Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 11 Sociology Solutions Unit 2 Basic Concepts Short Answer Questions.
CHSE Odisha 11th Class Sociology Unit 2 Basic Concepts Short Answer Questions
Answer In One Sentence
Question 1.
What are the main elements of society?
(1) Likeness
(2) A system of social relationship
(3) Difference
(4) Interdependence
(5) Co-operation and conflict
(6) Society is abstract and intangible
(7) Comprehensive culture.
Question 2.
What is society?
Society is the main basic concept of sociology. The word society is usually to designate the members of specific in groups persons rather than the social relationship. Society means collection of individuals who are bought into social relationship with one another. The sum total of human relation can called society.
Question 3.
Mention the Latin word from which the term society is derived.
Society has come from the Latin word Socius which means a companion. The companionship is derived from it by adding the nounsuffin-ship.
Question 4.
Write M. Ginsberg’s definition of society.
According to M. Ginsberg, A society is a collection of individuals united by certain relations or modes of behaviour which work them off from others who do not enter into these relations or who differ from them in behaviour.
Question 5.
Define society.
According to Maclver and Page, society is a system of usages and procedures authority and mutual and of many groupings and divisions of controls of human behaviour and of liberties.
Question 6.
Write Cole’s definition of society.
According to G.D.H. Cole “Society is the complex of organised associations.”
Question 7.
Write short note on society is a web or network of social relationship.
In the words of Maclver society is a web or network of social relationships in the basis of society social relationship implies mutual awareness and reciprocity or mutual interaction and is based on understanding and fellow feelings.
Question 8.
Write Prof. Gidding’s definition of society.
According to Prof. Gidding “Society is the union itself the organisation the sum of formal relations in which associating individuals are bound together.
Question 9.
Write short note as functional prerequisites of society.
Society is a functioning organisation. It is socious functioning different prerequisites are necessary. Likeness is one of the important functional prerequisites of society because it consists of like minded people.
Question 10.
Write any two functional prerequisities of society.
(1) Obdience to social norms.
(2) Re-production.
Question 11.
What is community?
Community means a group of people living in a geographical area and having a degree of we feeling.
Question 12.
Write short note on society is co-operation crossed by conflict.
Maclver opinions society is a cooperation crossed by conflict. Co-operation is essential to co-operate and associate for the achievement of common interest.
Question 13.
What are the characteristics of community.
The characteristics of community are:
- Locality
- community Sentiment
- Stability
- Naturalness
- Size of the community
- Regulations of relations
Question 14.
Write two examples of community.
(1) Urban Community
(2) Wage Community
Question 15.
What is community sentiment?
Community sentiment means a feeling of belonging together. The members must be aware of their staying together and sharing common interests. The members develop a sense of we feeling.
Question 16.
Explain the importance of locality in community.
Locality continues to be a basic factor or community life. However in modem times the local bond of community is weakened by the development of the means of transport and communication. In fact, the extension of communication is itself the condition of a large but still territorial community.
Question 17.
What is Association?
A group of people organised for a particular purpose or limited member of purposes on the basis of common interests they may be said to constitute an association. An army, a political party, a music club, a trade unions, a college can be called as association.
Question 18.
Write any two association.
(1) A group of people
(2) Voluntary and organised group.
Question 19.
What is social group?
Social group is an organised group.
Question 20.
Define social group?
According to Maclver and Page, a group is any collection of human beings who are brought into social relationships with one another.
Question 21.
Mention any two characteristics of social group.
Social group means a collection of individuals without this social group cannot be formed. Thus social group means a collection of human being who are brought into social contact for a common benefit.
Question 22.
What is culture?
Culture has two meaning one for common man and another for the social scientists. It is one of the important concepts in social science. It is commonly used in political science and economic. It is the main concepts in Anthropology. The study of human society immediately and necessary leads us to the study of its culture.
Question 23.
Define various types and culture?
A number of sociologists classified culture into two large components.
(1) Material Culture
(2) Non-material culture.
Question 24.
What is material culture?
Material culture consists of the products of human activitiy. Material culture have been discovered to solve the problems of human living. Books, chair and tables, pens, lamps and bubble gums are some of the items of material culture.
Question 25.
What is non-material culture?
Non-material culture consists of intangible and abstract things, customs, beliefs, attitude, values and religion and included in non-material culture.
Question 26.
What is primary group?
Primary group is a small group in which a small number of persons come into direct contact with one another.
Question 27.
Mention any two characteristics of primary group?
The two characteristics of primary group are:
(1) The size of primary group is very small.
(2) The relation of the members primary group are direct, close, intimate face and personal.
Question 28.
What is secondary group?
Secondary group is just opposite side of the primary group. It is a large group where a large number of persons come into indirect contract with one another. There is no need of face to face, intimate and personal relations in secondary group.
Question 29.
Mention any two characteristics of secondary group.
The characteristics of secondary group are:
(1) The size of secondary group is very large.
(2) Secondary the relations of the members of secondary group are indirect, less in time, touch and go type and in personal.
Question 30.
Define reference group.
According to Sheriff reference group as those groups to which individual relations himself as a part or to which he relates himself psychologically.
Question 31.
What is in-group?
There are number of group to which individual belongs are called in-group.
Question 32.
What is out-group?
Out-group is opposite of in-group. According to summer out-group is that group to which individual does not belong. The individuals does not belongs to a number of groups which are his out-group.
Question 33.
Give any two examples of social group.
(1) A nation.
(2) Labour union.
Question 34.
Give any two examples of primary group.
(1) Family.
(2) Children’s playground.
Question 35.
Give any two examples of secondary group.
(1) A city.
(2) A trade union.
Question 36.
Give any two examples of in-group.
(1) A persons own family.
(2) A persons own religion.
Question 37.
Give any two examples of out-group.
(1) For a student other college, than his own college, are out-group.
(2) A person friends, family is out-group for that person.
Question 38.
Mention any two difference between primary and secondary group.
(1) Primary group and secondary group differ from each other regarding the nature of relationships.
(2) Primary group is small but secondary group is large size.
Question 39.
What is reference group?
The individual initiates other individuals and groups. He compare himself with others and begins behaving like them in order to reach their status and position. The individuals or groups whose behaviour is limited by him are known as reference group.
Question 40.
Mention any two difference between in-group and out-group.
(1) The groups to which individual belongs are known as his in-group, but all other groups are regarded as out-groups of that individual.
(2) Both in-group and out-group differ from each other on the basis of ‘we’ and ‘they’ or other feeling.
Short Type Questions and Answers
Question 1.
Write short notes on the term Society.
The word society has been derived from the Latin word Socius which means a Companion. The term society used to refer to the members of a specific in-group. As Gidding says that its is a number of like minded individuals, who know and enjoy their like mindedness and are therefore able to work together for common ends.
Question 2.
Explain the term Community.
The word Community has come from the Latin root Comments means Common. A Community refers to a group of people living within a definite area with common interests and carrying on interdependent life.
Question 3.
Explain the term Community Sentiment
Community sentiment is one of file important characteristic of community. It refer to a sense of we-feeling or a feeling of being together. It implies a kind of sentiment or emotional identification with the group.
Question 4.
Write short notes on important characteristic of Society.
MacIver says society means likeness. In consists of like minded people who are similar in many respects society also involves differences. Interplay of likeness and differences forms society. Members of society are inter¬dependent on each other and they co-operate among themselves.
Question 5.
Distinguish between Society and Community.
The term society has been derived from the Latin word Socius means Companion whereas the term community has been derived from the Latin word Comments means Common.
A society do not have definite locality but community has definite locality. Society rests on cooperation. But community rests on community sentiment.
Question 6.
Explain any three characteristics of Community.
- A group of people is the primary condition for the formation of society.
- A community always exists within a definite locality. When a group of people living in a definite area they form a community.
- Community sentiment is the most important characteristic of community. It means a feeling of being together or sense of we feeling.
Question 7.
Explain any three functional pre-requisites of Society.
As a functioning organisation society requires some functional pre-requisites. Which are as described below :
- Food, clothing and shelter is one of the most important functional pre-requisite of society which are as described below.
- Sonic provision of security for its member is another functional pre-requisite of society.
- Inter-dependence among members is another functional pre-requisite of society.
Question 8.
Explain the term Association.
An association is a group of people organised for a particular purpose or a. limited number of purposes. According to Maclver “Association is an organisation deliberately formed for the collectives persuit of some interest or set of interests which its members share. An association is organised and guided by some rules and regulations.
Question 9.
Write in brief how man is a social animal.
In the words of famous Greek Philosopher, man is a social animal. He who lives without society either is a God or a beast. He can’t live in isolation. He always lives in groups or society. Man is social by nature and necessity.
His needs and necessities compel him to live in society. Man’s human nature only develops in society. The different experiment of feral cases of Kasper Hauser, Amala and Kamala and the cases of Anna proves this social nature of man.
Question 10.
Explain any three characteristic of Association.
(1) A group of people is necessary to form an association and the people who form an association must be organised.
(2) Common purpose or interest is the next important characteristic of an association. The people who form an association must have a common purpose. For the achievement of this they organise themselves.
(3) There must be co-operation among members without which association can’t be formed.
Question 11.
Explain Institution.
Institution ordinarily refers to the rules governing the complex social relationships among people. Institutions are forms of procedures. In the words of A.W. Green An institution is the organisation of several folkways and mores into a unit which serves a number of social functions.
Question 12.
Explain any three characteristic of an Institution.
(1) Institutions are formed to satisfy the primary needs of individuals.
(2) Institutions prescribe certain rules and regulations which are to be followed by all the members.
(3) Institutions are abstract in nature and are embodiment of values.
Question 13.
Distinguish between Association and Institution.
Association is concrete in nature whereas institutions are abstract. Association is a group of people who organise themselves for the purpose of attaining common interest. But institutions are forms of procedures and characteristics of group activity. Association refers to a group of people whereas institution refers to some rules and regulations.
Question 14.
Explain Social Group.
Ordinarily group refers to a number of units of anything in close proximity with one another: But social group refers to any collection of human being who are brought into social relationship, with one another. Ogburn and Nimkoff says whenever two or more individuals come together and influence one another, they may be said to constitute a social group.
Question 15.
Explain any three characteristics of Social Group.
(1) Social group is a collection of human beings who are united by a sense of unity.
(2) Some sort of reciprocal relations exist among the members of a social group.
(3) Member of a social group show similarity of behaviour and have common interest.
Question 16.
Explain Primary Group.
American Sociologist C.H. Cooley developed the concept of primary group and opine primary group is characterised by intimate and face-to-face association and cooperation. They are primary in several senses. Primary group is small in size and is called is ‘we group’. They are nursery of human virtues; example -family.
Question 17.
Explain Secondary Group.
Secondary groups are almost the opposite of the primary groups. Secondary groups are large in size and are of short duration. Interaction among the members of secondary group is formal, utility oriented specialised and temporary. Political party is an example of secondary group, these groups provide experience lacking in intimacy.
Question 18.
Explain the term Culture.
The term culture is first used by the famous English anthropologist E.B. Tylor culture is the sum total of human activities which are learnt and shared by the majority in a group and passed on from one generation to another. It is the handiwork of men and the medium through which we achieve our ends.
Question 19.
Explain any three characteristics of Culture.
(1) Culture is learned by living in group. It is not informal.
(2) Culture is accumulative in nature. It is a product of centuries.
(3) Culture is transmissive in nature. It is transmitted from one generation to another.
Question 20.
Explain Material Culture.
W.F. Ogbum has divided culture into material and non-material type. Material culture refers to those things to which we can •touch or can see. They are tangible and concrete in nature. Books, chairs, tables, utensils etc. are examples of material culture.
Question 21.
Explain Non-material Culture.
W.F. Ogbum has divided culture into material and non-material type. Non-material culture refers to those things to which we can touch or see. They are intangible and abstract things. Beliefs, value, customs, ideology etc. are examples of non-material culture.
Question 22.
Distinguish between Material and Non-material Culture.
Material culture refers to the things to which we can tough or can see whereas non-material culture refers to those things which we can’t see or touch.
Books, chairs, tables etc. are examples of material culture whereas values, ideology, customs etc. are examples of non-material culture. Material culture is also called as artifacts where of non-material culture is known, asmenti-facts.,
Question 23.
Explain Cultural Lag.
Ogburn has divided culture into material and non-material types. He opines that these two parts of culture do not more it uniform speed. Material culture moves faster than non-material culture.
As a result a gap is seen between these two interrelated parts of culture. To this gap or generation. Ogburn called as cultural lag. Hence, culture lag refers to the gap between two-inter-related parts of culture i.e. material and non-material.
Question 24.
Distinguish between Culture and Society.
Culture is the way of life whereas society is an interaction of group of people sharing a culture. Society is a process of living and it consists of a group of people whereas culture refers to the belief customs, traditions etc.
Culture is the handiwork of men and a medium through which he achieves his ends. But society refers to a web of network of relationship that exists between men.
Question 25.
What is in-group?
There are number of group to which individual belongs are called in-group. The examples of if-groups are his family, caste, sex, occupation, village etc. The individual develop a sense of attachment affection and sympathy towards the numbers of his in-group all the time. There is we feeling among the members in in-groups.
Question 26.
What is out-group?
Out group is opposite of in group. According to summer out-group is that group to which individual does not belong. The individuals does not belongs to a number of groups which are his out-group. The individuals belongs to those groups which are known as his in-groups but all other groups are called his out-groups.
Question 27.
Define Reference Group.
According to Sheriff “Reference group as those groups to which individual relates himself as a part or to which he relates himself psychologically’’.
Question 28.
What is Reference group?
The individual initiates other individuals and groups. He compares himself with others and begins behaving like them in order to reach their status and position. The individuals or groups whose behaviour is limited by him are known as Reference groups.