Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 11 Sociology Solutions Unit 1 Sociology & Its Relationship Short Answer Questions.
CHSE Odisha 11th Class Sociology Unit 1 Sociology & Its Relationship Short Answer Questions
Short Type Questions and Answers
Question 1.
Write short note on the etymological meaning of sociology.
The term sociology has been desired from the Latin word Socius me Answer companion and the Greek word ‘Logos’ me Answer study or science. Etymologically sociology me Answer science which is concerned with the association of human beings. In other words it is a science of human society.
Question 2.
Define or explain Sociology.
Sociology is a science of society According to Morris Ginsberg “Sociology is the study of human interactions and inter-relations their conditions and consequences”.
Question 3.
Write a short note on the nature of Sociology.
Some sociologist opines that sociology is a science some other deny it. But sociology is-a social science not a physical science. It. is a pure science not an applied science. It is an abstract science.
It is a general science not a special social science. But science is a matter of degree. Sociology is not a science in terms of yes or no but it has attained scientific character in some degree.
Question 4.
Write short note on George Simmers view.
German sociologist George Simmel led formalistic school of thought of scope of sociology He opines that the scope of sociology is very limited. Because sociology confines itself to describe classify, analyse and explain tire several forms of social relationships.
It should not be concerned with their contents He makes distinction between the forms of social relationships and their contents Hence, according to Sirhmel, sociology is the science of the forms of social relationship.
Question 5.
Write a short note on Weber’s view on scope of sociology.
Max-Weber is another supporter of formalistic school of thought of scope of sociology. He opines the scope of sociology is limited. Because it confines itself to interpret and understand social behaviour social behaviour is related to behaviour of others.
Question 6.
Write short note on Veirkandt’s view on scope of Sociology.
Veirkandt is the supporter of formalistic school of thought of the scope of sociology. He opines that the scope of sociology is limited because it studies only the ultimate from, of mental or psychic relationship which links people to one another in society. These relationships include love, hate, cooperation, competition etc.
Question 7.
Write short note on Vonwiese’s view on scope of Sociology.
As a supporter of formalistic school of thought Vonwiese tries to establish sociology as an independent science. He opines that the scope of sociology is very limited because it studies different kinds of social processes in human society. There are two kinds of social processes such as associative like co-operation and dissociative like competition and conflict. Again these process are subdivided in different sub-processes.
Question 8.
Write short note on Durkhcim’s view on scope of sociology.
Emile Durkheim is one of the chief exponent of synthetic school of thought of scope of sociology. He opines that the scope of sociology is very wide because it is a synthesis of social sciences.
He opines that sociology has three main divisions such as social morphology, social physiology and general sociology. All these branches are regarded as special sociologies which study all aspects of social life.
Question 9.
Write short note on Morris Ginsberg’s view on scope of Sociology.
Morris Ginsberg was another supporter of synthetic school of thought of scope of sociology. He opines that the scope of sociology is very wide and the comprehensive, because it studies all forms of relationships between individual and society. It also studies different problems under social morphology, social process and social pathology.
Question 10.
Write short note on Ilobhouse’s view on scope of sociology.
L.T. Hobhouse is another supporter of synthetic school of thought who holds that the scope of sociology is very wide. He opines that sociology is a science which has the whole social life of man as its sphere. Sociology studies social life as a whole. Hence general sociology is a synthesis of different social sciences.
Question 11.
Write short note on Sorokin’s view on scope of Sociology.
Answer :
P.A. Sorokin as a supporter of synthetic school of thought opines that the scope of sociology is very wide. It studies different aspects of social relationships such as economic, political or Sociology studies these general phenomena which are common to different aspects of our life.
Question 12.
Mention different characteristics of Science.
(1) Science makes accurate observation.
(2) Science makes experimentation in the laboratory.
(3) Science makes accurate prediction.
(4) Objectivity science possesses the capacity to examine evidences without any prejudice and bias.
Question 13.
Distinguish between formalistic and synthetic schools of thought.
(1) George Simmel, Vierkandt, Von Wiese, Weber, Small and Tonnies are the supporters of formalistic school of thought whereas of Emile Durkheim, L.T. Hobhouse, P.A. Sorokin and Morris Ginsberg are the supporters of synthetic school.
(2) Formalistic school opines that scope of sociology is limited whereas synthetic school of thought opines that scope of sociology is very wide.
(3) Formalistic school opines subject matter of sociology consists of forms of social relationships. On the other hand synthetic school of thought opines that sociology is a general science.
Question 14.
Distinguish between Sociology and History.
Answer :
Sociology is a science of society whereas history is a science which studies past events. The scope of sociology is very wide whereas the scope of history is limited. Sociology is an abstract science whereas history is concrete on nature. Sociology is the youngest science but history is older than sociology.
Question 15.
Mention four objections or arguments against Sociology as a Science.
(1) Sociology lacks objectivity.
(2) Sociology lacks universal theory
(3) Sociology lacks laboratory experimentation.
(4) Sociology lacks accurate prediction
Question 16.
What is the etymological meaning of Anthropology?
The term Anthropology is derived from two Greek wordsArithropos means man and Logosmeans study. Accordingly the etymological meaning of anthropology is the study of man.
Question 17.
What is Social Anthropology
Social anthropology is similar with sociology. It is concerned with social institutions. Patterns of social organization and other aspects of society.
Question 18.
What is Physical Anthropology?
Answer :
Physical anthropology tries to study both primitive and modem cultures by studying physical traits like shape and size of skills and artifacts like pottery etc.
Question 19.
What is Archaeology?
It is concerned with the early periods of human existence prior. to the written records. It is also called as pre-history.
Question 20.
What is Formalistic or Specialists School of thought?
There is no unanimity among sociologist, regarding the exact scope of sociology. As a result there are two main schools of thought about the scope of sociology such as Formalistic or Specialists School of thought and synthetic school of thought. The Formalistic School or thought is led by the German Sociologist George Simmel and others like Alfred, Vierkandt, Leopold, Vonwiese, Max-Weber, Small and F. Tonnies.
According to this school and its supporters the subject matter of sociology consists of forms of social relationships. Besides it regard sociology as a pure and independent science which has a limited scope.
Question 21
What is Synthetic School of thought?
There is one unanimity among sociologists regarding the scope of sociology. As a result two main school of thought about the scope of sociology come to exist one is formalistic and the other is synthetic school of thought.
The synthetic school of thought arises in reaction to die formalistic school of thought. The main supporters of this school of thought are Emile Durkhehji, L.T. Hobhouse, P.A. Sorokin and Morris Gipsberg. They believe that sociology is a synthesis of the social sciences. They opine sociology is a general science and not a pure science.
Question 22
The Formalistic School of thought consider sociology as a pure and independent science which has limited scope. Though this school of thought has been advocated by many sociologists still it has been criticised by many on the following grounds.
(1) The formalistic school of thought has narrowed down the scope of sociology. It makes it scope very limited.
(2) Sociology alone does not study of forms of social relationships other. Social sciences like Pol. Science and Economics also study it. Besides the distinction between the fonts of social relations the theory contents is not practicable as designed by this school of thought.
Question 23.
Sociology is a Science. Give your arguments in its favour.
Sociologists are not unanimous in their opinion about the exact nature of sociology. Some say it is a science whereas some others deny it. But the founding father of sociology took it for granted that sociology is a science. They opine the scientific nature of a subject can be assessed by the scientific method it adopts. However, sociology is a science because of the following reasons:
(1) Observation is possible in sociology. In most of the cases sociology make accurate observation like natural sciences.
(2) Experimentation is also possible in sociology. Sociology possesses laboratory like natural sciences. The whole social world is the laboratory of sociology.
Question 24.
‘Sociology is not a Science’. Justify your arguments.
During recent years every subject claims the status of science. So also sociology. But there is no unanimity among sociologists regarding the exact nature of sociology. Some say sociology is a science but some other say that sociology is not a science. Those who deny sociology the status of science they put forth the following arguments:
(i) Sociology lacks objectivity hence can’t be a science.
(ii) Sociology lacks experimentation.
(iii) Sociology lacks a general or universal theory.
Question 25.
Discuss about the nature or characteristics of Sociology.
(1) Sociology is a social science and not a physical science.
(2) Sociology is a categorical science and not a normative science.
(3) Sociology is a pure science and not an applied science.
(4) Sociology is an abstract science and not a concrete science.
(5) Sociology is a general science and not a particular science.
(6) Sociology is a general science and not a special social science.
(7) Sociology is both a rational and an empirical science.
Question 26.
Discuss in brief about the relationship between Sociology and Political Science.
Answer :
The relationship between Sociology and Political Science is very close, intimate and personal. As both are considered as social sciences, hence there exists a great deal of relationship between the two. As sociology studies man’s social life as a whole hence the subject matter of political science comes within the field of sociology.
Similarly, political science is concerned with the political life of man which is a part and parcel of man’s social life. Political science studies state, government, politics and power. But its main subject of study is state. Similarly, sociology and every political problem has social aspects so also each and every social problem has political aspects.
Question 27.
Distinguishes between Sociology and Political Science.
Inspite of close relationship between sociology and political science both the sciences are different from each other in the following way:
(1) Sociology studies the whole society and all aspects of human life. But political science studies only the political aspects of society.
(2) The scope of sociology is very wide whereas the scope of political science is very limited.
(3) Sociology studies both organized and disorganized societies whereas political science studies only politically organized.
Question 28.
Discuss about the relationship between Sociology and Economics.
As mother of all social sciences sociology has-close relationships with all other social sciences so also with economics. Both influences each other Economics is considered as a branch of sociology.
As a social science Economics studies human behaviour in relation to unlimited ends and scarce means Economics activities to a great extent are social activities. The study of Economics would be incomplete without an understanding of society. Each and every social problem has economic causes so also every economic problem has same social causes.
Question 29.
Discuss in brief the close relationship between Sociology and Psychology.
Answer :
As the mother of all social sciences, sociology has close relationship with psychology. Both are mutually dependent on each other. Both studies human behaviour. In many occasions sociology resembles psychology. Psychology depends on sociology for understanding of human nature properly. Sociological researches have contributed a lot to psychology.
Similarly psychologists analyse the role of society to the development of social behaviour. Sociologists take the psychological factors into consideration while standing changes in social structure psychological theories have explained the origin of social institutions. Almost all social problems have psychological causes. Similarly-every psychological problem has social causes.
Question 30.
Discuss the differences between Sociology and Psychology.
Inspite of some close and intimate relationships are find the following differences between sociology and psychology.
(1) Sociology studies society as a whole whereas psychology studies human mind.
(2) The scope of sociology is very wide whereas the scope of psychology is very limited
(3) Sociology is a much younger science whereas psychology is a older science.
(4) Sociology studies different social processes whereas psychology studies different mental processes.
Question 31.
Discuss in brief the close relationship between Sociology and Anthropology.
Sociology is a science of society. But Anthropology is a science of man and his work. The relationship between these two sciences are very close, intimate and personal. Both study human society and are concerned with all kinds of social groups, like families, tribes and nations etc. Social Anthropology a branch of sociology is almost similar with that of sociology many ideas and concepts in one discipline are used in the other.
Question 32.
Point out some differences between Sociology and Anthropology.
Though there exists a great deal of relationship between Sociology and Anthropology still both sciences differ from each other in the following ways :
(1) The scope of sociology is very wide whereas the scope of Anthropology is very limited.
(2) Sociology studies modem, civilized and complex societies whereas Anthropology studies pre-literate aboriginal and primitive people only.
(3) Sociology is the science of society whereas Anthropology is the science of man and his work.
Question 33.
Discuss the relationship which exists between Sociology and History.
Sociology is considered the mother of all social sciences. As a mother of all social sciences, it has a close relationship with history as well. The relationship between the two is very close intimate and personal because both sociologists and historians study human society. History studies the past, political, social, and economic aspects of society.
Sociology also teaches in these areas. Both sciences have many things in common. History provides materials that are used by sociologists. Similarlysociology provides facts that the modem historians relied on. History contains records of the society.
Question 34.
Discuss the differences between History and Sociology.
Inspite of the close and intimate relationship between history and sociology, both the sciences differ from each other in the following way:
(1) The scope of sociology is very wide whereas the scope of history is very limited.
(2) Sociology studies the present society whereas history studies the past events of society.
(3) Sociology is an abstract science but history is a concrete science.
(4) Sociology is an analytical science whereas history is a descriptive science.