly without any observable trial and error.

Problem-solving involves concepts:
By manipulating concepts, problems are solved easily. According to Crovitz, “practice with the method of manipulating, concepts increases the ability to solve problems easily.

Factors in helping problem-solving behavior:
Every person’s thinking takes place in his own unique, background and psychological setup like the attitude, belief, motive, past experience, and mental set of the thinker.

Like learning motivation is one of the most important factors which make problem-solving easy by giving it direction. It directs behavior toward the goal. Tinking is always motivated by some problems.

Past Experience:
The positive transfer effect facilitates problem-solving a great deal. Acquisitions of the past in similar situations are generalized in the present situation. This makes it easier to solve the problem.

Personal Context:
Milton (1959) conducted a study to compare the responses of men and women to problems appropriate to masculine and feminine roles. Results show the influence of an individual’s personal context on his problem-solving behavior.

Mental Set:
The importance of a set as a preparatory adjustment for performing a task has been shown in diverse fields of different psychological experiments. Set because of its facilitatory or inhibitory effect has occupied an outstanding position in the psychology of thinking.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Long Answer Questions Part-1

Question 9.
Define psychological or personal motive.
Curiosity is a psychological motive. It is a motivational tendency to act which does not have specific and indefinable goals. Behind any act of exploration, investigation, and research, there is a desire to know any curiosity. Research findings of Dember (1956) and Fowler (1958) revealed that rats preferred novelty, change, and complexity in Y and T mazes. It is not an exclusively human trait.

Animal experiments proved that curiosity behavior is also found in many animals (Buttler, 1954). Curiosity motives for sensory stimulation are also conducive to the motive for exploration. Evidence indicated that the curiosity motive can be unlearned. The need for changing sensory stimulation is closely related to curiosity. It is the basic motive. Exploration and curiosity are just two expressions of it. Very often, we are motivated to master challenges in the environment. This is called “Competence Motivation”.

Achievement Motivation:
The need for achievement causes individuals to strive for bigger and better accomplishments. It is a personal need that directs a person to strive constantly for excellence and success. It is a personality variable that appears to differ from one individual to another. Some people are highly achievement-oriented and competence-oriented and others are not so.

Need for Achievement:
It is a personal need that directs a person to strive constantly for excellence and success. This motive has been subjected to intensive study by a group of Harvard psychologists like David Me Cleveland and John Atkinson. They used projective tests to asses achievement motivation. Many studies have been done to find out the relationship between achievement motivation and performance.

Generally, people with a need for achievement seek to accomplish things and improve performance. The results of these studies revealed that people who are high in achievement motivation generally do better on tasks than those who are low. Further studies also revealed that people high in need for achievement are motivated to succeed.

Research works also indicated that the need for achievement is increased by independence, training, and self-dependent attitudes. Me Cleveland has found that the need for achievement is also related positively to the higher economic status of the society. Experts also revealed that both extrinsic and intrinsic motivation are closely related to achievement motivation.

A humanistic approach to motive was developed by Maslow (1954). It is very important for its practical value. His humanistic model is popularly known as the theory of ‘self-actualization’. Maslow’s approach was unique. He attempted to portray a total picture of human behavior.

Maslow tried to explain human motives or needs by arranging them in a hierarchy. His arrangement was made in the order of potency and priority of unsatisfied human needs. The most basic aspects of human motivation are physiological needs and at the highest level, the desire to utilize one’s personal capacities is found.

Here the individual develops his potentialities to the fullest and engages in activities for which he is well-studied.’ This level is called ‘self-actualization’. Maslow’s approach reveals that every category of need has a limited capacity to motivate behavior. Beyond this point of limitation, it is necessary to involve a higher category of need.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Short Answer Questions

Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Solutions Unit 4 Process of Thinking Short Answer Questions.

CHSE Odisha 11th Class Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Short Answer Questions

Short Type Questions With Answers

Question 1.
Tools of thinking.
Percept: The object or stimulus which is perceived is called the percept.
Images: Images are mental pictures of actual sensory experiences.

Question 2.
Creative thinking.
Creative thinking refers to the ability for original thinking. Cognitive activity directed towards some creative work refer to creative thinking.

Question 3.
Stages of creative thinking.
The common stage of creative thinking. They are:
(a) perception
(b) incubation
(c) inspiration or illumination
(d) evaluation
(e) verification or revision.
Trench experienced these stages of thinking.

Question 4.
In this stage of creative thinking, there is almost a complete absence of overt activity. The unconscious process may be at work during incubation.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Short Answer Questions

Question 5.
Language is the best medium of thinking. Language provides the most useful and common kinds of symbols in human behavior.

Question 6.
Rigidity cements new ideas and thoughts helpful for problem-solving. Lyman and Anderson have suggested the following eight rules to prevent rigidity in thinking.

Question 7.
Images are mental pictures of actual sensory experiences. It represents the percept in its absence.

Question 8.
Sensory motor period.
The sensory-motor period is the period that starts before the language development of the child. Piaget distinguished between two major stages in cognitive development.

Question 9.
Conflict motive.
When the ‘O’ has to choose between two equally attractive goals, he faces the problem of conflict the lie is in conflict as he is unable to decide which goal to pursue both have equal attraction.

Question 10.
Need for power.
Some people are heard saying, “I don’t need any power.” Though, power by itself is a motive. It may help in achieving other motives easily.

Question 11.
Need for achievement.
Achievement motivation is the need or desire to achieve something. It is a strong motive.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Short Answer Questions

Question 12.
Need for approval.
Man is a social animal. For any social organism need for approval is a must.

Question 13.
Activity method.
In this method, the activity of the ‘O’ is observed by introducing a drive. It is two types:

  • field observation
  • laboratory observation

Question 14.
Need for aggression.
Aggression is a hostile response to any stimulus. The motive of aggression may be expressed due to the imitation of aggressive models.

Question 15.
Need for recognition.
The urge to process status in society is a commonly observed need found by human beings. Every human being wants his merit abilities to be recognized in society.

Question 16.
Hunger occupies the most prominent position among all the biological drives and obviously, most of the studies have been done on hunger drive. Hunger is concluded by Ruch.

Question 17.
Thirst is also a periodic drive. The strength of thirst is also greater than hunger drive.

Question 18.
Biological motive.
Organic drives are known as physiological or biological drives as the physiological state of the organism drives him to action. The biological drive is innate.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Short Answer Questions

Question 19.
Jealousy is an outgrowth of anger. It is an attitude of resentment directed towards other people only. It is a negative motion.

Question 20.
Causes of anger
The cause of anger is interference or restriction of any type or it may be due to frustration. This frustration may be due to personal, physical, or social causes.

Question 21.
Joy, pleasure, delight.
All these are positive emotions and they generally belong to joy. Such emotions always give pleasure to the individual.

Question 22.
Pre-operational period.
The preparational period extends from two to seven years. The first part of this stage is also known as the pre-conceptual period. It is characterized by the use of language and symbolic function. Pre-conceptual refers to the beginning of symbolization in thinking. It is the period prior to the use of symbols in thinking or the preparatory stage for the same.

Question 23.
Language is the best medium of thinking. Language provides the most useful and common kind of symbols in human behavior. Most of the thinking is the modem age is done by verbal symbols, which are expressed through language. Though in thinking some amount of language is involved a certain amount of thinking. It serves to communicate ideas from one person to another.

Question 24.
Creative thinking.
Creative thinking refers to the ability for original thinking. In other words, cognitive activity directed towards some creative work refers to creative thinking. Creative thinkers are great boons to society. Creative thinking is a must for the progress and prosperity of any country. In creative thinking, there is general freedom from rigid thought patterns.

Question 25.
Past experience.
The positive transfer effect facilitates problem-solving a great deal. Acquisitions of the past in similar situations are generalized in the present situation. This makes it easier to solve the problem. Certain problems do require finding new strategies and new concepts for solutions. It has been found that new problems can be solved completely by past learning.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Short Answer Questions

Question 26.
Frustration and stress.
Several studies have been conducted on the adverse effect of frustration and stress on problem-solving behavior. A study by Monson (1954) indicates that initially, the frustrated group showed a greater gain them control, apparently being highly motivated to succeed this time having failed the block tapping test. Cowen( 1959) has found that when people don’t feel that. Subjects who had shown the most frustration in the block tapping test did most poorly on the difficult problem. Reynolds shows that stress operates as a hindrance to problem-solving.

Question 27.
Run over the elements of the problem in rapid succession several times until a pattern emerges which encompasses all these elements simultaneously. Suspend judgment – Don’t jump to conclusions. Produce a second solution after the first. Rigidity cements new ideas and thoughts helpful for problem-solving.

Question 28.
Like hunger, thirst is also a periodic drive. The strength of thirst is also greater than hunger drive. The necessity of thirst for survival is greater than food. According to Cannon’s theory, he has treated the thirst. This is highlighted.

Question 29.
External expressions of emotions.

  • Facial expression:
    The face is the most expressive organ of the human body.
  • Postural reaction:
    Different emotions arouse different postures.
  • Vocal expressions:
    Voice is a powerful organ of indicating different types of emotions experienced.
  • Scholrberg found a high correlation in the judgments of different observers found that in several pictures.
  • It is thus said to be the barometer of emotion.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Short Answer Questions

Question 30.
Obstruction method.
The last form of counterbalancing motives is the obstruction method. In this method of putting on obstruction, the persistence of a particular drive is measured. The Columbia obstruction apparatus has been extensively used by the warden. He found the crossing of an electric grill. It is the strongest obstruction.

Question 31.
The contrast of motives.
In this method, one motive is contrasted with another at a time. Hunger-sex, sex-thirst, thirst hunger, thirst-maternity drive, and soon. In another study, Elliot noticed that motivation suddenly changed with the change in goal. Seymour and stein trained the animal to a given food. This method is used to measure mostly animal drives.

Question 32.
Conflict of motives.
When the ‘O’ has to choose between two equally attractive goals, he faces the problem of conflict the lie is in conflict as he is unable to decide which goal to pursue as both have equal attraction and strength in fulfilling his motive. A person who lives both fish and meat, when asked to select only one of these preparations faces conflict. In our day-to-day life, we face conflict. A dog is trained to bark in a circle.

Question 33.
Hunger occupies the most prominent position among all the biological drives been on hunger drive. The survival of the ‘O’ depends upon the satisfaction of hunger need. Ehrlich suggests that the most significant physiological factor is the regulation of hunger. The importance of hunger drive in human beings has been proved by many classic studies. From several studies on hunger drives, the role of environment and training is strong.

Question 34.
Method of preference.
The method of preference makes to choose between two or more incentives that arouse one and the same drive. Two incentives are given at a time and it is observed which one of the two is preferred by the organism. If the driver is hungry, the incentives may be different types of food. P.T. Young made an experiment by this method using rats. The motive is one but the incentives are many.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Short Answer Questions

Question 35.
Role of motivation in learning.
The importance of motivation in learning follows from the law of effects. Thorndike has shown that there is a close relationship between learning and motivation. Motivation is indispensable for learning. Pavlov’s conditioning technique. When a student is motivated by praise and verbal reward he quickly improves in his learning.

Question 36.
Role of the hypothalamus in emotion.
The hypothalamus plays a significant role in emotional behavior. This is substantiated by various experimental studies on animals. Removal of the hypothalamus in cats and dogs brings a full stop to all emotional expressions. Observations show that when the hypothalamus is seriously impaired by accident or the like, occurs that is there is no emotional reaction. Drugs like sodium amytal and metrazol have a specific effect on the hypothalamus producing significant changes in the emotional behavior of human beings and arid animals.

Question 37.
Cannon-Bord Theory of Emotion.
Cannon formulated his own theory of emotion which is called the Thalamic or emergency theory of emotion. Modem physiological views of emotion may be said to start with Cannon. He was the first to develop a broad and integrated physiological picture of emotion. Cannons conducted a series of experiments. The Thalamic theory differs from the James Lange theory chiefly units emphasis upon the independence of emotional experiences.

Question 38.
Jealousy is an outgrowth of anger. It is an attitude of resentment directed towards other people only while anger can be directed toward people, self, and others. It is a negative emotion. The arousal of jealousy depends upon training and the treatment that one gets from others. Child-rearing practices have got a lot to do with the development of jealousy.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Objective Questions

Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Solutions Unit 4 Process of Thinking Objective Questions.

CHSE Odisha 11th Class Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Objective Questions

Multiple Choice Questions With Answers

Question 1.
Drawing a mental picture in the absence of the object is called _______.
(a) Perception
(b) Illusion
(c) Hallucination
(d) Image
(d) Image

Question 2.
Creativity is explored at _______.
(a) early age
(b) middle age
(c) late age
(d) right
(a) early age

Question 3.
There is no test to measure creativity among _______.
(a) children
(b) adults
(c) illiterates
(d) educated persons
(c) illiterates

Question 4.
Creativity is a branch of ________.
(a) Social Psychology
(b) General Psychology
(c) Industrial Psychology
(d) Personality Psychology
(b) General Psychology

Question 5.
Creativity means _______.
(a) Autistic thinking
(b) Associative
(b) Associative

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Objective Questions

Question 6.
The pioneer of creativity research is _______.
(a) Yackson
(b) Wertheimer
(c) Guilford
(d) Torrence
(d) Torrence

Question 7.
Creativity depends on _______.
(a) Originality
(b) Personality
(c) Learning Capacity
(d) Retention capacity
(a) Originality

Question 8.
Creativity is otherwise known as _______.
(a) Imaginative thinking
(b) Insightful thinking
(c) Autistic thinking
(d) None of these
(a) Imaginative thinking

Question 9.
Vigour research on creativity was started in the year _______.
(a) 1877
(b) 1945
(c) 1960
(d) 1918

Question 10.
Creativity starts growing from the age of _______.
(a) 6 months
(b) 3 years
(c) 20 years
(d) 30 years
(a) 6 months

Question 11.
Daydreams are _______.
(a) realistic
(b) unrealistic
(c) fantasies
(d) none of these
(c) fantasies

Question 12.
Problem-solving seems an impossibility in the absence of _______.
(a) Verbal symbols
(b) Non-verbal symbols
(c) Sensory symbols
(a) Verbal symbols

Question 13.
Problem-solving involves _______.
(a) Conditioning
(b) Trial and error
(c) Rigidity
(b) Trial and error

Question 14.
Motivation gives problem-solving a _______.
(a) Set
(b) Meed
(c) Direction
(d) None of these
(c) Direction

Question 15.
The solution to the problem becomes difficult when the person is emotionally _______.
(a) Upset
(b) Sound
(c) immature
(d) None of these
(c) immature

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Objective Questions

Question 16.
_______ stands in the way of a solution to a problem.
(a) flexibility
(b) rigidity
(c) partiality
(d) intelligence
(b) rigidity

Question 17.
When in a problem-solving situation the solution to a problem occurs after dealing with the problem it is called ________.
(a) Foresight
(b) hindsight
(c) Insight
(d) None of these
(b) hindsight

Question 18.
Problem-solving has been essentially regarded as a process of thinking in _______.
(a) function
(b) structure
(c) solution
(d) manipulation
(d) manipulation

Question 19.
Every person’s thinking takes place in his own unique.
(a) environment
(b) background
(c) society
(d) status
(a) environment

Question 20.
For the solution of problems, manipulation __________ is necessary.
(a) Ideas
(b) concepts
(c) percepts
(d) all of these
(d) all of these

Question 21.
In thinking _________ trial and error is mostly involved.
(a) overt
(b) covert
(c) manual
(b) covert

Question 22.
Language is unique to ________.
(a) human beings
(b) higher animals
(c) animals
(d) subhuman species
(a) human beings

Question 23.
For communication _______ is essential.
(a) gesture
(b) language
(c) thought
(d) crying
(b) language

Question 24.
Language and thought are ________.
(a) same
(b) different
(c) independent of each other
(d) overlap each other
(b) different

Question 25.
Language is an important mode of _______.
(a) communication
(b) gesture
(c) silent talk
(d) overt activity
(a) communication

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Objective Questions

Question 26.
Thought is _______.
(a) Overt
(b) Covert
(c) External
(b) Verbal
(a) Overt

Question 27.
Language has _______ contents.
(a) two
(b) three
(c) four
(d) five
(b) three

Question 28.
Motive is a ________.
(a) desire
(b) impulse
(c) behaviour
(d) general trait
(a) desire

Question 29.
Edwards’s personal preference schedule assesses,
(a) one single motive
(b) many motives
(c) many desires
(d) strength of motives
(d) strength of motives

Question 30.
Animals stop behaving when they _______.
(a) sleep
(b) rest
(c) pause
(d) die
(d) die

Question 31.
When there is a drive-in level of activity the strength of the drive is supposed to _______.
(a) decrease
(b) increase
(c) remains constant
(d) none of these
(b) increase

Question 32.
Drive is a _______state.
(a) physiological
(b) social
(c) personal
(d) all of these
(a) physiological

Question 33.
Organic drives are also known as drives ___________.
(a) physiological
(b) biological
(c) social
(d) all these
(a) physiological

Question 34.
___________ refers to the motive to keep contact with people.
(a) curiosity
(b) gregariousness
(c) assertiveness
(b) gregariousness

Question 35.
Activity method measures the __________of motive.
(a) type
(b) strength
(c) nature
(d) all these
(b) strength

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Objective Questions

Question 36.
The desire to explore refers to the motive of ___________.
(a) approval
(b) achievement
(c) affiliation
(d) curiosity
(d) curiosity

Question 37.
Though ___________method one chooses between two or more incentives.
(a) activity method
(b) method of choice
(c) method of preference
(d) all these
(c) method of preference

Question 38.
__________acts as a motivation to perform.
(a) curiosity
(b) knowledge of result
(c) approval
(b) knowledge of result

Question 39.
___________stressed the idea of psychic determinism in unconscious motivation.
(a) Jung
(b) Freud
(c) Adler
(d) None of these
(a) Jung

Question 40.
Motivation is related to the _________ of human behaviour.
(a) What
(b) How
(c) Why
(d) all these
(c) Why

Question 41.
Factors of motivation can be categorised under ______ and ______ head.
(a) need
(b) drive
(c) physiological
(d) social
(e) incentive
(d) social

Question 42.
In motivational cycle _______steps are invoked.
(a) four
(b) three
(c) two
(d) five
(b) three

Question 43.
The goal is the______ point of a motivational cycle.
(a) beginning
(b) middle
(c) end
(d) none of these
(c) end

Question 44.
The importance of motivation for learning follows from ________.
(a) law of exercise
(b) law of belongingness
(c) law of effect
(d) law of readiness
(c) law of effect

Question 45.
The famous experiment on knowledge of results was conducted by ________.
(a) Hull
(b) Thorndike
(c) Watson
(d) Leeper
(b) Thorndike

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Objective Questions

Question 46.
Motivation is _______ for learning.
(a) useless
(b) indispensable
(c) unnecessary
(b) indispensable

Question 47.
Level of aspiration is also known as ________.
(a) goal discrepancy behaviour
(b) attainment discrepancy behaviour
(c) goal setting behaviour
(d) all the above
(c) goal setting behaviour

Question 48.
Morgan offers a theory of motivation which is basically _______.
(a) Psychological
(b) Sociological
(c) Physiological
(d) None of these
(c) Physiological

Question 49.
The physiological theory of motivation has been advanced by _______.
(a) Hilgard
(b) Young
(c) Morgan
(d) Murray
(c) Morgan

Question 50.
Hunger, thirst and sex are known as _______drives.
(a) basic
(b) secondary
(c) psychological
(a) basic

Question 51.
The self-actualisation theory of motivation is also called the _______ theory of motivation.
(a) physiological
(b) psychoanalytic
(c) hierarchical
(d) achievement
(c) hierarchical

Question 52.
The self-actualisation of the theory of motivation was advanced by _______.
(a) Leeper
(b) Lindsey
(c) Maslow
(d) Young
(c) Maslow

Question 53.
Curiosity is a _______ drive.
(a) Psychological
(b) Organic
(c) social
(d) Personal
(a) Psychological

Question 54.
Need for aggression is inevitable for self _______.
(a) Actualisation
(b) Preservation
(c) Sufficiency
(d) None of those
(b) Preservation

Question 55.
Social approval motive is measured by the _______.
(a) T.A.T. method
(b) Questionnaire technique
(c) Maslow Crowne social desirability scale.
(c) Maslow Crowne social desirability scale.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Objective Questions

Question 56.
Level of activity is _______ related to the strength of motive.
(a) positively
(b) negatively
(c) neutrally
(d) none of these
(a) positively

Question 57.
P.T. Young conducted an experiment on the method of preference using _______.
(a) monkeys
(b) cats
(c) rats
(d) human beings

Question 58.
The constancy of the internal environment is maintained by _______.
(a) mobilisation of behaviour
(b) homeostasis
(c) drive
(b) homeostasis

Question 59.
Social motives are called _______ motives.
(a) primary
(b) secondary
(c) essential
(d) none of these
(b) secondary

Question 60.
A socially approved person shows greater sensitivity and respect to _______.
(a) personal interest
(b) society
(c) fulfilment of basic needs
(b) society

Question 61.
Many different activities may have a _______motivation.
(a) specific
(b) common
(c) different
(b) common

Question 62.
Post-hypnotic suggestion provides a good example of _______ motivation.
(a) conscious
(b) unconscious
(c) social
(d) biological
(b) unconscious

Question 63.
The motive to keep contact with others is called _______.
(a) self-assertiveness
(b) gregariousness
(c) mastery
(d) dependency.
(b) gregariousness

Question 64.
_______ is among the Arapesh, Zuni, Hopi and other groups.
(a) self-assertiveness
(b) gregariousness
(c) mastery
(d) dependency
(a) self-assertiveness

Question 65.
The urge to achieve is expressed in _______.
(a) need for self-actualisation
(b) assertiveness
(c) need for achivement .
(c) need for achievement

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Objective Questions

Question 66.
Gregariousness is due to _______.
(a) social conditioning
(b) inherited traits
(c) biological factors
(a) social conditioning

Question 67.
Both thrive and incentive factors in mobilising one’s _______.
(a) resources
(b) ability
(c) need
(d) all the above
(d) all the above

Question 68.
Some organic, needs can be made extremely great by removing of certain _______.
(a) duct glands
(b) ductless glands
(c) sex glands
(d) none of these
(b) ductless glands

Question 69.
The obstruction box has been standardised by _______.
(a) Warden and his associates
(b) Weiner ardstellar
(c) HoffinanandWed
(d) Nissen
(a) Warden and his associates

Question 70.
The delayed reward of even 15 seconds reduces the incentive value considerably as viewed by _______.
(a) Warden
(b) Hamilton
(c) Skinner
(d) Hull
(a) Warden

Question 71.
Perhaps the clearest picture of the uncomplicated effect of punishment is obtained by experiments with the _______.
(a) obstruction box
(b) Skinner box
(c) Maize box
(d) Problem box
(b) Skinner box

Question 72.
Sherrington’s work on the integrative action of the nervous system is his discovery of
(a) reactive inhibition
(b) reciprocal inhibition
(c) response inhibition
(d) stimulus inhibition
(b) reciprocal inhibition

Question 73.
A challenging frustration-aggression hypothesis was put forward by group _______ of investigators.
(a) Yale
(b) Swiss
(c) German
(d) Harvard
(a) Yale

Question 74.
An electric grill is a very convenient form of _______.
(a) Stimulator
(b) Obstructor
(c) Reactor
(d) Respirator
(b) Obstructor

Question 75.
Anger is a ______ emotion.
(a) Positive
(b) Negative
(c) Neutral
(b) Negative

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Objective Questions

Question 76.
Fear is a ______emotion.
(a) Positive
(b) Negative
(c) Neutral
(b) Negative

Question 77.
Love is a ______emotion.
(a) Positive
(b) Negative
(c) Neutral
(a) Positive

Question 78.
The Russian Psychologist _______ found that involuntary finger movements were a valuable adjunct to the word association method of the detection.
(a) Pavlov
(b) Luria
(c) Luchins
(d) Chappella
(a) Pavlov

Question 79.
Cannon’s theory of emotion was mainly concerned with _______.
(a) Endocrine glands
(b) Blood pressure
(c) Sensitivity to the environmental stimulus
(b) Blood pressure

Question 80.
The emergency theory of emotion is also called _______.
(a) James Lange’s theory
(b) Cannon-Bard Theory
(c) Hypothalamic theory
(d) Activation theory
(d) Activation theory

Question 81.
The Cannon-Bard theory is different from _______.
(a) Activation theory
(b) Emergency theory
(c) Hypothalamic theory
(b) Emergency theory

Question 82.
At the time of emotion secretion from glands are _______.
(a) Reduced
(b) Stopped
(c) Accelerated
(d) As usual
(a) Reduced

Question 83.
________have a major role to play during emotional situations.
(a) rods and cones
(b) ear
(c) glands
(d) hands and muscles
(c) glands

Question 84.
During the strong emotional experience, the physiological changes that occur in the human body are mainly due to _______.
(a) Sudden rise in blood pressure
(b) Sudden rise in a heartbeat.
(c) Impulses from the autonomic nervous system
(d) Impulses coming from sex glands.
(c) Impulses from the autonomic nervous system

Question 85.
Watson conducted an experiment on a baby named to ______ demonstrate how fear develops.
(a) Aalinc
(b) Albert
(c) Aiers
(d) Alps
(c) Aiers

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Objective Questions

Question 86.
To demonstrate how the emotion of fear develops an experiment on a baby named Albert was conducted by ______.
(a) Bridges
(b) Watson
(c) Williams
(d) Jersild
(b) Watson

Question 87.
A severe crisis situation is successfully dealt with by people because of the secretion of ______ to blood.
(a) Pituitrin
(b) Thyroxine
(c) Proactive
(d) Sex hormones
(b) Thyroxine

Question 88.
________is associated with emotion.
(a) Frontal cortex
(b) Cerebellum
(c) Hypothalamus
(b) Cerebellum

Question 89.
In anger, excessive secretion of _______is found.
(b) Adrenalin

Question 90.
Sympathetic activation causes ________.
(a) a decrease in the heart rate
(b) an increase in the heart rats
(c) a decrease in pulse rate
(d) decrease in blood pressure
(b) an increase in the heart rats

Question 91.
During states of emotional stress skin resistance to electric current.
(a) increases
(b) decreases
(c) no change in the earlier resistance
(d) creates a feeling of discomfort
(b) decreases

Question 92.
According to the emergency theory of emotion, the function of emotion is to ________.
(a) reduce anxiety
(b) provide body relief
(c) increase emergency action
(d) all these
(b) provide body relief

Question 93.
The hypothalamus which controls emotional behaviour is located ________.
(a) in the brain stem
(b) in the cerebral cortex
(c) at the base of the brain
(d) in the medulla
(c) at the base of the brain

Question 94.
Fear stimulus initiates physiological reactions in the ________.
(a) central nervous system
(b) reticular activating system
(c) spinal cord
(d) sympathetic nervous system
(d) sympathetic nervous system

Question 95.
Which of the following is connected with emotional behaviour?
(a) Pons
(b) Occipital lobe
(c) Hypothalamus
(d) Reticular activating system
(d) Reticular activating system

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Objective Questions

Question 96.
Which of the following is not connected with emotional behaviour?
(a) Thalamus
(b) Hypothalamus
(c) Hindbrain
(c) Hindbrain

Question 97.
Cannon Brad’s theory is related to ________.
(a) learning
(b) perception
(c) motivation
(d) emotion
(c) motivation

Question 98.
The James-Lange theory is in relevance with ________.
(a) personality
(b) motivation
(c) emotion
(d) sensation
(d) sensation

Question 99.
The motivational theory of Leoper is a theory of ________.
(a) emotion
(b) motive
(c) thinking
(d) sensation
(c) thinking

Question 100.
That the infant is bom with one basic emotion, a general excitement is the view of ________.
(a) Watson
(b) Morgan
(c) Darwin
(d) Bridges
(a) Watson

Question 101.
________was one of the first scientists to investigate emotional expressions in infants.
(a) Watson
(b) Morgan
(c) Darwin
(d) Irwin
(d) Irwin

Question 102.
By the age of 24 months, all emotions develop. This is held by ________.
(a) Darwin
(b) Watson
(c) Bridges
(d) all these
(a) Darwin

Question 103.
Freedom, Loring and Martin have advanced a theory that emphasises the adaptive and survival value of infants.
(a) crying
(b) smiling
(c) jealousy
(d) anger
(c) jealousy

Question 104.
Stranger anxiety and separation anxiety appear towards the end of the ________of life.
(a) eight months of life
(b) one year of life
(c) 24 months of life
(c) 24 months of life

Question 105.
Fear of snakes is a product of psychological maturation. This is held by ________.
(a) Valentine
(b) Watson
(c) Donald Hebb
(d) Gewirtz
(b) Watson

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Objective Questions

Question 106.
________factors are important in determining the nature and importance of children’s fears.
(a) Cognitive
(b) Conative
(c) Affective
(d) All of these
(b) Conative

Question 107.
Mother emotion with important social implications for social development is ________.
(a) Distress
(b) Zcalousy
(c) Sentiment
(d) Fear
(d) Fear

Question 108.
________is a social phenomenon.
(a) Anger
(b) Laughter
(c) Distress
(d) All of these
(a) Anger

Question 109.
In the development of emotion, _________ plays a major role.
(a) Maturation
(b) Intelligence
(c) Personality
(d) Organic factors
(b) Intelligence

Question 110.
The galvanic skin response is measured with an apparatus called ________.
(a) Pupillo metrics
(b) Psychogalvanometer
(c) Kymograph
(d) All of these
(a) Pupillo metrics

Question 111.
William James who developed the James Lange theory belongs to the ________school of psychology.
(a) Structural
(b) Functional
(c) Behaviouristic
(d) Cognitive
(b) Functional

Question 112.
Smiling in response to a smile does not usually occur before the child is about ________ months old.
(a) one month
(b) two months
(c) five months
(d) six month
(b) two months

Question 113.
Pleasure and displeasure of a person can be known from his _______.
(a) Physiological change
(b) facial expression
(c) blood pressure
(b) facial expression

Question 114.
Emotion is expressed through ______.
(a) language
(b) gesture
(c) facial expression
(d) all of these
(b) gesture

Question 115.
The activity of the heart in emotion is often studied by examining the shape of the curve obtained with an _______.
(a) electroencephalograph
(b) electric cardiograph
(c) electric strobophoto graph
(d) none of these
(d) none of these

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Objective Questions

Question 116.
The importance of postural reaction in emotion has been given by _______.
(a) James Lange’s theory
(b) Emergency theory
(c) Activation theory
(d) Opponent process theory
(b) Emergency theory

Question 117.
Gastrointestinal functions are often measured by means of ballons into the ______.
(a) stomach
(b) intestine
(c) stomach or intestine
(a) stomach

Question 118.
Whether a person is emotionally aroused or not can be known by measuring his ______.
(a) Physiological changes
(b) Psychological changes
(c) Facial expression
(d) All the above
(b) Psychological changes

Question 119.
A can differentiate emotion from nonemotional states.
(a) Kymograph
(c) Lie detector
(d) Pupilometrics
(d) Pupilometrics

Question 120.
Excessive discharge of adrenalin during emotional states increases the level of _______.
(a) Blood pressure
(b) Blood sugar
(c) Heart Action
(d) All the above
(d) All the above

Question 121.
James Lange’s theory is also known as ______.
(a) thalamic theory
(b) hypothalamic
(c) emergency theory
(d) none of these
(d) none of these

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Objective Questions

Question 122.
The lie detector was devised by _______.
(a) Frans Halls
(b) Good enough
(c) Davis
(d) Leonarde Keeler
(d) Leonarde Keeler

True Or False Type Questions With Answers

Question 1.
Imagination is a controlled association while thinking is a free association. (True/False)

Question 2.
Thinking always involves a problem. (True/False)

Question 3.
Thinking is not possible without images. (True/False)

Question 4.
Creativity is not found in idiots. (True/False)

Question 5.
Deaf is equally creative. (True/False)

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Objective Questions

Question 6.
Physical handicap has nothing to do with creativity. (True/False)

Question 7.
Blinds are more creative than normals. (True/False)

Question 8.
Physical handicaps stand in the way of creativity. (True/False)

Question 9.
A creative individual is equally creative in all fields. (True /False)

Question 10.
Creativity starts growing from birth. (True/False)

Question 11.
Reasoning at the human level begins in early childhood. (True /False)

Question 12.
The reasoning is not found in animals. (True/False)

Question 13.
Reasoning first appears in lower animals like rats. (True/False)

Question 14.
Reasoning combined with past experience helps in solving a problem. (True/False)

Question 15.
Multiple choice test in a sense is a set of generalising abilities. (True/False)

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Objective Questions

Question 16.
Maier has developed a reasoning test for children. (True/False)

Question 17.
Maier has developed a reasoning test for rats. (True /False)

Question 18.
Nerve has developed a multiple-choice apparatus for use with human subjects. (True/False)

Question 19.
Proper direction helps to reason. (True/False)

Question 20.
Thinking is called sub-vocal talking. (True/False)

Question 21.
Language is unique in human beings. (True/False)

Question 22.
Language has no role in the socialization process. (True/False)

Question 23.
Language is not required for the transmission of culture and heritage. (True/False)

Question 24.
The acquisition of language is required for concept formation. (True/False)

Question 25.
A language is a primary tool of communication. (True/False)

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Objective Questions

Question 26.
Biological motives are inborn. (True/ False)

Question 27.
Drive and incentives are emotional factors as distinguished from ability. (True / False)

Question 28.
Me Dougall and Freud both treated motivation in terms of energy. (True/False)

Question 29.
The importance of motivation for learning follows from the law of exercise. (True/False)

Question 30.
The barrier makes the motive stronger. (True/False)

Question 31.
Knowledge of results brings improvement in learning. (True/False)

Question 32.
Level aspiration is improved by failure and lowered by success. (True/False)

Question 33.
The level of aspiration is also known as goal discrepancy behaviour. (True/False)

Question 34.
The level of aspiration is indispensable for learning. (True/False)

Question 35.
The level of aspiration acts as a drive or motivator. (True/ False)

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Objective Questions

Question 36.
The physiological theory of motivation has been advanced by Morgan. (True/False)

Question 37.
Hunger, sex and thirst are organic drives. (True/False)

Question 38.
The Law of effect directs human behaviour in a particular direction. (True/False)

Question 39.
The level of aspiration is otherwise known as goal-setting behaviour. (True/False)

Question 40.
The hierarchical theory of motivation is also known as the self-actualisation theory of motivation. (True/False)

Question 41.
The self-actualisation theory of motivation was advanced by Wolfe. (True/False)

Question 42.
Curiosity is a physical drive. (True/False)

Question 43.
The need for aggression is inevitable for self-preservation. (True/False)

Question 44.
Gregariousness is an inborn need. (True/False)

Question 45.
Gregariousness develops out of social conditioning. (True/False)

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Objective Questions

Question 46.
As the human child grows his physiologically motivated behaviours are socialised. (True/False)

Question 47.
The socialisation of motives takes place because of social approval and conditioning. (True/False)

Question 48.
Social approval motive is measured by the Socio-Economic Status Scale. (True/False)

Question 49.
Social approval is measured by Maslow’s crown social desirability scale. (True/False)

Question 50.
Social approval motive is very much desirable for sound personality development.(True/False)

Question 51.
PT. Young conducted an experiment On the method of preference using cats. (True/False)

Question 52.
Seasonal breeding, the cycle of feeding, elimination and seasonal changes in the migration of birds is observed by the laboratory observation method. (True/False)

Question 53.
Homeostasis refers to the restoration of physiological balance and equilibrium. (True/ False)

Question 54.
Organic drives are also known as biological drives. (True/False)

Question 55.
The thirst drive is stronger than the hunger drive. (True/False)

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Objective Questions

Question 56.
Sleep is a basic need. (True/False)

Question 57.
Sex is said to be a powerful personal drive. (True/False)

Question 58.
Social motives are called secondary motives. (True/False)

Question 59.
Two equally attractive goals produce conflict. (True/False)

Question 60.
Slip of the tongue is an unconscious motivation. (True/False)

Question 61.
An unconscious attitude is illustrated by Phobia whose origin is unknown to the person concerned. (True/False)

Question 62.
Many of the motives which influence the behaviour of a particular individual significantly are unrecognised by the person himself. (True/False)

Question 63.
Personal variation is found in different types of motivation. (True/False)

Question 64.
Life goals have often their origin in early experiences. (True/False)

Question 65.
Particular motives often characterise a given culture rather than the whole of mankind. (True/False)

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Objective Questions

Question 66.
All motives are free from childhood training. (True/False)

Question 67.
The origin of some motives is found in childhood training. (True/False)

Question 68.
All motives are acquired. (True/False)

Question 69.
Drives and instincts are the same. (True/False)

Question 70.
Knowledge of performance is a material incentive. (True/False)

Question 71.
Many different activities may have common motivations. (True/False)

Question 72.
Post-hypnotic suggestion provides a good example of Unconscious motivation. (True/ False)

Question 73.
Social motives are found in all normal human beings. (True/False)

Question 74.
We acquire hundreds of needs, few of which have very clear psychological roots. (True/False)

Question 75.
The self-assertive motive is also known as the mastery motive. (True/False)

Question 76.
The motive to keep contact with others is called assertiveness. (True/False)

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Objective Questions

Question 78.
Frigidity and impotence represent high tide in sexual drive. (True/False)

Question 79.
Testosterone and androgenic hormone appear to play a key role in the sexual life of female animals. (True/False)

Question 80.
The influence of social eating on the amount eaten is observed even in animals. (True/False)

Question 81.
Habit and social customs account for most of our aversions to certain foods. (True/False)

Question 82.
Hunger pangs, stomach contractions and related body activity, in general, depend upon blood chemistry. (True/False)

Question 83.
Motivation is derived from the Latin word “Movere” which means to move. (True/False)

Question 84.
Social motives are not always learned motives. (True/False)

Question 85.
At birth and soon after almost all needs of the body are physiological in nature. (True/False)

Question 86.
Gregariousness is due to social conditioning. (True/False)

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Objective Questions

Question 87.
Escape is motivated by the shock. (True/False)

Question 88.
Hunger and thirst are equivalent in relation to milk as an incentive. (True/False)

Question 89.
A manipulatory drive is most clearly manifested in the play of the human child. (True/False)

Question 90.
According to James Lange’s theory of emotion. “We first see a bear, we are afraid and then (True/False)

Question 91.
Emotion is also a kind of motivic. (True/False)

Question 92.
Hypothalamus has no role in emotion. (True/False)

Question 93.
Emotion is an acute disturbance of the body. (True/False )

Question 94.
Anger is a positive emotional parent. (True/False)

Question 95.
Joy is a positive emotion. (True/False)

Question 96.
The Ameti can Psychologist Luna found that voluntary finger movements were a valuable adjunct to the word association method of lie detection. (True/False)

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Objective Questions

Question 97.
The level of activation increases when the person is guilty. (True/False)

Question 98.
Lie detection puts a level of activation to work. (True/False)

Question 99.
The thalamic theory of emotion is also called the emergency theory of emotion. (True/False)

Question 100.
Cannon-Bard theory and emergency theory of emotion are different from each other. (True/False)

Question 101.
James Lange’s theory and emergency theory are the same. (True/False)

Question 102.
William James is a founder of the functional school of Psychology. (True/False)

Question 103.
According to lo Mc Dougall feeling and emotion have only ascending roles in the field of motivation. (True/False)

Question 104.
Instincts and emotions are the same. (True/False)

Question 105.
Shcrrington’s experiments with cats and Cannon’s experiments with dogs prove that total separation of the Viscera from the CNS does not alter emotional behaviour. (True/False)

Question 106.
The thalamic theory differs from the J.L. theory chiefly in its emphasis on the independence of emotional experiences and emotional behaviour. (True/False)

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Objective Questions

Question 107.
The emergency theory emphasises the role of the hypothalamus in originating emotional behaviour. (True/False)

Question 108.
Emotional behaviour is essentially disorganised. (True/False)

Question 109.
The autonomous nervous system controls emotion. (True/False)

Question 110
Anger is an innate emotion. (True/False)

Question 111.
The basis of emotional behaviour is general excitement. (True/False)

Question 112.
General excitement is inherited. (True/False)

Question 113.
From delight, joy develops. (True/False)

Question 114.
Fear increases with the development of language. (True/False)

Question 115.
Fear for human beings is more found during childhood. (True/False)

Question 116.
Fear can be eliminated by behaviour therapy. (True/False)

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Objective Questions

Question 117.
Fear can be eliminated by conditioning techniques. (True/False)

Question 118.
A large number of fears occur due to social imitation. Fear can be removed by unlearning. (True/False)

Question 119.
Fear can be removed by unlearning. (True/False)

Question 120.
Anger can be treated by removing the irritating factors and substituting a different goal. (True/False)

Question 121.
Fear is otherwise known as a temper tantrum. (True/False)

Question 122.
Jealousy develops at the age of five months. (True/False)

Question 123.
Fear grows from distress. (True/False)

Question 124.
Affection develops by the age of two years. (True/False)

Question 125.
There is only three innate emotions, fear, anger, and love. (True/False)

Question 126.
Bridges maintained that the infant is bom with one basic emotion, a general excitement. (True/False)

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Objective Questions

Question 127.
Watson and Morgan theorised that there are only three basic emotions. (True/False)

Question 128.
Bridges viewed that by the age of 24 months all emotions are developed. (True/False)

Question 129.
A theory that emphasises the adaptive and survival value of infant smiling has been advanced by Frccpair, Loring and Valentine. (True/False)

Question 130.
Two fears such as stranger anxiety and separation anxiety appear towards the end of the first year of life. (True/False)

Question 131.
Morgan and Ricciuti’s study shows the developmental course of stranger and separation anxiety. (True/False)

Question 132.
Donald Iiebb argued that fear of snakes in a product of psychological maturation rather than of learning. (True/False)

Question 133.
Watson’s view that fear is an innate response to loud noises or the sudden loss of support is no longer accepted. (True/False)

Question 134.
Cognitive factors are important in determining the nature and importance of children’s fears. (True/False)

Question 135.
How much a child smiles is determined by genetic factors. (True/False)

Question 136.
Emotional development indicated a pattern of increasing differentiation from a generalised excitement into progressively more precise emotional reactions. (True/

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Objective Questions

Question 137.
Smillinglikecryingmayhaveasurvivalvaluetothechild. (True/False)

Question 138.
Younger children show a fear of concrete objects while older children fear more abstract things. (True/False)

Question 139.
Disgust is a positive emotion. (True/ False)

Question 140.
Certain parts of the limbic system are intimately linked with emotional behaviour. (True/False)

Question 141.
Maturation and learning are inextricably related to emotional behaviour. (True/False)

Question 142.
The septal-damaged animals are generally preservative and compulsive in their behaviour. (True/False)

Question 143.
Parts of the cerebral cot ex, the septal region, the ventral medial nucleus and the pyriform cortex function as brakes. (True/False)

Question 144.
The back portion of the hypothalamus, the septal region of the brain helps in suppressing primitive emotional reactions. (True/False)

Question 145.
When the septal area is destroyed, the organism underacts emotionally. (True/False)

Question 146.
The cerebral cortex has some power to execute visceral activity which is commonly associated with emotional responses. (True/False)

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Objective Questions

Question 147.
William James who developed the J-L theory of emotion belongs to the structural school of psychology. (True/False)

Question 148.
The term emotion has been derived from the Greek word E- Mover. (True/False)

Question 149.
Emotions involve internal changes and disturbances in the autonomic nervous system, ductless glands and visceral organs. (True/False)

Question 150.
At birth, the new bom baby shows undifferentiated, diffused and general excitement. (True/False)

Question 151.
Watson conducted a study on a six-month baby Albert to demonstrate how fear response develops. (True/False)

Question 152.
According to Brides emotional development has a genetic sequence. (True/False)

Question 153.
Symbolic fears are otherwise known as phobias. (True/False)

Question 154.
Leonarde Keelar devised the lie detector. (True/False)

Question 155.
The lie detector detects emotional reactions in response to questions. (True/False)

Question 156.
Many chronic gastrointestinal disorders are precipitated by chronic emotional states. (True/False)

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 4 Process of Thinking Objective Questions

Question 157.
Psychosomatic, disorders are related to the emotional states of people. (True/False)

Question 158.
Prolonged emotional upsets may contribute to organic disorder. (True/False)

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 2 Perceptual Process Long Answer Questions Part-2

Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Solutions Unit 2 Perceptual Process Long Answer Questions Part 2.

CHSE Odisha 11th Class Psychology Unit 2 Perceptual Process Long Answer Questions Part-2

Long Questions With Answers

Question 1.
What is Neuron? Describe the structures and functions of neurons, flow does it differ from a cell?
Answer :
Building Blocks of the Nervous System:
Neurons are basic units of the nervous system. These are the nerve cells that actually process information. The human brain contains about 100 billion neurons. The average neuron is as complex as a small computer and has as many as 10,000 physical connections with other cells. Most neurons are created very early in life, but their shape, size, and connections can change throughout the lifespan. On the whole, the way the neurons function reflect the major characteristics of the nervous system.

Basic Structure of a Neuron:
Not all neurons are alike. They are specialized to handle different information processing functions. However, all neurons have some common characteristics. In general, every neuron has the following structures

  • Cell body or soma
  • Dendrites
  • Axon and
  • Terminal buttons or axon terminals
    (See fig. 4.1)

What is Neuron Q1

Cell body or Soma:
The cell body or ‘ Soma’ is the enlarged head of the neuron. It is enclosed by the cell membrane. The cell body contains the nucleus of the cell and cytoplasm which sustains its life. Some are the head side of the neuron. It uses oxygen and nutrients to generate energy. Its shape varies depending on the type of neuron. Generally, neurons transmit information in only one direction, that is, from the dendrites through soma to the axon to the terminal buttons.

Dendrite is the branching fiber from the cell body. A neuron receives information at one end and sends out messages through the other. The part of the cell which receives incoming signals is called a dendrite. The dendrites receive nerve impulses from adjacent neurons or directly from sense receptors and conduct them to the cell body.

Axons relay or send impulses from the cell body to other neurons or to muscle tissue. The very word ‘dendrite’ came from the Greek word ‘dendron’ which means ‘tree’. So dendrites of a neuron look very much like trees. Dendrites are extended from the cell body. Dendrites increase the neuron’s surface area, allowing each neuron to receive input from many other neurons.

Two types of extensions are found in the cell body. The short extensions from the cell body are called dendrites. But the longer single-branched extensions are called the axon. It is that part of the neuron which carries information away from the cell body to other cells. Each neuron has only one axon.

The point in the axon nearest to the cell body is called the axon hillock. Axons may have some branches which are called axon collaterals. Axons have two coverings. Of course, these two coverings are not found in every neuron. The outer boundary of the neuron is called the membrane. The membrane serves as a barrier for the neuron.

In some axons, there is a fatty white sheath called the myelin sheath. Axons having myelin sheath are called myelinated axons and which do not have it is called unmyelinated axons. Axons without myelin sheaths are not very good conductors of electricity. With the insulation of myelin sheaths, axons transmit electrical impulses and convey information much more rapidly.

Another covering is found in axons of neurons exclusively outside the brain and spinal cord. It is called a neurilemma. Neurilemma is a very thin covering that takes part in regeneration. If a neuron outside the brain and spinal cord is damaged, it can be regenerated. But the neurons of the brain and spinal cord can not be regenerated, as they do riot have neurilemma in their actions. Once these highly specialized cells are damaged, they are damaged forever.

Terminal Buttons:
An axon conducts information along its length which can be several feet in the spinal cord and less than a millimeter in the brain. At the far end of the axon, some swollen and bulb-like structures are there which are called terminal buttons. Through these buttons, stimulation passes to Astrocytes and oligodendroglia are two important glial cells.

Astrocytes produce chemicals that neurons need to fulfill their functions. On the other hand, astrocytes help control the chemical composition of the fluid surrounding neurons. The main function of oligodendroglia is to provide support to axons to produce myelin sheaths.

Functions neurons:
The main function of the neuron is to communicate messages of stimulation in the form of nerve impulses. Our behavior is only possible through the flow of nerve impulses. Near about 10 billion neurons fire in our brain. They send and receive various nerve impulses. This is the communicative function of the neuron.

Sensory or afferent neurons come from receptors and go to the brain and motor (efferent) neurons go to muscles or glands. The inter-neurons are the linking neurons. An electrochemical reaction occurs inside when a neuron is adequately stimulated. Neurons fire or do not file like a gun. There is no in-between stage. This is called the all-or-none principle.

All neurons follow this principle. They are either off or on. Now let us see how neurons serve their communicative functions and how nerve impulses or nerve energies are formed. The neuron contains intracellular fluid. The fluid on the outside of the neuron is called the extracellular fluid. In between these two types of fluids, there is a cell membrane.

The fluid contains many dissolved substances. Many chemical substances are broken into pieces when they dissolve in water or any fluid. Ions are electrically charged particles when dissolved. The electrical charges are negative or positive and are carried out by ions. As you know, positive and negative electrical charges attract each other.

But only positive electrical charges or negative electrical charges repel each other. Since ions are found in both extracellular fluid and intracellular fluid, the same thing happens in a neuron. (See fig. 4.3) A neuron works to maintain its resting potential. It does not come automatically.

When a neuron is in a resting state, there is a negative electrical charge of about – 70 million votes. Ameli volt one – thousand of a volt. This is called the resting potential of the neuron. The neuron can be best compared with a battery with the inside of the neuron representing the negative pole and the outside of the neuron representing the positive pole (Koester, 1991).

When a neuron is stimulated by externals like heat, light, or sound, the message arrives, and the positively charged ions outside the neuron rush inside the neuron at rates as high as 100 million ions per second. This sudden arrival of positive ions inside the neuron causes the charge to change from negative to positive.

When it reaches a critical level, an electrical nerve impulse known as action potential travels down the axon of the neuron. The very term ‘action potential’ is used to describe the brief wave of positive electrical charge which sweeps down the action.

What is Neuron Q1 1.1

Generally, an action potential lasts only about 1/1000th of a second. When a neuron sends an action potential, it is commonly said to be ‘ firing’. The action potential abides by the all-or-none principle. Once the electrical impulse reaches a certain intensity, it fires and moves all the way down the axon without losing any of its intensity.

Again, the axon potential moves from one end of the axon to the other. After the nerve impulse has traveled, the positive ions are pumped out of the state. It becomes ready to fire again. The flow of the nerve impulse depends upon the diameter of a particular neuron. A nerve impulse is carried out speedily through a larger diameter and slowly through a smaller diameter.

Absolute Refractory Period:
After the action potential is transmitted by the neuron, it takes rests for a brief period of time. The neuron can not be fired again immediately, no matter how much stimulation it receives. It is just like reloading the gun after each shot. This time span just after carrying action potential during which the neuron is inactive is called the absolute refractory period.

During this period, the neuron is in resting potential. This time span of resting time is usually less than 1/1000th of a second. An action potential can not be produced during the absolute refractory period. When this span is over, again the neuron can cany a nerve impulse. The absolute refractory period is followed by a relative refractory period during which a strong stimulus can make the neuron active.

Threshold Point:
Weak stimuli can not produce an action potential in a neuron. Therefore, a stimulus of a certain strength is needed to produce an action potential. So the point at which a stimulus triggers an action potential is called the threshold of a neuron. Different neurons have different thresholds of excitation. Generally, the threshold point of each neuron is fairly constant.

The nervous system of a living organism is made up of cells. A cell may be defined as a unit of living material. All can live independently by synthesizing within themselves substances from the nutrition absorbed from their environment. A cell contains living material called PROTOPLASM which is surrounded by a membrane called plasma membrane or the cell membrane.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 2 Perceptual Process Long Answer Questions Part-2

Question 2.
Define AH or None law. Neural transmission or synapse?
AH or None Law:
According to this principle, the nerve fibers respond completely or not at all. The stimulus has to be a minimum strength for the nerve to react. A weak stimulus will excite a few nerve fibers and we may not have sensory experience at all. But a strong stimulus will excite a larger number of nerve fibers resulting in a more intense experience. We can take the lighting of a match stick for illustration.

We must strike it with a certain amount of force to ignite the powder. If greater power is striking is exerted, the match flame will not be brighter. Beyond the minimum pressure necessary, any extra effort does not add to the brightness of the flame. This is exactly what happens with the stimulation of a nerve fiber. When such an explosion takes place, the nerve fiber is ready for another charge in a fraction of a second.

This principle is called the ‘all-or-none law”. Further, the nerve impulse is an electrochemical stimulation, which does not decrease in its intensity as it travels through the axon. If an axon carries any nerve impulse at all, the impulse continues to maintain the same strength throughout its travel in the axon until it reaches the terminal buttons.

The speed of a nerve impulse depends on the diameter of the axons. The larger the diameter, the greater is the speed. The strength of the nerve impulse depends upon the nature of the axons. It must be remembered that the dendrites and the cell body of a neuron do not obey the all-or-none principle. Only this principle is applicable to axons. So the axon is only governed by this law.

Neural Transmission:
No doubt, our mental functions stem from biological functions. In turn, they also influence our biological activities. Neural activity is biological activity. Neural activity is the biological medium in which all our psychological processes occur. Therefore, it is necessary to gain preliminary knowledge about how neural impulses travel from one part of the biological system to another. Not only the neural impulse travels within a neuron, but it also travels from one neuron to the other. The two major parts of the neural transmission are

  • communication within a neuron (action potential) and
  • communication between neurons (synaptic transmission).

We have already discussed how neural impulses travel from one neuron to another neurons.
A synapse is a gap or junction which is generally found between the axon tip of one neuron and the dendrite of another. Neurons never touch each other. The nerve impulses are transmitted chemically across a small gap between the neurons. This type of contact provided between the axon of one neuron and the dendrites of another neuron is very interesting and significant.

The gap is very minute so that the conduction can easily go on. It is the synapse that makes our motor learning possible. When an impulse arrives at the end of an axon, electrical conduction in the axon is changed to chemical transmission. The tiny sacs in the terminal buttons of the axons, called synaptic vesicles release a transmitting substance called “neurotransmitters” which can the message to the other neuron.

Before the electrical impulse across the synaptic gap, it must be converted into a chemical signal As their name suggests, neurotransmitters transmit or carry information across the synaptic gap, it must be converted into a chemical signal. As their name suggests, neurotransmitters transmit or carry information across the synaptic gap to the next neuron.

When a nerve impulse reaches the end of the axon, it triggers the release of neurotransmitters which flood the synaptic gap. The dendrites of the receiving neuron come in direct contact with these neurotransmitters and receive the message. The receiving neuron will experience a change if the neurotransmitters are sufficiently stimulated, the received impulse will be conducted within the neuron and will be relayed from neuron to neuron until the message is completed.

It is estimated that the billions of neurons in the brain have trillions of synapses. There are many neurotransmitters. Each of them plays a specific role and functions in a specific pathway. Some neurotransmitters stimulate or excite, whereas, others inhibit neurons from firing (Bloom, Nelson & Lazerson, 2001). some neurotransmitters are both excitatory and inhibitory.

Most neurons secret only one type of neurotransmitter, but many different neurons are simultaneously secreting different neuro-transmitters into synaptic gaps of a single receiving neuron. Researchers have identified more than 50 neurotransmitters, each of which has a unique chemical makeup. Here, let us consider the functions of some neuro-transmitters which have major effects on our behavior.

Define AH or None law. Neural transmission or synapse Q2

Question 3.
Describe the structure and function of the spinal cord.
Central Nervous System Structure and Function:
The central nervous system is well protected in the bony case of the skull and spinal column. It is divided into the spinal cord and the brain. The sensory or efferent neurons carry impulses from receptors into the central nervous system. The motor or efferent neurons cany impulses originating in the central system outward to effectors.

The Spinal Cord-Structure:
The spinal cord is a continuation of the brain below the medulla. It has a simple structure compared to the brain. It presents the same structure from angle to angle. A cross-section of the spinal cord at any level reveals the same uniform structure. The different parts of the spinal cord are connected to the brain.

The membranes cover the spinal cord and separate the fine neural tissues from the bony box of the central nervous system, lire outer, middle and inner membranes are called dura mater, arachnoid, and parameter respectively. The spinal cord has a rich acroterial blood supply. In a section of the spinal cord, we find grey matter in the central region and white matter in the peripheral region. The grey matter consists of millions of cell bodies of neurons.

The white matter consists of processes of neurons, that is, of axons and dendrites. In a six-foot man, the spinal cord is about the diameter of a little finger and 45 cm long. We do not find the spinal cord in most of the primitive forms of animal life. But when we go higher in the scale of evolution the nerve cells are found to be gradually combining into clusters and groups. These nerve clusters grow up the first step towards the evolution of the spinal cord and brain.

Describe the structure and function of the spinal cord Q3

Connected to the spinal cord are thirty-one pairs of peripheral spinal nerves. In each nerve thousands of individual axons are bundled together. Some of these have sensory and some motor function. The sensory branches of the spinal cord enter the cord at the back of the dorsal portion.

The sensory branches cany into the spinal cord impulse generating in the sensory receptors in the skin, joints muscles, and viscera. After synaptic connections in the cord, the sensory activity runs toward the brain. On the other hand, the motor branches of the spinal nerves leave the front or ventral part of the cord. They control the axons of nearby muscles and glands.

Functions of Spinal Cord:
Complete transaction of the spinal cord proves that the spinal cord has communicative and integrative functions. Observations of patients show that if the cut of the spinal cord is above the level of exit of the spinal nerves to the arm and legs, the outcome is quadriplegia. Similarly, if the cut is below the arm level, but above the leg level, the person suffers from paraplegia.

In both cases, there is no recovery. There is complete anesthesia and permanent paralysis of the parts of the body below the level of the cut. Why there is paralysis? Because the sensory stimulations cannot reach the brain. The motor impulses also cannot come out because of this cut in the spinal cord.

So though voluntary movements in the parts of the body before the cut are absent, reflex actions are not lost. The presence of Kneejerk refer and the reflex arising out of the pinching in such patients indicate the integrative capacity of the spinal cord and also its capacity to respond adequately to simple stimuli and by acting differently to different stimuli.

The last act shows a crude kind of decision-making. However, the capacity to perform these actions upon command is lost in paraplegics. The moderating influences of the higher center are also lost. In normal people, the reflexes are under some sort of descending inhibition from the brain. But in these types of patients, the reflexes are relatively larger and more sudden.

Describe the structure and function of the spinal cord Q3 1.1

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 2 Perceptual Process Long Answer Questions Part-2

Question 4.
What do you mean by reflex action and define its type or characteristic?
Reflex Action:
The reflex action is a very simple type of response that occurs automatically without our voluntary knowledge. According to Woodworth, “It is a direct muscular or glandular response to a sensory stimulus.” The examples of reflex actions are many. If someone puts his finger inside the mouth of a new baby, he starts sucking it. When a mosquito comes in front of someone’s eye, it is automatically closed as a protective measure.

Aeroflex action is very quick and rapid because it proceeds directly from the spinal cord. It does not go to the brain while in other activities the sensory stimulation is carried over to the brain through the spinal cord. The brain, in turn, sends out the message for making a particular response. That is why there is some delay in making these responses to activities other than reflex actions.

Types of Reflexes:
Basic reflexes, postural reflexes, segmental reflexes, inter-segmental reflexes, and spinal reflexes, come under different types of reflexes. There are also muscular reflexes such as knee jerks, the withdrawal of the hand, coughing, sneezing, swallowing, crying, and grasping reflexes. Glandular reflexes such as the flow of saliva, and the flow of tears are also notable.

Characteristics of Reflex Action:
The reflex actions are involuntary, unlearnt, and innate in nature like winking, knee erk, withdrawing leg from painful stimulation, sneezing, etc. The individual has no control over such reflexes. They occur very abruptly within a fraction of a second and also terminate very quickly. The involuntary or primary reflexes are purely universal.

The same type of avoidance of the pin pricking, grasping, winking and pupillary reflex is found in almost every person in the world. The reflexes are unlearnt behavior. Most of the behaviors of neonates are expressed in terms of reflexes. In babies, these reflexes are found in their original form.

As they grow up, the number of reflexes decrease and learned behavior increase. In other words, reflexes decrease with age. But there are certain reflexes that continue throughout life, like a knee-jerk, eye blink, etc. Finally, reflexes protect the individual from danger and help in maintaining the safety and welfare of the organism. Reflexes have, therefore, many positive values.

A reflex action is different from an ordinary action. In ordinary action, sensory stimulation in the form of electric waves is sent to the brain through the spinal cord. The brain then sends the message about the response to be made through the effectors. But in the case of reflex action, the message does not go to the brain. The spinal cord controls it. So the reflex action follows the spinal cord.

Reflex Arc:
The structure through which reflex action takes place is called the reflex arc. It involves the sensory nerve, spinal cord, and motor nerve. Take the example of withdrawing the foot when the pin is pricked. Sensory neurons cany impulses to the association.

Question 5.
How many lobes are there in the brain? Describe their location and function.
Four lobes, in the brain and these, are:
Frontal lobe:
It is located in front of the nearly vertical fissure of Rolando and above the fissure of Sylvius. It contains three important areas of the brain: the motor area, the association area, and the speech area.

Motor Area:
At the farther end of the frontal lobe and adjacent to the central fissure, we have the motor area Which controls the voluntary movements of various parts of the body like the leg, arm, face, etc. It is technically known as the precentral area (Broadman’s area 4).

Promotor Area:
It is located in front of the precentral area. It also controls complex muscular movements of the body. Each hemisphere is connected to the opposite side of the body. The right limbs are paralyzed if the motor area of the left hemisphere is damaged or destructed and vice versa, complete destruction of the motor area of one of the hemispheres will produce paralysis of the muscles, on the opposite side of the body. The motor area has centers that control different parts of the body such as feet, hips, trunks, etc.

Association Area:
Just below the premotor area, there is an association area that deals with psychological processes like reasoning and memory. These areas are also responsible for giving a coherent form to various experiences of the organism. It is because of the association area, that man is different from animals. The essential function of these areas is to react to immediate sense impressions and symbols as well.

A small baby does not have the capacity to react to symbols. But with age, the power to react with symbols grows and these symbolic processes become a significant part of the association areas. Because of these areas, we are able to correlate all our present experiences with past experiences and make use of memory and thought processes.

The parietal lobe lies near the central fissure in the back half of the brain. It has the somesthetic area, which is the most important functional area. It lies adjacent to the central fissure itself. The parietal lobe is the seat of sensation. All the sensory impulses coming from the various parts of the body reach this area. So it is named a somesthetic or body sensitivity area.

Like the motor area, here we have separate centers for receiving the impulses from different parts of the body such as the arm, Teg, etc. All the bodily sensations are projected in this area. If this area is damaged person cannot discriminate between a piece of silk cloth and sandpaper. The sensation of wool, pinprick, mud, or clay is projected in the parietal lobe.

Temporal Lobe:
The major part lying below the lateral fissure is called the temporal lobe. The auditory area is located here. Electrical stimulation in this area leads to the sound of all sorts of noises heard by the subject. Damage to this area leads to deafness. The area for recognition of music is situated in this area If the recognition area of the temporal lobe is destroyed, the person loses the taste sensation. Connected with the temporal lobe is the gustatory area which lies directly below the temporal lobe.

The olfactory area also lies at one end of the temporal lobe. So it is undoubtedly the most important area of sensitivity. Thus, neurophysiology research indicates that this area is more vital than the frontal lobe and it has also been suggested that memory may ultimately be found to depend upon the temporal lobe. It plays a significant role in emotional behavior. So it has close functional contact with the interbrain.

Occipital Lobe:
The shape of the occipital lobe is triangular and it is located at the back portion of the brain. It is the seat of visual sensation. The most important functional area located in this lobe is the visual area. The retina, the crucial Organ of the eye is connected with it. Optic nerves1 coming down from the eye are extended to the occipital lobe. If one of the optic nerves is damaged, either of the eyes will lose the visual ability.

But if one part of the occipital lobe is destroyed, the person will not be able to sec half of the object. Several optic nerves going down from the retina go to different parts of the occipital lobe and we see the objects. The cerebrum and particularly, the cortex, contains the major centers of intelligence, cognitive process, sensational process, and all such creative higher mental processes.

Functions of the Brain:
Sensory Function:
Specialized sensory areas are located to the parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes and they are known as sensory projection areas because nerve impulses originating in receptors are as if it were projected upon them.

Somasthetic Activity:
A portion of the parietal lobe located just behind the fissure of Rolando serves as a terminal or projection area for impulses originating in the skin and in the Kinesthetic receptors. It is called somesthetic or body feeling area. When this area is stimulated electrically in human beings these are reports of temperature, touch, and movement experiences in the body.

But no pain sensation is experienced in the body. Medical reports indicate that even when tumors are operated on from various areas of the cortex, no pain is experienced. So it is concluded that pain sensitivity is mediated by the thalamus and not by the cortex.

Visual Sensitivity:
At the back of each cerebral hemisphere, in the front part of the occipital lobe lies an area called the striate area which is responsible for visual sensation. The visual area in the right cerebral hemisphere receives impulses from the right half of each eye and in the left cerebral hemisphere from the left half of each eye. If the visual cortex of the right hemisphere is damaged, the right parts of both eyes become blind.

Total blindness will be possible only when visual areas are destroyed in both hemispheres. Flashes of light, whirling colors, and similar such visual experiences thus warn the epileptic patient that he is going to be attacked by a fix. How is this possible? Frequent irritation of tissues in the visual cortex of the epileptic caused by tumors brings these visual signals.

Auditory Sensitivity:
The temporal lobe contains the auditory area. When the temporal lobe of epileptic patients is electrically stimulated or is cut, the patient hears buzzing, humming, and even musical sounds. Destruction of the auditory cortex in one hemisphere leads to minor defects in hearing. If, however, both the auditory areas are completely destroyed, the person becomes fully deaf.

This indicates that each car has representation in both hemispheres. Broca, a neurologist, found that when an area on the side of the left hemisphere was destroyed, the loss of speech occurred which is known as Broca’s speech area.

Motor Functions:
These areas of the brain are involved in controlling the movements of the body. The primary motor area, secondary motor area, and supplementary motor area. These areas of the brain are involved in the movement of the body, control of postures, and the tension of muscles. The secondary and supplementary areas do not send long axons to the spinal cord. They send sort axons into the nuclei in the interior of the cerebral hemispheres.

From it, in turn, other short axons go to nuclei in the brain stem, and a chain of such neurons leads down to the spinal cord. When stimulated electrically, part of the motor areas cause movements in the extremities. So when these areas are injured or damaged, the same parts are paralyzed. As already indicated, movements on the right side of the body originate from stimulation of the motor area of the left hemisphere and movement of the left side through stimulation of the right hemisphere.

Damage to the motor area on one side is followed by loss of voluntary movement on the other side of the body. Though voluntary movement stops in a corresponding limb, when a part of the motor area is damaged, the individual is able to move his limbs reflexly in response to strong stimuli because reflex arcs function at the lower level and are not controlled by the higher centers. The supplementary motor area is located in the longitudinal fissure.

These parts of the brain are involved in the control of postures, tensions, and body movement. These areas send short axons while long axons are sent by the premotor area. It is now suspected though not confirmed that these short axons play a major part in the control of movements like trembling and jerking etc. When the lower region is stimulated, the face may be twitched, the mouth may be opened and closed, and the like.

It was earlier believed that paralysis produced by cortical injuries was permanent and the patients never recovered. But experiments with monkeys and rats show that limbs that are paralyzed by the destruction of cells present is the motor cortex sometimes recover their functions, this brings the hope that if paralyzed human beings are given proper training, they might also start showing muscular movements. It has also been proved in some cases by messages etc.

Associative Functions:
The association areas of each side of the cerebral cortex are connected with each other, with sensory and motor areas, with the thalamus, and with similar areas on the opposite side. The chief function of the association area is to correlate and integrate the simpler functions of the sensory and motor areas since the sensory area act as gateways into the cortex and the motor areas act as exits.

Therefore, injuries to the cortex outside but near the visual areas do not cause blindness but destroy awareness of depth and recognition of visual objects. According to Munn, The cerebral cortex is a device not only for receiving sensory and initiating motor impulses but also through its association neurons for connecting, relating, and integrating functions.

These integrative functions of the cortex plus its susceptibility to modification during an organism’s life | time provide the foundation of such psychological processes as learning, recalling, past experiences and thinking”.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 2 Perceptual Process Long Answer Questions Part-2

Question 6.
State the structure and function of the autonomic nervous system.
Autonomic Nervous System:
The anatomical distinction between the central nervous system and the autonomic nervous system lies in that the nerve fibers of the A.N.S. have always a junction with another neuron outside the brain or spinal cord on the way to muscles or glands. But such outside synapses are not found for nerves running to the straight muscles, that is, the central nervous system. By and large.

The A.N.S. controls the internal environment of the O while the CNS controls the impulses from the sense organs, organizes them in the brain, and sends the motor impulses to the muscles. Why is it called A.N.S. ? Because many of the activities it controls are autonomous or self-regulating activities such as digestion and circulation which continue from life to death even when the person is asleep or unconscious. Its activity never stops in a living organism.

Division of Autonomic Nervous System

  • Sympathetic System
  • Parasympathetic System

Sympathetic System:
On either side of the spinal column, closely connected with it through the spinal nerves the chains of nerve fibers and masses of cell bodies from which fibers extend to various visual organs. These are called sympathetic chains. This sympathetic outflow takes place through the thoracic and lumber regions of the spinal cord. Due to this it is also sometimes called “The Thora Cicolumbar System”.

The sympathetic nervous system consists of 22 sympathetic ganglia in a man:
arranged along the spinal cord. These fibers originate in the spinal cord and either end upon the sympathetic ganglion or they may extend to the other bundles of the ganglion chain. By this, they help in connecting the various sympathetic ganglia with each other or they may go to the distant parts of the body or end near the muscles or glands.

Besides, there are three important ganglia in the neck region which are known as superior, middle, and inferior ganglia. These cervical ganglia play a significant role in controlling the blood vessels of the heart and head, and dilator fibers of pupils. In general, they influence the blood supply of the brain.

As the name suggests, the sympathetic nervous system sympathizes with the organism during an emergency situation or need by mobilizing all bodily energies effectively in the direction of facing an immediate need or emergency situation. When the man is asleep, he is at the lowest level of activity.

At this stage, the sympathetic system is at its minimum in its function. Suddenly, he is awakened by the loud noise “Fire, Fire”. Immediately his level of activation rises to the maximum through the activation of the sympathetic system. The sympathetic system puts itself into action to meet this emergency situation. The man gets up and runs with maximum speed to help himself or others out of the fire.

The sympathetic system constricts the visceral blood vessels and directs them to muscles and the brain increases the rate of the heartbeat so that more blood is pumped through to the heart, and helps the secretion of adrenalin which raises the level of blood sugar necessary for more energy, etc. There is also inhibition of intestinal and gastric activity, widening of the pupils.

State the structure and function of the autonomic nervous system Q6

Let us take the case of a person who is angry. During anger, the action of the sympathetic system includes dilating the pupil of the eye, lifting the lid and protecting the ball, speeding up the heart rate, and raising blood pressure. There is also the cessation of digestive movements, peristaltic contractions of the stomach, and of secretion of digestive juices.

The blood that normally goes to these organs is diverted to the muscles to enable the O to face the emergency situation. All these duplicate the energy of the person. In this manner, the sympathetic system makes the O ready to face the emergency situation by helping in organizing the bodily resources to meet the situation more effectively.

Parasympathetic System:
It is a division of the autonomic Nervous System concerned with projecting and conserving the body’s resources, preserving normal functions, and maintaining a calm emotional state. It has two divisions :

  • the cranial part
  • The sacral part.
    So it is called the craniosacral system. But here there is no such chain of parasympathetic ganglia.

The Cranial Part:
It consists of all the nerves and outlets that one, associated with the brain and the head.

The Sacral Part:
It comes from the extreme lower end of the spinal cord.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 2 Perceptual Process Long Answer Questions Part-2

Question 7.
Describe the location of the brain.
He conducted several experiments on rats and other animals to find out the effect of the removal of various parts of the cerebrum on psychological purposes.

  • Several experiments on rats and of the problem and cerebral lessons; and
  • the effects of destruction on various sizes and locations on the maze learning habits are notable.

The findings of these studies showed an intimate relationship between the difficulty of the problem and the effect of cerebral lessions. There was an increase in error while learning when cortical destructions 1 were higher. Lashley finally concluded that the quantity of the lesson was a significant factor in retardation in learning. lie found that many problems like the skill of ordinary maze learning can be acquired equally well with one part of the cortex as with another.

He further found that there was a positive relationship between the amount of cortex and the difficulty of the task that is, as the difficulty of the task increases the greater amount of cortex is required to solve it. Even when half of the cortex was removed, simple tricks were learned equally quickly, but difficult problems could not be solved.

In one experiment by Lashley (1929) adequate training was given to monkeys to open the door by handling a latch. After learning was complete the monkeys were decorticated. Some portions of the frontal lobe were removed by surgical operation, without any danger to the life of the monkey. After decortication, it was found that some portions of the brain are at least responsible for certain work.

But later he also found that money could be educated and they could relearn the previous learning after decortication. From these experimental findings, he established two principles to explain the functional localization of the brain, that is, whether the brain acts as a whole or in parts.

Principle of Equipotentiality:
Lashley was of opinion that complex learning does not depend upon the definite structure of a specific area of the cortex. On the other hand, he noted that complex learning depends upon the total organization of the cortex. The principles of equipotentiality hence mean that with some very specific exceptions.

One part of the cerebral cortex is potentially the same as another part in its functional capacity related to the learning process. In other words, the capacity of the uninjured or intact part of the brain for functioning as a substitute for other parts in case of emergency is called the principle of equipotentiality.

All parts of the cortex, therefore, are equal potential for the learning function. Thus, Lashley in his book Brain Mechanism and Intelligence (1929), has remarked, “The term equipotentiality I have used to designate the apparent capacity of the intact part of a functional area to carry out with or without reduction in efficiency, the functions which were lost by destruction as a whole.

This capacity varies from one area to another and with the character of the functions involved. It probably holds only for the association areas and for function more complex than simple sensitivity or motor coordination.”

The Principle of Mass Action:
To Lashley, the principle of mass action meant that the brain fundamentally functions as a hole. He said that the more the cortex available, the better would be the learning capacity. In this connection, he has pointed out that the animals with various amounts of their cortices removed. Showed a general reduction in sensitivity, aggressiveness, and in exploratory activity in puzzle-born learning situations in comparison to their normal counterparts.

What he intended to say is that the cerebral cortex seems to be responsible for the characteristics of one’s behavior as a whole. That is why the removal of one part of the cerebrum affects learning in a general manner. The most important generalized function of the brain is to establish associations between our various present and past experiences.

The association area of our brain contains all our experiences and it is because of this connection of experiences that our mind acts as one unit. Franz later found that the amount of brain has also got a major contribution to higher psychological activities and complex learning processes. He noticed that if a small portion of the cortex will be decorticated, it will not decrease the activities undertaken by this part.

The other parts of the brain will take charge of it and the work will be somehow managed. But if a longer part is taken away there will be a deterioration in learning and other complex mental activities. It is thus proved that more amount of cerebral cortex is needed for higher psychological processes like learning, application of intelligence and judgment, synthesizing ability, thinking, problem-solving, perception, etc.

This principle, therefore, states that the brain acts as a whole or in a mass. The principle of equipotentiality and mass action is confirmed and supported by many experimental studies on apes, monkeys, human beings, etc. These principles are also confirmed by the findings of studies on human beings whose parts of the brain were injured or damaged by disease or accident.

Analysis of these principles and the experimental findings in their support do prove that simple sensory-motor functions may show a relatively high degree of localization while complex and higher-order mental activities require less localization and more mass action. Therefore, it would probably be more appropriate to conclude that the brain acts in widespread patterns.

patterns that include many cortical areas and their connecting association fibers. Loss of any large portion of the cortex will disturb the interaction of parts and break up the usual pattern. It is the general type of function. So, we have to accept somewhere between the two. In ordinary simple work, the brain acts in part.

But in higher-order activities and higher mental processes, coordinating the integrative function of the entire brain is essential. So, in such cases the brain functions as a whole. There is evidence for the localization of sensory and muscular movements. There is some indication that the frontal lobes are concerned with the management of planned activity and that the rear half of the brain is more concerned with knowing and understanding things.

Learning seems to be an unlocalized function and adjustment of the organism for the total situation and for a goal is probably a function of the entire cerebrum. It would, therefore, be not appropriate to generalize about the principles of complete equi-potentiality of the functions of various areas of the cerebrum. Besides, the evidence derived from rats, cannot be applied with equal confidence in human organisms.

Experiments on monkeys show a much greater loss in the ability to learn when their frontal lobes were destroyed than the damage elsewhere. Some cases of human subjects also indicated that there is a considerable degree of specificity in the cortex. However, further research in this area is necessary to draw a generalized conclusion on the functional localization of the brain.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 2 Perceptual Process Long Answer Questions Part-2

Question 8.
What are the methods applied to study the brain?
Some of the important methods to study the localization of functional areas of the brain are discussed below:
Anatomical Method:
In this method, the anatomist attempts to find out various nerve pathways by observing the nature of neural tissues under the microscope. By this method, the anatomist not only learns the origin and termination of different nerve fibers but he also finds out what sense organs send fibers where and what parts of the brain send motor fibers to the spinal cord. This method only finds out the structure of the brain and spinal cord. The functions of the brain and the spinal cord are not traceable by this method.

Method of Extirpation or Aplation Method:
Extirpation means to destroy or cut off. In this method, a particular part of the brain is destroyed or cut off and its effect is studied on the functions of the brain or human behavior. The behavior of the organism is carefully observed and recorded. Then it cuts off a specific part of the brain and observes its effects on the behavior of the ‘O’, that is whether it changes his behavior or not.

Action Potential and Electrical Recording Method:
Neurons produce electric currents when they conduct and the potentials underlying them can be recorded with a cathode ray oscilloscope. By correlating the parts having the greatest electrical activity with the nature of the stimulus one can find out which area of the brain is involved in various types of sensations and how the body surface is represented on surfaces in the brain.

Method of Stimulation:
It is a direct method. Different parts of the brain are stimulated with mild electric currents. While making brain operations on patients an introspective report is taken from the patients on the sensations they experience while stimulation. Using this method, functions of different parts of the brain can be located.

Chemical Method:
In this method certain chemicals are used to distinguish axons from cell bodies; certain parts of neural tissues from others to observe their specific functions. Similarly, it is used to find out which axons are part of the same neurons. Otherwise, because of their complexity, it is not possible to say these things merely by looking through a microscope. Behavioral changes are also observed by using various chemicals on the external and internal parts of the brain.

Scanning Method:
Today medical science has made rapid progress, thanks to the continuous and meaningful research in the area, particularly in the West. Scanning means taking pictures intently of all parts. With the development of scamming methods, new models of X-ray machines, and computers, the functions of the brain are being studied in a very scientific and organized manner.

Through scanning, it is possible to get an X-ray picture of every millimeter of the brain. Scanning of the brain helps in knowing the damages and destruction made to the brain because of accidents. Alzheimer’s disease, Korsakoft’s Syndrome, and many other diseases like a brain tumors.

There are different types of Scanning like Cat Scans, Pet scans, and MRIs, etc.
Cat Scan:
The Cat Scan method is used when one is interested to know and analyze the minute details of the functioning of the brain of an individual. Scanning of the brain is recommended particularly when the doctor has to diagnose to patient.

Question 9.
Describe the structure of the human brain.
The Brain:
Modem scientific psychology recognizes that is the brain, not the heart or soul which guides human behavior. Recently, technological innovations such as the electron microscope and brain scanning systems have led to an explosion in a number of new theories and tests of how the brain works. It has been found that an adult brain weighs about 1.36 kg and contains around 100 billion neurons.

The brain receives one-fifth of the blood pumped by the heart. If deprived of oxygen for 3 to 4 minutes, the brain cells are irreparably damaged. Brain investigation reveals that while some mental functions are widely distributed among different areas in the brain, man activities are highly localized.

Different areas in the brain are specialized for specific jobs. Our brain controls almost all the activities that we do, except the reflex activities which are controlled by the spinal cord.

Structure of Brain:
With the development of the human embryo inside the mother’s womb, the nervous system begins forming as a long, hollow tube in the back of the embryo. After three weeks of conception, cells making up the tube differentiate into a mass of neurons, most of which then develop into three major regions of the brain – the hindbrain, which is adjacent to the top part of the spinal cord, the mid-brain, which rises above the hindbrain and the forebrain, which is the uppermost region of the brain (see fig. 4.6).

It is the lowest portion of the brain located at the rear of the skull. In other words, the backside of the brain is called the hindbrain. It has three subdivisions medulla, cerebellum, and pons. The medulla begins where the spinal cord enters the skull. It is also called the medulla oblongata.

This structure is located at the lowest portion of the brain stem. It is a link between the brain stem and the spinal cord. The medulla helps to control our breathing and regulates reflexes which allow us to maintain an upright posture. It also controls some vital and autonomic functions such as respiration, circulation of blood digestion of food, etc.

It has some roles in sneezing, sleep, and coughing also. The cerebellum extends from the rear of the hindbrain, just above the medulla. It is also called the ‘Tittle brain’ because it is a miniature version of the cerebrum. Its outer surface looks grey and the interior white. It consists of two rounded structures thought to play important roles in motor coordination (Middleton & Strick, 2001).

Its vital function is to control body balance and posture. It also controls biological rhythm or perception of time. Injury to the cerebellum may lead to a lack of motor coordination, stumbling, and loss of muscle tone. When the cerebellum is damaged, movements become uncoordinated and jerky.

Extensive damage to the cerebellum even makes it impossible to stand up. It also stores the memory of movement patterns so that we do not have to concentrate on how to walk, dance, or ride a bicycle. Moreover, the cerebellum is associated with coordinating movements, controlling posture, and maintaining equilibrium.

Describe the structure of the human brain Q9

The Pons lies between the medulla and the midbrain. It is a Latin word, which means ‘bridge’. But it does not look like a bridge. It is so named because of the bundle of nerves that passes through it. the pons region connects to the cerebellum and is involved in dreaming and waking. It contains several clusters of fibers involved in sleep and arousal (Kolb, Whishaw & Terao: 2003, 2004). Moreover, the pons transmits information about body movement and is also involved in functions related to attention, sleep, and alertness.

The Midbrain:
The shortest part of the brain is the midbrain. It is also the topmost part of the brain which is located in the central region. It is just a tube-like structure. The outside of the midbrain looks white and the inside looks grey. Through this tube, a fluid-like substance called cerebrospinal fluid passes which provides nutrition to the brain. Besides providing nutrition, it has got sensory and motor pathways. The midbrain contains primitive centers for vision and hearing and plays a key role in the regulation of visual reflexes.

Describe the structure of the human brain Q9 1.1

Two systems in the midbrain are of special interest – One is the reticular formation or Reticular Activating System (RAS) and the other one is the brain stem, the RAS begins in the hindbrain and ascends through the region of the midbrain into the lower part of the forebrain. It is a network of neurons crossing each other.

The size of RAS is just like a small finger of a man. RAS has two parts ascending reticular system and descending reticular system. The ascending reticular system sends impulses to the cerebral cortex and the descending system sends impulses downward to the RAS. RAS also receives impulses from the cerebral cortex.

Describe the structure of the human brain Q9 1.2

Electrical stimulation of RAS awakens sleeping animals. If the RAS is damaged, the animal may not die but will sleep forever. This kind of sleep is called comatose or simply coma. Once it is destroyed, it does not recover. RAS also acts as a relay station for emotional behavior. The RAS is less activated during sleep. It is connected with the cerebrum by receptors and effectors. Further, it plays an important role in selective attention and filtering of information through learning.

The brain stem is so-called because it looks like a stem (Carlson, 2001). It is the most ancient part of the brain. The brain stem connects with the spinal cord at its lower end and then extends upward to encase the reticular formation in the midbrain. Clumps of cells in the brain stem determine alertness and regulate basic survival functions, such as breathing, heartbeat, and blood pressure.

The Forebrain:
It is the most important part of the brain. Virtually it possesses all the parts concerned with the perception, and coordination of behavior patterns including those of emotion, motivation, learning, memory, language, and thinking. The significant parts of the forebrain are the thalamus, hypothalamus, limbic system, and cerebrum.

Thalamus is located almost in the exact center of the human brain. It consists of an egg-shaped cluster of neurons. Thalamus connects the cerebrum with peripheral parts of the body. All the nerves come and go through it. So it is an important relay station for incoming sensory impressions from all parts of the body. Further, it is called the central switchboard of the brain.

Describe the structure of the human brain Q9 1.3

The main function of the thalamus is to send incoming sensory impulses to respective parts of the cerebral cortex. Most neural input to the cerebral cortex goes through the thalamus. Thalamus is also involved in controlling sleep and attention in coordination with other brain structures, including RAS. When the cortex wants to inhibit or control certain automatic activities, it sends the impulses to the thalamus.

Basal Ganglia:
Just above the thalamus and under the cerebral cortex lie large clusters of neurons called basal ganglia. The basal ganglia work with the cerebellum and the cerebral cortex to control and coordinate voluntary movements. These large clusters of neurons or ganglia enable people to engage in habitual behaviors such as riding a bicycle. People with damage to basal ganglia suffer from either unwanted movement, such as constant writing or jerking of limbs, or too little movement, such as the slow and deliberate movements of those with Parkinson’s disease.

Describe the structure of the human brain Q9 1.4

Describe the structure of the human brain Q9 1.5

Hypothalamus is a small forebrain structure located just below the thalamus. It lies at the base of the cerebrum. It regulates the functioning of the Autonomic Nervous System. Hypothalamus monitors three pleasurable activities eating, drinking, and sex – as well as emotion, stress, and reward. It also directs the endocrine system. Hypothalamus acts as a regulator of the body’s internal state.

It also plays an important role as an integrative location for handling stress (Hayashi and others, 2004). Much of the integration is accomplished through the hypothalamus’s action on the pituitary gland, an important endocrine gland located just below it. If certain areas of the hypothalamus are stimulated electrically, a feeling of pleasure results.

The Limbic System:
The limbic system is composed of a group of structures that is found in all mammals, sometimes called the old brain. Only mammals and reptiles have limbic systems. It is a ring-like structure having several other structures. The limbic system is structurally interconnected with the hypothalamus. So it is involved in the drives of hunger, sex, aggression, and some of the behaviors regulated by the hypothalamus.

The three principal structures in the limbic system are the amygdala, hippocampus, and septum. The amygdala has an important role in aggression. It is involved in memory, emotions, and certain basic motivations. The damage to the amygdala causes an animal to be less fearful, over-curious, hypersexual, and more exploratory.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 2 Perceptual Process Long Answer Questions Part-2

Question 10.
What is the endocrine gland and discuss the functions of the endocrine system?
The endocrine system is a set of glands that regulate the activities of certain organs by releasing their chemical products into the bloodstream, like the nervous system, it plays a crucial role in our behavior and development previously, the endocrine system was considered separate from the nervous system.

However, today neuroscientists know that two systems are interconnected. The endocrine system consists of ductless glands which secret complex chemical substances called hormones, directly into the bloodstream. The human body is not only under the control of the nervous system but also of a complementary system of hormones.

This system is controlled by Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) activity and like ANS, it is not under conscious control but regulated by the body itself. It helps in maintaining bodily homeostasis. Hormones are involved in different bodily functions and behaviors. They influence body growth, sexual development arousal, mood, and metabolism.

Endocrine or ductless glands are stimulated in 3 ways:

  • by chemical level in the bloodstream,
  • other hormones and
  • nerve impulses from the Bram

Once secreted into the blood, hormones are promoted it’s their bodily targets. This system not only sustains our slow and continuous bodily processes but also helps us to respond to crises. During an emergency, the Iannone ‘adrenaline’ is released into the bloodstream, energizing our body for quick defensive action for ‘ fight’ or ‘ flight’.

‘Hormones’ are generally called ‘the messengers of life’ because their influence is diverse but specific (Carpo 1988). Different hormone factories ‘sites of our body produce chemicals that influence a variety of bodily processes. A small structure of the limbic system, the hypothalamus, is the brain center in charge of the endocrine system.

In the hypothalamus, specialized cells receive messages from other brain cells committing to release a number of different chemicals. These chemicals influence the adjacent pituitary gland, the so-called master gland which can either stimulate or inherit the release of hormones from other glands.

The functions of the Endocrine System:
The important functions of the endocrine system are discussed below:

  • The pituitary gland
  • Thyroid gland
  • Parathyroid
  • Adrenal gland
  • The pancreas
  • The Gonads

The Pituitary Gland:
Although the pituitary gland is situated within the cranium, still it is a part of the endocrine system, rather than the nervous system. This gland is popularly known as the master gland. It is located in a small bony hollow at the base of the brain. Centre of the skull. The size of the pituitary gland is very small. But control growth and regulates other glands. This pea-sized gland is controlled by the hypothalamus.

The pituitary gland has:

  • anterior
  • posterior pituitary secretions.

The anterior pituitary secretions help growth. Hypersecretion of it causes gigantism and a rugged personality.

Posterior pituitary secretions:
The posterior pituitary gland hormone raises blood pressure, regulates metabolism, and increases the contraction of smooth muscles in the intestine and uterus.

Thyroid Gland:
The thyroids are located in the neck at either side of the ‘Adam’s apple’. These glands produce thyroxin, which influences the body’s metabolism rate. It also helps to control the rate of physical growth and influences the structure and functions of the nervous system.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 2 Perceptual Process Long Answer Questions Part-2

Question 11.
What is the cerebrum and describe how does the brain function?
The Cerebrum:
The cerebrum or cerebral cortex is more highly developed in humans than in any other animals. The cerebral cortex is divided into two halves or hemispheres. It is the highest region of the forebrain and is the most recently developed part of the brain in the evolutionary scheme. In humans, the cerebral cortex covers the lower portions of the brain like a large cap.

The cortex is greatly convoluted with lots of grooves and bulges which considerably enlarge its surface area. It is connected with other parts of the brain. Literally, millions of axons connect the neurons of the cerebral cortex with those located elsewhere in the brain.

What is the cerebrum and describe how does the brain function Q 11

The cortex looks gray since it consists largely of cell bodies and unmyelinated fiber. A very depressed or fissure divides the cerebrum into two equal halves – the left hemisphere and the right hemisphere. The left hemisphere is connected with the right-hand side of the body. The right hemisphere is connected with the left-hand side of the body.

The two hemispheres are connected with each other by a thick fiber bundle known as the corpus callosum. Each hemisphere is divided into four parts or lobes by two fissures – the frontal lobe, the parietal lobe, the temporal lobe, and the occipital lobe. However, the occipital lobe is not clearly demarcated. It is located at the rear of the brain.

The frontal lobe is that portion of the cortex behind the forehead which is involved in the control of voluntary muscles, intelligence, and personality. The frontal lobes of humans are especially large when compared with those of other animals. This lobe is primarily responsible for the planning, execution, and control of movements.

Without intact frontal lobes, humans are emotionally shallow, -5 distractible, listless, and insensitive to social contexts (Hopper & Teresi, 1992). Individuals with frontal lobe damage become so distracted by irrelevant stimuli that they often cannot carry out some basic directions. An important part of the frontal lobe is the prefrontal cortex, which is at the front of the motor cortex.

It is believed to be involved in higher cognitive functions such as planning and reasoning (Manes & Others, 2002). Neuroscientists refer to the prefrontal cortex as an executive control system because of its role in monitoring and organizing thinking (Owen, 1997). The parietal lobe is located at the top and towards the rear of each hemisphere.

It is involved in registering spatial location, attention, and motor control. This cortex receives information from the somatic senses. Therefore, this area is specialized for touch, pressure, and pain. On the whole, it controls incoming sensory information. The portion of the cerebral cortex just above the ears is the temporal lobe. It is involved in hearing, language processing, and memory.

The temporal lobes have a number of connections to the limbic system. Individuals with damage to the temporal lobes can not file experiences into long-term memory. The area of recognition of music is situated in this area. If this area is destroyed, an individual may lose the taste sensation.

The occipital lobe is located at the back portion of the brain. Its shape is triangular. It is the seat of the visual sensation. The most important functional area located in this lobe is the visual area. The retina is connected to this area. A stroke or wound in the occipital lobe can cause blindness or wipe, out a portion of the person’s visual field.

In the cerebral cortex, there are some areas that are not directly concerned with sensory or motor functions. These are called association areas. Each lobe is having an association area. They play significant roles in various sensory systems and in transmitting sensory input to programmers for motor output. Further, the association areas are involved in complex cognitive activities such as thinking, reasoning, learning, remembering, etc.

How does the brain function?
Very often, the question arises whether or not the brain functions as a ‘whole’. Physiological psychologists are trying to answer this question since the days of Johannes Muller. There are differences in views. A group of experts believed that each part of the cerebrum had a definite function. Another group believed that parts of the brain are functionally interchangeable. Modem findings indicated that the brain functions in parts as well as as a whole.

The experimental findings of Franz and Lashley on localization are expressed in two theories:

  • the theory of equipotentiality and
  • the theory of mass action.

Theory of Equipotentiality:
The theory of equipotentiality suggests that all parts of the cortex are equal potential enough for simple learning functions. Lashley has conducted a good number of studies on animals. According to him, complex learning does not depend upon the definite structure of a specific area of the cortex, rather, complex learning depends upon the total organization of the cortex.

This principle suggests that with some very specific exceptions, one part of the cerebral cortex is potentially the same as another part in its functional capacity related to the learning process. Therefore, all parts of the cortex are equal potential for learning function.

The Principle of Mass Action:
The principle of Mass Action reveals that the brain fundamentally functions as a whole. The more parts of the cortex an available, the better would be the learning capacity. In his study, Lashley found that animals having decorticated cortex demonstrated a general reduction in sensitivity, exploratory activities, and aggressiveness. The removal of any part of the brain affects the learning process.

Later, Franz found that the amount of brain has got major contributions to higher psychological activities and complex learning processes. The principles of Mass Action and Equipotentiality were confirmed and supported by many experimental studies on apes, monkeys, human beings, etc.

These principles were also confirmed by the findings of the studies on human beings whose parts of the brain were injured or damaged by disease or accident. Probably it would be more appropriate to conclude that the brain acts in widespread patterns, which include many cortical areas and their connecting association fibers.

Damage to the large portion of the cortex would certainly disturb the interaction of parts and break up the usual pattern. It is true that the brain acts in part in ordinary simple work. But in higher mental activities and higher mental processes, the coordinating and integrative function of the entire brain is necessary. In such cases, the brain functions as a whole. However, to draw a generalized conclusion on the functional localization of the brain, further research in this area is essential.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 2 Perceptual Process Long Answer Questions Part-2

Question 12.
What is the peripheral Nervous System?
The peripheral nervous system is composed of all the neurons forming the nerve fibers that connect the CNS to the rest of the body. It consists of sensory and motor neurons that transmit messages to and from the central nervous system. Our brain will be isolated from the world without a peripheral nervous system. This system has two divisions.

  • Somatic Nervous System.
  • Autonomic Nervous System.

These are described below:
What is the peripheral Nervous System Q12
Somatic nervous system:
The somatic nervous system is the first part of the peripheral nervous system. It is under voluntary control and regulates the actions of the skeletal muscles of the body. The somatic nervous system has both sensory neurons and motor neurons. The sensory neurons mn from our sense organs toward the central nervous system for perception and learning etc.

On the other hand, the motor neurons carry messages from the brain to the striped muscles of the body for activities. Action like moving our legs or hands, running, jumping, and riding is possible by the somatic nervous system. On the whole, the somatic nervous system controls the striped muscles of our body.

What is the peripheral Nervous System Q12 1.1

Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)
The very word autonomic means self-regulating or independent. ANS is the second part of the peripheral nervous system. It is involuntary and governs activity, which is not normally under the direct control of the individual. The ANS works even when we are asleep. ANS sustains basic life processes.

The ANS operates constantly, regulating bodily processes we do not usually control consciously, such as respiration, digestion, and arousal. On the whole, the autonomic nervous system is called as autonomic because many of the activities it controls are autonomous or self-regulating and continue even when a person is asleep or unconscious.

The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is subdivided into the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Both these divisions have survival functions for which the autonomic nervous system is called as survival nervous system. The ANS is intimately connected with the spinal cord.

The sympathetic division tends to act as a unit. It is exciting in emotional situations. The sympathetic division governs responses to stress in emergencies when action must be quick and powerfully, energized. This is the ‘fight or flight response system. In short, the sympathetic nervous system is the division for emergency survival.

For example, during emotional excitement, digestion is stopped, heart rate is increased, blood flowing to the internal organs is directed to the skeletal muscles and the endocrine system is stimulated to release several chemicals which increase the effectiveness of the entire motor system. The sympathetic division energizes us to respond to a stressor quickly.

But the parasympathetic division monitors the routine operation of the body’s internal functions. It is concerned with projecting and conserving the body’s resources, preserving normal functions, and maintaining a calm emotional state. This division returns the body to calmer functioning after sympathetic arousal. Unlike the sympathetic division, the parasympathetic division tends to affect one organ at a time.

In short, whereas the sympathetic system is activated during violent emotions, the parasympathetic system is dominant and active during normal times or during quiescence. Activation of this system slows the heartbeat, lowers blood pressure, and conserves as well as protects bodily resources. The sympathetic and parasympathetic systems do not compete with one another, rather they function in a coordinated manner.

Points to remember

Question 1.
What is Neuron? Describe the structures and functions of a Neuron, How does it differ from a cell?
Building Blocks of the Nervous System:
Neurons are basic units of the nervous system. On the whole, the way the neurons function reflect the major characteristics of the nervous system.
Basic Structure of a Neuron:
In general, every neuron has the following structures.

  • Cell body or soma
  • Dendrites
  • Axon and
  • Terminal buttons or axon terminals

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 2 Perceptual Process Long Answer Questions Part-2

Question 2.
Central Nervous System and Structure and Function.
The central nervous system is well protected in the bony case of the skull and spinal column. It is divided into the spinal cord and the brain.

Question 3.
State the structure and function of the autonomic nervous system.
Autonomic Nervous System:
The anatomical distinction between the central nervous system and the autonomic nervous system lies in that the nerve fibers of the A.N.S. have always a junction with another neuron outside the brain or spinal cord on the way to muscles or glands.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 2 Perceptual Process Long Answer Questions Part-1

Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Solutions Unit 2 Perceptual Process Long Answer Questions Part 1.

CHSE Odisha 11th Class Psychology Unit 2 Perceptual Process Long Answer Questions Part-1

Long Questions With Answers

Question 1.
What are perception and its operational benefits? Discuss the process of perception. Meaning and Operational Definition.
While interacting with the environment, the organism is impinged by a number of stimuli, lie receives these stimuli through its sense organs. This is called sensation. The sensation is the raw material of experience. When meaning is added to the sensation, with the help of past experience and learning it becomes perception.

In other words, perception provides meaning and awareness to a particular sensation. The sensation is mere acquaintance with the stimulus. But perception contributes a clear knowledge about the stimulus. So perception has been included under the cognitive (knowing) aspect of the mind. Perception has become the meeting ground of experimental, clinical, and social psychology.

Starting from Wundt to Gestalt perception has been a topic of great interest. Watson, Wundt, Titchener, and Gestalts, all gave due importance to the process of perception. Gestalt School dominated the study of perception for the next two decades. Their research centered around the organization of perception.

As already pointed out, perception contributes meaning and awareness to a particular sensation. For instance, you see a big bird-like object flying in the sky. This is the sensation when you attend to it and say that it is an airplane, it becomes perception. Perception is, therefore, defined as the awareness of sensory stimulation.

But this is an incomplete definition. Along with awareness, the most important thing in perception is adding knowledge and meaning to this awareness, i.e., interpreting it on the basis of past experience. Perception is, therefore, defined as the interpretation of sensation in the light of past experience.

When a person faces a stimulus, he gets a sensation. It may be a sensation of vision, smell, or sound. When he tries to go ahead and add knowledge to this sensation with the help of experience and learning, it becomes perception. Titchener has defined perception as a complex of sensory and imaginal elements.

By this, he implied that perception is always built up of complex experiences out of sense impressions, characteristics, and qualities supplied by mental activities. According to Hebb, it is a process of information, extraction, and preparation for response. This definition of Hebb emphasizes the selective nature of perception. We do not perceive each and every stimulus. We perceive the one which we select to perceive.

Processes involved in Perception:

The mechanism through which the organism converts a sense of impression to perception by adding knowledge and meaning to it is called the process of perception. Thus, the sensation is the first step in the process of perception. Perception, in fact, starts with sensation. Though without sensation there cannot be any perception, all sensation may not lead to perception, because perception is a selective process.

According to Munn (1954), “The term perception is customarily used to refer to relatively complex receptors or neural processes which underlie our awareness of ourselves and our world. This awareness is referred to as perception. “Perception is, therefore, a very complex process.”

As mentioned earlier at a given moment We get a number of sense impressions from the environment around us. But it is neither possible nor necessary to perceive everything at a time. So our perception at a given moment is based on selection. Selection is guided by set, need, or by objective determinants of the stimulus.

Needed objects are perceived first. A large number of studies on perceptual selectivity lead to the conclusion that there are certain objects in the environment that conform to the current needs, values, attitudes, and past experiences of the perceiver and hence are selected for perception.

Titchener has explained perception as a selective act in terms of attention as attention is a preperceptive attitude. The selective manner in which different part systems are analyzed in perception is largely determined by the unique interaction between the individual and his cultural media, which he has passed through and of which he is a part at the moment.
After selection one starts perceiving.
This process of perception involves:

  • Receptor Process
  • Symbolic Process
  • Affective Process

In each act of perceiving, these three processes are involved.
Receptor Process:
Perception not only depends upon the mental set but also upon the forms of stimulation, the receptor functions, and the neural functions. Simultaneously different receptor processes like visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, kinesthetic, and neural are activated. At a particular time perception is limited only to a particular receptor process.

For instance, at the same time the telephone rings, and the calling bell rings. Here you receive both sounds through your auditory receptors. But you cannot attend to both simultaneously. So you decide to attend to the tclephni1; call first and then the calling bell.

Symbolic Process:
Sensory stimulations arouse certain neural activities which have their trace in the nervous system. These are popularly known as neural traces. These traces act as symbols or substitutes for the original stimulus or experience. There are called images. When the teacher, for instance, asks the student in the class to draw a picture of his father in his mind’s eye, it becomes symbolic.

These symbolic images help us while perceiving something. This symbolic process is activated by any experience or image associated with the father. It is called symbolic because it represents some experiences or images, as it stands for some experiences or images which is a necessary part of the perceptual process. While sensations depend upon the present, images are derived from past experiences.

For any perception both present sensation and past experience in the form of images are necessary. Perception, therefore, does not consists only of sensation or only of images. It is made up of sensations, ideas, and images. All these come simultaneously at the same moment to make perception complete. Particularly, for adding meaning and knowledge to their interpretation of a sensory experience, the symbolic process helps.

Affective Process:
When we are perceiving an object, with receptor and symbolic process, the affective process is also involved to complete perception. In fact, an effective process forms an integral part of the process of perception. When one is interpreting a fruit, say a mango, it may appear to him pleasant or unpleasant or it may bring an indifferent neutral feeling in him.

This pleasantness or unpleasantness for the percept (the object which we perceive) may arise due to past experience or due to the very nature of the percept. Say, you like the mango as it is sweet. So its presence brings a pleasant sensation in you. The fragrance of a flower always gives a pleasant sensation. The bitterness of quinine always creates an unpleasantness.

Such ideas about the percept are not due to past experience only, but because of the very nature of the object. But in most perceptions, the affective feeling is determined by past experience. You don’t like the sight of a particular person or females on the whole. You cannot stand the sight of jasmine because it reminds you of a very painful memory.

Individual differences in the perception of the same object are mostly guided by this affective process, perception is an active process as pointed out by Ruch (1970), “perception is a process whereby sensory cues and relevant past experience are organized to give us the most structure, meaningful picture possible under the circumstances.”

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Question 2.
What is attention and what types of attention?
Attention is also described as selective and fluctuating. At a particular moment, so many stimuli around us attract outs attention and draw our awareness. But we Only attend to that stimulus that suits our purpose at the moment. So, we select only the stimulus at a time and reject the rest. When you enter the drawing room of your friend, the beautiful personal carpet immediately draws your attention because of its fantastic color combinations. You at this moment, only select to attend this and it remains in the center of your consciousness for some time.
Types of Attention
Attention has been classified in 3 groups:

  • Voluntary Attention
  • Involuntary Attention
  • Habitual Attention

Voluntary Attention:
Voluntary attention also called effortful attention. When attention requires special effort on the part of the attendee to attend it, it is called voluntary attention. In this case, we attend an object that we really want to attend. At the time of examination, a student has to attend to a particular topic if he comes to know that questions have been set from this topic.

Involuntary Attention:
When without one’s own effort one attends to a stimulus it is called effortless or involuntary attention. Munn (1954) remarks that “when stimuli or situations force themselves upon us as it were, whether or not we are set for their perception, attending is said to be involuntary.” In voluntary attention, stimulus draws our attention because we can not help attending.

In voluntary attention usually occurs because of the quality of the stimulus itself, either loud sound, eye-catching color, or the huge size of the stimulus object. As opposed to voluntary attention involuntary attention is incidental. There is more fluctuation and greater distraction in involuntary attention since the desire to attend is very less in this type of attention.

Habitual Attention:
We attend to certain objects in our environment because we have been attending to these stimuli from the very beginning. So just out of habit and past experience, we attend to it not by pressure nor out of the will, rather because of continuous observation of these stimuli we become habituated to attending them.

The gardener attends to the plants, the housewife attends to the kitchen, the mother attends to the baby and the student attends to his study, because of habit. In a similar way, a smoker attends a cigarette shop, and a painter’s attention is drawn immediately to beautiful paintings. The doctor’s husband attends to the telephone call and the mother attends to the baby’s crying.

In habitual attention, the person is permanently set for the reception of certain stimuli. Let us take the example of a husband chess player, who purchased a book on ‘Chess’, a wife who was interested in cooking and purchased a book on Chinese recipes, and finally, a daughter who is a cricket lover, who purchased a book on cricket. Thus, in habitual attention, internal conditions and bit play a major role.

In habitual attention, the attitude of alertness develops which determines one’s attention to a particular stimulus. In the words of Munn, “Most of our acts of attending are continuing rather than abruptly assumed sets and they are sets of which we are frequently unaware. These continuing sets stem from our motives. They are related to drives, interests, attitudes, prejudices, and aspirations”.

Habitual attention may develop out of voluntary attention. In the beginning, you may start reading, cooking, or gardening because of necessity, out of your own will. But once you are habituated to doing it, it becomes a part of your life and you cannot give up reading daily to it. A student who was habituated to reading daily for four hours used to read daily even after he passed his MBBS Examination.

Once when this author asked him “Why are you studying daily, going to the library ? You have already passed. Take some rest”. The boy remarked, “I can’t sleep peacefully unless 1 read daily and go to the library. It has almost become a habit with me.” The present author who has cooked for the family for the last thirty-five years, now it has almost become a habit with her to attend to cooking.

Question 3.
What are the various determinants of attention? Explain objective determinants in detail.
Determinants of Attention
The complexity of the environment makes the individual face so many stimuli simultaneously at a given moment. But as it is impossible to attend to all at a time, he selects one of them. What are the conditions for selecting a particular stimulus for attention? What are the factors that make stimulus attract our attention? Why do we select one and reject the others? All these questions deal with the determinants of attention. Many factors influence the direction and selection of our attention. They determine our attention.

The determinants of attention may be classified under two broad heads:

  • The objective or external determinants.
  • The subjective or internal determinants.

A large number of researches in consumer psychology, in the area of advertisement and selling, have uncovered several external and internal determinants.

Objective Determinants:
Those factors or determinants which lie in the stimulus or object of attention are called the external or objective determinants. They are the qualities and characteristics present in the object of attention. They are:

  • Intensity
  • Size
  • Duration
  • Novelty
  • Repetition
  • Change
  • Systematic form
  • Movement
  • Location
  • Colour
  • Contrast
  • Prepotency

More often than not, several of these factors operate together in determining our attention at a given moment.
The more intense the stimulus, the more likely it is to be attended. It is also called the potency of the stimulus. The sound coming from the loudspeakers, deep and bold colors, bright, gorgeous shades, strong, fragrance, severe pain, all these draw attention immediately. On the other hand, a soft whisper, low sounds, plate color, and fade shades, and dim light do not catch our immediate attention, keeping other words constant.

The brilliantly lit signs in front of the traffic stand or cinema hall attract our attention to those than the low power lights. Thunder draws our attention at once. According to Boaz (1984) here the selection depends upon the very nature of our sense receptors and on the greater amount of energy stimulated.

Size or Extensity:
The size of a stimulus is of great importance in determining the direction of our attention. Big things always draw one’s attention more than smaller ones, other things being equal. A big poster, a big elephant, a big mouse, a full-page advertisement, and big letters draw instant attention in comparison to their smaller counterparts.

For successful advertisements very big posters and big lights are kept in front of shops. During elections in India, the full-page advertisement of hand, the election symbol of Congress (I), drew the immediate attention of a large number of people. Thus, the greater size of the stimulus has an advantage over smaller sizes. However, size is only one among the diverse factors determining one’s attention.

Other things being equal, objects exposed for a longer period of duration have greater attention-catching value than those shown for a shorter period. When a card containing a few digits is exposed before us for 1 minute it is better attended than when it is exposed for only 1/10 part of the second. Similarly, a sound or a visual exposed for a moment obviously escapes our notice while the one which persists catches and holds our attention.

But the stimulus presented for a continuous duration is less likely to hold one’s attention because of fluctuations than the stimulus which is presented at intervals and for a moderate duration. For example, if the noise goes on without break it might escape our attention. The duration of exposure hence should be up to a limit.

Most of us attend to anything that is novel. Things to which we are unaccustomed, which are new to us, whether sound, smell or taste, are instantly noticed by us. That is why, anything strange or unusual has always a unique charm for the attending person than the things which are conventional, traditional, ordinary, and usual.

Say, for instance, a newly designed unusual dress used by a girl may draw our immediate attention to her more than when she is dressed in a traditional saree or salwar kameez. Similarly, strange animals, ultramodern buildings, unusual colors, strangely decorated drawing rooms, and novel flower arrangements draw our attention more than conventional ones. Novelty in the technique of advertisement on T. V., Radio draws a lot of attention.

According to Ruch (1970), “A work stimulus frequently repeated may be as effective as a strong one presented once.” Thus, a stimulus may not be very intense or colorful, it may not be very big in size, and the sound may not be very loud, but if it is repeated over and over again it may eventually draw our notice.

Repetition brings the object to the center of consciousness and so we are bound to attend it. When you are studying and somebody gives knocks on the door, you overlook it. But if the knock is made repeatedly over and over again, you are definitely drawn to it. But there is a limit to the effectiveness of repetition.

If it goes beyond the limit, it ceases to draw one’s attention just like diminishing returns. If repetition is overdone it can also lead to monotony and unpleasantness. For instance, the continuous and repeated ticking sound of the timepiece kept on the study table escapes our attention though it is there in the fringe of our consciousness. This is because we are so adopted or accustomed to it.

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Question 4.
What do you understand by errors in perception? Explain some geometrical and fan’s Zollner, height width, Ponzo, and Jastrow illusion.
Errors in perception Always our sense organs do not provide correct information. So we can not always rely upon these sense organs. Very often what we see and hear may be wrong and misleading. We perceive certain things which are not actually present there and sometimes we perceive one thing for another.

On the whole, our perception of the stimulus world may not be always accurate. The sensory information may be incorrectly interpreted on certain occasions. These are called errors in perception. Mainly two types of errors are there – illusion and hallucination.

Illusions are the wrong perception while perception is the correct interpretation of sensation, illusion is the wrong or mistaken interpretation of a sensory experience. In both perception and illusion existence that is illusion always has an apparent external stimulus. A person suffering from a severe cold may not get the real fragrance of flowers or the smell of fish. Thus the errors in perception seem to be a function of diverse factors.

Muller Lyer- Illusion:
It is also known as a geometrical illusion. An observation of the diagram given below would lead to every normal person saying that the horizontal line ‘A’ looks smaller than line ‘B’.

What do you understand by errors in perception Q4

But actually both the lines are of the same length. Muller and Lyer, two psychologists, observed this kind of error in perception for the first time and hence called it Muller Lyer Illusion. In this visual illusion, both lines are of equal length. At the end of line ‘A’ two very short lines are joined just like an arrow and at the end of line ‘B’ two very short lines of the same size as line ‘A’ are joined like a feather.

These two are known as arrow-headed and feather-headed lines. Though both lines are of similar length the feather-headed line appears invariably longer than the arrow-headed line. It is a universal illusion as this error in perception takes place in every normal person due to the stimulus factor.

Even children old enough to express their nature of experience and some animals react in the same way as normal adults. Perception of the comer of buildings, and rooms is due to this type of geometrical illusion. Hering illusion, Zollner illusion, and Orbison illusion are some of the examples of geometrical and optical illusions universally found.

Hering Illusion:
It is named after Hering (1861). In the following figure, the two horizontal lines are parallel. The distance between 1 and 2 is the same, all the way across the figure. But they appear every one as unparallel. This is also called Fan’s illusion.

What do you understand by errors in perception Q4 1.1


Zollner Illusion:
It is named after Zollner (1860). All these lines are drawn in a parallel way. But they are not perceived as parallel.

What do you understand by errors in perception Q4 1.2

Height Width Illusion:
A tall hat is put in a short vase. The height and width of the hats are equal. But one looks taller than the other.

Ponzo Illusion:
It is also a geometrical illusion. Circles 1 and 2 are really of the same size. But circle 2 looks bigger than 1.

What do you understand by errors in perception Q4 1.3

Jastrow Illusion:
The two crescents 1 and 2 are of the same size but 1 appears to be bigger than 2.

Question 5.
Define perceptual constancy. Perceptual Constancy
The tendency of the percept to remain the same from moment to moment and from time to time refers to the constancy of perception. Even when we perceive an object under different conditions, size shape, and height, the perception of the stimulus does not change. It remains the same. Thus, in spite of the constant changes in the stimulus field, the stimulus situations that are familiar are easily recognized for what they are. Perceptual constancy includes the constancy of size, shape, distance, color brightness, etc.

Size Constancy:
The size of a stimulus varies with the change in distance in distance between the percept and the perceiver. A tree that is usually perceived at a distance of 5 feet will look very small when perceived from a distance of 30 feet. This is because the size of the retinal image becomes smaller and smaller as the distance of the object from the eye becomes larger and larger.

But in spite of this significant difference in the sense of impression, we perceive the tree to be of its usual size. Similarly, from whatever angle you perceive a square table, you will perceive it in its actual size. Martin did an experiment on size constancy. A series of 13 blocks were lined up from the observer varying in size from 30 mm to 90 mm.

The standard blocks, one at a time, were placed at varying distances from the observer, but always nearer to him than the comparison series. The technique again was to have the observer select the blocks that appeared equal in apparent size to the standard. Considerable constancy was indicated by the observer in the perception of the size of the blocks.

Colour Constancy:
When a black paper is brought from the dark comer of a room into direct sunlight by a window, the intensity of the sunlight being reflected from its surface is increased. The paper is still perceived as black, and the perception of the color of the paper does not change though the conditions against which it, is observed are radically changed.

When a blue paper is placed in yellow illumination of the optimum intensity and observed through a reduction screen it appears neutral grey. But when observed without the screen it appears as blue because in yellow constancy illumination is perceived as blue. Cramer has shown that well-known objects projected into an obviously colored screen, retain their object colors.

Shape Constancy:
We perceive a circle as a circle or a triangle as a triangle though it appears to be of different sizes from different angles. A circle may appear of an oval size from a particular angle, but we perceive it as a circle though referral images vary from angle to angle and position to position.

Brightness Constancy:
Under brightness constancy, a known object is always perceived as having the same color even if the conditions of illumination are quite different. Always the sense impression of the refer a very with the conditions of illumination that is dim, bright, average, etc.

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Question 6.
Define illusions and illusions caused by stimulus factors and illusions of movement and moon illusion.
Illusions- are wrong perceptions while perception is the correct interpretation of sensation, illusion is the wrong or mistaken interpretation of a sensory experience. In both perception and illusion, the sensory experience of a stimulus has real existence that is illusion always has an apparent external stimulus. In perception, the sensory conventional example of an illusion is taking a “coil or roope or rope for a snake in darkness”.

Illusions are misperceptions resulting from misinterpretation of information received by our sensory organs, illusions are experienced by all normal human beings, third, and animals. They are experienced through the stimulation of any of our senses. It is true that our perceptual process involves the organic and functional factors for the interpretation of a particular sensory experience.

Perceptual Process:
According to Morgon and King, “An illusion is not a trick or a misperception. It is a perception that does not agree with other more trustworthy perceptions. Illusions demonstrate that what we experience depends upon processes which go far beyond the sensory input.” Thus, a well-defined and very similar stimulus may lead to an illusion undo-certain circumstances, but not always.

As already discussed, our perceptual process involves the organic and functional factors for the interpretation of a particular sensory experience. In other words, we interpret a stimulus in the light of our past experience, organic needs, values, attitudes, motives, etc. If this interpretation is incorrect, we perceive the stimulus wrongly and commit mistakes in our perception.

Errors in perception are not very unusual and every individual is likely to commit errors in his perception in his day-to-day life. These errors mainly depend upon the physical and psychological conditions and circumstances under which the stimulus is interpreted. Illusions may be categorized under different heads on the basis of their causes.

Illusions due to organic and functional factors also occur due to defects in the sense organ of the perceiver and limitations in the receptors. Award-hearing persons or partially blind or colorblind persons may be liable to many illusions. Mental deficiency and emotional states also affect the accuracy of perception. Perception becomes distorted and is misinterpreted under highly disturbed and emotional states.

Illusion caused by Stimulus Factor:
Horizontal, vertical illusions occur due to the stimulus factor. Suppose we take two straight lines of 3 cm each. The first line we draw horizontally exactly from its middle point (1.5 cm):

Define illusions and illusions caused by stimulus factors and illusions of movement and moon illusion Q6

We draw another vertical line of 3 cm (the second line). Now observe both lines, the vertical line is observed longer than the horizontal line. This type of illusion is caused due to stimulus factors. Certain illusions also occur due to personal or functional factors like need, value, past experience such as observing the colored balloons as fruits.

Take another case. You have gone to the station to receive a friend. You call somebody else your friend from his back. This is an illusion due to expectations or mental set. A color-blind person cannot perceive the real color of a stimulus or a hard-hearing person may consider the sound coming from a truck as the sound coming from a scooter.

Define illusions and illusions caused by stimulus factors and illusions of movement and moon illusion Q6 1.1

The illusion of Movement:
When an observer perceives a moving picture when actually the object is not moving it is called an illusion of Movement. This is also known as Phi-phenomenon named by Gestaltist Wertheimer. In Movies, T.V. screens, and electrical advertisements this illusion of movement is noticed.

What exactly mean? When a number of still pictures are projected one after another at a suitable rate, say for a fraction of a second, we see the picture moving though actually, they are static, still pictures. Take an example, you are traveling in a fast-moving train. You find the trees on both sides moving, though actually, they are static. This is also an illusion of movement.

Moon Illusion:
It is an example of the size constancy illusion. Hochberg writes, “It has been known as everybody the moon looks quite large when it is near the horizon than when it is overhead at its zenith even though the visual angle subtended by the moon remains constant”. Recent research on the Moon illusion has supported an ancient explanation.

The earliest explanation for this moon illusion has received some experimental support to argue that: “the sky at the horizon looks further away (due to the intervening fortress and thus the moon seems larger near the horizon.” (Kaufman and Rock). Thus, the distance is taken into account while judging the size of the object.

Define illusions and illusions caused by stimulus factors and illusions of movement and moon illusion Q6 1.2

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Question 7.
What is an illusion? Discuss briefly the various theories of optical illusion and Hallucination
Although our perceptions are usually quite accurate, they are also subject to distortions called illusions. So these are wrong and incorrect perceptions. Here external stimulation is always present illusions are mistaken or wrong interpretations of sensory experiences. In the true sense, these are not perceptions.

Because in perception, the stimulation is correctly interpreted. Whereas, in illusions, the stimulation is wrongly interpreted. It is obvious that the experience depends upon the process. In short, illusions are misperceptions resulting from misinterpretation of information received by our sensory organs illusions are experienced by all normal human beings, birds, and animals.

They are experienced through the stimulation of any of our senses. It is true that our perception process involves the organic and functional factors for the interpretation of a particular sensory experience.

Theories of Optical Illusion:
Several theories have been developed to explain the causes of optical illusions, and they are discussed here briefly.

The Eye Movement Theory:
According to the eye movement theory, optical illusions sometimes occur if the eye movements are blocked due to the inward projection of other lines. This theory explains the Muller-Lyer Illusion.

The Perspective Theory:
It argues that everyone knows that distant objects appear smaller in size than nearer objects. The perceiver thus compensates for such learning even though they may be equal. Thus, he perceives the objects at a distance to be greater in size than the nearer ones.

The Confusion Theory:
The perceiver observes the percept as a whole, as one unit, and does not analyze it fully. It has been found that if the Muller-Lyer Illusion is analyzed by narrowing down over a range of vision, the illumination would be greatly reduced.

Good Figure Theory:
As a natural tendency, we eliminate the irregularities in a particular figure and fill up gaps to give it a complete meaning. We want to see the figure as a single, meaningful and compact unit. This leads to illusions. It has, therefore, been concluded that illusions like constancies are the natural products of certain factors like need, value, mental set and post experiences, etc. functioning in a given physical environment.

It has been already discussed how the illusion is a normal affair. Most normal people sometimes or others experience the illusion. But hallucination which is also a type of perceptual error is experienced by mentally disturbed abnormal persons. It is also experienced by those who are under the influence of drugs.

Illusions always have an external stimulus. In hallucination, there is no real sensory stimulus or apparent objective external stimulus, but we perceive it as some object or figure and demonstrate experiencing a hallucination. For instance, when we visualize a ghost every night when there is none when we hear a huzzing sensation inside the stomach.

When there is no such sensation or when we experience severe pain when there is no pain sensation at all, we experience visual, auditory, and tactual hallucinations respectively. Hallucinations may be visual, auditory, olfactory, tactual, gustatory, etc. But usually visual and auditory hallucinations are more commonly experienced.

Hallucinations represent our inner conflicts, fears, anxieties, and mental imbalances. Particularly, in certain forms of insanity like Schizophrenia, hallucination forms a major symptom. Sometimes such patients hear the voice of God, and spirit and are found to actually talk with them in their imagination. Especially common are auditory hallucinations.

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Question 8.
Critically examine the role of the organization in perception.
Perceptual Organisation:
Very often we are confused. How does perception work? This question has long fascinated psychologists and philosophers, who have generated many theories to explain the key functions and operating principles of perception. Two prominent explanations are there:

  • Experience-based influence and
  • Gestalt Principles of Perception.

The experience-based inference was the dominant approach established by Hermann. Von Helm Holtz (1966). Helmholtz argues for the importance of experience in perception. According to his theory, an observer uses prior knowledge of the environment to make sense of the proximal stimulus. His theory proposes that we learn how to interpret sensations on the basis of our experience with the world.

But in the early 1.920, Gestalt psychologists maintained that psychological phenomena could be understood only when viewed as organized, structured wholes and not when broken down into primitive perceptual elements. The German word ‘Gestalt’ roughly means form, whole, or configuration. It challenged the views of structuralists and behaviorists by arguing that the whole is more than the sum of its parts.

Gestalt psychologists first study several aspects of perceptual organization systematically. Perceptual organization is the process by which we structure the input and create perceptual coherence. In other words, the perceptual organization puts sensory information together to give us the perception 6f coherence. Many of the organization processes we will discuss in this section were first described by Gestalt theorists who argued that perception depends on the laws of the organization or simple rules by which we perceive shapes and forms.

The organization of sensory data is the beginning of the perceptual process. We will have a confusing world if we do not put together and organize the information available to us through our millions of receptors. Max Wertheimer, Kohler, Koffka, and other Gestalt psychologists have studied and experimented on perceptual organization extensively.

They have discovered a number of principles relating to the organization of perception. According to these psychologists, an individual organizes a multitude of environmental stimuli into meaningful structures and forms. Always a person perceives patterns of stimuli rather than random collections of individual stimuli.

An individual integrates disconnected parts of sensory information into a meaningful structure, which ultimately results in the perception of a whole. So the perception of an object or event is something more than the sum total of its sensory input. To bring out a clear picture of the perceptual process, Gestalt psychologists have discovered a set of principles, which are popularly known as Gestalt laws of perceptional organization.

The Gestalt Laws of perceptual organization are based on three groups of principles:

  • Laws of grouping
  • Figure-ground relationship and
  • The goodness of figures.

Laws of Grouping
Generally, the laws of grouping propose how certain elements in the perceptual field of an individual go together. The following are some important principles of grouping.
The Law of proximity (Nearness):
Very often, elements may be grouped according to their perceived closeness in time or space. In short, elements that appear together tend to be grouped together. Now see the figure below. Here eight lines are seen as four pairs of lines.

Critically examine the role of the organization in perception Q8

Here, a very pertinent question is – how does our visual system accomplish this perceptual grouping, the perception that sets of stimuli are together? The perception of stimuli as ‘grouped’ was first studied extensively by Gestalt psychologists. Max Wertheimer (1923). He presented subjects with arrays of simple geometric figures.

By varying a single factor and observing how it affected the way people perceived the structure of the array, he Was able to formulate a set of laws of grouping including proximity. According to Wertheimer, all else being equal, the nearest (most proximal) elements are grouped together.

The Law of Similarity:
Our tendency to perceive things are belonging together because they share common features reflects the law of similarity. This law proposes that with the proximity among elements being equal, perceptual elements that are similar in some respect tend to be grouped together.

Critically examine the role of the organization in perception Q8 1.1

In the above (Fig. 5.3), you see rows of triangles, squares, and circles rather than a column consisting of a triangle, a square, and a circle. In the figure, you observe triangles go with triangles, squares with squares, and circles with circles. Since there is a uniform distance between triangles, squares, and circles; therefore, the law of proximity does not occur.

The Law of Good Continuation:
This principle suggests that elements that appear to follow a particular direction, such as a straight line or a simple curve are readily perceived as forming a group. It is just a tendency to perceive stimuli as a part of a continuous pattern. In the figures below, you see a zigzag line with a curved line running through it, so that each line continues in the same direction it was going prior to the intersection.

Critically examine the role of the organization in perception Q8 1.2

The Law of Closure:
We have a tendency to perceive stimuli as complete and balanced even when pieces are missing. Closure makes us see incomplete figures as complete and supplies the missing edge. beyond gaps and barriers. In other words, within limits, physically incomplete figures tend to be perceived as complete figures or as meaningful wholes.
Critically examine the role of the organization in perception Q8 1.3

Here, grouping occurs in a way that favors the perception of the more enclosed or complete figure. Now from the figure above (See Fig. -5.5), the following curved line is not perceived as a curved line; rather, it is perceived as a circle. Here the curved line is not perfectly closed, but we see a circle because it is more tempting to perceive a complete figure than simply a curved line.

Attention and Perception:
The process of selecting a stimulus or a group of stimuli from among a large pool of stimuli is called attention. Attention is a complex process, combining a state of focused awareness with a readiness to respond. Attention influences both the stimuli an individual processes and the responses one is likely to make. Perception is a cognitive mechanism of sorting out, interpreting, analyzing, and integrating stimuli involving our sense organs and brain.

Perception is a receptive, selective, symbolic, and affective process. The process by which we structure the input and create perceptual coherence is called perceptual organization. Perception of an object or event is something more than the sum total of its sensory input. The perceptual organization puts sensory information together to give us the perception of coherence.

The Law of Common Fate:
According to this Gestalt principle, elements that are more in the same direction are perceived as together. Of course, this is a type of grouping on the basis of similarity but applied to moving objects. When we see a flock of birds moving in the same direction in the sky, it appears as groups or units. Now you can see how the law of common fate operates in the perceptual organization from the figure above (Fig -5.6).

Critically examine the role of the organization in perception Q8 1.4


The Law of pragnaz (Meaningfulness):
The principles of Gestalt grouping operate only when two or more elements, are simultaneously present in a visual field. According to Gestalists, the whole stimulus pattern somehow determines the organization of its own parts. In other words, the whole percept is different from the mere collection of its parts. Gestalt psychologists believe that all of these grouping laws are particular examples of a single general principle the Law of Pragnaz (Meaningfulness).

This principle reveals that the simplest organization requiring the least cognitive effort will always emerge. This law also proposes that we perceive the simplest organization which fits the stimulus pattern. The law of pragnaz is otherwise known as “the minimum principle of perception. ”

Critically examine the role of the organization in perception Q8 1.5

Again always we have a tendency to perceive figures as good, regular, and simple, with minimal cognitive effort. Therefore, this law is also known as the Law of Good Figure This law also emphasizes on the fact that we like to see regular and simple forms, rather than irregular forms.

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Question 9.
Define the figure – Ground Relationship.
Figure – Ground Relationship:
We tend to divide the world around us into two parts – a figure, which has a definite shape, and a location space, and ground, which has no shape, but seems to continue behind the figure and has no definite location. The figure-ground relationship helps clarify the distinction between sensation and perception.

Define the figure - Ground Relationship Q9

A figure is an object-like region in the forefront and the ground is the backdrop against which the figures stand out. The tendency to perceive a figure as being in front of the ground is very strong. When you perceive a region as a figure, boundaries between light and dark are interpreted as edges or contours belonging to the figure and the ground seems to extend and continue behind these edges.

When we see birds flying in the sky, birds are figures in the background of the sky. When you see the moon in the sky, the moon is the figure and the sky is the background. Similarly, the boat is the figure in the sea.

Define the figure - Ground Relationship Q9 1.1

The following difference in the characteristics of figure and ground relating to any perceptual activity was observed by a Danish Psychologist Rubin( 1958). The figure has a definite shape, whereas the ground appears to have no shape. The figures have the quality of a thing, but the ground appears relatively formless.

The ground seems to continue behind the figure. But the figure seems to be present in front of the ground. The figure seems to be closer to the perceiver with a clear location in space. But the ground is farther away. It has no clear location in space. Always figure appears more impressive, dominant, and better structured. A figure has more associations with meaningful shapes than the ground.

Besides all these above differences, Coren (1969) revealed another difference between figure and ground. According to his observations, the figure is always brighter than the ground. There should be a stable perception of the figure. In short, a figure should be perceived as a figure on different occasions.

But when the figure-ground relationship is ambiguous or is possible for different types of interpretation, the perception tends to become unstable. In these occasions, the figure and ground reverse their positions frequently. Very often, the figure becomes the ground and the ground becomes like a figure simultaneously. Almost spontaneously these reversals occur. Now, look at figure 5.8(a). What do you perceive? A vase or two faces?

Define the figure - Ground Relationship Q9 1.2

Perception of Movement:
Every day, we see the movement of different types of vehicles on the road, and birds and airplanes fly in the sky also, we see the movement of people around us. But how do we perceive this movement? Is there any difference between the perception of movement and the perception of static objects? In some instances, the objects do not move, but we perceive the movements of objects. How does this happen? Psychological, as well as physiological processes, are involved in the perception of movement.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Sociology Unit 1 Sociology & Its Relationship Objective Questions

Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 11 Sociology Solutions Unit 1 Sociology & Its Relationship Objective Questions.

CHSE Odisha 11th Class Sociology Unit 1 Sociology & Its Relationship Objective Questions

Multiple Choice Type Questions

Question 1.
Which of the following defines sociology in the following manner?“Sociology is a science of social phenomena subject to natural and invariable laws, the discovery to which is the object at investigation”.
(i) Maclver
(ii) Auguste Comte
(iii) Alex Inkles
(iv) II. M. Johnson
(ii) Auguste Comte

Question 2.
Which of the following country auguste Comte belong to?
(i) England
(ii) France
(iii) Italy
(iv) Germany
(ii) France

Question 3.
Who of the following is not a supporter of synthetic school of thought?
(i) Emile Durkheim
(ii) F. Tonnies
(iii) L.T.IIobhouse
(iv) P. A. Sorokin
(ii) F. Tonnies

Question 4.
“Sociology is the study of human interactions and interrelations, their conditions and consequences” who of the following gives the above definition of Sociology?
(i) Augueste Comte
(ii) Morris Ginsberg
(iii) Aristotle
(iv) Tonies
(ii) Morris Ginsberg

Question 5.
Who of the following is the father of Sociology?
(i) Auguste Comte
(ii) EmileDuikheim
(iii) Spencer
(iv) Karl Marx
(i) Auguste Comte

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Sociology Unit 1 Sociology & Its Relationship Objective Questions

Question 6.
In which year the term sociology was coined?
(i) 1947
(ii) 1885
(iii) 1839
(iv) 1939
(iii) 1839

Question 7.
Which of the following social philosophers named sociology as “Social Physics”?
(i) Auguste
(ii) Maclver
(iii) Pareto
(iv) Spencer
(i) Auguste

Question 8.
Who of the following is not a supporter off or malistic school of thought?
(i) George Simmel
(ii) Max weber
(iii) Sorokin
(iv) Small
(iii) Sorokin

Question 9.
The society has passed through three stages of its developments Theological, Metaphysical and the positive. This view was held by_______.
(i) Aristotle
(ii) AugusteComte
(iii) Sorokin
(iv) Max Weber
(ii) Auguste Comte

Question 10.
Who was proposed the theory of organic analogy?
(i) Spencer
(ii) Comite
(iii) H.M. Johnson
(iv) George Simmel
(i) Spencer

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Sociology Unit 1 Sociology & Its Relationship Objective Questions

Question 11.
The organic theory of society seems to establish that:
(i) Society is like a living organism.
(ii) Society is unlike living organism
(iii) Like human beings society has no subsidiary organs.
(i) Society is like a living organism.

Question 12.
Who proposed the theory of organic analogy?
(i) Auguste Comte
(ii) Darwin
(iii) Durkheim
(iv) Spencer
(iv) Spencer

Question 13.
Who said the society is a web of social relationship?
(i) Giddings
(ii) Maclver
(iii) Giddings
(iv) Colley
(ii) Maclver

Question 14.
Whose definition society is a consciousness of the kind?
(i) Davis
(ii) Maclver
(iii) Weber
(iv) Giddings
(iv) Giddings

Question 15.
Who propounded the theory of suicide?
(i) Durkheim
(ii) Spencer
(iii) Comte
(iv) Maclver
(i) Durkheim

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Sociology Unit 1 Sociology & Its Relationship Objective Questions

Question 16.
Who said “where there is life, there is society”?
(i) Maclver and Page
(ii) Comte
(iii) Aristotle
(iv) Weber
(i) Maclver and Page

Question 17.
Who said man is a social animal?
(i) Weber
(ii) Davis
(iii) Plato
(iv) Aristotle
(iv) Aristotle

Question 18.
Who said that sociology attempts an interpretative understanding of human behaviour?
(i) Weber
(ii) Comte
(iii) Cooley
(iv) Ogburn
(i) Weber

Question 19.
Who propounded the law of three stages of social development?
(i) Maclver
(ii) Spencer
(iii) Durkheim
(iv) Auguste Comte
(iv) Auguste Comte

Question 20.
Who wrote the book positive philosophy?
(i) F. Tonnies
(ii) W.F. Ogburn
(iii) Spenncer
(iv) Auguste Comte
(iv) Auguste Comte

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Sociology Unit 1 Sociology & Its Relationship Objective Questions

Question 21 .
Who says sociology and anthropology as twin sisters.
(i) Peter Worsley
(ii) A. Toynbee
(iii) M. Duverger
(iv) A. L. Kroeber
(iv) A. L. Kroeber

Question 22.
The suicide caused by breakdown of social norms is called as__________.
(i) Anomic suicide
(ii) Egoistic suicide
(iii) Altruistic suicide
(i) Anomic suicide

Question 23.
When one sacrifices one’s life for the group it is called __________.
(i) Altruistic suicide
(ii) Fatalistic suicide
(iii) Anomic suicide
(i) Altruistic suicide

Question 24.
Who says history is the past sociology and sociology is present history.
(i) Peter Worsley
(ii) M. Duverger
(iii) A. L. Kroeber
(iv) G E. Haward
(iv) G E. Haward

Question 25.
Who defines sociology is about social relationships, the network of social relationship society.
(i) Maclver and Page
(ii) M. Ginsberg
(iii) Auguste Comte
(iv) K. Davis
(i) Maclver and Page

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Sociology Unit 1 Sociology & Its Relationship Objective Questions

Question 26.
The stage in which observation predominates over imagination and all theological concepts become scientific, we call it as______.
(i) Metaphysical stage
(ii) Positive stage
(iii) Theological stage
(ii) Positive stage

Question 27.
Who says “Historically Sociology has its main roots in politics and philosophy of history”.
(i) Morris Ginsberg
(ii) Plato
(iii) Aristotle
(iv) Kautilya
(i) Morris Ginsberg

True or False Type Questions

Question 1.
Sociology is a social science.

Question 2.
Sociology first originated in India.

Question 3.
Auguste Comte is regarded as the father of sociology.

Question 4.
Comte regards sociology as the science of social institutions.

Question 5.
The term sociology was coined in the year 1930.

Question 6.
The term sociology has been derived from the Latin word ‘Socious’ and Greek word ‘Logos’.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Sociology Unit 1 Sociology & Its Relationship Objective Questions

Question 7.
Sociology is a national science.

Question 8.
Sociology is an abstract science.

Question 9.
Alex-Ankles opines sociology is the science that deals with social groups.

Question 10.
H. M. Johnson opines sociology is the: science that deals with social groups.

Question 11.
The formalistic school of thought is led by Max Weber.

Question 12.
The formalistic school of thought is led by German sociologist Simmel.

Question 13.
Sociology is applied science.

Question 14.
Sociology is a pure science.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Sociology Unit 1 Sociology & Its Relationship Objective Questions

Question 15.
Tonnies, Small and Weber are the supporters of a synthetic school.

Question 16.
Tonnies, Small and Weber are the support of formalistic school.

Question 17.
About the scope of sociology there are one school of thought.

Question 18.
About the scope of sociology there are two school of thought.

Question 19.
Formalistic school conscious sociology as a synthesis of social sciences.

Question 20.
Synthetic school conscious sociology as a synthesis of social science.

Question 21.
Formalistic school opines the scope of sociology is very wide.

Question 22.
Formalistic school opines the scope of sociology is limited.

Question 23.
Synthetic school considers sociology as a pure and independent science.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Sociology Unit 1 Sociology & Its Relationship Objective Questions

Question 24.
Formalistic shcool considers as a pure and independent science.

Question 25.
Oswald Spengler wrote the book “A study of history”.

Question 26.
Oswald Spengler wrote the book “Decline of the west”.

Question 27.
Durkheim, Sorokin and Ginsberg are the supporters of formalistic school of thought.

Question 28.
Evan Pritchard says “sociology and social anthropology are one and same”.

Question 29.
Hoebed says “Sociology and social anthropology are one and same”.

Question 30.
Formalistic school considers the subject matter of sociology include social relationship.

Question 31.
Fonnalistic school rethought considers the subject matter of sociology include forms of social relationship.

Question 32.
A Toymbee remarks that “History is a past sociology and sociology is the present history”.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Sociology Unit 1 Sociology & Its Relationship Objective Questions

Question 33.
GE. Haward remarks that history is the past sociology and sociology is present history.

Answer In One Sentence

Question 1.
When was the term sociology coined?
Sociology was coined by Auguste Comte (1798-1857) the French philosopher and sociologist in the year 1833.

Question 2.
What is the etymological meaning of sociology?
The term sociology has been derived from the Latin word societies or socius meaning society or associate and the Greek word Logos meaning theory or study of science. Etymologically them sociology means the science or theory of human society or of human association.

Question 3.
Who is the father of sociology?
The famous french philosopher and sociologist Auguste Comte is the father of sociology.

Question 4.
Who introduced the term sociology for the first time?
The famous French philosopher ” Auguste Comte introduced the term sociology for the first time in 1839.

Question 5.
Give a definition of sociology?
Sociology is about social relationships the network of social relationship we call society.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Sociology Unit 1 Sociology & Its Relationship Objective Questions

Question 6.
Write the definition of sociology of Max Weber is?
ThedefinitionofsociologyofMax Weber is as the science which attempts the interpretative understanding of social action in order thereby to arrive at a causal explanation of its course and effects.

Question 7.
Write Johnson’s definition of sociology?
II. M. Johnson opines that sociology is the science that deals with social groups.

Question 8.
About sociology what is comte definition.
Auguste Comte defines sociology is the science of social phenomena subject to natural and invariable laws the discovery as which is the subject of investigation.

Question 9.
Write M. Jone’s definition of sociology?
M. Jones define “sociology as the study of man-in-relationship-to men”.

Question 10.
Why is sociology called a pure science?
Sociology does make use of scientific methods in the study of its subject matter and it therefore entitled to be called a science.

Question 11.
Write Kingsley Davis definition of sociology?
KingsleyDavissays that sociology is a general science of society.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Sociology Unit 1 Sociology & Its Relationship Objective Questions

Question 12.
Write any five sociologists name.
(1 ) Maclver and Page
(2) Gillin and Gillin
(3) M. Gonsberg
(4) II. M. Johnson
(5) K. Davis

Question 13.
Write Ginsberg’s definition of sociology?
MorrisGinsbergdefines sociology in the following way. In the broadest since, sociology is the study of human interactions and interrelations, their conditions and consequence.

Question 14.
Write Small’s definition of sociology.
Small defines sociology as the science of social relations.

Question 15.
Write Park’s definition of sociology?
Park regards sociology as the / science of collective behaviour.

Question 16.
Is sociology a generalising science?
Sociology tries to find out the general laws or principles about human interaction and association about the nature form. Content and structure of human groups and societies. It does not study each and every event that takes place in society. It is not possible also. It tries to make generalisation or the basis of the study of some selected events.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Sociology Unit 1 Sociology & Its Relationship Objective Questions

Question 17.
Write II. Fairchilad’s definition of sociology.
H. Fairchild defines sociology as the study of man and his human environment on their relations to each other.

Question 18.
Write Ogburn and Nimkoft definition of sociology.
Ogburn and Nimkoft defines sociology as the scientific study of social life.

Question 19.
Why sociology is called an abstract science?
This does not mean that sociology is an art and not a science. Nor does not mean it is unnecessarily complicated and unduly difficult. It only means that sociology is not interested in concrete manifestations of human events. It is more concerned with the forms of human events and their patterns.

Question 20.
How many schools of thought are there regarding the scope of sociology?
There are two important schools of the thought regarding the scope of sociology is
(1) formalistic school
(2) Synthetic school.

Question 21.
Write any two characteristics of sociology.
(1) Sociology has now emerged into an independent science.
(2) Sociology belongs to the family of social science and not to the family of physical sciences.

Question 22.
Write Eli. Gidding is definition of sociology.
F.H. Gidding defines sociology as the scinece of social phenomena

Question 23.
What is the formalistic school?
The sociologists who belong to the formalistic school of belief that sociology, deals with various forms of human or social relations. They regard sociology is a pure and independent branch of knowledge, distinct from all other social sciences.

Question 24.
Who are the supporters of formalistic school?
The German sociologist George Simmel, AlfredVierkandt, Leopold Van Wiese, Max Weber, Albion’Small and Ferdinard Tonnies are the supports of formalistic school.

Question 25.
What is the nature of sociology?
Sociology does frame laws and attempts to predict. Its approach is both categorical and abstract. It is empirical rational and pure. It embrances all most all our social behaviour. It tries to discover laws that the generally applicable regardless of variation or culture.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Sociology Unit 1 Sociology & Its Relationship Objective Questions

Question 26.
What are main points of arguments of the scholars who oppose sociology as a science?
Those who oppose sociology as a science the scholar argues that it lacks universal theory, measurement experimentation objective and predictive ability.

Question 27.
What is the synthetic school.
The synthetic school of thought, holds the view that sociology is the synthesis of all social sciences; sociology is the science of sciences. It embraces all social services known its scope.

Question 28.
Who are the supporters of the synthetic school?
The supporters of the synthetic school are Emile – Durkhiem, L.T. Hobhouse, P.A. Sorokin, Morris Ginsberg and other have been the chief supporters of synthetic school.

Question 29.
Write Alex Inkeles’s definition of sociology.
Alenlnkeles says sociology is the study of systems of social action and of their interrelations.

Question 30.
Who leds the specialistic school?
German sociologist, George Simmel, Vier Kandt, Max Weber and other sociologist leds the specialistic school.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Sociology Unit 1 Sociology & Its Relationship Objective Questions

Question 31.
What is Vicrkandt views on the scope of sociology?
Vierkandt mentions that sociology is an independent social science or a special branch of knowledge.

Question 32.
What is Durkhiem’s definition of sociology?
Emile Durkhiem regards “sociology as the science of social institution”.

Question 33.
What are the Hobhouse view on scope of sociology?
According to Hobhouse on English Sociologist sociology should be a synthesis of numerous social sciences. It should other sciences in its scope.

Question 34.
What are the main points of arguments in forwards of sociology as a science?
The supporters of sociology claim that it is a science and find the methods and qualities of science in its observation generalisation, accurate measurement prediction and objectivity which are common to all sciences are found in sociology.

Question 35.
What are P. Sorokins views on the scope of sociology?
According to P. Sorokinsociology should aim at studying the relationship that exists between the differents aspects of social phenomena and between social and non-social phenomena. It should study the general features of social phenomena as well.

Question 36.
What is Small’s views regarding the scope of sociology?
Small insists that sociology should continue itself to the study of forms of social processes.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Sociology Unit 1 Sociology & Its Relationship Objective Questions

Question 37.
Mention any four sociolgist in India.
(1) M. N. Srinivas
(2) P. N. Prabhu
(3) K. M. Kapadia
(4) Mrs. Iravati Karve.

Question 38.
Who is the four-founding fathers?
Auguste Comte, Herbert Spencer, Max Weber and Emile Durkheim.

Question 39.
Who introduced the term sociology for the first time?
Auguste Comte introduced the term sociology from the first time.

Question 40.
What is a psychology?
Social psychology is to sociology and psychology as Bio-chemistry is to Biologyandchemistry. Psychology is the positive science of human experience and behaviour.

Question 41.
Write any four sociologist in the world.
Karl Marx, Raster F. Ward, George Simmel, Small.

Question 42.
What is economics?
Economics deals with the economic activities of man. According to Prof. Lionel Robbins, Economics the science of human behaviour on its relations with ends and scare means which have alternative uses.

Question 43.
What is Anthropology?
Anthropology is a general science like sociology.

Question 44.
Write any two political sociologist?
F. G Wison and GE.C. Catlin.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Sociology Unit 1 Sociology & Its Relationship Objective Questions

Question 45.
Write any one relationship between sociology and economics.
Economics is in fact, but one branch of the comprehensive science of sociology.

Question 46.
What is History?
History is the reconstruction of man’s post.

Question 47.
Write any two historical sociologists.
Arnold Toynbee and Oswald Spengler.

Question 48.
What is political science?
Political science deals with the political activities of man in studies of Social groups organised under the sovereignty of the state.

Question 49.
What is the opinion of Prof. Giddings concerning the relationship of sociology with other social sciences?
According to Prof. Giddings sociology is not the sole science not the mother of other social sciences but only their common sister.

Question 50.
Write any two Anthropologists.
Kroeber and Robert Redfield.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 History Unit 3 Perceptions of Society through the Eyes of the Travellers (10th to 17th Centuries) Long Answer Questions

Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 12 History Solutions Unit 3 Perceptions of Society through the Eyes of the Travellers (10th to 17th Centuries) Long Answer Questions.

CHSE Odisha 12th Class History Unit 3 Perceptions of Society through the Eyes of the Travellers (10th to 17th Centuries) Long Answer Questions

Long Questions With Answers

Bhakti Movement In Odisha And Its Impact On Society Question 1.
Estimate the life of Al-Biruni and his contribution in the sphere of Mathematics and Astronomy?
Al-Biruni is regarded as one of the greatest scholars of the medieval Islamic era and was well versed in Physics, Mathematics, Astronomy and natural sciences, and also distinguished himself as a historian, chronologist and linguist. He studies almost all fields of science and was compensated for his research and strenceons work.

Royalty and powerful members of society sought out Al-Biruni to conduct research and study to cover certain findings. He lived during the Islamic Golden Age. In which scholarly thought went hand in hand with the thinking and methodology of the Islamic religion.

In addition to this type of influence, Al-Biruni was also influenced by other nations, such as the Greek who her took inspiration from when he fumed to studies of philosophy.

He was conversant in Khwarezmia, Persian, Arabic, Sanskrit and also knew Greek. He brew and Syriac. He Spent a large part of his life in ghazani in modem day Afganisthan, Capital of the Ghaznavid dynasty, which was based in what is now central eastern Afghanistan.

In 1017 he traveled to the south Asia and authored Tarikh-al-Hind (History of India) after exploring the Hindusm practiced in India.

He was given the title “founder of Indology”. He was in impartial writer on customs and creeds of various nations and was given the title at us-tadh (“The master”) for his remarkable description of early 11th century India.

Life: He was born in the outer district of Kath, the capital ofthe Afrighid dynasty ofKhwarezm (now a part of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan) (or Chorasmia) The word Bintni means“from the outer- oustricf’ in Persian, and so this became his nisba “albiruni- “The

Al-Biruni’s relatives also took interest in the studies of science as well. So he grow up in an environment encouraging to his interests. He even had ties to royalty as there are links in his family to the families of prestigious elties.

To conduct research, Al-Biruni used different methods to tackle the various fields he studies.

Many consider Al-Biruni one of the greatest scientists in history, and specially of Islam because of his discoveries and methodology. He lived during the Islamic Golden Age, which promoted astronomy and encouraged all scholars to work on their research.

Al-biruni spent the first twenty five years of his life in Khwarezm where he studies Islamic jurisprudence, theology, grammar, mathematics, astronomy, vedics, philosophy and also dabbled in the field of physics and most other sciences as well.

The Iranian khwarezmian language, which was the language of Biruni survived for several centuries after Islam until the Turkification of the region, and so must some at least of the culture and lore of ancient khwazem, for it is hard to see the commanding figure of Biruni a repository of so much knowledge, appearing in a cultural vaccum.

He was sympathetic to the Affighids, who were overthrown by the river dynasty of manunids in 995. He left his homeland for Bukhara, then under the Samanid ruler Mansur II the Son of Nuh. There are corresponded with Avicenna and there are extent exchanges of views between the two scholars.

In 998, he went to the court of the Ziyarid amir of Tabaristan, shams-at -moali Aboshasan Ghaboos Ibn Washmgir. There he wrote his first important work, at Athar al- Baggija can al-Qorun al-khaliya cuterally.

“The remaining traces of past centuries” and translated as “chronology of ancient nations” or vestiges of the past”) on historical and scientific chronology, probably around 1000 A.D., though he later madesome amendments to the book.

He also visited the court of the Bavandid ruler Al-marzuban. Accepting the definite demise of the Affighids at the hands of the mamunids, he made peace with the latter who then ruled khwarezm. There court at Gorganj (also in khwarezm) was gaining fame for its gathering of brailliant scientists.

In 1017, (Mahmud of Ghazni took Rey most Scholars, including al-Biruni, were taken to Ghaznis the capital of the Ghazinavid dynasty. Biruni was made court astrologer and accompanied Mahmud on his invasions into India living there for a few years.

He was forty four years old when he went on the Journeys with Mahamud of Ghazin. Biruni became acquainted with all things related to India. He may even have learned some Sankrit.

During this time he wrote the Kitabtarikh al-Hind, finishing it around 1030. Along with his writing, Al-Biruni also made sure to extend his study to science while on the expenditions.

He sought to find a method to measure the height of the sun and created an early version of an astrolabe for that purpose. A1 Biruni was able to make much progress in his study over the frequent travels that he went on throughout the lands of India.

Mathematics and astronomy: Ninety five of 146 books known to have been written by Biruni were devoted to astronomy, mathematics and related subjects like mathematical geography His religion contributed to his research of astronomy as in Islam, Muslim customs require knowing the directions of certain sacred locations, which can actually be found through this type of scientific study.

Biruni’s major work on astrology is primarily an astronomical and mathematical text, only the last chapter concerns astrological prognostication. His endorsement of astrology is limited in so far as he condemns honorary astrology as ‘sorcery’.

In discussing speculation by other Muslim writers on the possible motion of the earth, Biruni acknowledge that he could neither prove nor disprove it, but commented favourably on the idea that the Earth rotates.

He wrote an extensive commentary on Indian astronomy in the Kitab ta rich al-Hind in which he claims to have resolved the matter of Earth’s rotation in a work on astronomy that is no longer extant, his Miftah-ilm-alhai a (key to Astronomy):

The rotation of the earth does in no way impair the value of astronomy, as all appearances of an astronomic character can quite as well be explained according to this theory as to the other. There are, however, other reasons which make it impossible.

This questions is most difficult to solve. The most prominent of both modem and ancient astronomers have deeply studied the questions of the moving of the earth and tried to refuge it.

We, too have composed a book on the subject called Muftan-ilm-alhi’a (key to Astronomy), in which we think we have surpassed our predecessors, if not in the words, at all events in the matter. In his description of Sijzi’s astrolabe he hints at contemporary debates over the movement of the earth.

He carried on a lengthy correspondence and sometimes heated debate with Ibnsina, in which Biruni repeatedly attacks Aristottle’s celestial physics he argues by simple experiment that vacuum must exist, he is amazed “ by the weakness of Aristotle’s argument against elliptical orbits on the basic that they would create vacuum, he attacks the immutability of the celestial sphers, and so on.

In his major extant astronomical work, the Mas’ud Canon, Biruni utilizes his observational data to disprove ptolemy’s immobile solar apogee. Not only did he perform research on theories, but he also wrote an in-depth analysis and explanation of an astrolab and how it should work.

He drew many different depictios of various instruments that are considered to be the precursors of more modem objects such as clocks and the coming years.

More recently Biruni’s eclipse date wras used by dunthome in 1749 to help determine the acceleration of the moon and his observational data has entered the larger astronomical historical records and is still used today in geophysics and astronomy.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 History Unit 3 Perceptions of Society through the Eyes of the Travellers (10th to 17th Centuries) Long Answer Questions

Bhakti Movement In Odisha And Its Impact On The Society Of Odisha Question 2.
Estimate Ibn Battuta as a pilgrimage and his coming to India?
All that is known about Ibn Battuta’s life comes from the autobiographical information included in the account of his travels, which records that he was of Barber descent, born into a family of Islamic legal scholars in Tangier, Morocco on 25 February 1304, during the reign of the Marinid dynasty.

He claimed descent from a Berber tribe known as the Lawata. As a young man he would have studied at a Sunni Maliki madhab (Islamic jurisprudence school) the dominant form of education in North Africa at that time.

Maliki Muslims requested Ibn Battuta serve as their religious judge as he was from an area where it was practiced.

In June 1325, at the age of twenty-one. Ibn Battuta set off from his home town on a hail or pilgrimage, to Mecca, a journey that would ordinarily take sixteen months. He would not see Morocco again for twenty-four years.

I set out alone, having neither fellow traveller in whose companionship. 1 might find cheer, nor caravan whose part I might join, but swayed by an over mastering impulse within me and a desire long cherished in my bosom to visit these illustrious sanctuaries.

So I braced my resolution to quite my dear ones female and male, and forsook my home as birds for sake their nests. My parents being yet in the bonds of life, it weighted sorely upon me to part of them and both they and I were afflicted with sorrow at this separation.

He travelled to Mecca overland, following the North African coast across the sultanates of Abdul Wadid and hauled. The route took him through them, bejalla and then Tunis, where he stayed for two months.

For safety Ibn Battuta usually joined a caravan to reduce the risk of being robbed. He took a bride in the town of fax, the first in a series of marriages that would feature in his travels.

In the early spring of 1326, after a journey of over 3,500 km. (2,200 mi) Ibn Battuta arrived at the port of Alexandria, at the time part of the Bahrimamluk empire.

He met two ascetic pious men in Alexandria. One was sheikh Burhanuddin who is supposed to have foretold the destiny of Ibn Battuta as a world traveller saying, “it seems to me that you are fond of foreign travel.

You will visit my brother Fariduddin in India. Rukonuddin in Sind and Burhanuddin in China. Convey my greetings to their”.

Another pious man sheikh Murshidi interpreted the meaning of a dream of Ibn Battuta that the was meant to be a world traveller. He spent several weeks visiting sites in the area.

And then headed inland to Cairo, the capital of the Mamluk Sultanate and an important city. After spending about a month in Cairo, he embarked on the first of many detours within the relative safety of Mamluk territory of the three usual routes to Mecca.

Ibn Battuta chose the least-travelled, which involved a journey up the Nile valley, then east to the Red sea port of Avadhab, upon approaching the town, however, a local rebellion forced him to turn back. Ibn Battuta returned to Cairo and took a second side trip, this time to Mamluk-controlled Damascus.

During his first trip he had encountered a holy man who prophesied that he would only reach Mecca by traveling through Syria.

The diversion held an added advantage because of the holy places that lay along the way including Hebron, Jerusalem, and Bethleham the Mamluk authorities spared no efforts in keeping the routes safe for pilgrims, without this help many travellers would be robbed and murdered.

After spending the Muslim month of Ramadan in Damascus, he joined a caravan travelling the l,300Km (810 mi) south to Medina, site of the tomb of the. Islamic prophet Muhammad.

After four days in the town he journeyed on to Mecca, where completing his pilgrimage he took the honorific status of El-Hajji Rather than returning home, Ibn Battuta instead decided to continue on. choosing as his next destination the Likhanate, a Mongol Khanate, to the northeast.

After his third pilgrimage to Mecca, Ibn Battuta decided to seek employment with the Muslim Sultan of Delhi Muhammad bin Tughlug. In the autumn of 1330 (or 1332), the set off for the selling controlled territory of Anatolia with the intention of taking on overland route to India.

He crossed the Red sea and the Eastern Desert to reach the Nile valley and then headed north to Cairo, From there be crossed the Sinai Peninsula to Palestine and then travelled north again through some of the towns that he had visited in 1325.

From the Syrian port of Latakia, a Genoese ship took him (and his companions) to Alanya one the southern coast of modern-day Turkey.

He then journeyed westwards along the coast to the port of Antalya, to the town he met members of one of the semi-religious fityan associations.

These were a feature of most Anatolian towns in the 13th and 14th centuries. The members were young artisAnswerand had at their head a leader with the title of Akhis. The associations specialized in welcoming travellers.

Ibn Battuta was very impressed with the hospitality that the received and would later stay in their hospices in more than 25 towns in Anatolia. From Antalya Ibn Battuta headed in land to Egindir which was the capited of the Hamid dynasty. He spent Ramadan (Tune 1331 on mary 1333) in the city.

From this point the itinerary across Anatolia in the Rihla is confused Ibn. Battuta described travelling westwards from Egiradier to milas and then skipping 420km. (260mi) eastward past Egidir to Kenya.

He then continuous travelling in a eastery direction, reaching Erzurum from where he skips 160 km (720 mi) back to Birgi which lies north of milas. HistoriAnswerbelieve that Ibn Battuta visited a number of towns in central Anatulia, but not in the order that he describes.

After returning to Quanzhou in 1346, Ibn Battuta began his journey back to morocco. In Kozhikode, he once again considered throwing himself at the mercy of mahammad bin Tughluq in Delhi, but thought better of if and decided to carry on to Mecca.

On his way to Basra he passed through the strait of Hormuz, where he learned that Abu said last ruler of the “Khanate dynasty had died in Persia.

Abu Said’s territories had subsequently collapsed due to a fierce civil war between the pensions and mongous. In 1348, Ibn Battuta arrived in Damascus with the intention of refracting the route of his first hajj.

He then learned that his father had died 15 years earlier and death became the dominant thene for the next year or so. The Black Death had struck and he was on hand as it spread through Syria,Paustine and Arabia.

After reaching Merra he decided to return to morocco Nearly a quarter of a century after leaving home. On the way he made one last detour to Sardinia, then in 1349, returned to Tangier by way of Fez, only to discover that his mother had also died a few months before.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 History Unit 3 Perceptions of Society through the Eyes of the Travellers (10th to 17th Centuries) Long Answer Questions

Bhakti Movement In Odisha Question 3.
Analyse the role of Francois Berrien as a physician as well as a traveller?
Franco is Bernier (25 September 1620-22 September 1688) was a French physician and traveller. He was born at Jpue-Etiau in Anjou.

He was briefly personal physician to Mughal prince Darashikoh (28 October 1615 – 30 August 1659) the eldest son of the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan and after Dara Shikons demise, was attached to the court of the Mughal emperor Aurongzeb (14 October 1618-20 February 1707), for around 12 years during his slay in India.

His 1684 publication Nouvelle division delaterre par us different espece ouraces quiphabitent (A new division of the Earth) is considered the first published post classical classification of humans, into district races.

He also wrote Travels in the M dial Empire, which is mainly about the reigns, of Dora Shiloh and Aurangzeb. It is base, on his own extensive journeys and observations and on information from eminent Mughal courtiers who had witnessed the events at first hand.

Bernier abridge and translated the philosophical writings of his friend Pier Gassendi from Latin into French. Initial editions of Bemar’s Average dela philosophic de Gassendi were published in Paris in 1674 by the family langloies and m 1675 by Estienne Michalet.

A complete edition in eight volumes was published byAnisan and,Posual at Lyon in 1678. Anisson and Posual joined with Rigaud to publish a second edition in seven volumes in 1684.

Berrier objectively and faithfully rendered. Remained uncomfortable with some of Gassendi’s notions in 1682, Estiene Michaflet was again his publisher, putting forth his Doutes de Mr. Bernier sur quelquesuns des principaux chapitres de son Abrege de la philosophie de Gassendi.

A son of a fanner, Francois Bernier, was orphaned very young and was cared for by his uncle the care dechan zeaux.

At the age of 15 he moved to Paris to study at the college declarment (the furure lyces lucis legrand) where he was invited to stay at the home of his younger friend chapelle the nature son of luilliar who was a councilor at the parlement in metz.

There Bernier most probably met Cyrano de Bergerac and Moliere, and certainly the philosopher piece Gassendi (1592-1655) whose aide and secretary, he became.

He developed a ‘taste for travel (1647) in the company of monsieur d Arpojan, the French ambassador to Poland and Germany.

In 1652 during a prolonged stay with Gassendi in the south of France he managed to became a medical doctor on the strength of a speed course at the famous Faculte de Montpellier an intensive three month course gave the medical degree providing one did not practice on French national territory.

Liberated from his ties to France by the death of Gassandi in 1655, he sent but his twelve year journey to the East, at 36 years of age, Palestine Egypt, one year in Cairo, Arabia and an attempt to enter Ethiopia which was frustrated by civil war in the interior.

In 1658 he debarked at Surat in India, in Gujarat state. Attached at first and for a short while to the retinue of Darashikoh the history of whose downfall he was to record he was installed as a medical doctor at the court of Aurangzab, the last of the great Mughal emperors.

A tour of inspection by Aurongzeb (1664-65) gave Bernier the opportunity to describe Kashmir, the first and for a long time the only European to do so.

In “Voyagres la description .des Etets du Grand Mogal, de Plndoustan, du royaume de kachemire” (David-paul mare ted. Amsteralry 1699). He subsequently visited the other extreme of the empire in Bengal.

European medical training was highly esteemed amongst the Mughal and gave him access to all ranks of the Court, even on medically required occasions to the Emperor’s haren.

After his return from Kashmir, he travelled around on his own, meeting with jean- baptiste Tavernier in Bengal and white preparing for a journey to Persia at Surat with jean chardin, that other great traveller in the Orient (1666).

He returned once more to Surat (1668) to write a memoir on Indian commerce for the use of jean. Baptiste Colbert (who recently had founded la Compagnie des Indes oriental in 1669 Bernier left India for Paris, to stay.

In 1671 the almost was jaiced for writing in defense of the ideas of Rena Descartes, against whom a-judicial arrest had been issued an exploit he followed with an (Aberge dela philosophile de Gassendi” also not a subject to arouse official approval (1674).

Meanwhile he was a favoured guest at some of die great literary salons,” for example that of marguerite de la sabliere who introduced him to jean de la Fontaine, or at that of Ninon de Lericlos His much debated text on “races” – A new division of the Earth” of which second half is dedicated to feminine-beauty may be read against his background.’

In 1685 Bernier visited Ldftdon where he met with some famous exices from France, Hortense mancine, duchessd de Mazafin, niece of the redoubtable cardinal Saihf-E remind, others.

He returned to Paris via the Netherlands where he probably visited the philosophical correspondent Pierre Bayle.

Bernier died in 1688, the year that saw the publication of his “Lettre des India” (see note : Talk: Idries shah # the way of the scholar) Formost among his correspondents whife he was in India had been Jean Chapelin, Who shipped him crates of books. Melchisedech Thevenot, and Francois de la mothe le vayer.

From chapelain’s correspondence we know of a link with the elder petis de la croix. Whose sojn franco is petis de la croix was sent on a language course to Persia two years after berriier’s return from India.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 History Unit 3 Perceptions of Society through the Eyes of the Travellers (10th to 17th Centuries) Long Answer Questions

Bhakti Movement In Odisha Pdf Question 4.
State the Chief characteristics of the state of Delhi Sultanate?
The period from 1206-1526 is known as the age of the Delhi sultanate. Many dynasties ruled from Delhi during this period. The following are chief characteristics of nature of the state.

  • The state was expected to be a theocratic state.
  • The government of the Delhi sultanate worked with the Islamic principals of sovereignty.
  • The govt, followed the Islamic law in all administrative matters.
  • The sultan of India took pride to call himself the Deputy of the Caliph.
  • The Sultan usually thried to believe in the light of divine right of kings.
  • The Sultanate state was a military state to a considerable extent.
  • The sultanate state was a Feudal state.
  • The sultanate was greathly influenced by the Ulemas in general.
  • The state revenue was levied in accordance with Islamic law.
  • The nobles tried to exercise their influence over the appointment of the Sultan as well as his survival.
  • There was no clear-cut law of succession to the throne.

The Delhi sultAnswerand the caliphate: According to the Islamic theory the Caliph was the spiritual and temporal head of the entire Muslim world.

A ruler of any Muslim state wherever it might be located he must consider himself as deputy of calpiph. The SultAnswerof Delhi paid ceremonial homage to the Caliph.

The critic state and the Ulemas: The Muslim divines, cailed the Ulemas were the authoritative interpreters of Islamic law. They were a highly influential body.

The sultans consulted them not only on points of Muslim law but also on matters of state policy. The Ulemas had a great influence over the sultans.

The sultan as the superme sovereign: According to the Muslim theology sovereignty was vested in the Muslim law.

Subject to general conformity with the law the sultan was the head of the state and he enjoyed unlimited powers. All legislative, executive and judicial powers were concentrated in him.

His order was the Law in the state. The sultan was the highest commander of the army. He appointed all ministers nobles and other officers of the state.

What could curb the despotism of the rulers was that they could not defy the Muslim Jaw. But in fact not in theory many rulers were the supreme interpreters of the law. Everything depended on the personality of the ruler.

Impact Of Bhakti Movement Question 5.
Why is the age of Shaha Jahan called Golden Age?
Mughal architecture reached perfection during, the reign of Shah Jahan, the great patron of architecture. He is often called the Engineer king as he built a large number of buildings.

He was a perfectionist and looked into the minutest details of his building projects. The buildings constructed by him have the finest features of Indian Persian and central Asian architecture.

Shah Jahan’s patronage to architecture stemmed from his love for monuments. He also wanted to establish his identity as a ruler and also set an example for the coming generations. The monuments constructed by him are majestic and graceful in appearance.

Features of the monuments: Under Shah Jahan there was a change in the building style as well as material. The emphasis was now on uniformity and symmetry. Red sandstone, popular with Akbar and Jahangir was replaced by white marble.

The walls began to be decorated with precious and semi-precious stones. This method of decoration is called pietra-dura. Domes and Minarets also began to form an important part of the buildings.

Monuments constructed: Shah Jahan constructed many mosques. The Moti Masjid in Agra was completed is 1653.

It was built entirely of white marble and has three domes. The Jama Masjid in Delhi was completed in 1656. It is the largest mosque in India.

Taj Mahal the most famous monument is as tall as a 20 storey skyscraper. It took 22 years to build and was constructed at a cost of 32 million rupees. Over 20,000 labourers worked on it day and night Ustad Isa khan and Ustad Ahmad Lahori were its chief architect. The Taj is a mix of several architectural styles.

It is placed in the middle of a garden. It is built of white marble which was obtained from Makrana in Rajasthan. Shah Jahan used the pietradune ornamentation of white marble on a large scale in his favourity Taj. The Taj Mahal reflects the glory of Mughal architecture.

Red Fort in 1639, Shah jahan laid the foundation of a new city. Shajahanabad. He bult the Red Fort here. It was numerous beautiful structures as :
• Diwan -I – Aam built in red sandstone, this was the place where the king head his court.
• Diwan – I- Khas – Shah Jahan’s peacock throne was kept here.
• Khwabgah: It was the private chambers of the king.
• Rang mahal: it was a piece for the women of the royal household.

With Shah Jahan’s death the Mughal art in all in manifestations began to decline. His son Aurangeb cared. Little for architecture and loss for painting and music lack of royal patronage led to the decline of Mughal architecture.

To Sumup, Shah Jahan was the most prolific and magnificent builder among the Mughal Emperons. In the time the art of building in India reached its zenith of perfection. Shah Jahan’s buildings are upparalled and unequalled.

They may be regarded as ‘Jewels Caskets magnified into architecture? Therefore, his reign is regarded as ‘Golden Age’ in the history of Mughal’s art and architecture.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 History Unit 3 Perceptions of Society through the Eyes of the Travellers (10th to 17th Centuries) Long Answer Questions

Question 6.
Write a notes on Din-I-Ilhahi.
The Din-I-IIhai was a unique conception introduced by Akbar in 1582. It was a gift of Akbar so far as his religious policy is concerned. After interacting with people of different religious. Akbar concluded that all religious preach a common message of love for humanity.

He felt that it the best points of all religious could be combined, the people of his empire would greatly path called the “Din-I-ffliahi” or divine monotheism-religion of one God. It was on the main ideals given in all religions.

The basic principles of Din-I-IIahi were very simple. It encouraged belief in one God. Akbar declared himself as the spiritual guide of his people. He discouraged the killing of animals people.

He discouraged the killing of animals giving cruel punishments to criminals, the custom of sati, eating flesh, onion, Garlic, etc.

The practice of worshipping the sun, fire and other sources of light was an important part of it. Akbar also popularized the principle of sulh- i-kul or peace with all.

This was primarily aimed at achieving eace, tolerance and unify in a county of diverse religion. According to some historian Akbar’s din-i9llahi was very similar to asoka’s Dhamma.

Din-i-llahi was not a new religion. It did not have any sacred books, rituals, priests or places of worship. It was only a code of moral conduct.

To most people, it appeared to be very heavy on philosophy. Hence, few people accepted it. Raja Birbal has one of the few who accepted it. Akbar respected the views of everyone and never forced anyone to follow it.

Din- i-llahi feded out after Akbar. Indeed, to preserve the unity of India and to maintain religious harmony between Hindus and Muslim Akbar promulgated the Din-i-ilahi.

Question 7.
Write a notes on Mughal Painting.
The art of painting was shall mark of Islamic culture. The Mughal emperors were patronized the beautiful painting of the day. The period of Jahangir was called ‘Garden Age’ in the field of Mughal painting. The mosques, tombs & palace testified to the artistic acumen of the masons.

Special the floral designs, adorning the walls of mausoleums and mosques were copied from the embroidery and textile work of the Indians.

There were well known styles of painting such as the Gujarati, Rajasthani and Kashmiri before the Mughals, established their rule. The Mughals added new styles of painting.

The Mughal emperors encouraged the Indian artists to draw pictures on Subjects its of stories written in India and foreign languages. They inspired them to pain pictures of historical events and famous persons.

By that time the most interesting stories of the Indian ‘Panchatantra’ were translated to different Mulsim languages. Akbar advised his artists to decorate the Panchatantra stories with paintings.

The pages of the manuscripts of the Panchatantra were covered with life like small paintings of various creatures in different colours. Those paintings made the stories very attractive and very popular.

The time of Emperor Jahangir had been described as the golden age of the Mughal painting. Jahangir paid greeter attention to painting than to architecture.

The artists of his time were experts in painting of nature scenes of landscape of birds & beats and human beings. The pictures were small in size, but looked realistic.

The emperor patronized the painters and honoured them in the royal court. The memories of Jahangir known as Tazuki Jahangir contained many pictures of real scenes, such as the scene of coronation picture of the emperor, of the court and hunting of animals etc. The most celebrated printers of Jahangir’s time were abul Hasson, Muhammad nadir Bishan Das & Son.

The Miniature paintings were persevered inside picture albums. Such albums were may in number. The paintings contained the names of the painters.

They used such fine brushes than even the hairs of the beards of the saints or on the father of birds could be counted. After the decline of the Mughals, foreign merchants took away many of the picture albums to western countries.

Such albums are now available in the muslum of Tehran, London, Berlin. The western artists were greatly influenced by the Indian miniature painting and painted the stories of the Bible in that pattern.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 History Unit 3 Perceptions of Society through the Eyes of the Travellers (10th to 17th Centuries) Long Answer Questions

Question 8.
Analyse the impact of Bhakti movement.
The Bhakti movement brought about harmony between the Hindus and the Muslims. It gave birth to a new sect. i.e. Sikhism. Akbar’s broad out look was no other its impact.

Social impact: The most important social impct of the Bhakti movement was that the followers of the Bhakti movement rejected the caste distination. They began to mix together on the basis of equality.

They took their meals together from the common kitchen. The movement tried to bosen the bond of caste. A spirit of harmony among different sections of society and religion received impectus.

The evil practice of sati received some set back. The status of women received more importance.

Religious impact: The movement aroused awakening among the Hindus and Muslims Regarding the futility of ritualism and superstitions. The feeling of appreciation of the two religions emerged. The movement encouraged religious toleration.

Guru Granth Saheb the holiest book of the Sikhs which was complied later on included the messages of saints belonging to different sects. This was on account of the spirit of toleration preached by the Bhakti saints.

Promotion of regional languages of the common people: In place of Sankrit, Arabic and Persian, the Bhakti saints preached through the medium of local languages which could be understood very easily.

For instance the language of Kabir was a mixture of several languages of everyday use. Sudar used ‘Brig’ dialect. Goswami Tulasi Das composed his works in ‘Awadhi’

Political influence: Some of the rulers adopted liberal religious policies due to the impact of the Bhakti movement. For example Akbar the great.

Moral influence: The movement attempted to infuse a spirit of piety in the daily life of the people. It emphasized earning of wealth through hard work and honest means. It encouraged the value of social service to the poor and the needy.

It developed a humanitarian attitude. It pointed out the virtues of contentment anger greed and vanity. To sum up the Bhakti movement succeded to some extent to reform Hindu religions and society during medieval period of India.

Question 9.
Discuss the life and teachings of Kabir :
Kabir was a great reformer of the Bhakti movement in India during mediaval age. His parentage and childhood are shrouded in mistery. It is however, believed that he was bom in 1440 A.D. He was nourished by a Muslim weaver named Niru. A muslim couple. Nima and Niru took proper care of Kabir.

As the couple were poor, they could not provide him any education. But Kabir developed-a-love for religion. Ramananda was his spiritual preceptor.

Mean while he married a girl named-Lohi and became the father of two children. Gradually he started preaching his faith, in the Hindi language. In 1510 Ad he died at Moghar in the Gorakhpur district of Uttar Pradesh.

Teachings: The teachings of Kabir was very simple. He emphasized the unity of God. He used to say Ram and Rahim Were the two different names of the same God. Further he used to say that all the Hindus and muslims are-the children of the same God. To him the Hindus and the Muslims are brothers.

He advocated that there was no distinction between man and man between caste and caste high and low rich and poor. Kabir strongly denounced idol worship, going on pilgrimages, bathing in holy rivers, performance of rituals etc.

To him devotion to God and love for man are the best one should have purify of heart.

This can be had ‘ not by reading the Vedas or the karan not by performing rites and rituals, but by chanting the glories of God. Through love and devotion one could achieve salvation.

He acknowledged no caste distinctions. He condemned the orthodox practices of the Brahmins and maulvis. For the worship of God. The teachings of Kabir were of great appeal to both the Hindus and the Muslims.

His followers were known as Kabir Panthis. Since he was not very educated, he wrote nothing. His teaching was oral. He expressed it through little poems which are popular as do has or couplets.

It was after his death that all his do has were collected in a book named Bijak (the sed book), it is regarded as the principal religious text of the Kabirpanthis.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 History Unit 3 Perceptions of Society through the Eyes of the Travellers (10th to 17th Centuries) Long Answer Questions

Question 10.
Discuss the life and teachings of Nanak.
Nanak (1469-1538 A./D.) was the founder of Sikhism, Nanak was an exponent of the Bhakti Movement. He was born in 1469 A.D. at Talwandi in Lahore district now in Pakistan. His father’s name was Kalu. His mother’s name was Tripath. Nanak had no interest in his studies during his childhood.

He engaged himself in religious discussion with saints and sages. Due to this unusual development in Nanak, his tather got him married off to a girl named Loi got two sons.

There after his brother in-law (sister’s husband) jairam took him to Sultanpur and arranged a job for his under Stultan. Daulat khan Lodi. But he gave up his job and home and led the life of an ascetic.

He was then thirty years old. He travelled extensively in and beyond India to acquire knowledge different religions. He breathed his last in 1538 A.D. at Kartafpur in the Punjab on the eve of his death Nanak nominated one of his disciples, Angada be his successor.

Teaching: Firstly, Nanak heralded the brother hood of man. He said that there is no distinction between the Hindus and the Muslims, between high caste and low between religions and religion, Secondly he taught that God is one and he is formless.

Thirdly, he taught that through love and devotion (Bhakti) one can get the grace of God.

Fourthly, Nanak believed in the existence of the soul and his views on the soul were simple. He stated that man is bonded to the cycle of birth and death.

Fifthly, Nanak opposed all evil rituals and practices which were creating hurdle in the name of religion. He stated that merely by going on pilgrimage or bathing in pure water did not help man reach God. Purity of mind truthfulness and good work helped one in attaining Godhood.

Sixthly, for the attainment of Godhood Nanak used to say only a pure heart helps one in realizing God, One’s heart can be made pure by praeticihg-morality and good qualities such as truth, honesty, humanity, mercy and moral character.

Seventhly, Nanak did not attach any importance to the supremacy and influence of the Brahmin priests of Maulavis, Nanak laid stress on the rede of the Gurus for the spiritual development of a person.

Nanak spread his teaching all over India with his disciple Mardana. Punjab, written in Gurumukhi, was the language of his teachings. He used to teach by reciting Bhajanas.

Nanak laid the foundation of a new religion named as Sikhism. The word Sikh is derived from the Sanskrit term sishya meaning disciple. The teachings of Nanak have been in coporated in the book Adigrantha.

It is popularly known as Granth Saheb. It is the sacred text of the Sikhs. The fourth Guru Ramdas constructed the famous Golden temple at Amritsar which is now the chief centre of Sikhism. Inspired by Nanak’s teaching many people embraced Sikhism.

Question 11.
Discuss the life & teachings of Sri Chaitanya.
Sri Chaitanya (1486-1533 A.D.) was an exponent of Bhakti Movement. He was born at Nawadip (Naida) situated on the banks of the Bhagirathi in West Bengal.

His father was Jagannath Mishra and mother Sachi Devi. His early name was Biswambhar. He was popularly known as Nimai. His parents used to call him Gama as he was white (Gaura) in complexion. Nimai studied in Sanskrit school and became a great pundit in Sanskrit, literature, grammar and logic.

After formal education he was married to Lakhsmi. But he has no desire to lead a worldly life. At the age of twenty two Chaitanya went to Gaya to offer Pinda to his deceased father.

There he met a saint named Ishwarapuri who initiated him with the Krishna Mantra. Thereafter he went on reciting the name of Lord Krishna. In 1510 he left home and became a sanyasi.

Then he came to Puri. From Puri, Sri Chaitanya went to South India, Varindaban, Mathura kasha, Prayag, Somnath, Dwaraka and a few other places or religious importance. He travelled all over India for six years. Chaitanya returned to Puri in 1515 and stayed there till his death in 1533 A.D.

Teachings: The fundamental teachings of Sri Chaitanya was love and love for Krishna. He put emphasis the name of Krishna and Radha. By uttering the name of Krishna and by having deep faith on one’s Gum or preceptor, one could attain salvation one of his principal disciples was a Muslim named Yavan Hari Das.

Sri Chaitanya was opposed to rites and rituals. He was against the priestly system. Speaking of the means to come nearer to God he said, “See everybody equally, treat man as your brother give up ego and anger, show kindness to animals and recite the name of God.

Then only you can attain god. While praying Sri chaitanya used to say O Krishna. I do not want education, power or followers. Give me a little which will enhance my devotion to you.

Sri Chaitanya laid greater emphasis on Kirtans. In his opinion true worship of God depended on love devotion, music (song) and dance. He said that it was through Singing Kritans, one could attain godhood.

The kirtAnswertransformed the surroundings into a divine atmosphere. Hence he suggested reaching God through the medium of Kirtans.

He accepted Brahmins, Sudras, Chandalas and Muslims as his discriples and created a bond of fraternity among them. His other great message to mankind was to love all living beings.

Chaitanya accepted some fundamental principles of the Sankhya philosophy. According to this there was no difference between the name of God and his incarnation.

His personality and preaching of love won the heart of the people in all parts of India. Bengal, Orissa & Vrindabaft became main centre of Vaisnavism. After his death, he is being worshipped as Gouranga Mahaprabhu.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 History Unit 3 Perceptions of Society through the Eyes of the Travellers (10th to 17th Centuries) Long Answer Questions

Question 12.
Stress the origin of the Sufi movement and its impact in India.
There is no unanimity of opinion among the scholars regarding the origin of Sufism in India. Whereas Yusuf Hussain held the view that Sufism was born out of Islam and foreign ideas and practices A.L.S.

Srivastava believed that Sufism was profoundly influenced by Hindu thoughts, beliefs and practices. Prof. K. A. Nizami opines of the development of their order in India.

Such practices include bowing before the Shaikh, presenting water to visitors, circulating a bowl and shaving the head of new entrants of the Sufi order etc. Diversity of views persists regarding the origin of the word “Sufi”. Some scholars hold the view that die word “Sufi” is derived from the word “Safa” meaning pure.

Hence the Sufi saints are associated with a life of purity and renunciation of the world some other believe that the word Sufi originates from the word “Sooph” meaning wool.

Therefore the Sufi saints put on woolen clothes after the death of Prophet Muhammad. The third view is that the word “Sufi” is derived from the Greek world “Sophia” meaning knowledge.

The fourth view is that Sufis took shelter outside the Mosques constructed by Prophet Muhammed at Madina and got devoted to God. The Sufi saints in India succeeded in converting a large number of Hindus to Islam. The message of equality of Islam encouraged the lower castes to get converted into Islam.

The sufi saints adopted some of the practices of the Hindu Sadhus and their behavioural pattern in order to dispel any doubt from the minds of the Hindus. Even they did not hesitate to make use of the authority to compel the Hindu to embrace Islam.

Rabia of Basra was one of the earliest sufis who said “Love of god hat so absorbed me that neither Love nor hate of many other thing remains in my heart” A real metaphysical basis to Sufism was provided by Abu Himid-al-Ghazale.

Abdual Karim-al-Jili believed that man attains spiritual perfection by passing through four stages. He was very much influenced by Hindu Vedanta. A large number of sufi saints appeared in India, particularty after the Ghazanavid conquest of Punjab.

Prominent among them were Shaikh Islam of Lahore Date Ganj Baksh and Sayyid Ahmed Sultan Sakhir Sarwar During the period from 1200 to 2500 A.D. a large number of new Sects and movement formed a mid way between Hinduism and Islam.

According to Abul Fazl, the sufis were divided into fourteen orders in India, the important being the Chisti, the Suhrawardi, the Naqshbandi, the Quadiri the Qulandaria and the Shuttari orders.

The Chisti order was founded by Khwaja Abdul Chisti in Heart. Khwaju Muin-Din- Chisti bought it to India. He was the founder of the Chisti order in India and as such he is considered the greatest among the Sufi saints in India. He preached that the greatest form of devotion of God consisted in service to humanity.

Therefore he spent his life in the service of the lower caste and the downtrodden people. Saikh Hamid-ud-din and Shaikh Qutb-ud-din Bakhtyar Kaki were the best disciples of Khwaja Mainud-din Chisti. Jhaikh Farid-ud-din Masud Ganj-i-shakar was a disciple of Kaki.

He was one of the most respected sufis in India who believed that one should keep away from kings and nobles because the ultimate result of such friendship is grief.

Also Shaikh Nizam- ud-din Aaliya considered it below his dignity to pay a visit to a sultan. His principles were based in love nad humanity.

He wrote O Muslims I swear by God that he holds dear those who love him for the sake of God. This is the only way to love and adore God. Another great sufi saint was Saikh Nazir-ud-din Mahmud who avoided kings and their courts.

The Chisti sufi saints lived simple and pure lives. They considered that possession of property is a big hindrance in the development of their personality.

They cultivated fasting in order to weaken and control their basic desires. They asked their followers to lead a life of asceticism amidst poverty. The disciples of the Chisti-Sufi saints depended on the charity of ordinary people.

They practiced 40 days of hard ascetic exercise in a cell or some lonely place and 40 days of ascetic exercise performed with the head on the ground and the legs tied to the roof or a brunch of a tree and the control of meditation.

Shaikh Shibad-ud-din Suhrawardi founded the Sutrawarder order. Shaikh Baha-ud-din Zakariya Suharwardi founded the Suhardwardi order in India. He led a comfortable life and did not believe in political affairs.

He did not prefer to come in contact with ordinary people and accepted gifts from the nobles and kings.

Therefore, a large number of people belonging to the upper stratum became his followers. The Suhrawardis were keen to convert Hindus to Islam and they were taking the help of the rich persons and administration in this regard. The Firdausia order was founded by Shaikh- harf-ud-din.

Yahya who believed that he union with God is not like the union of a body or of a substance with a substance, or of an accident with an accident.

He laid emphasis on the service of humanity and wanted his followers to serve the needy. His view was that the nearest way God was to help the needy and offer a helping hand to the downtrodden.

The nakshabandi order was founded in India by the followers of Khwaja Pir Mahmmad. It reached its climax under the leadership of Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi. He opposed the pantheistic philosophy of the Sufis and advanced his own theory of the unity of phenomena Sikhindi said.

The monarch is to the words as the heart is to the body. If the heart reains pure, so does the body and vice-versa. The purity and impurity of the state depends upon the ruler. He believed that Islam and Hinduism were the anti-theses of each other.

The sufis put emphasis on the unity of God and gave priority to the means of devotion over rituals and ceremonial pilgrimages and fasts. The Sufis also maintained a high standard of morality and discipline by voicing against all vices like drinking. Gambling slavery etc. They also preached the gospel of brotherhood of man.

Due to such reasons the Sufis could be able to attract the lower classes of the Hindus who were prevented from reading the scriptures or entering the temples thus the Sufis were instrumental in maintaining the social equilibrium of the medieval society.