CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 4 Method of Teaching Odia Questions and Answers

Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Solutions Unit 4 Method of Teaching Odia Questions and Answers.

CHSE Odisha 11th Class Foundations of Education Unit 4 Method of Teaching Odia Questions and Answers

Short Type Questions and Answers

Question 1.
General and specific aims of teaching mother tongue?
General Aims :

  • To increase knowledge through reading.
  • To create content in reading,
  • To develop their expression.
  • To enable the students to collect facts and information.
  • To increase the vocabulary and language skills in the subjects.

Specific Aims:

  • To help the students to understand the idea of the passage.
  • To add the vocabulary of the students
  • To enable the students to read quickly with good pronunciation.
  • To enable them to collect facts and information,

Question 2.
Aims of teaching Crdia poetry?
To help the pupils so enjoy poetry. To help them to discover more in each poem. To get them to go on reading poetry. To enable the pupil to catch something of what the poet feels and expresses. To help the pupils to understand and appreciate the poet’s love of nature. To create an atmosphere to understand intellectually. To afford a keen and sincere pleasure in a new experience and to enlarge powers of sympathetic imagination.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 4 Method of Teaching Odia Questions and Answers

Long Type Questions With Answers

Question 1.
Explain the aims and objectives of teaching the mother tongue. What principles will you follow in order to realize these aims?
The teacher must have a clear and correct notion of the objectives he wants to achieve in this important subject mother- tongue. These objectives may be expressive as well as respective in nature. That is why the knowledge of the aims and objectives of teaching mother-tongue is essential for the teacher, Mother-tongue has fourfold aims such as listening, writing, reading, and speaking. It is the responsibility of the teacher to give his pupils accessary command over these four important aspects:

  • how to hear a plain thing in a plain way
  • how to say a plain thing in a plain way
  • how to read a plain thing in a plain way
  • how to write a plain thing in a plain way

The teacher must of course be able to do these things before he .can teach to do them. In order to realize these aims, the teacher needs to have knowledge of some important principles of language teaching. Sound method of teaching language recognizes these as stand and principles of language study. We would borrow Palmer’s descriptive terminology to state these principles.

Initial preparation:
The pupil’s natural or spontaneous capacities for assimilating spoken language should be developed by means of various, types of exercises for initial preparation.

Habit Forming:
Language learning is a habit-forming process. In teaching the mother tongue the teacher has to form some linguistic habits and utilize the previous one’s already formed.

Any form of work that is not going to help in forming accurate habits of language use should be discouraged.

The work of different aspects of the language study should be properly graded. The easy should precede the difficult words. Hence exercises that require hearing or speaking should precede those which require, seeing the same line reception and repetition immediate memory, chorus work should precede reproduction reading prolonged memory, and individual work respectively.

Each branch of the language should be given balanced, attention, none should be emphasized at the cost of the other.

The teacher ought to start with what is concrete for the child. Examples before teaching any percepts, explanations, associations, definitions also should be concrete.

The pupil must be interested in what he is doing. In order to secure his interest in use of play way devices, a variety of. exercises sympathetic to attitude and the teacher are desirable and effective means.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 4 Method of Teaching Odia Questions and Answers

Question 2.
What are the aims and objectives of teaching prose? What steps are to be followed in teaching a prose lesson?
Aims of teaching prose:
prose thus has two types of aims. They are as follows:
General Aims:
To increase1 knowledge through reading. To create interest in reading. To develop, their expression To teach correct pronunciation To enable the students to collect facts and information. To increase the vocabulary and language skills of the students.

Specific Aims:
To help the students to understand the idea of the passage. To add the vocabulary of the student. To enable the pupils to need quick passage and correct pronunciation. To enable them to collect facts and information.

Steps in teaching prose (Introduction):
The introduction is .an important part of the teaching of any subject. Before going to teach a lesson on the topic of prose the teacher should give a good and suitable introduction to that topic. Through a good introduction, the teacher should arouse the curiosity of the pupils. It gives the motivation to the pupils for learning that new lesson. Teachers can introduce the lesson in many ways. He may introduce the topic by showing some pictures of it. Some part of the topic has already been taught the teacher may ask some recapitulatory questions to the students after introductory questions the teacher will announce the name of the topic purpose to be taught.

Model loud reading by the teacher:
After giving the introduction of a lesson the teacher will read aloud the passage with proper pronunciation, intonation, phrasing, and with normal speed. But in higher classes model reading by the teacher is not necessary.

Loud reading by the students:
After the loud reading, the teacher should ask the students to read their lesson loudly. At that time teacher watches and guides students for correct reading with correct pronunciations.

Exposition of difficult words:
At this stage, the teacher will expose the difficult words! For exposing the difficult words the teacher may take the help of a blackboard and also illustrative materials. The teacher should write the model sentences using difficult words on the blackboard. He may encourage the students to get model sentences. He must verify whether the students are actually writing the meaning of the difficult words or not.

Silent reading by the students:
After the exposition of difficult words by the teacher, it is easy for the students to grasp the ideas contained in the lesson. So after exposing the difficult words the teachers should ask the students to read. the lesson silently. At the time of silent reading, proper discipline must be maintained.

Comprehension Test:
In order to know whether students have understood the subject matter, meaning, and ideas contained in the lesson, the teacher should examine the students by putting some comprehension-type questions them. The question should be distributed properly and equally among the students. If any student gives a wrong answer, it should be corrected by another student. If all the students fail to answer the teacher should give a suitable answer to the questions. Precaution should be taken to use the blackboard properly.

Application test questions:
It is the last step of teaching prose. At this stage, the teacher should put a number of questions regarding the main points of the lesson. He may give some home tasks, and home assignments to the students for revising the main points and the questions should be short and objective based.

Question 3.
Write a note on the story-telling method?
Children like to listen to stories. So storytelling method has become effective in teaching Odia. For the age group of 8 to 10 the story should be woven with attractive descriptions. This would arouse the interest of pupils and provides scope for imaginative understanding enjoyment.

Advantages of the storytelling method:
Creative interest:
The storytelling method can give life to the dead facts. It is the most effective way for bringing out all the aspects – cultural, social, and economic of the ancient society.

Develops Imagination :
Stories develop the imaginative power of students. They take the pupils far away from the material world and after ample Scope for the play of their imagination.

Training of creative faculties:
Stories of historical happenings and literary materials provide scope for die children to utilize their creative ability in various ways.

Inculcation of virtues:
The teacher through storytelling pan inculcates in the children like play. truthfulness, valor, charity, etc.

Selection of stories:
The story should be selected to suit the mental age of the children. The teacher may take the stories from any source he thinks suitable, local or world history, cave life, hunting life, biography, etc. The story should be full of actions and details.

Role of the teachers:
Storytelling is an art. The teacher should possess the ability, of being full sympathy for an important person’s age when he narrated stories. He should be equipped with rich imaginative powers.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 4 Method of Teaching Odia Questions and Answers

Question 4.
Discuss the different, methods of teaching like phonetic, method, look and say method, and sentence methods of teaching in teaching Odia?
There are different methods employed in teaching Odia like the direct method. The structural approach, lecture method, phonetic, look and say method, sentence methods, etc. for teaching Odia: In the primary classes the phonetic method, look and say method, and sentence method are followed by the teachers.

Phonetic method:
In the phonetic method, the emphasis is given to word building, spelling, etc. The students use word by word. Reading is emphasized. The pupils go through word by word clearly, in pronunciation, of their meanings. The words are clearly uttered with their grammatical uses. Emphasis is given to structures.

Sentence method:
In sentences, method emphasis is given to sentence formation. In this method firstly emphasis is given to the rules of grammar. The students are asked to utter a full sentence and write a sentence with stress, and intonation. The teacher emphasizes sentence structure. The teacher uses a blackboard and grammar is emphasized.

Look and say method :
Look and say the method is used for teaching in primary classes. This method firstly helps in developing skills in speaking and writing. The children visit places, museums and leam experience. They leam new things and new words. They follow the teacher. By observation, they acquire knowledge and skill in reading and writing. This method is helpful in speaking and writing. This method is helpful in speaking and writing. They are able to express themselves through this method. The spoken and power of observation is developed.

Question 5.
Discuss lecture methods in teaching Odia/mother tongue in schools. Give its merits – and limitations.
The lecture method involves teaching by means of spoken word, It is the formal talk of the teacher. This method is used in all stages with all classes. It may be known as the lecture method with higher secondary and college. At higher and college stages the lecture method is used to teach effectively. Each lecture will stimulate the interest and mental activity of the students.

They will also be prompted to ask questions at the end of the lecture which is sure proof of the success of the lecture. Generally lecturing is based on the traditional authority and is a time-honored device for imparting knowledge. But as a method for secondary school pupils, it has fallen into very ill repute. The good teachers of today are very careful not to talk too much.

He assumes a major share of the responsibility for planning and guiding functional learning for the group of pupils in the class. A lecture is taken with a technique of description explanation and clarification. So the lecture method is effective and useful for young and college students.

It develops the power of concentration in the students and also their power of expression thinking and reasoning. This method is very useful in introducing. a lesson. It also throws light on the practical aspect of education. Elucidation of complicated thoughts and ideas is possible in this method.

The lower expression is fully developed. This method is economical and time-saving. In this method of teaching both the teacher and taught are active. This method is possible to establish direct contact with the knowledge between the teacher and taught. Language learning becomes fluency.

Demerits of lecture method:
This method kills the liveliness of the class. It is the teacher who reigns and the students remain passive partners. The lecture method is not useful and beneficial for lower-class students. The knowledge that is gained and acquired through their method is neither complete nor perfect nor stable. This method is unpsychological and unscientific.

But a slow learner’s curiosity remains unsaturated. It is not possible on the part of the lecturer to make the teaching lively. It strikes a blow to the originality of the students. The curiosity remains unsatisfied and the thirst for knowledge continued.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 4 Method of Teaching Geography Questions and Answers

Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Solutions Unit 4 Method of Teaching Geography Questions and Answers.

CHSE Odisha 11th Class Foundations of Education Unit 4 Method of Teaching Geography Questions and Answers

Long Type Questions With Answers

Question 1.
Discuss the aims and objectives of teaching Geography.
Every subject of study has certain important aims and objectives. The aims and objectives greatly influence the learning experience. The method of teaching and the evaluation tools and techniques are used in the teaching-learning process. Man wants to know more and more about the vast domain and of all school subjects. Geography is the only subject that can give him a picture and an explanation of the world and its various features.

Geography can be defined as the physical, social science which describes maps and seeks to explain the relations between man and his physical environment. On the other hand, it deals with the physical environment as well as the cultural environment. Geography as a school subject has some specific aims. Geography also helps in the attainment of the objectives of education in general. The objectives of geography teaching are discussed below,

Development of child intellect:
Geography has a place in one’s intellectual development. The mental process of observation etc. is developed and directed in the proper direction through the study of Geography. Geography is the science of observation and understanding of the physical as well as the social environment in which one lives. He requires geographical knowledge by observing various maps, models, globes, photographs, drawings, and all other teaching aids. So geography develops the powers of observation of the child.

Geography aims at putting in the child’s mind an impression of the entire world. It is not possible to see everything in every place but the child can imagine many aspects of the world by studying maps, globes, charts, slides, films, etc. So geography tries to develop the power of imagination of the child. The child has to remember the names of many places, countries, and geographical features. So geography aims at developing, the memory power of the students.

Enrichment of knowledge:
A study of geography includes various physical phenomena, various geographical concepts such as valleys, deltas, deserts, islands, lakes, longitude, and latitude, etc. Thus, students know and understand the meaning of such terms and concepts which are large in number. This enriches their vocabulary and knowledge. Besides this, the students know the use of various geographical instrument as a rain gauge, barometers, thermometers, etc.

Inculcation and development of geographical attitudes:
The modem concept of education does not delimit itself in the acquisition of factual information rather it aims at the inculcation and development of proper attitude. Geography aims at the inculcation and development of proper geographical attitudes in the child through various teaching-learning experiences and activities. The child arrives, at the truth only after analyzing and verifying the cause-and-effect relationship of any natural phenomenon.

Development of the power of appreciation :
A geography student appreciates the beauty of nature which might cultivate a sense of responsibility care and pass time with the child. The natural scenery develops the power of imagination in the child and the child very often expresses his imagination in the form of power and pictures.

Development of intelligent citizenship:
Geography helps the child to become a responsible citizen.

Development of international understanding :
While studying about the different people of the world, the child knows the contribution of each nation towards world culture. He can realize the interdependences of making and able to understand the differences in the physical characteristics of the people of the world are due to the differences in their physical environments. He feels that international cooperation and understanding are essential for a peaceful world.

Development of the knowledge of geographical words and symbols:
Geography has its own language, specific symbols are used in globes and maps to represent specific objects. The students can understand many difficult geographical concepts by studying those worlds and symbols. So geography also aims at developing the skill of drawing and using maps and charts.

Integration of knowledge:
Integration of knowledge is possible by correlating geography with other subjects like history, literature, social science, etc.

Enrichment of travel experience:
Travel is more meaningful to developing the knowledge of the geography of the place of travel.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 4 Method of Teaching Geography Questions and Answers

Question 2.
Discuss the direct observation method of teaching geography with its advantages and disadvantages?
Direct observation helps the child to acquire first-hand knowledge. In this method, the children gather information on various geographical materials such as rivers, mountains, valleys, agricultural land, industries, etc by visiting such places on excursions. the method suggests that education is not confined to the four walls of the classroom. The students are acquainted with their environment and acquire knowledge about the place and materials having geographical importance. There a field trip on an excursion is often called an outdoor lesson.

The direct observation method has the following advantages :
It gives direct experiences to the students. They enjoy true geography by observing the places and materials of geographical importance. They acquire true knowledge. The knowledge acquired through direct observation is complementary to that gained from textbooks.

Education becomes lively and interesting to students when they observe when they read. The students become interested and imaginative. This provides motivation to the students to read geography. Qualities like patriotism, cooperation, national integration, leadership, etc. are developed through direct observation.

Very often students become indisciplined when they are taken outside to observe. Sometimes the parents and guardians do not permit their children to go out on study tours. The observation is obstructed. Something heavy expenditure is essential for arranging field trips and tours. Observation of the materials and places that are far away is very difficult and even sometimes not practicable.

Question 3.
Discuss the discussion method in teaching geography?
There is a method in which the ideas of many pupils concerning a topic are gathered through discussion, both group and class discussion can be made use of by an encouraging and sympathetic teacher. Many geography topics related to the experience and conversations of the pupils can conveniently use this method. The geography teacher can conveniently use this method. He can use the method in combination with another method.

The most important advantage of this method is as follows. It helps the teacher to know more about the background of the pupils. It is helpful for promoting better participation of pupils. It helps the teacher to make the class more lively, active, and interesting. It encourages group thinking. It develops leadership qualities and responsibilities. Pupils are allowed and encouraged to put forward their viewpoints frankly.

The effectiveness of the discussion method- depends on the following factors:

  • Age level and abilities of the students
  • Class-size
  • Subject matter
  • Experience and skill of the teacher.

Role of the teacher :
The teacher has to play an important role in this method. His specific function is to introduce the subject. Allowing time for the group warm-up and keeping the discussion from deviation. Maintaining the spirit of the member high by encouraging informality case of discussion and humor. Observing the students in the discussion technique. Creating the proper climate for the interchange of the idea.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 4 Method of Teaching Geography Questions and Answers

Question 4.
Discuss the method of assignment of teaching Geography?
In the scope of education taking care of the individual child, the method employed is an assignment. In this method, the children are given full freedom. The children are divided into different smaller groups and given independence to continue their work. The assignment is done in the process of the experiment. Dalton worked out the assignment as experimentally in this school.

In this method, the annual course is divided into each month. It is also divided into weekly wise. In the assigned method, the teaching of geography is very much helpful. The assignment is given by the teacher by dividing the main subjects. The teachers solve the poem by writing. It helps not only, in the expansion of knowledge but also helpful.

The assignment is classified into the:

  • Preparatory assignment
  • Study assignment
  • Recapitulatory assignments
  • Corrected assignment

The school assignment method is equivalent to the home assignment Still there is a difference between the school assignment and the home assignment. In this assignment method, the teacher is the director, guide, and assist the children. How far the students become successful in assignments, the teacher prepares a map to see the assignment every week.

Advantages of the assignment method:
For the assignment method, there should be a good library and workshop at the school. Assignment totally depends on clear thinking and so the workshop and library will be helpful to them. There is a need for pre-knowledge to find success in the assignment method. The assignment method is attractive, and interesting and the children are very much interested to work in this method, The assignment report should be recorded.

To fulfill the aim of education, this method works. In this method, if the students execute the assignment in groups together by which the cooperation attitude develops. In this method, the children develop understanding and insight. They took an interest in re-leaming of the project or assignment. In the assignment work, the teacher should take proper care of it.

In this method, there is love and affection, and cooperation among the children. The children develop with the power of utterance language knowledge. All kinds of help are to be supplied to the pupil in the assignment. The children develop with the power of utterance and language knowledge. They become disciplined. There is no waste of time in preparing notes in the assignment method.

Disadvantages of the assignment method :
The assignment method, there are many merits. Still, the method has certain disadvantages. The method faces so many obstacles. The defects are given below. The method needs more labor. So the teacher and students have to do more labor in the method. It was time-consuming and expensive. In this method teaching in lower classes is impossible. More attention is given to this method and so the children can not achieve success in higher classes. The teaching is not done in specific steps and so the child could find no importance in this method.

Use of Audio-visual aids:
To make the assignment effective and successful so many aids and audio-visual aids and their use are helpful. In the assignment method in teaching, geography, maps, atlas, globe, world maps, and wall maps are used. The models used in the assignment method for effective teaching the aids are the most helpful.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 4 Method of Teaching Geography Questions and Answers

Question 5.
What do you mean by a project? Explain the project method of teaching geography with its merits and demerits?
The project method is an activity and pupil-centered method. This method helps the students to explore anything of interest to them and thus gain direct experience of the creative activity and the scientific investigation. The term project is defined differently, as given below:

A project is a wholehearted purposeful activity proceeding in a social environment.

Stevenson :
A project is a problematic act carried to completion in its natural setting.

Ballard :
A project is a bit of real life that has been imparted into the school.
Steps in project method:

Providing a situation:
The teacher has to provide an appropriate situation for the project. The teacher through his teaching and discussion should lead the students to various projects. During his discussions, the teacher should also notice the areas of interest of the pupils.

Every project should have a definite purpose. Unless the child knows the purpose he will not be very much interested in the activity. The students are to be encouraged to determine the purpose of the project with the help of the teacher. The teacher should not impose his ideas upon the children.

After determining the purpose the students are to be allowed to plan their project. Sufficient freedom is to be given to the pupils for planning the project. The teacher should only work as a guide at this stage.

In the next step, the actual education of the project takes place. During the execution, the whole team is to be divided into small groups and parts and the groups should be assigned duties according to their interest and ability. The students have to read, write and discuss many things and undertake many activities concerning the project. Thus, the child enriches himself with a wide range of experiences,

At the end of work, the pupils should evaluate their own work. They should judge the effectiveness of their activity,

According to the project, an activity should be prepared at the end of each project by the students.

Role of the teacher:
The teacher’s role is most significant in this method. The teacher should advance suggestions wherever necessary. He should have democratic attitude and a democratic atmosphere is very much The teacher’s teaching should follow systematic and psychological order so that the principles of the project are quite accessible to the pupil’s mind.

Advantages :
When efficiently used, this method helps in supplementary classroom activities It helps in fostering scientific thinking. It helps in inculcating a scientific attitude. It encourages group activities and develops their spirit and sense of cooperation among pupils. Individuals project provides scope for children to work independently. It helps nurture special talents in students. It helps in the development of self-confidence students in understanding scientific experiments and studies. The method helps the school to increase its resources for teaching science.

The method requires an expert teacher to be a resource and to be a guide. The pupils get superficial knowledge of many things but no proper groundwork. The method needs a well-equipped laboratory and visits. So the method is expensive. The development of the subject matter is not systematic, disorganized, or irregular. So the project sometimes failed to be successful.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 4 Method of Teaching Geography Questions and Answers

Question 6.
What is a problem-solving method for teaching geography? Discuss its advantages and disadvantages?
Problem-solving approach pre-supposes the existence of a problem in the teaching-learning situation. A problem is an obstruction difficulty that has to be overcome to reach a goal. A problem is a situation in which he felt difficulty is realized The problem method aims at presenting the knowledge to be learned in the form of a problem. It begins with a problematic situation and consists of continuous meaningful and well-integrated activity. The problems are self to students in a natural way.

Main features of the problem-solving approach:
It is a research-like method that involves scientific thinking as a process of learning. The essential features are the following Formulation and appreciation of problems at the emergence of a problem. Collection of data or information to solve problems. Formulation of hypotheses Analysis of the data Conclusion Applying the data to a new situation.

The problem:
The problem arises out of the felt need of the students. The problem must be stated clearly so that the class can understand it. The problem should possess the characteristics.

  • The problem should be selected to the maturity level of the children
  • The problem should be selected clearly.
  • The problem should be properly delimited.
  • The problem should be easy to solve.
  • The problem should be valuable for the learners.

Collection of data:
After formulation and appreciation of the problem, the teacher should stimulate the students to collect data in a systematic manner from various sources. Students should be stimulated to collect data from textbooks, reference books, magazines, pamphlets, etc.

Formulation of hypothesis:
At this stage, the students should look the following regarding the solution to the problem. Selecting important factors related to the problem. Identifying the different relationships which may exist between the factors. Analyzing, selecting, and interpreting data.

Testing of hypothesis:
Checking the hypothesis with recognized authority. Devising experimental procedures suitable for testing the hypothesis. Organizing data Rechecking data for error interpretations Applying the hypothesis to the problem.

Analysis of the evidence and inferences:
Children should be taught to be scientific and reasonably ill in interpreting the data. It is essential to break the large area into different segments and then consider ways and means for analysis. Analysis of data should be accurate and up to the point.

Drawing conclusion:
The conclusion should be drawn by the pupils themselves and the teacher to see how far it is significant relating to the solution to the problem. Applying the idea to a new situation The students should be able to recognize the common, and identical elements in the principle of the problem and apply them in the new situation.

From the standpoint of learning principle of problem-solving is very valuable since they are the result of the cumulated and generalized experience that makes up the bases of knowledge and understanding. It is much easier to remember the facts through this method. It develops reflective thinking therefore it stimulates thinking, reasoning, and critical judgment in the students. It develops the qualities of self-dependent in the students.

It is a stimulating method that acts as a great motivator and directs the student’s attention and activity. It serves individual differences. It develops desirable study habits in the students. It is a method of experience-based learning. There is the possibility of close contact between the teacher and taught. Every student needs individual guidance from the teacher. The students get valuable social experiences patience, cooperation, and self-confidence, etc.

It is a time-consuming method. The progress of the students is, bound to be low. All topics can not be taught by this method. It is difficult to recognize the contents according to the requirements of the method. Textbooks written in the traditional style do not help in the use of this method. This method does not suit the students of lower classes. They do not possess enough background for scientific approach problems. It requires adequate resources.

Question 7.
Write a note on the use of the lecture method in the teaching of geography in schools. Give its merits and demerits?
The lecture method “involves teaching by means of the spoken word”. Generally, it means a formal talk by the teacher. This method may profitably be used at all stages with all classes but its success will depend upon individual teachers. This very method may be known as the Telling of the story or the conventional method with primary and lower middle classes.

It may be known as the lecture method, with higher secondary and college classes. Primary school children have no patience to listen to long talks or lectures. They are interesting stories or questions and answers. Being full of activity small children can not remain passive listeners. Their interest should, therefore, be aroused by means of questions and answers or interesting stories.

But questions in this state should be related to their environment, Children should also be encouraged to put as many questions to the teacher as possible. At higher and college stages, however, the lecture method may be safely used. But even at these stages, the lecture must not be dry. It should be a well-prepared and well-presented lecture, such as a lecture will stimulate the interest and mental activity, of the students.

They will also be prompted to ask questions at the end of the lecture which is sure proof of the success of the lecture. Generally lecturing is based on the traditional authority and is. time-honored device for imparting knowledge. But as a method for secondary school pupils, it has fallen into very ill repute. The good teacher of today is careful not to talk too much a lie does not dominate the learning process.

He assumes a major share of the responsibility for planning and guiding a number of activities, experiences, and situations which result in functional teaming for the group of pupils in his class. He carefully selects a proper technique to meet the needs, interests, and capacities of his pupils at a particular time and in particular situations. In this case, a lecture is taken as a technique of description, explanation, and clarification. After all, it must then also be useful with the same students only a year or two before they enter college provided it is used correctly.

The lecture method has the following merits. It develops the power of concentration in the students and also their power of expression, thinking, and reasoning. It is economical and saves time. It keeps both the teacher as well as the students active. Through this method, it is possible to establish direct contact knowledge between the teacher and the taught. Through this method, it is possible to elucidate difficult and complicated thoughts and ideas. This method is very useful in introducing a lesson. It also throws light on the practical aspects of education.

This method kills the liveliness of the class. It is the teacher who reigns supreme and the students remain passive partners. This method is not useful for students of the lower classes. In this method, it is the teacher who remains active while the students become passive listeners. In fact, it is the students who should be active listeners.

The knowledge that is acquired through this method is neither complex nor perfect nor stable. This method is not psychologically scientific. In this method, it is not possible to make the child the center of education. It is the subject that is the center of education while really speaking it should not be so.

In a country like India, its success may be retarded due to the good textbooks and able teachers. It is not possible on the part of the teacher to make the teaching lively This method has very little scope for evaluation and examination of the students by the teacher while he teaching them.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 4 Method of Teaching Geography Questions and Answers

Question 8.
What are different audio-visual aids in the teaching of geography? Give examples?
The audio-visual aids make the learning of geography interesting and attractive and in the absence of those, aids, the lesson is dry and ineffective. Various types of such aids are used in teaching geography, which can be classified as follows.

Audio aids:
Radio, Tape-record, Gramphone, etc. under this category of aids.

Visual aids:
Globe, maps, charts, graph specimens, models, photography, slides, filmstrip, etc. belong to the category of visual aids.

The following aids are usually used in teaching geography:
A globe is a model of the earth. It gives the idea to the pupils that the earth is round. Topics like the rotation and revolution of the earth’s longitude and latitude situations of different places can be better taught to the pupils through a globe.

Maps are the most essential tools in the hands of the geography teacher. Geography teaching is incomplete and is effective in the absence of maps. Maps are helpful following ways. The pupils can learn about the situation of a state country or continent, its rivers, lakes, mountains, soil, rainfall, cities, parts, communication facilities, agriculture, industry exports, and imports.

The distance and direction of a place from another place can be known from the maps. Various kinds of maps can tease. The most common kinds of picture maps are political maps, political maps, outlines, map weather maps, vegetation maps, weather maps, sociological maps, industry maps, commercial maps, geological maps, etc.

Educational films:
Films can be used for sharing some purposes, such as the manufacture of cotton, modes of irrigation, the life of people in a country, etc.

Film strips and slides:
Slides and film strips can be used to show some situations or processes such as typically dressed, tribal people and a typical animal, etc.

Great importance is attached to the use of pictures in teaching geography. A picture appeals to the imagination of the pupils. Picture of different Objects and places can be used.

Charts usually give a comparative picture of anything. For example, a chart can be prepared by comparing the population of various nations.

Models are usually made of clay plaster of Paris, paper, etc. It resembles the real object, of the child. Radio, tape recorders, television, etc. are also occasionally used by the geography teacher for teaching geography.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 3 Learning Short Answer Questions

Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Solutions Unit 3 Learning Short Answer Questions.

CHSE Odisha 11th Class Psychology Unit 3 Learning Short Answer Questions

Short Type Questions and Answers

Question 1.
According to Baron Encoding is a process through which information is converted to a form that can be entered into memory. Encoding means putting material into a form.

Question 2.
Ret rival Failure?
One fails to recall information because of failure to retrieve information from storage due to inadequate memory loss. Retrieve information was for retrieval.

Question 3.
When by using an artificial grouping technique one learns to retain information where grouping is not provided, it is called chunking. Decided his strategy by grouping refers to each trial.

Question 4.
Sensory Memory?
It is a non-conscious memory developed by Atkinson and Shifrmn which is also called a sensory register. Sensory memory is an impression formed from the input of any of the senses.

Question 5.
Storage refers to a process by which the encoded information is retained in the memory. Storage retains the encoded information for some time.

Question 6.
Numerical Pegs?
Otherwise called number and letter peg. Numerical pegs serve as a good memory aid.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 3 Learning Short Answer Questions

Question 7.
Ruch (1970) defines reminiscence as “a continuous increase in skill after practice ceases.” In the usual pattern of forgetting cases.

Question 8.
Forgetting has positive and negative values in life. Forgetting is a great blessing to mankind.

Question 9.
Recall Method?
The recall was made by the famous Ebbchghaus. In recall, the previously learned material is brought to the present consciousness in their absence, it is called recall.

Question 10.
Long-term Memory?
Long-term memory constitutes each person’s knowledge of the word and knowledge of himself. Long-term organizations help in storing the memory in the C.T.M. for a long period.

Question 11.
Semantic memory?
It refers to abstract knowledge. It is organized knowledge about the world including the verbal world of words. The information associated with a particular time or place is contained in semantic memory. When we gorget an incident but the knowledge or importance of it is remembered it is called semantic memory. Semantic memory is a memory of meaningful information which can be stored in L.T.M.

Question 12.
Retrograde Amnesia?
Critics argued that lack of recall need not necessarily mean forgetting. This has been experimentally demonstrated in the laboratory and observed in practice. Soldiers on the battlefield after some shock forget the incidents experienced just before the shock. Lack of recall may also be due to associative interference. In spite of this criticism, the recall method is very much in use for the measurement of memory.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 3 Learning Short Answer Questions

Question 13.
Recognition Method?
Recognition according to Guilford(1917) literally means ‘knowing again’. Recognition simply means to identify. Recognition is the easiest method of measuring retention. It is easier to recognize a name or face than to recall it. The process of recognition is influenced by one’s attitudes, prejudices, values, and other
inner motives.

Question 14.
According to Stevens “As against the curve of Ebbinghaus, sometimes retention curves show a period. In the usual pattern of the forgetting curve initially, there is a stiff decline. the phenomenon of initial rise is leveled as reminiscence. such (1970) defines reminiscence as a continuous increase in skill after practice ceases. Ballard, an English School teacher first studies the problem of reminiscence.

Question 15.
The Method of LOCI?
LOCI is the plural of the Latin word Locus which means ‘place’. Through the method of LOCI, šinoncidcs could find out in his mind’s eye the seating arrangement of guests at a banquet hail. The method of LOCI is by having mental images of the spatial position of the stimuli. The method of LOC1 requires the person to place each item to be remembered at some definite location. Several experimental results indicate the effectiveness of methods of lock, particularly for visual memory.

Question 16.
Gestalt factor of forgetting?
Gestalt psychologists have approached the causes of forgetting from the side of perception. According to the memory traces of particular learning are molded by the observers. Perception of the whole dominates over the perception of the part. Slight irregularities are overlooked which means a certain extent of forgetting. According to Kofika and others from the Gestalt school.

Question 17.
Recall means Made famous through Ebbinghaus’s experiments on memory and he used the recall method. This is required to make the response that he has learned previously. In recalling, the previously learned materials are brought to the present consciousness in their absence. This is called recall. When the recall is made immediately after learning it is called immediate recall. When the recall is made after an interval it is called delayed recall.

Question 18.
Storage refers to a process by which the encoded information is retained in the memory. storage retains the encoded information for some time. Those memories which are associated with some other memory are more often used and better stored or retained than isolated memory having no link with any other memory. The storage therefore can be short-term or long-term depending upon the degree of learning. Rehearsal or repetition is one of the means through which the encoded materials are stored in the memory.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 3 Learning Short Answer Questions

Question 19.
Procedural Memory?
Otherwise known as implicit memory procedural memory. Procedural memory is used to acquire retain and employ perceptual, cognitive, and motor skills. so procedural memory deals with the how of work or how of a procedure. Then the how of the memory remains within and comes without our knowledge. it is easier to perform the task than describe how to do it.

Question 20.
Law of Readiness?
This principle refers to the preparatory set on the part of the organism to learn. The law emphasizes the fact that one learns only when he is physically and mentally.

Question 21.
The reinforcement schedule refers to the arrangement of the delivery of reinforcement during conditioning trials. For example, receive a salary every month.

Question 22.
Cognitive Learning?
The process of acquiring knowledge about the environment which has an internal mental representation is called cognition. The two terms are put together to generate the term cognitive learning.

Question 23.
When the solution to the problem comes at once in the first attempt without actually trying the situation it is called foresight. When a person solves a mathematical problem suddenly without using trial and method error it is a case of foresight.

Question 24.
Law of Exercise?
reveals that the strength with which a response will be connected with a situation depends upon the number of times the response has occurred in the situation. The Law of exercise does not operate in isolation.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 3 Learning Short Answer Questions

Question 25.
Instrumental Conditioning?
Classical conditioning is otherwise known as instrumental. This conditioning was first investigated by B.F. Skinner.

Question 26.
Primary Reinforcement?
The primary reinforcers satisfy our innate biological needs. The organism does not require any training to respond to primary reinforcement.

Question 27.
Feature of Insightful Learning?
The experimental situation is very important in insightful learning. In this type of learning, the organism reacts to the whole situation, not to its component parts.

Question 28.
Classical Conditioning?
The conditioning technique developed by Pavlov. The following experiment conducted by Pavlov on a dog is known as the classical conditioning experiment. To start with the experiment, when food was placed in the month of the dog a brought saliva. Classical conditioning experiment on the C.S.U.C.Y.

Question 29.
Trial and Error Learning?
Animals go on hitting the target by impulse or learn out of blunder or ‘hit and miss. This is called trial and error learning. Trial and error is the simplest form of learning. American psychologist E.L. Thorndike (1874-1949) for his first scientific study of leaming. It is also interesting to note that Thorndike has many followers as well as haters and rivals. He conducted a large number of experiments on animal learning.

Question 30.
Characteristics of Insightful learning?
Insightful learning the ‘ O ’ reacts to the whole situation and not to some details only. The ‘O’ find out the relationship between the various stimuli within the situation as a whole. The relationship that the ‘ O ’ perceives is mostly between a means and the end or goal. While learning by the insight the ‘O ’ modifies and restructures the perceptual field. The solution of insightful learning can be readily repeated.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 3 Learning Short Answer Questions

Question 31.
Maturation simply refers to growth both physical and mental. Munn opines that maturation. Maturation greatly depends upon heredity. A lot of research on maturation has been conducted on animals and some on human infants. Arnold Gesell conducted a study to examine the importance of maturation.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 4 Method of Teaching History Questions and Answers

Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Solutions Unit 4 Method of Teaching History Questions and Answers.

CHSE Odisha 11th Class Foundations of Education Unit 4 Method of Teaching History Questions and Answers

Short Type Questions With Answers

Question 1.
What advantages of the Dramatisation method?
In the dramatization method, the students leam by doing. So their experiences are strengthened through mental and physical activity. It provides them an opportunity to acquire knowledge of historical happening through activity. It helps the students to develop their power of thinking and reasoning. It presents historical facts and events with human feelings and ideas. This method develops the art of speaking and self-confidence.

Question 2.
What advantages of the storytelling method?
The storytelling makes the subject of history full of interest for the pupils. This method is useful for the lower classes as small children are interested in the stories. This method helps to develop the historical imagination of the students. Students are likely to imbibe good qualities of character.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 4 Method of Teaching History Questions and Answers

Long Type Questions With Answers

Question 1.
Explain the aims and objectives of teaching, history?
The term history is derived from the Greek word “Historia” which means information or inquiry conducted into the account past conditions, occurrences, and events and the knowledge so obtained was called history. History is nothing but a continuous record of events of the past. History is the study of society as a whole in all its aspects changes and growth. History deals with the social development of man. Man’s growth from barbarism to a civilized state is the theme of history.

Aims and objectives of teaching history :
It provides knowledge about the social evaluation of man:
History is not a story of kings and queens but it is the story of a man and his development in society. The story of man’s progress from the beginning to the splendor of his present position is highly educative and satisfying.

To provide knowledge of social institutions:
It is not enough for a cultured or educated man to know the institutions by which he is surrounded and the conditions under which he lives, he must also have a knowledge of how they come to be what they are if he wants to understand them properly and to improve them in the future. In this connection, it should be made clear that our interest in the past is not for its own sake because it helps to explain the countless forms and forces of social life with the present and mold the future.

Cultivation of forward work:
The great aim in teaching history, the lack of which consists of the main defect in our .current educational practice is the cultivation of the forward look, which is encouraging the student to have a vision of the future with the idea of transforming and modifying. If you study history, you study the future, it is the welfare of our country.

To widen the mental horizon of students:
History helps to widen one’s mental horizons and develop a cosmopolitan outlook. The consciousness develops with mental development.

To develop patriotism:
History insists patriotism into the heart of the child and gives the knowledge, of the administration of his country. They become good citizens of the country.

To provide a conception of time and space:
History best reveals to the child the concept of time, space, and society and the link between the past and present. The current state of things has been produced by the events, of the past. History can serve as a compass to guide man into the future.

Intellectual development :
History is the vast state of knowledge that is accumulated through the centuries of the evolution of man. The study and the acquisition of knowledge help to bring about the intellectual development of the students. There is a controversial topic in history that leads to intellectual development.

To teach ethics and morality:
History describes vice it unmakes false virtue and exposes it. errors and prejudices It provides moral training Historical knowledge is practical knowledge History is the lamp of experience which shows a thousand examples of ethics and morality. The present curriculum is designed on ethical, moral, cultural, utilization, and intellectual grounds.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 4 Method of Teaching History Questions and Answers

Question 2.
How History is related to other schools/subjects. Discuss, in brief?
History is a subject that is related to almost all other subjects, In this connection history is not a subject at all but a house in which all subjects dwell. Here we will discuss the relationship of history with some other important school subjects:

History and literature:
Every branch of literature is the product of historical situations. History is the record of man’s deeds whereas literature is the product of historical situations. Literature is the record of man’s feelings, emotions, and imagination. Historical facts need languages for their expression. Many literary works provide a lot of historical facts. So history is related to literature.

History and Geography:
History, Geography, and Civics are included in social science. History stresses time whereas geography stresses space. Sometimes geography offers an explanation for people or countries that would be complete without some reference to the geographical account of that place.

History and Political Science:
Political science and history are closely related. Political science as a subject deals With the branch of historical studies which mainly gives an account of the growth and development of the administrative setup of different countries. Political science is the science of citizenship and such citizenship refers to good knowledge of history. History gives information about revolutions and political movements which helps political scientists in their study. History without the proper analysis of political events of the time is nothing but simple fiction.

History and Economics:
History describes the story of a man of different ages, which also includes the economic conditions of the people; Analysis of the growth of economic institutions is an important part of history. The history of past economic events throws an important light on the present economic policies and helps the formulation and verification of different economic laws and theories.

History and Science:
History is man’s story on earth. This includes the long chain of discoveries, explorations, and inventions that man has achieved through the ages. Science has its own history. Subjects like Anthropology include both history and science. Besides, those subjects of history is also related to music art, handy work, etc. which are taught in the class.

Question 3.
Write a note on the story-telling method in teaching history?
Children arc wry fond of learning stories. That’s why the storytelling method has taken a special place in teaching history. Children derive pleasure in listening story and history taught in storytelling to become effective and easily understood the subject matter. It is suggested that for the age group of 8 to 10 history should mainly be carefully chosen graded series of written with attractive descriptive details.

This would arouse the interest of pupils and provide scope for imaginative understanding and enjoyment. For primary classes in teaching history, the teacher follows that method. He uses necessary aids to make teaching effective so the children feel easy to understand the subject matter and keep the man’s memory easily.

The storytelling method has become effective and fruitful in learning for lower-grade children. While telling the story the teacher makes movements of his body and followed them with actions. It has certain advantages. Enhancement of interest Storytelling can give life to the dead facts. It is a more effective way of bringing out all the aspects- cultural, economic, and social of this ancient society. Development of imagination Stories develops the imagination of people.

They take the pupils far away from this material world and offer ample scope for the play of their imagination. The teaching of creative faculties Stories in historical happenings and materials provide any scope for the children to utilize their creative ability in various ways. Inculcation of virtues The teacher through storytelling can include in the children virtues like pity, truthfulness, charity, etc.

Selection of stories:
The following principles should be taken into consideration for selecting stories. The story should be fully known to the teacher himself. The story should be selected to suit the mental age of the pupils. The teacher may take the stories from any source he thinks suitable, local or world history, cave life, hunting life, etc. but must take the necessary continuity into consideration.  The story should be full of action and details.

role of the teacher:
Storytelling is an art and the story teacher should know this art, the teacher should possess the ability such as historical personages when he narrates stories. He should be equipped with a rich imagination. power, accurate, varied, and wide knowledge of the past.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 4 Method of Teaching History Questions and Answers

Question 4.
What is narration-cum-discussion method? Discuss the advantages of teaching history in the classroom?
Narration-cum-discussion method is useful both for juniors and seniors. In this method, there is scope for both teachers and pupils for exchanges their opinions. Method, while presenting the subject matter the teachers ask for some anticipation and discussion with the students. Teachers put these questions in such a manner that their answers lead to the development of both discussion and narration methods.

When the teacher was narrating the subject matter, he takes the help of different audio-visual aids for making the teaching attractive and effective in die formation to the students about different events and trends. In order to motivate the pupils to study a new topic the teacher takes the help of narration, a technique for presenting the topic while narrating the teacher can indicate by modulating his voice through gestures and facial expressions, the exact meaning that he wants to convey to the pupils.

In order to aid the memories of children in the primary levels narration work is desirable to give through black-board summary. The children should be asked to take down the blackboard summary in the notebooks Advantages of the method. The method develops the imagination and insight of the pupils. It enables them to apply their learning in new situations. In this method, students do not become passive listeners. They take an active part in discussion and narration.

So the teaching becomes lively and effective. This method clarifies all doubts of the students. He gets a chance to discover what he did not know and what he has overlooked. Genuine potential students are judged by the teacher in this method. The method activates the learners of self-evaluation. It is also helpful in establishing an attitude of looking forward to progress and growth.

Question 5.
How the demonstration method is employed in teaching history. Explain?
The demonstration is an important method for making the teaching of history interesting, effective, real, and lively. All children are acting and dramatic instinct young children, often do something quite spontaneously in imitation of others’ actions. By the technique, the natural tendency of the young mind is harassed from the educational end.

Thus historical dramatization is an attempt at presenting historical events with the help of the students. Hence, through role-playing, the students develop insight into the historical scene and actions. On the other hand history a subject for study offers great scope dramatization. So the history teacher should fully utilize this method for making the study of history interesting and real.

The technique of demonstration:
Demonstration of historical events can be of two kinds such as extempore dramatization and prepared dramatization.
Extempore dramatisation:
In this type of dramatization, the whole lesson may be presented in a dramatic fashion. It does not require any previous preparation fashion. It does not require any previous preparation on the part of the students no customer or stage effects are required. The presentation can be done in different ways.

The teacher himself may present the whole lesson in a dramatic style. The teacher may ask a few selected students to come to the front and act out the dialogues and monologues in a dramatic fashion. The teacher may write out home what has to be read by the students in the class.

Prepared dramatization:
In this kind of dramatization, preparation is made in advance. Students are taught to speak out dialogues and act accordingly. When the scene and action have been selected the teacher must help each with the appreciation of his part by rapidly reviewing the main points of the story.

Advantages of this method:
In the dramatization method, the students learn by doing. So their experiences are strengthened through mental and physical activity. It provides them an opportunity to acquire knowledge of historical happening through activity. It helps the students to develop their power of thinking and reasoning. It presents the historical event with human feelings and ideas.

The students find themselves involved in the activities of the past. It thus enables them to understand the persons and events in a historical perceptive. The device makes history teaching real. It makes the dead positive, interesting, and enjoyable for the students. The method helps the students to develop the art of speaking and self-confidence.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 4 Method of Teaching History Questions and Answers

Question 6.
Discuss the project method in teaching History. Give its advantages?
According to Kilpatrick “A project is a wholehearted purposeful activity proceeding in a social environment. A project is a unity of activity in which pupils are made responsible, for planning and purposing. So educational projects must be purposeful, life-oriented, and society-based activities that may be problematic and realistic.

Characteristics of project method:
Life oriented:
The project method aims at preparing students for life. It is related to day, today life and its problems. So the method is life centred.

A project seeks to bring out what is in the child and develop his innate potential. It gives an opportunity for self-expression and the school environment provides adequate scope for self-development.

The project is implemented through activities, It is a method of working out the practical Solution to the problem.

Motor Activity in Nature:
A project must use manual or motor activities. The activities need skills and technical knowledge. The activities not only help in executing the project but also develop the personality of the children.

Play way Activities:
Children when engaged in physical activities get immense joy and contribute the most towards productivity. Any kind of imposed activities is uninteresting. In play way activities the monotony is removed and joy is enhanced.

Types of Educational Projects:
Produce type:
Projects when are related to production. Construction of a house, a road, a, garden or a factory, a picnic, or staging a drama are called consumer type of projects.

Problem type:
Projects which are related to a particular burning problem of the life or society are called problem types. Students take up projects to bring peace and harmony among the people.

Advantages of the project method:
Emphasis on:
Freedom The project method encourages adequate freedom essential for school life, and for the effective teaching-learning process. It gives self-direction, leading to successful learning experiences. Students develop creativity and productivity attitudes.

Learning through problem-solving:
In the project, method emphasis is given on practical life situations and their problems and students are unexposed to day, today life with adequate preparedness knowledge, interests, and attitude for learning from their experiences.

Training in citizenship:
Projects are planned and implemented dramatically. The project, method encourages students to cooperate, think, and act together for achieving common objectives. It provides them with training and democratic living sharing responsibility giving leadership, showing respect to individuals, and exercising citizens’ rights and duties properly. Such a program school may work as a kind of preliminary training for citizenship.

Psychological sound:
Organization of a project in school to the natural needs- and conditions promote learning outcomes. This is psychologically sound. The three important laws of learning the law of readiness, the law of exercise, and the law of effect are very well taken care of. In the implementation of the project, students get joy and motivation towards learning.

Social values emphasized:
The school as a society the project work develops social skills, social efficiency, and social cohesion. Through the organization of educational projects students jointly plan and execute the project and less front of each other at various phases of implementing a project.

Question 7.
Discuss the dramatization method in Teaching History?
It is a common experience that history does not only deal with material objects but also with events, human ideas, and sentiments happening in time, which have been preserved through verbal symbols. It is impossible to transfer them into audio-visual symbols through models and even through puppets Moreover, historical happenings are not isolated events, but are sequences of happenings one having a connection with the other.

These concepts of casual sequences and movement cannot be represented by models of any kind. Hence, dramatization seems to be the most powerful audio-visual aid in history teaching. In dramatization, an individual acts as somebody had acted in the past. As a result of which the events become quite natural and lively.

In history demonstration means the reconstructing of an experience in the past that is of historical significance, It is the attempt to transcend the barrier of time and place and relieve the experience concerned. A child dramatizing a character has to feel like the character and to a degree must become the character. There is a better way at making historical experience real than through dramatization.

This is the only way of learning by doing in history. The pupils assimilate the essential facts of history by playing the different historical events in the connection. Those who do not directly participate in dramatization but witness it, also get in the way of the character. Their experience becomes almost as real to them as the action.

Kinds of dramatization:
Dramatization is of many kinds. They are as follows:
Full-length play:
It is a vivid, realistic, and full representation of the whole scheme, an idea emotion, a happening, or a situation. It takes hours in performance, and success in it requires one to come up almost to professional standards. Any way it requires detailed preparation and educational implication should be subservient to its beauty as a drama.

dramatization The teacher may undertake still more informal dramatization within the history class itself. It may not occupy the whole period and may be made to illuminate part of the lesson. To give the teacher a concrete idea of how this class dramatization could be done about half a dozen examples of each type from Indian history are given below. An attempt has been made to Include as many varieties as possible in the selection of topics for dramatization.

The pageant:
A pageant is an attempt to depict an idea or a feeling by arranging a spectacle. The appeal is solely visual, presenting a long and complicated event very effectively within a short compass forcing attention on key points.

Tableau is a picture like some composed of human characters against a background there may be a basic expression but no speaking.

Shadow play:
It is another technique for dramatization. In this technique, there is a thin screen between the actors and the audience.

Puppet shows:
Puppet enjoys a distinguished position as a dramatic art. There are many kinds of puppets.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 4 Method of Teaching History Questions and Answers

Question 8.
Describe the different steps of the history lesson plan for class (VIII)?
Like all other subjects, a history lesson plan has three steps:

  • Introduction
  • Presentation
  • Evaluation Application

Before starting the introduction it is essential to mention general as well as specific objects, materials or instructional aids to be used and previous knowledge of pupils assumed by the teacher.

The teacher has to introduce the topic in the class. The introduction serves two main purposes. To enable the teacher to know the background knowledge of pupils and to arouse an interest in the children to learn the topic. A topic can be introduced in many ways. The teacher can ask, recite some, or the like to introduce a topic. At the end of the introduction step, the teacher announces the topic of the class.

It is the most important step in teaching history. The new knowledge is presented in the step. In the storytelling method, the teacher tells the story and asks a few thought-provoking questions in the middle of the story. In the narration method, the teacher goes on narrating appropriate points and asks some thought-provoking and anticipation questions to the students. During the narration, the teacher makes use of various teacher skills like narration, questioning, and using audiovisual aids.

using blackboard and the like Thought Provoking Questions:
Few thought-provoking or anticipatory questions are asked during narration. These questions are asked during narration. These questions are put usually when the teacher feels that pupils can anticipate the effect of a cause. These questions are generally indirect involving the insight and foresight of the pupils.

Comprehension questions:
A sufficient number of comprehensive questions are asked after the narration is over. These are small and direct questions. These questions are asked to, know the extent to which pupils comprehend the topic.

Summary Questions:
A few summary-type questions are asked at the end of the presentation step in step to draw the summary of the topic.

In a third of the plan, a few objectives based objective type questions are asked to evaluate the extent to which the specific objectives of the lesson have been achieved.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 4 Method of Teaching General Science Questions and Answers

Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Solutions Unit 4 Method of Teaching General Science Questions and Answers.

CHSE Odisha 11th Class Foundations of Education Unit 4 Method of Teaching General Science Questions and Answers

Short Type Questions With Answers

Question 1.
What advantage of demonstration-cum- discussion method?
This method is economic from the point of view of money and time. This method obeys the rule of learning by doing. It is useful When the apparatus required for practical work is costly. There the teacher can improve the apparatus and demonstrate it. Through this method, free discipline is seen. The method develops skills in handling apparatus free thinking and cooperative spirit among students.

Question 2.
Main features of the demonstration method?
Demonstration-cum-discussion method is not a single method, It is a combination of two methods, This method involves active participation of teachers and students. It encourages a maximum amount of participation among students than other methods. Through the group, participation develops observation and scientific reasoning in students which is not possible either in lecture or the Heuristic method. Demonstration-cum-discussion method is the only method in which the interest of students is mentioned. It develops skill in scientific thinking.

Question 3.
Aids used in science teaching?
Audio Aids:
Audio aids include the radio, tape recorder, gramophone, and speeches. Through the radio, scientific facts, news, inventions, etc.

Visual Aids:
The visual aids include samples model, pictures, graphs, etc. The samples give the real thing. Pictures, charts, diagrams and graphs and maps give clear knowledge.

Audio-visual aids:
Through T.V science films are seen. Scientific facts are known.

Magic lantern and epidiascope:
Through these arts valuable things and distance, things are seen in a real manner and in big size.

Activity Aids:
Science fairs and exhibitions are arranged with seminars, discussions, and debates. Through traveling industries. agricultural fields, radio centers, T.V centers, and mine, the children can leam better.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 4 Method of Teaching General Science Questions and Answers

Long Type Questions With Answers

Question 1.
What are the aims and objectives of teaching general science?
Science has occupied a valid place in the school curriculum. Education of science which emphasized physical law and properties of matter and the application of scientific principles met in our daily life is an essential supplementary to general education. Science should be taught not with a view to making each pupil a future specialist but make him a useful citizen.

Thus, the school science course should form part of a sound general education. It should train the mind of students to reason about things he has observed and develop their power of weighing and interpreting evidence. It should also make him acquainted with the broad outlines of great scientific principles with the ways these are exemplified in familiar phenomenons and with their application to the service of man.

The objectives of science teaching may be classified into some categories. The first aim of science teaching is that students shall demonstrate a knowledge of the fundamental of science that may be brought into use in daily life. The knowledge will bring positive change in students, behavior. The second objective of science is that students should demonstrate abilities that are the by-product of knowledge.

These abilities will be exhibited in their behavior scientifically. The third most important aim of science teaching in high school is to make the students into more citizens and better equipped to improve community life. In order to achieve this aim, the course content in science should have practical applications to daily life. The fourth aim of science teaching is that the students shall demonstrate knowledge of the contributions made by our Indian scientists, in the science world.

The science teacher must stress their achievement science in class to that students must develop pride in their scientifically rich heritage. Thus, the science program should be aimed at causing the level of scientific knowledge, skill, and attitudes of the students to make them more productive in their home environment.

The other objectives of science learning are as follows:
This means pupils should acquire knowledge of scientific terms and concepts, natural phenomena, modem inventions of science animal life and plant life human-machine and functioning, and so on. The knowledge is realized if the pupils recall and recognize scientific terms, facts, concepts, and symbols.

This means the pupils can explain and discriminate between facts, concepts, and data, illustrate specific terms, and concepts phenomena, locate errors in faulty statements, and so on.

Having realized this aim a pupil can give reasons for scientific conclusions, analyze the given data, formulate and test hypotheses, and predict new happenings and soon.

Having realized this aim the pupils are expected to develop three types of skills.

  • drawing skills
  • manipulative skills
  • observational and recording skills.

It creates interest to read scientific literature, collect specimens, take scientific hobbies, visit places of scientific interest, and participate in science clubs and science fairs.

This activity of the pupil’s ability to use scientific terminology, improvise and manipulate the scientific instruments, collect suitable data from relevant sources, interest in the given data, and so on.

Having developed a scientific attitude the pupils will become free from bias and prejudices and they will become honest and truthful in recording and collecting scientific data.

This means the pupils will be able to realize the importance of science in human progress appreciation. The contribution made by scientists to human progress and appreciation of the history of scientific development through the ages.

Utilization of leisure:
Having developed manipulative skills the pupils will be able to engage themselves in useful leisure time activities as making things of daily use such as ink, soap, candles, cosmetics, boots Polish, etc.

Vocational opportunities:
Vocational preparation is an important aim of science education. Science will open up career opportunities in such professions engineering, medicine, agriculture, and so on.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 4 Method of Teaching General Science Questions and Answers

Question 2.
Write a note on the use of lecture methods in the teaching of science in schools. Give its merits and limitations?
The lecture method involves teaching by means of spoken word, a format talk by the teacher. The method may profitably be used at a higher level and also at a lower level and its success will depend on individual teachers. This method is also known as the storytelling or conversational method. The teacher is well prepared and will present lectures that will stimulate better learning. In the lecture method, the lecture is taken as a technique of description, explanation, and clarification. This method is useful and effective with young and college students.

The lecture method has the following merits:
It develops the power of concentration in the students, and also their power of experience, expression, thinking, and reasoning. economical and time-saving. It keeps both the teacher as well as the students active. Through this method, it is possible to establish direct contact knowledge between the teacher and the taught. Through this method, it is possible to elucidate difficult and complicated thoughts and ideas. This method is very useful in introducing a lesson. It also threw light on the practical aspects of education.

Demerits of lecture method:
The method kills the liveliness of the class. It is the teacher who reigns supreme and the students remain passive partners. This method is not useful for the students of the lower class In this method it is the teacher who remains active and the students remain passive. This method is not psychological and scientific. The knowledge that is required through ‘this method is neither complete nor perfect nor stable.

Through this method it. is not possible to provide practical education to the students because there is little creativity or activity in this method. This method has very little scope for evaluation and examination of the students by the teacher while he is teaching them. It strikes a severe blow to the originality of the students. Their curiosity remains unsatisfied and the thirst for knowledge continues:

Question 3.
What are the main features of the demonstration cum discussion method in teaching science? What are the advantages and disadvantages?
The main features of the demonstration and discussion method are as follows:
Demonstration-cum-discussion method is not a single method. It is a combination of two methods, more clearly a result and method resulting from the combination of discussion method as well as demonstration method. This method involves the active participation of the teacher and students at the same time which is unlikely in other methods say, the lecture method. The teacher is in active the laboratory work and heuristic methods are active and so on.

Demonstration-cum-discussion method through group participation develops keen observation power and scientific reasoning in students which is. not possible either ill the lecture method or in the Heuristic method. Demonstration-cum-discussion method ‘ of teaching science encourages a maximum amount of participation among students than other methods.

The demonstration-cum-discussion method through group participation develops keen observation power and scientific reasoning in students which is hot possible either in the lecture method or in the Heuristic method. Demonstration-cum-discussion method is the only method in which the interest of the students is measured. Through this method force, and discipline is maintained. This method develops skills in handling apparatus, free-thinking, and cooperative spirit among students.

If deconstruction-cum-discussion method is not properly used then all students get a chance to take part neither in a discussion nor in experimentation: Thus, the principle of learning by doing is not aided by the method. The student’s donor gets the direct experience of doing experiments. So their skill in apparatus handling is not properly developed. If the teacher does not take care of students to become undisciplined. through this method.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 4 Method of Teaching General Science Questions and Answers

Question 4.
What do you mean by laboratory method in teaching science? How can you make use of this method? What are the merits and demerits?
The laboratory method is one of the best methods of teaching science. In this method teaching the subject is done in a laboratory. The students are given an opportunity to carry out experiments independently. The teacher observes their activities. He asks them to write out their observations. Theoretical studies get verified through laboratory work and thus learning experiences are gained.

In the laboratory method, the student performs a particular work of the experiment. He learns to follow directions, conduct experiments are record observations to find out results. While the student performs experiments, the Demonstration-cum-discussion method develops skills in scientific thinking. These are some of the main features of demonstration-cum-discussion method.

This method is economic from the point of view of money and time. The method obeys the rule of learning by doing what the students do or see they learn. So this method is very much psychological. It is useful when the apparatus required for practical work is costly. There the teacher can improvise the apparatus and demonstrate it.

If the teacher wants to revise some of the principles of science subject, he can do it by demonstration-cum-discussion method. the teacher is free to help students to perform experiments. The teacher is free to help the students having difficulties in their work. The teacher acts as a friend, philosopher, and guide in laboratory work.

How to use it effectively:
Laboratory methods should be used when a class can be divided into small groups. A good laboratory method is guided by a heuristic approach; The teacher should take the help of students in showing up for laboratory demonstrations. The students should be trained in the art of observing and recording reporting. The reporting of the laboratory, work includes areas like a statement of the problem procedures used observations made and conclusions drawn, etc.

It is based on the principle of learning by doing. It is interesting and joyful for students. It develops skill and efficiency as the students do experiments by themselves. An activity when performed is remembered for a longer time. Team teaching can be possible with this method.

It is not economical. It requires resources like a laboratory, equipment, furniture, etc. which, can not be made available in each school. It requires a small teacher-pupil ratio. It has been criticized as wasteful because of students in the high school stage. Sometimes this method does not develop the heuristic talents of students.

Question 5.
What are the main features of the problem-solving method? Discuss the merits and demerits of this method?
Problem-solving approach presupposes the existence of a problem in the teaching-learning situation. A problem is a difficulty or obstruction which has to be overcome to reach, the goal. A human child has to meet and solve problems as he grows older and older. the problem-solving method aims at presenting the knowledge to be learned in the form of a problem. It begins with a problematic situation and consists of continuous, meaningful, and well-integrated activity. The problems are set to the students in a natural way and it is ensured that the students are genuinely interested to solve them.

Main features of the problem-solving approach:
It is a research-like method lt involves scientific thinking as a process of learning the essential features are as follows Formulation and appreciation of a problem or the emergence of a problem or selection of a problem. Collection of data or information to solve the problem. Analysis of the data. Formulation of hypothesis Conclusion. Applying the idea to a new situation.

The problem:
The problem arises out of the felt needs of the students. The problem must be familiar to the students. Before setting the problem the teacher should look at the following things. The problem should be suitable to the maturity level of the students. The problem should be easily solved. The problem should be worthwhile for the reader.

Collection of data:
After formulation of a problem, the teacher should stimulate the students to collect data in a systematic manner from various sources like textbooks reference books, magazines, newspapers, and from other sources like observation, discussion, and interviews,s, etc.

Formulation of Hypothesis:
At this stage, the students should look to the following regarding the solution to the problem. Selecting important factors related to the problems. Identifying the different relationships which may exist between the factors. Analyzing, selecting, and interpreting the relevant data. Judging the significance of data.

Testing of Hypothesis :
Checking the hypothesis which recognizes authorities Division experimental procedures suitable for testing hypothesis. Organizing data. Applying the hypothesis to the problem to determine adequacy.

Analysis of evidence and drawing inferences:
Children should be taught to the scientific and reasonable in interpreting the data. It is essential to break the large area into different segments and then to consider ways and means for analysis; the analysis of data should be accurate and to the point.

Drawing Conclusions :
The conclusion should be drawn by the pupils themselves and the teacher is to see how far it is significant relating to the solution to the problem.

Analysis of the data in a new situation:
The students should be able to recognize the common and identical elements in the principle of the problem and apply them in the new life situation.

From the standpoint of learning principle of problem-solving is very valuable since they are the result of the cumulative and generalized experience that makes up the basis of knowledge and understanding. It is much easier for members than the facts through the method. It develops reflective thinking. So. it stimulates thinking, reasoning, and critical judgment in the students.

It develops qualities of dependence on the students as they are to face the problematic situation themselves. It is a stimulating method. It acts as a great motivating force and directs students, attention, and activity. It serves individual differences. It develops desirable study habits in the students. They get engaged in the analysis of the problem, reflective thinking, and systematic.

data gathering, verification, and critical study. It is a method of experience-based learning. Problem-solving is done by self-experience. There is the possibility of close contact between the teacher and taught. The students get valuable social experiences like patience, cooperation, self-confidence, etc.

Disadvantages :
It is a time-consuming method. The progress of students is very slow. It is difficult to organize the contents according to the needs. All topics cannot-be-taught by this method. All require adequate resources. The method does not suit the students of lower classes. They do not possess enough background for a scientific approach to problems.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 4 Method of Teaching General Science Questions and Answers

Question 6.
What are the different steps of the project method in teaching science? Discuss each of the steps and state the merits and limitations of the method?
The project method is a pupil-centered method carried out in school or outside the school. The essence of this method is to carry out a useful task on a ground in which all the students work co-operatively learning by doing and learning by the living are the two cardinal principles of this method. Children learn through association, cooperation, and activity.

The various steps of the method are as follows:

  • Providing a situation
  • Choosing and purposing
  • Planning
  • Executing
  • Evaluation
  • Recording

Providing a situation:
The teacher should provide such a situation to the students which may create some problems for them and in which they feel interested to work.

Choosing and purposing :
The children should be tempted to choose a project. The teacher should stimulate discussion through suggestions. The project chosen should be to the need of the pupils. The purpose of the. project be clearly defined and well understood by the pupils.

The success of a project depends upon a good planning. The students should plan out the whole scheme under the guidance of the teacher. The teacher should prepare two to three plans in his mind and guide the students Every child should be encouraged to participate in the discussion and to make suggestions. All the students are taught to write the plan properly.

The teacher should assign duties and distribute work among the pupils of a group to their interests and abilities. Every child should contribute actively towards the execution of the project. The teacher should guide them.

The students review the project and find out the mistakes if any. self-criticism is an important training and should not be neglected. The teacher should see that the objective of the project has been achieved.

Recording :
The students should keep a complete record of work, how they planned, what discussions were held, how, duties were managed, etc. and finally criticism of their own work.

Merits of the project method:
The project method is based on the laws of learning, the law of readiness, law of exercise, and the law of effect. It promotes cooperative activity and group interaction.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 1 What is Psychology? Long Answer Questions

Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Solutions Unit 1 What is Psychology? Long Answer Questions.

CHSE Odisha 11th Class Psychology Unit 1 What is Psychology? Long Answer Questions

Long Answer Essay Type Questions

Question 1.
Discuss the nature and scope of psychology.
Psychology is an academic and applied discipline involving the scientific study of mental processes and behaviour. Psychology also refers to the application of such knowledge to various spheres of human activity, including relating to an individual’s daily life and the treatment of mental illness. Psychology differs from the other social sciences anthropology, economics, political science, and sociology in that psychology seeks to explain the mental processes and behaviour of individuals.

Whereas biology and neuroscience study the biological or neural processes and how they relate to the mental effects they subjectively produce, psychology is a priority concerned with the interaction of mental processes and behaviour on a systemic. subfield neuropsychology studies the actual neural process while biological psychology studies the biological bases of behaviour and mental states.

Psychology is an academic and applied field involving the study of behaviour mind and thought and the subconscious neurological bases of behaviour psychology also refer to the application of such knowledge to various spheres of human activity, including problems of individuals’ daily lives and the study of mental illness.

It is largely concerned with humans, although the behaviour and mental process of animals can also be part of psychology research, either as a subject in its own might i.e. animal cognition and ethology, or somewhat more controversially, as a way of gaining an insight into human psychology by means of comparison (including comparative psychology).

Psychology is a scientific study that relies on conspiracism, the use of experimentation, evidence and observation to draw conclusions. It is not based on common sense, reasoning or logic alone. There are two general grouping of psychologists: research psychologists and applied psychologists. Research Psychologists experiment and gather observations to improve understanding of the nature of the mind and behaviour.

Applied psychologists take these observations and leave the lab to deal with everyday problems. In order to obtain responses from individuals a number of psychological tools or instruments are used psychology has various methodological ways or approaches to understand and explain psychological phenomena.

Question 2.
How is psychology a science?
Wundt gave psychology a scientific status by opening the first psychological laboratory at Leipzig. Thus, psychology as a science has its beginning in the psychological institute at Leipzig and it went through several phases to reach the status of current psychology. Critics from different quarters, however, questioned the scientific status of psychology.

They asked, “Is psychology a science line physics chemistry ?” Even people make sarcastic remarks when we describe psychology as a science. Science is a systematic body of knowledge gathered by careful observation and measurement of events. The things and objects are systematized mostly by classifying them into various categories.

The general laws and principles are established which describe and predict the events as clearly as possible. Science seeks to explain the phenomena within its scope. The explanation is the ultimate aim of science. Psychology deals with oriental processes and activities of the organism in relation to its environment. It deals with experience and behaviour. Psychology seeks to explain the law of mind.

The aim of psychology precisely is to describe, understand, predict and control conditions and situations both in the world around him and within himself. As indicated earlier, it is mainly the scientific procedure adopted for the study of psychology that gave it a scientific status. Science uses methods like observation experiments, manes comparison and classification to investigate and collect data.

Psychology uses both observation and experimentation; which are scientific processes. The scientific procedure, according to mum (1950) “involves making systematic rather than aimless observations, being impersonal in one’s search for truth, seeking information to test rather than to prove ideas already had making it possible for others to repeat one’s observations under essentially the same conditions and to confirm or modify them.”

Science, in other words, uses experimental methods for the purpose of investigation. Instead of mere observation, certain conditions or variables of the object of study are changed (independent variables) and the effect of these changes on the subject matter of study is noted. Science starts with some assumptions or hypotheses and postulates about its subject matter.

Psychology as a science usually starts an experiment with some assumptions or hypotheses. In a scientific procedure like the experimental method, all variables are controlled except the independent variable of science should be quantitative. In other words, results obtained from a scientific study should be quantified or measured. Psychology uses statistical methods for the analysis of results.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 1 What is Psychology? Long Answer Questions

Question 3.
Examine the contributions of Wundt and Titchener to Experimental Psychology?
William Wundt (1832-1920) opened the first psychological laboratory in Leipzig, German. Thus he took the first step in making psychology a science. He gave the first touch by assembling the parts together formulated by the earlier investigations. It is, therefore, rightly called the father and founder of modem experimental psychology.

The psychological institute at Leipzig thus started programmes of making psychology an independent science. Though prior to Wundt the attitude towards scientific psychology was growing in the minds of various investigators. Wundt alone gave it an independent status by separating psychology from philosophy and giving up speculation and armchair observation in favour of scientific methods of study.

Wundt, a German physiologist took a lot of interest in the subjective and personal experiences of the organism, a response to sensory Stimulation. After publishing “fundamental of psychological psychology (1871)”. Wundt opened his psychological institute at Leipzig.

A large number of students from all over the world came to Wundt’s institute to conduct research on scientific psychology under his able guidance. Wundt defined psychology as the science of immediate experience with consciousness being the main subject matter, which simply means the science of consciousness.

E.B. Titchener:
Titchener, the English psychologist who went to Leipzig to work under Wundt, propounded the structural school of psychology. Like Wundt, he was also determined to establish psychology as a pure and perfect science. Thus, he established a laboratory at Cornell, in America, to develop a structural school of psychology.

He based his work and research on the pattern of Wundt. He was a staunch believer in the experimental approach towards the study of mental science. He published a number of books on psychology and thus helped in the enrichment of psychology as a science. In fact, it is Titchener who owes the credit for establishing Wundt’s concept of psychology in the U.S.A.

Titchener defined psychology as the science of conscious experience which is dependent upon the experiencing person. He developed a monistic approach towards psychology with the view that all sciences have more or less the same content, which refers to some aspect of the human experience. Only the approach is different.

Mind according to him is the sum total of human experience and the subject-matter of psychology is conscious experience. Titchener was a very devoted worker. He sincerely tried to develop fully the concepts of psychology put forward by Wundt. The above two psychologists’ contributions are discussed.

Question 4.
Discuss briefly the different branches of psychology?
Modem psychologists have developed certain conceptual approaches to the understanding of psychology keeping in view the current needs. Zimbardo and Member (1997) have identified six broad conceptual models which are normally used in the study of human behaviour.
They are:

  • Biological
  • Behaviouristic
  • Cognitive
  • humanistic
  • Psycho-dynamic and
  • Evolutionary.

We will discuss below the first three models widely used by psychologists.

Biological Approach:
The biological approach is basically interested in the functioning of genes, the nervous system, the brain and the endocrine glands to trace the causes human behaviour. Zimbardo (1997) views that the biological approach makes four assumptions. Psychological and social phenomena can be understood in terms of biochemical processes.

Complex behaviours can be understood by analyzing them into smaller and more specific units. All behaviour or behavioural potential is determined by physical structures and hereditary processes. Experience can modify behaviour by changing these underlying biological structures and processes.

a conglomeration of these two sciences has led to the development of a biological approach to psychology. The biological approach also includes the Biophysical; or Neuroscience approach. Which attempts to find out the physiological or biological changes that take place in the nervous system. brain, glands and chores when we learn, perceive, think, emote, became angry, hungry see a movie, dream or engage in daydreams.

Behaviouristic Approach:
Structuralism was too mentalistic because it attempted to deal with mental processes. In the early twentieth century, some scholars pioneered an approach in America popularly known as Behaviourism which placed importance or the overt behaviour of organisms. The propounder of behaviourism was Y.B. Watson.

He and his associates reduced psychological understanding to a simple ABC formula:

  • first, identify the antecedent (triggering) stimulus conditions, that elicit behaviour,
  • secondly, measure changes in observable behaviour and friendly,
  • record the consequences that the behaviour has on the environment.

All these three, ABC elements, antecedent conditions, behaviours and consequences or change must be objectively observable. Watson viewed drat mental events could not be studied scientifically and that psychology must look not within the individual for the causes of behaviour, but outside the individual at the environment and the observable stimuli that lead to behavioural responses.

Another learning theorist, B.F. Shinner restricted the domain of psychology to the study of how behaviour and environment operate on and affect each other. Modem scientific psychology has however accepted to quite an extent the behaviouristic approach of Watson, particularly those aspects of behaviour that are carefully and objectively measured by contemporary.

psychology because of its scientific orientation still consists of overt behaviour. According to Baron (1999) “Behaviouristic approach to psychology has stood the test of time and continues to remain as an important approach to modem psychology”.

Cognitive Approach:
The behaviouristic approach seems somewhat limited because it excludes mental processes. Cognitive psychology stands as a direct challenge to the limited view of behaviourism that scientific psychology is only the study of the overt behaviour of the organism. The cognitive model is a very broad one encircling consciousness, attending perceiving or knowing, thinking, problem-solving, even numbering etc.

Cognition means knowing or knowledge modem psychologists hold that emphasis on human thought, perception, knowledge and all the processes of cognitive functioning centre around the heart of psychology.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 1 What is Psychology? Long Answer Questions

Question 5.
State the subject matter of psychology. How is it related to biology and medicine?
The subject matter of psychology includes air branches and all aspects of psychology, particularly those which deal with human behaviour, internal and external experiences and various mental processes. The mental processes include physiologist bases behaviour, sensation, attention, perception learning, memory process, thinking reasoning and creativity, personality, intelligence and emotional and motivational processes etc.

Among the above, learning is the core of psychology and its central subject matter. Humans’ adjustment to a tired environment is impossible without learning and the ability to learn and remember things. Psychologists study human behaviour as used as a mental process exploring the thinking process, ability creativity and reasoning capacity.

Cognitive psychologists, therefore, put emphasis on the cognitive behaviour of the organism as an important subject matter of psychology. I Human being is an intelligent person. His cognitive ability or intelligence determines his mental activities to a great extent and hence the complete without the study of intelligence or cognitive behaviour the subject matter of psychology subject matter related to Biology and medicine.

Biology :
Biology is life science. It studies the life of plants and animals which includes the study of the growth and development of living beings and how they reproduce and continue to exist. The scope of biology is very wide in the sense that it is concerned with the study of genetics physiology, zoology, neurology embryology etc. Since psychology has an intimate relationship with physiology, animal psychology and neurology, it is logically related to biology.

Animal experiments truly speaking, have enriched our knowledge in understanding human behaviour. Animals are of then used in research and experiments in psychology, for instance, Pavlov experimented on dogs, Thomdive on cats, Kohler on chimpanzees, Lashley on rats and Skinner on pigeons. The laws and principles of learning drawn from these studies have provided valuable chees to the psychology of learning and motivation.

Medical science deals with both physical and mental disorders. This knowledge is a must for psychologists because both deal with the human organism, medicine, however, is more concerned with physical disease and psychology with mental disease. Since mind and body can not be separated from, each other and are interrelated, one influencing the Other, medicine and psychology are just like the coils of a rope, interwoven and interrelated.

Just as it is essential for doctors to know about human psychology and behaviour patterns it is equally necessary for psychologists to have knowledge of physical diseases and the various physiological organs and their functions. Both psychologists and medical men take each other’s help in the conduction of research on human beings.

Question 6.
Discuss the observational methods and their advantages?
The methods which a particular branch of knowledge uses, determine its scientific nature. Psychology as already indicated is described as a social science. In order to clarify the fact that psychology is a science. It is necessary to examine the methods used in psychology to study the behaviour of the organism. Methods in psychology refer to the ways or procedures to study behaviour, both inner and outer.

Methods are also used to analyse, predict and control behaviour in a given situation. Thus psychology like any other science subject uses observation and experimental methods. The introspective method comes under the observational method unique in psychology and not used in any other science for the purpose of investigation. That is why Morgan and King have said that psychology is both Science and Arts.

Observational Method:
Psychologists have attempted to divide observational methods into various categories which are given below.

Subjective observation (Introspection):
Self-observation is popularly known as introspection. It is a unique method used in psychology, which is not found in any other science. Titchener developed the introspective method. Wundt also suggested as a method of studying conscious experience. According to Titchener, psychology must deal with the inner states of consciousness in order to find out its structure. As already pointed out introspection means slef-observation or ‘to look within.

In the case of introspection, the person observes his own feelings and experiences at a given tinie and reports the same to the investigator. By self-observation, only the experiencing person says what he is feeling or experiencing. To introspect means to attend to one’s own experiences. If a person is having a headache or toothache, only he can report it.

If one is thinking of somebody it is he who can make it overt. Thus the person himself can give an account of his experiences. That is why it is called self-observation. But, the inner mental activities can be made public by the experiencing person. Whatever one is feeling experiencing or thinking, he can only – give a report of same.

Here the job of the psychologist is to encourage the person under observation to look within and observe his own thoughts feelings, and experiences and report the same psychologist. Introspection as self-observation. But every self-observation is not introspection. Self-observation of one’s mental activities only refers to introspection.

Psychology is the study of behaviour and experiences. Behaviour is studied by observation technique. In fact, there is no other method by which private and personal experience can be studied except the method of introspection. Introspection is an easy, simple and traditional method. Many psychologists gathered lots of valuable information, particularly in the field of sensation with the help of the introspection method.

When the other scientific and objective methods fail to serve the purpose, introspection solves the problem. Specific principles are followed for the use of other scientific methods; no rules are to be followed for observing one’s own feelings and experiences. Introspection can be applied at any time and at any place. Further, no laboratory or test materials are necessary for introspection.

Introspection provides direct and first-hand knowledge to the person about one’s mental state. The data obtained by the introspective method can be compared with the data obtained by the observation method, later on, both the subjective and objective data can be synthesized. Attributes of sensation can be known through introspection.

A number of impressions and experiences about the tactual, auditory, gustatory and factory sensations can be known by introspection. Similarly experiences about like and dislikes applying the self-observation method. The subject’s response to a stimulus is revealed through introspection. How he registers the stimulus and his reaction to stimulation can only be known by introspection.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 1 What is Psychology? Long Answer Questions

Question 7.
Define observation methods used in psychology?
The observation methods are defined below:

  • Naturalistic observation
  • Participant observation
  • Non-participant observation

Naturalistic observation:
Naturalistic observation is made in an environment which is uncontrolled and unrestricted but natural. It is incidental and unplanned. The attitude of the teachers towards their students can be observed in classroom situations where the observer plays a passive role. Piaget’s studies on the cognitive development of children were frequently preceded by naturalistic observation which he called the clinical method.

This method does not require the cooperation of the subject. The ‘ S ’ is completely kept ignorant that he is being observed. The artificiality of the laboratory is completely absent here.

Data collected by the naturalistic method are different to reproduction, standardisation and quantity. It violates the standards of specificity, quantitativeness and standardisation of the observational procedure.

Participant Observation:
When application of the experimental method and use of the naturalistic method may not be feasible the method of participant observation comes into the picture. In this method, the observer actually takes part of participating with the ‘O’ in a particular act and simultaneously observes his behaviour. For example, while studying the play activity of children, the observer also plays with them, and the child never knows that he is observing him.

For studying cases on a large scale, when experimental methods are not practically possible, this method is used to sort out various problems of the employees, in industries and organisations and in a classroom situation.

In addition to the disadvantages and limitations of the observational methods, the additional disadvantage of this method is that once the subjects start suspecting the participant observer’s motive and the situation they may become furious considering him a spy.

Non-participant Observation:
As the name implies it is the opposite of participant observation. In this method, the observer does not participate in the activities of the subject being studied but he tries to observe the behaviour from an observable distance through a One-way vision screen.

Question 8.
What is the case history method? Define its limitations?
Psychology has adopted the use of a number of investigative methods for the understanding and analysis of human behaviour. Case history is one of these methods which is being used particularly by clinical psychologists for the diagnosis and treatment of behaviour disorders. Otherwise known as the life history or case study method. It involves making observations for a considerable period of time to trace the cause and development of a particular behaviour pattern.

This method actually has been borrowed from medicine and it has got special implications t in the study of problem children and in the study of problem children and in the treatment of abnormality. It is a two-way process in which the investigator uses tests, checklists questionnaires like the survey technique.

Under case study method :

  • the day book method,
  • clinical method.
  • Biographical method

are includes case history is a very comprehensive and useful method. But it requires specialised skills for the collection of information. The main purpose of the case study method is diagnosis and prognosis. In other words, it aims at finding the cases underlying human behaviour as well as making recommendations about rectifying the present behaviour.

It is held by some that the case study method is highly subjective. Unless trained and competent investigators conduct the interview collect case history, it may lead to erratic and erroneous findings. However, the subjective nature of the case history method can be reduced by using a particular format of a case study which can provide guidelines to the person collecting the information.

He can thus have the scope to add or to subtract very little and this can ensure objectivity and reduce subjectivity to a minimum. Some have argued that case study is retrospective in nature. It is based on the contemplation of an event after it has occurred. Thus many valuable experiences from that standpoint of psychological analysis are forgotten, disturbed or actively.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 1 What is Psychology? Long Answer Questions

Question 9.
Discuss the characteristics of the experimental methods in psychology?
According to Ruch (1970) “The most highly developed, formalised and accurate of all scientific methods is the experimental method”. It is the most reliable of all the methods used in psychology. In 1879 Wundt started the first psychological laboratory at Leipzig and since then most psychological data are collected through well-designed and scientifically conducted experiments.

The experimental method is a procedure in which certain hypotheses framed on the basis of previous findings are tested by systematically varying certain conditions and controlling some other conditions. In other words, it is observation used in pre-arranged conditions. When the behaviour of a person is not studied under natural conditions, or in the field, but under artificially controlled conditions in the laboratory it is called an experiment.

The E should use the proper method for the presentation of the stimulus and should see that he gets the necessary cooperation from this. He must have a procedure for collecting data and testing the hypothesis. Proper instructions to the “S” must begin before starting experiment. The verbal and introspective report of the subject should be taken to interpret and verify the obtained findings.

Characteristics of the experimental method:
Variable Slid Conditions:
The experimental method involves certain variables. A variable is a factor which varies or changes in the experiment. A variable is any aspect of a condition that can vary or any quantity that can change in a valve.

Independent Variable :
The independent variable is the factor which is manipulated or changed in an experimental design. It is the factor whose effects are being studied on the result.

Dependent Variables:
It is also called the response variable. According to such, “The dependent variable in an experiment is the factor which the experimenter predicts will change in some way as a result of changing the independent variable.

Relevant Variable:
The relevant variables are those variables which are kept constant throughout the experiment except the independent variable. For example, in the experiment on memory for meaningful words and nonsense materials except for the nature of the material all other factors are kept constant in both conditions.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 1 What is Psychology? Long Answer Questions

Question 10.
Show the significance of survey and statistical methods in psychology.
Survey While attempting to understand the dynamics of human behaviour one may come across certain problems which are difficult to study by observations experiments or case history methods. Political attitudes, consumer preference, attitudes towards family planning, dowry, marriage, and divorce, women’s liberation, health care, etc. Are studied by survey method. The survey method used questionnaires, interviews, rating scales, checklists, etc. to obtain information about the problem of the study.

In other words, the survey method is a procedure of connecting certain information from the population by carefully prepared questionnaires. The information is obtained from a scientifically selected sample which represents the view of the entire population. For social surveys, the sample must be randomly selected and it must be large enough to represent the population.

Currently, the survey method has extended from mere administration of questionnaires and tests and interviews to a Telephone ‘survey’. survey by postal questionnaires, etc. This is done for quick collection of data. Although the personal interview technique is more popular and extensively used in survey methods, it is very costly and time-consuming. A report is necessary at the first place.

Statistical Method:
Psychologists have borrowed the statistical method from mathematics as they felt that it is indispensable for psychological research. The design and interpretation of any data obtained by psychological research are incomplete without statistical analysis. To determine the average performance of a group or a person in a test or tests, the application of statistics is a must.

Similarly to find out the difference and relationships in the performance, intelligence score, anxiety, aptitude, and prejudice of two groups or members of groups, say, boys and girls, rural and urban children, of different age groups, the psychologists have to take the help of statistical procedures. Mum, therefore, comments “statistical analysis is an application of mathematics which enables the psychologist to arrange his findings so that he can discover their significant trends and relationships.”

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 1 What is Psychology? Short Answer Questions

Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Solutions Unit 1 What is Psychology? Short Answer Questions.

CHSE Odisha 11th Class Psychology Unit 1 What is Psychology? Short Answer Questions

Short Type Questions With Answers

Question 1.
J.B. Watson (1878-1958) developed the Behaviouristic school of psychology, otherwise known as Behaviourism. Watson advocated the S-R approach towards psychology instead of the S-O-R approach.

Question 2.
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), was making his contributions to the study and treatment of abnormal behaviour. Freud who was a neurologist and a psychiatrist developed a “school of psychology”.

Question 3.
Behaviouristic Approach?
The behaviouristic was influenced by Russian physiologist Pavlov’s principles of classical conditioning and other related works in the area of learning. The behaviouristic perspective deals with overt or external behaviour that can be objectively recorded and manipulated.

Question 4.
Legal Psychology?
It is also a branch of applied psychology. Legal psychology is concerned with the discovery of motives behind the crimes and methods required for the detection of crimes.

Question 5.
Kohler and Loffka?
Kurt Loffka (1856-1941) and W. Kohler (1887) were the founders of the Gestalt School of Psychology (1914). They mainly did research on the area of perceptual and learning processes.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 1 What is Psychology? Short Answer Questions

Question 6.
Jung and Adler?
Alfred Adler (1870-1937) and C.G. Jung (1875 – 1961) were the earlier associates of Freud. Adler developed the school of individual psychology “Jung’s school of Psychology” is known us the school of Analytical Psychology.

Question 7.
E.B. Titchener?
He was an English Psychologist who wait in Leipzig to work under Wundt and propounded the structural school of psychology. He was also determined to establish psychology as a pure and perfect science.

Question 8.
Participant Observation?
When the application of experimental and use of naturalistic methods may not be feasible, that is called participant observation. In this method, the observer takes part or participants with the ‘O’ in a particular and simultaneously observes the behaviour.

Question 9.
Self-observation is popularly known as introspection. It is a unique method used in psychology which is not found in any other science.

Question 10.
Experimental Method?
According to Ruch (1970) “The most highly developed scientific method is the experimental method. The experimental design is important aspect of an experiment.

Question 11.
Non-participant observation?
It is the opposite of participant observation. In this method, the observer does not participate in the activities of the subject being studied but he tries to observe the behaviour from an observable distance through one vision screen.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 1 What is Psychology? Short Answer Questions

Question 12.
Field study method?
Application of experimental technique requires a well-equipped laboratory it can not be earned to different fields of life. The field study is used as an alternative to laboratory investigation.

Question 13.
Survey method?
Political attitudes, consumer preference, attitudes towards family planning, dowry, marriage and divorce, women’s liberation, health care etc. are studied by survey method. The survey method used questionnaires, interviews, rating scales, checklists etc.

Question 14.
Independent Variable?
The independent variable is the factor which is manipulated or changed in an experimental design. In complex experimental designs, more than one independent variable is introduced particularly when it is necessary for the investigation.

Question 15.
Health Psychology?
Health psychology has gained tremendous importance as an emerging branch of psychology. Health psychology’s main purpose is to make people conscious that “prevention is better than cure”. Health psychologists can give counselling for a lifestyle characterised by high levels of commitment, flexibility in attitude and a strong motivation to change one’s irrational and anti-health activities. Health psychology also aims to maintain a harmonious and cordial relationship between the doctor and the patient. Several channels of T. V. have regulated programmes on health and health care.

Question 16.
Cognitive Psychology?
It is originally based on Gestalt Psychology, it has developed in recent years into a separate field of psychology. Cognition means knowing or knowledge. Modem psychologists hold that emphasis on human thought, perception, knowledge and all processes of cognitive functioning centre around the heart of psychology. Cognitive psychology stands as a direct challenge to the limited view of behaviourism that scientific psychology is only the study of the overt behaviour of the organism. The cognitive model is a very broad one encircling consciousness, attending, thinking, problem-solving etc.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 1 What is Psychology? Short Answer Questions

Question 17.
Social Psychology?
Social psychology has been accepted as a major branch of psychology. Social psychology like clinical, educational and industrial psychology is an applied branch of psychology. It deals with the behaviour and experience of an individual in a group situation, in a community and in society. Social psychologists are taking a tremendous interest in the study of mass communication, cognitive dissonance and population research. Social psychology mainly aims at solving the various social, political, and economic problems of our life.

Question 18.
Abnormal Psychology / Clinical Psychology?
Abnormal psychology also studies the topographical aspects of the mind, the id, ego, superego, conscious, subconscious and unconscious, and the psycho-sexual development of the child. The credit for extending the scope of psychology to the study of abnormal behaviour duly goes to If Freud, Jung and Adler. Clinical psychology applies its principles and therapies to deviants and mentally disordered persons. The clinical psychologist is mainly engaged in the classification, diagnosis and treatment of behaviour disorders. According to Morgan and King (1978), clinical psychology is now the largest field of specialisation.

Question 19.
Developmental Psychology?
Developmental psychology studies the physical and mental development of human organisms from conception to old age. According to Morgan and King (1978), developmental psychologists attempt to understand complex behaviours by studying their simpler beginnings. Child psychology occupies a large place in the study of developmental psychology. Developmental psychology includes the study of sensory and motor development of the child and his specific abilities. Developmental psychology also deals with superior, disturbed, disadvantaged and backward children.

Question 20.
Sports Psychology?
It is also an emerging branch of psychology. Sports psychology helps athletes to concentrate their attention on competitive goals, makes them more motivated and enables them to deal with their anxiety and fear successfully which often accompany competition in a sports field. Sports psychology is used as a therapeutic technique in hospitals and psychological clinics. The sports psychologist has a very crucial role to play particularly when the player is discouraged because of missing a ball or a catch or losing a match. A sportsman may be in high physical form but if he is psychologically unfit he cannot be a successful player.

Question 21.
Field study method?
Psychology has extended itself to various spheres of life. Since application of experimental techniques requires a well-equipped laboratory. It can not be carried to different fields of life. The field study is used as an alternative to laboratory investigation. The method is free from artificial nature. The field study method is used in this study of children, industrial employees, animals etc.

Question 22.
Experimental Design?
A traditional experimental design involves two groups or conditions, such as :

  • Experimental condition
  • Controlled condition

The independent variable is manipulated in the experimental condition. Subjects of the experimental conditions will not be given only rest during the retention interval. Experimental conditions would indicate the effect of interpolated activity on remembering. There are different designs one balancing another factor.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 1 What is Psychology? Short Answer Questions

Question 23.
Limitations of experimental methods?
For the application of the experimental method, a well-equipped laboratory, tools and equipment, and subjects are necessary. Human beings and animals are the subjects used in the experimental method. The artificial arrangement of the experimental set-up. The artificiality of laboratory experiments is a source of strength and a source of weakness. On the side of weakness, this control may make experiments so different from real life that the results do not apply to real situations.

Question 24.
Dependent variable?
It is also called the response variable. According to Ruch “The dependent variable in an experiment is the factor which the experimenter predicts with change in the same way as a result to changing the independent variable. The dependent variable is better memory in the case of meaningful words. The dependent variable is the effect while the independent variable is the cause. The effect of the independent variable is observed in the results which are called the dependent variable.

Question 25.
What advantages of Naturalistic observation?
This method does not require the cooperation of the subject. The ‘S’ is completely kept ignored that he is being observed. the artificially of the laboratory is completely absent here. Spontaneous reactions of the ‘S’ are observed and the ‘S’ makes no change in his response same to the presence of the observer.

When it is not possible to study the behaviour of children, adults, human beings and animals. Under artificially constructed laboratory situations the naturalistic observation method becomes extremely useful. Pinget feels that only through the naturalistic observation method one can get into the heart of the child’s various problems.

Question 26.
Survey Method?
Political attitudes, consumer preference attitude towards family planning, dowry, marriage and divorce, women’s liberation, health care etc. are studied by survey method. The survey method used questionnaires, interviews, rating scales, checklists etc. to obtain information about the tire problem of the study. The survey method is a procedure of collecting certain information from the population by carefully prepared questionnaires.

The survey method has extended from mere administration of questionnaires and tests and interviews to telephone surveys, surveys by postal questionnaires etc. The personal interview technique is more popular and extensively used in survey methods. The survey method is extremely useful in social sciences like psychology, providing carefully prepared questionnaires, well-trained interviewers, carefully and cautiously selected samples and appropriate methods of data analysis and reporting used.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 1 What is Psychology? Short Answer Questions

Question 27.
Case study method?
it is qualitative research used mostly by clinical psychologists. A case study or case history is an in-depth look at a single individual. Mainly case studies are performed by clinical psychologists. A case study provides information about the person’s fears, hopes, fantasies, traumatic experiences, upbringing, and family relationships, herewith. A case study is the most exhaustive method of collecting data about the behaviour of a person. The case study has a clinical orientation with a focus on helping the individual self-improvement.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 1 What is Psychology? Objective Questions

Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Solutions Unit 1 What is Psychology? Objective Questions.

CHSE Odisha 11th Class Psychology Unit 1 What is Psychology? Objective Questions

Multiple Choice Type Questions

Question 1.
Psychology as a science is studied _____?
(a) Systematically
(b) Methodically
(c) Analytically
(c) observationally
(a) Systematically

Question 2.
Psychology is the science of ________?
(a) soul
(b) mind
(c) brain
(d) body

Question 3.
Does behaviour mean _______?
(a) experience
(b) learning
(c) reaction
(d) activities
(d) activities

Question 4.
Watson defined psychology as the science of ______?
(a) behaviour
(b) experience
(e) soul
(d) mind
(a) behaviour

Question 5.
_____ is the father of experimental psychology?
(a) Watson
(b) Wundt
(e) Williams
(d) Freud
(b) Wundt

Question 6.
The first psychological laboratory was established in _______?
(a) 1779
(b) 1879
(c) 1789
(d) 1889
(b) 1879

Question 7.
_____developed the behaviouristic school of psychology?
(a) Woodworth
(b) William James
(c) Watson
(d) Wertheimer.
(c) Watson

Question 8.
Titchner was a psychologist?
(a) English
(b) German
(c) American
(d) French

Question 9.
Does social psychology study the psychology of the________in groups?
(a) children
(b) adults
(c) old people
(d) individuals
(d) individuals

Question 10.
Psychology is a____ science?
(a) natural as life
(b) environmental
(c) social
(c) social

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 1 What is Psychology? Objective Questions

Question 11.
Psychology as a science study the experience and behaviour of _______?
(a) human beings
(b) animals
(c) organism
(d) plants
(c) organism

Question 12.
The functional school of psychologý was advanced by _______?
(a) Watson
(b) Thomdive
(c) William
(d) James
(c) William

Question 13.
Wundt established the first psychologist laboratory at _______?
(a) Frankfort
(b) Paris
(c) Leipzig
(d) Berlin
(c) Leipzig

Question 14.
Jung was a _____ psychiatrist.
(a) Japanese
(b) German
(c) Swiss
(d) American
(c) Swiss

Question 15.
Sigmund Freud emphasized the role of in causing neuroses?
(a) suppression
(b) repression
(c) subconsciousness
(d) consciousness
(b) repression

Question 16.
That branch of psychology which studies men at work is known as psychology?
(a) consumer
(b) advertising
(c) industrial and organisational
(d) social
(c) industrial and organisational

Question 17.
The role of the unconscious in mental illness was advanced for the first time by____?
(a) Jung
(b) Adler
(c) Karen homey
(d) Freud
(d) Freud

Question 18.
The behaviour of children in the classroom is studied by_____ psychologists?
(a) child
(b) developmental
(c) educational
(d) social
(c) educational

Question 19.
Are we thinking is a branch of _______?
(a) work psychology
(b) education psychology
(c) consumer psychology
(d) general psychology
(d) general psychology

Question 20.
_______ does not come under the branches of psychology.
(a) psychopathology
(b) medicine
(c) consumer psychology
(d) advertising psychology
(b) medicine

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 1 What is Psychology? Objective Questions

Question 21.
Wundt was a _______?
(a) physiologist
(b) sociologist
(c) mathematician
(d) psychologist
(a) physiologist

Question 22.
Psychology is the science of _______?
(a) the mind
(b) the unconscious
(c) the soul
(d) the behaviour
(a) the mind

Question 23.
Weber was a ________?
(a) Biologist
(b) Psychologist
(c) physicist
(d) Philosopher
(c) physicist

Question 24.
That branch of psychology which studies the behaviour of an individual in a group is called _______?
(a) Anthropology
(b) Social Psychology
(c) Consumer Psychology
(d) Developmental Psychology
(b) Social Psychology

Question 25.
Psychometry is a branch of ________.
(a) medicine
(b) psychology
(c) psychiatry
(d) biology
(c) psychiatry

Question 26.
The main aim of the _______ method is to obtain the past history of the person?
(a) observation
(b) experimental
(c) survey
(d) case.
(d) case

Question 27.
Objective observation and experiments are essential in _______?
(a) Arts
(b) Political Science
(c) Philosophy
(d) Science
(d) Science

Question 28.
While testing a hypothesis if the results are significant, then it will be _______?
(a) Accepted
(b) Cancelled
(c) Rejected
(d) None of the above
(a) Accepted

Question 29.
A hypothesis is a _______?
(a) theory
(b) theory to be verified
(c) theory to be reviewed
(d) theory to be rejected.
(b) theory to be verified

Question 30.
In the experimental method, the variables that are manipulated are called _______?
(a) independent variable
(b) dependent variable
(c) relevant variable
(d) none of the above
(a) independent variable

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 1 What is Psychology? Objective Questions

Question 31.
In a psychological experimént the independent variable functions as a / an _______?
(a) effect
(b) constant

Question 32.
In a psychological experiment, are the dependent variables are influenced by the variable?
(a) independent variable
(b) relevant variable
(c) experimental variable
(d) none of the above
(a) independent variable

Question 33.
The independent variable i&an experiment differs from the dependent variable in _________.
(a) that it is a response eLiciting a stimulus which is so strong so as to mark the intervening variable
(b) that it is a variable which comes between the stimulus and response.
(c) that it is a stimulus within an experiment which is expected to cause a specific response to occur.
(d) It can not be controlled or changed.
(c) that it is a stimulus within an experiment which is expected to cause a specific response to occur.

Question 34.
an important difference between an experimental group and a control group is that ______?
(a) the independent variable is introduced to the experimental group but not to the control group.
(b) the independent variable is introduced to the control group and not to the experimental group.
(c) none of the above
(a) the independent variable is introduced to the experimental group but not to the control group.

Question 35.
The most scientific method used to study the behaviour of organisms is ________?
(a) observation
(b) experimental
(c) case history
(d) survey
(b) experimental

Question 36.
Introspection was developed and advocated by ________?
(a) Kohicr
(b) William James
(c) Thorndike
(d) Titchener
(d) Titchener

Question 37.
The first psychological laboratory was introduced in the year?
(a) 1989
(b) 1879
(c) 1789
(d) 1878
(b) 1879

Question 38.
Introspection can also be called ________?
(a) self-observation
(b) to look within
(c) retrospection
(d) none of the above
(a) self-observation

Question 39.
The first psychological laboratory was established as ________?
(a) Sweden
(b) Tokyo
(c) Leipzig
(d) Hongkong
(c) Leipzig

Question 40.
In the experimental condition, the variables are ________?
(a) kept constant
(b) manipulated
(c) both kept constant and manipulated alternatively
(d) none of the above
(b) manipulated

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 1 What is Psychology? Objective Questions

Question 41.
The introspective method can be used only to study the behaviour of ________?
(a) Human beings
(b) Higher animals
(c) lower animals
(d) none of the above
(a) Human beings

Question 42.
The short history of psychology as a science started with _______?
(a) MC. Donegal
(b) Watson
(c) Titchener
(d) Wundt
(d) Wundt

Question 43.
The first psychological laboratory of the world was established under the leadership of ________?
(a) Freud
(b) Titchener
(c) Fenchner
(d) Wundt
(d) Wundt

Question 44.
The introspective method is unique in ________?
(a) sociology
(b) anthropology
(c) psychoanalysis
(d) psychology
(d) psychology

Question 45.
Observation of others’ mental activity includes?
(a) perception of behaviour
(b) conscious or subconscious inference
(c) interpretation of the behaviour of other persons in terms of own experience
(d) all the above
(d) all the above

Question 46.
Introspection as a method of psychology has received the support of _____?
(a) Wundt
(b) Miller
(c) Brief
(d) Titchener
(e) All the above

Question 47.
The Aim Chair and biographical methods were used by _____?
(a) scientific psychologists
(b) the prescientific psychologists
(c) statisticians
(d) sociologists
(b) the prescientific psychologists

Question 48.
Besides fetching introspection was considered as a method of studying conscious experience by ________?
(a) Fuicd
(b) Wundt
(c) Skinner
(d) Angell
(b) Wundt

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 1 What is Psychology? Objective Questions

True And False Questions With Answer

Question 1.
Abnormal psychology deals with the study of gifted children. (True / False)

Question 2.
Plato’s’concept of psychology as the science of the soul is unscientific. (True / False)

Question 3.
Descartes was an eminent physicist. (True / False)

Question 4.
Helmut for the first time propounded theories of colour vision and audition. (True / False)

Question 5.
Wundt a German Psychologist published a book on the fundamentals of physiological psychology. (True / False)

Question 6.
J. B. Watson’defined psychology as the science of conscious experience. ______ (True / False)

Question 7.
Behaviourism developed as a reaction to the contrüversy between structuralism and functionalism (True / False)

Question 8.
Freud was a Neurologist. (True / False)

Question 9.
The concept of collective unconsciousness to the brainchild of Adlet. (True / False)

Question 10.
Psychology as the science of behaviour is the most acceptable definition of psychology. (True / False)

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 1 What is Psychology? Objective Questions

Question 11.
Psychologyasascienceonlystudieshumanbeings. (True/False)

Question 12.
Psychology is a social science. (True/False)

Question 13.
Psychology studies the activities of the organism in relation to its environment _____ (True / False)

Question 14.
Psycho1ogy sociology and anthropology are sister disciplines. (True / False)

Question 15.
Psychology only studies normal. (True / False)

Question 16.
Clinical psychologists and psychiatrists have similar educational qualifications (True / False)

Question 17.
Comparative psychology is the same as animal psychology. (True/False)

Question 18.
Most of the experiments in the field of psychology have been conducted on animals________. (True / False)

Question 19.
Educational psychology is basically the psychology of the teacher and the teacher. (True / False)

Question 20.
Social psychology is applied psychology. (True / False)

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 1 What is Psychology? Objective Questions

Question 21.
Industrial psychology studies men and women at work. (True / False)

Question 22.
Legal psychology is not a branch of applied psychology. (True / False)

Question 23.
Wundt established the first psychological laboratory at Leipzig (True/ False)

Question 24.
Psychology has a long past but a short history. (True / False)

Question 25.
Groen philosophers like Aristotle and Plato have no content PSyChologY. (True / False)

Question 26.
Aristotle as a swiss philosopher (True/False)

Question 27.
Descartes recognised the iríterætion process between mind and body in the pineal gland. (True/False)

Question 28.
Physicists line weber and Fechnerbied to quantity psycho1ogj. (True / False)

Question 29.
Wundt’slaboratoiy at Leip7ig was the stalling point of physiological psychology (True / False)

Question 30.
Titchener owes the credit for establishing Wundt’s concept of psychology in U.SA (True/ False)

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 1 What is Psychology? Objective Questions

Question 31.
Watson advocated the S-O-R approach towards psychology instead of the S-R approach. (True / False)

Question 32.
Gestalt psychologists are opposed to the perception of any stimulus part by part. (True / False)

Question 33.
Sigmund Freud propounded the school of psychology is. (True / False)

Question 34.
The schools developed by Freud, Jung and Adler are known as schools of Depth. Psychology. (True / False)

Question 35.
The term psychology is derived from two “reek words” ‘psycho’ and ‘logos’ which means soul and science respectively. (True / False)

Question 36.
The dependent variable is the cause and the independent variables are the effect. (True / False)

Question 37.
Introspection can not be used to study animal behaviour. (True / False)

Question 38.
The functions of introspection and retrospection are the same. (True / False)

Question 39.
The major difference between an experimental group and a control group is that the independent variable is introduced in the control group, while no independent variable is introduced in the experimental group. (True / False)

Question 40.
In an accurate experimental design, the independent variable is always one. (True / False)

Question 41.
Independent variables and dependent variables have a cause-effect relationship. (True / False)

Question 42.
Frcüd is considered the father of experimental psychology. (True/ False)

Question 43.
The experimental method is only used in the study of human behaviour. (True/False)

Question 44.
Psychologists in general prefer introspection to experimental methods. (True/False)

Question 45.
Watson accepted introspection as a method of psychology. (True / False)

Question 46.
A variable is a factor which varies or changes in an experiment. (True / False)

Question 47.
Self-observation is popularly known as introspection. (True / False)

Question 48.
The field study method is used as an alternative of laboratory investigation. (True / False)

Question 49.
Methods in psychology are used to study both inner and outer behaviour to analyse predict and control behaviour in a given situation. (True / False)

Question 50.
The introspective method is not unique in psychology. (True/False)

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 1 What is Psychology? Objective Questions

Question 51.
The observation method was developed in psychology to avoid the limitations and disadvantages of the introspective method. (True / False)

Question 52.
The experimental method indicates the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. (True / False)

Question 53.
Prescientific psychology was using certain speculative methods like armchair and biographical to study behaviour. (True / False)

Question 54.
The observation technique includes objective observation and self-observation. (True / False)

Question 55.
In the observation technique, there is a tendency to project one’s own thoughts and feeling into another’s mind. (True / False)

Question 56.
Introspection is self-observation. But every self-observation is not introspection. (True / False)

Question 57.
Psychologists like Freud, James, Woodworth and Skinner have cited evidence in favour of introspection as a method of psychology. (True / False)

Question 58.
No psychological experiment can be completed without an introspective report. (True / False)

Question 59.
The experimental method is a procedure in which certain hypotheses are tested by systematically varying certain conditioning and controlling some other conditions. (True/False)

Question 60.
The dependent variable is also called the response variable. (True / False)

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Psychology Unit 1 What is Psychology? Objective Questions

Question 61.
The dependent variable is the cause while the independent variable is an effect (True / False)

Question 62.
The artificiality of the laboratory experiment is a source of strength and a source of weakness. (True / False)

Question 63.
Field study is used as an alternative to laboratory investigation. (True / False)

Question 64.
The case study method is the same as the biographical method. (True /False)

Question 65.
The introspection method is usually used as a supplement to experimentation and observation. (True / False)

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 4 Method of Teaching English Questions and Answers

Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Solutions Unit 4 Method of Teaching English Questions and Answers.

CHSE Odisha 11th Class Foundations of Education Unit 4 Method of Teaching English Questions and Answers

Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.

Last night Mr. Khanna _______ a noise. He ________ a torch from his table, he _________ the light and saw ________ thief. The thief was taking Mr.Khanna’s clothes ________ and ________ hold of the man’s collar and ________ I am going to call the police.
signed, caught, heard, switched on, picked up, about, quietly

Multiple choice:
This type consists of test items that are to be answered by choosing a correct answer from among several possible answers.
The following questions have four distractors. Choose the appropriate one and rewrite the sentence.

Question 1.
They could scarcely believe their eyes when they saw the violets. Here the word scarcely means _____________?
(a) reading
(b) not at all
(c) hardly
(d) quickly

Question 2.
It was the man who _______ the killing?
(a) has done
(b) is doing
(c) done
(d) did

Question 3.
Delicious food was served at the feast. Here the best meaning of the word, delicious is?
(a) sweet
(b) fragrant
(c) is happening
(d) had happened

Completion Test:
The test consists of sentences to be completed with the use of the correct form of verb indicated with the brackets. This can be reliably used to test the knowledge of the sequence of tense and such other abilities.
(a) Mohan (seem) tired today.
(b) You (remember) the name of the boy who (walk) on the other side of the road.
(c) You (look) very thoughtful what do you (think) about?
(d) You (see) this box? It (contain) watches.
(e) He will meet me when I _____ arrive.

Substitution Table For example:

Mohan had his trousers tailored
Gopi got his watch painted
We our house repaired
I got him punished


The test can reliably be used to assess the pupils, ability to use sentences correctly.

Matching Test:
Match the words in column’ A’ with the appropriate words in column ‘B’.

right soft
black soft
beautiful wrong
beautiful ugly
hard bad
good white

Joining the sentences:
Example:- Join the sentences using the words in the brackets. It was time for dinner. They went on talking up to time till.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 4 Method of Teaching English Questions and Answers

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What advantages of the Structural Approach?
It facilitates the learning of English by imparting knowledge of its structures. The structural approach promotes the use of everyday English As such it stimulates the activity and interest of the pupils. It enables the children to speak English which is more important than to be able to read and write it only. The pupils listen to sentence patterns as spoken by the teacher.

By learning the structures of sentences child automatically learns some grammar, word order, and use of words. Thus, he avoids common errors in grammar and composition. It teaches four language skills to children. They are listening and understanding, speaking, reading, and writing.

Question 2.
Explain the principles of the structural approach?

  • Importance is given to the child’s activity rather than the activity of the teacher.
  • Importance of the speech for family foxing all groundwork.
  • Importance of the formation of the language habit to arrange words in suitable English sentence pattern of the child’s mother-tongue.

Question 3.
Principles of direct method?
Direct Teaching:
Teaching by the direct bond between foreign words and their meaning.

Oral practice:
Oral practice will give the children fluency in English speech.

Inductive Approach to Grammar:
In the direct method, there is the functional use of grammar rather than formal grammar learning precedes grammar.

Inhibition of mother tongue:
It prevents the intervention of the mother- tongue. The foreign language is directly associated with its meaning without the use of the mother tongue.

Limited vocabulary:
The method works on the principle of graded teaching of vocabulary.

Question 4.
What advantages of the direct method?
Pupils acquire good speech skills, including the use of proper pronunciation, stress and intonation, Pupils acquire a reasonable mastery over correct spoken English. Good command over the spoken language. Lack of interference of mother-tongue results in quick and economical learning of English. Grammar is learned without the help of rules through repetitions of various patterns.

Question 5.
What disadvantages of the direct method?
The direct method emphasizes only the teaching procedure irrespective of language material which must be controlled and graded. Skills of reading and writing neglected. Banishment of the mother tongue altogether makes teaching difficult in many situations. The method can be employed effectively only by efficient teachers but such teachers are not available in large numbers.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 4 Method of Teaching English Questions and Answers

Long Type Questions With Answers

Question 1.
Explain the aims and objectives of teaching English?
In the process of teaching and learning aims are more important. When the teacher is clear about the aims his teaching becomes more meaningful and planning 1 becomes more effective. In the present system of education, the teacher should be clear about the aims and objectives. The objectives of teaching differ from the lower class to the higher classes and different linguistic activities general aims of teaching English.

There is four general. aims in teaching English in the school stages. They are as follows:

  • To hear and understand English
  • To speak in English and to understand.
  • To read English with understanding.
  • To write English with understanding.

The four aims correspond to the four language skills such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. These skills are the foundation of language learning.

The specific objectives of Teaching English:
The Semantic Aspect:
This aspect emphasizes the structural approach and usage of rudimentary grammar and fundamental principles of making sentences. The child is taught how to know the meaning of words and writing.

Pronunciation of English:
Pronunciation of the English language is the most important aspect. The spelling of words in English is a paradox speaking well in English is an art. To speak English correctly requires a good deal of practice. So a student should be carefully taught to speak English with the correct pronunciation.

The graphic aspect:
Writing makes a man perfect. To acquire the habit of writing in English the student should listen to the language, understand the theme and then write.

The phonetic cue-graphic aspects:
The success of learning the English language depends on both reading and writing side by side.

The literary aspects:
The beauty of the language lies in representing the things in which there is a lucid style and appropriate meaningful words. Most of the books are translated into English.

The linguistic aspects:
English is a world language. The linguistic aspect of the approach helps students to acquire a working knowledge of the language.

Specific objectives in primary classes:
As the child in the beginner’s stage, they should be devoted to oral exercise in the English language. The children are to be acquainted with simple words by drilling. The words should be expressed through simple sentences like Rama is a boy. I am going etc. By the end of class (IV). In Class V the pupils should be able to count the numbers, figures, and oral work, and able to answer the questions from textbooks. In Classes VI and VIII, the pupils are able to read, write, speak correctly and write correctly. In this stage, English is considered a skill subject rather than a context subject. The child is able to construct various sentences.

In secondary classes, the aims of teaching are as follows:
Understand English when spoken. Speak English correctly with correct pronunciation and fluency. Write English correctly with good handwriting. Read English silently and in a low voice. The pupils acquire knowledge of elements of the English language. The pupils develop an interest in English.

Question 2.
What is the translation method in teaching English? Write the merits and demerits?
The translation method is the oldest method of teaching English. Though this method is outdated still it is continuing in most of the classrooms of Indian schools. Mother- tongue or the regional language is maintained as a reference system in teaching English in this method. It means English is taught in the mother tongue. In the translation method English words, phrases, and sentences is taught by means of the word for word translation into the mother- tongue. In this method unit of speech or reading is not sentenced.

Principles of Translation Method:
The translation method is based on the following three principles. They are:
Translation interprets foreign phraseology best. In the process of interpretation foreign phraseology is assimilated. The structure of a foreign language is best learned when compared and contrasted with that of the mother- tongue.

Merits of Translation Method :
There are certain merits of translation. The pupils proceed from known language to unknown language. English is best interpreted through this method. The method gives better clarity and easy understanding. English is best assimilated in the process of interpretation. The pupil leams the accurate meaning of the words and sentences.

It develops the knowledge of grammar and the mother tongue. In the translation method the pupil’s associates with the foreign word, with the word spoken by him, and a strong memory bond is established. The child proceeds from known to unknown and derives better comprehension of English.

Demerits and Limitations:
This method does not promote speech training in English. It obstructs the pupil’s thinking of English. Language learning is difficult with this method. All the objectives of teaching English are not achieved by this method. The method does not encourage direct thought expression in the language to be learned. The structure of the English language is different from that of any Indian language. This method is dull and mechanical and the learner does not take part actively in the learning process. Objectives of teaching English are not achieved by this method.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 4 Method of Teaching English Questions and Answers

Question 3.
What is the direct method of teaching English? What are the principles underlying the method? Explain. Give, its merits and demerits?
The direct method of teaching language consists in teaching words and phrases of the target language by associating them with objects. It consists in establishing a direct relation between a word and its meaning, between an. experience and its expression. Thus in English, the direct method consists in teaching English through the medium of English.

In this sense, the use of translation is totally out of question. To Webster’s New International Dictionary any direct method is a method of teaching a foreign language especially a modem language through conversation, discussion, and reading the language itself without the use of the pupil’s language, without translation, and without the study of formal grammar.

The word is first taught by pointing to an object or picture or by performing the action. For instance, when the teacher wants to explain to the students the meaning of the word’ book’ he should not bring in the mother- tongue. He should show a picture of the book and present the symbol (that is a book) and the real object (that is a book).

Characteristics of Direct Method:
It proceeds from simple living situations too complex abstract situations. It lays emphasis on oral work. The sentence is the unit of teaching. There is the use of the situation, action, and audio-visual aids. Grammar is taught functionally. Emphasis on pronunciation.

Principles of the Direct Method:
The principle of Direct Bond:
The method is based on the principle of creating a direct bond between foreign words and their meaning. The learner is initiated into thinking in a foreign language and then expressing themselves by using the same medium.

The principle of oral practice:
Oral practice will give children fluency in English speech.

The principle of an inductive approach to grammar:
In the direct method, functional use of grammar rather than formal grammar is emphasized. learning grammar is not a precondition to learning the language. In the direct method, learning precedes grammar.

The sentence as the unit of speech:
In the direct method sentence and not a word is taken as the unit of speech. Emphasis is laid on speaking in full sentences.

Inhibition of mother tongue:
Everything in a foreign language should be directly associated with its meaning without the intervention of the use Of the mother tongue.

The principle of limited vocabulary:
The method works on the principle of gradual teaching of vocabulary.

Merits of Direct Method :
Pupils acquire good speech skills including the use of proper pronunciation, stress, and intonation. Pupils acquire a reasonable mastery over correct spoken language. Good command over spoken language prepares the ground to lay the foundation for the development of the skills of reading and writing. Lack of interference of the mother- tongue results in quick and economical learning of English. Grammar is learned without the help of rules, through repetitions of various patterns. It offers direct learning of foreign languages.

Demerits of Direct Method :
The direct method emphasizes only the teaching procedure: The language materials are to be controlled and graded. Skills of reading and writing are neglected. Only listening and speaking have a dominant role. The banishment of the mother tongue together makes teaching difficult in many situations. Efficient teachers are not available to teach the indirect methods.

Question 4.
What is the structural approach? Give its principles characteristics and advantages/ disadvantages?
In order to learn a language effectively, one has to master the tools of language. These tools are sounds, words, and structures. Working with these tools and teacher has to develop the foretold skills of language-skill in reading skill in writing. Structures are important tools of language, words are put and arranged in a particular order to make their structure.

Hence, we should approach the problem of its learning through structures. In the structural approach to the teaching of English, the learner will learn some of the structures of their preliminary stage some at their later stage. This requires the selection and gradation of structures. The advocates of the structural approach say that in the learning of a foreign language mastery of structure is more important than the acquisition of vocabulary.

Characteristics of structural approach:
Every structure embodies an important grammatical point. The structures are carefully graded to give the young learner a working command of spoken and written English. In grading structures, attention is paid to both meaning and form. Only one meaning of a word is taught at a time and is established by practice before another meaning is taught.

Principles of structural approach:
The importance of forming language habits, the habit of arranging words, in English standard pattern. The importance of speech as the necessary means of fixing firmly all groundwork. The importance of pupils, activity rather than the activity of the teacher.

Advantages :
The method facilitates the learning of English by imparting a language of its structures. Promotes the use of everyday English as such stimulates the activity and interest of the pupils. So it is called English through play way. In this method, oral practice is done. It helps the students to acquire the habits of language and helps to communicate language. In this method language, learning becomes stable.

In this method, the selection and gradation of structures do not solve the problem of teaching English. It only helps the teacher to know what he has taught and what he should teach next. The method is suitable for students of lower classes. It is not applicable to higher classes where many branches of the English language are taught. We cannot successfully apply the method in overcrowded Classes. It does not help that the teacher how should present a new teaching point or give drills for assimilating it.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 4 Method of Teaching English Questions and Answers

Question 5.
Discuss different types of Evaluation. Explain the need for objective-based test items with examples?
The examination is one of the evaluations of English language teaching. It is used for testing the objectives of language learning i.e. knowledge skill and attitude.
There are mainly 3 kinds of examinations such as:

  • oral
  • practical
  • written

Oral examination:
In the oral examination, the teacher makes some questions and the children answer them orally.

Practical examination:
ln practical examination child is given some task to perform such as preparation of flash, cards or cutting the letters from newspapers etc.

Written examination:
In written examinations, the students give written answers of 3 kinds such as:

  • long answer type,
  • short answer type and
  • objective tests.

Different types of questions:
There are three kinds of questions as there are three kinds of written examinations, such as

Long answer type or essay type questions:
This type of question requires some descriptions etc. Example: What do you do on Children’s Day?

Short answer type questions:
These questions are answered with one word or so. There are two types of questions objective-based oral and written, English vocabulary is tested through objective tests.

Vocabulary Test:
Oral test:
Objective type written test in English is designed to test the different linguistic abilities of the specimen of some questions are given below.

Comprehension type:
This type consists of a sentence or paragraph from which some words and phrases are omitted. The pupil is to fill in the blanks with suitable words or phrases. Correct use of prepositions and vocabulary can be tested with the type.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 4 Teaching Learning Materials Purpose and Uses

Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Solutions Unit 4 Teaching Learning Materials Purpose and Uses.

CHSE Odisha 11th Class Foundations of Education Unit 4 Teaching Learning Materials Purpose and Uses

Long Type Questions With Answers

Question 1.
What is the importance of Audio Visual aids? Explain?
Sensory experiences form the foundation of intellectual growth. It is a common practice with teachers to communicate knowledge by means of written and oral languages. But language has some limitations which result in bearing difficulties. The modem educationist, therefore, recognizes of audio-visual aids to remove learning difficulties by ensuring concreteness and dynamic interests. The most abstract concept can be presented to the pupils in a concrete way by means of more than one aid. Some of the distinct advantages claimed for audio-visual aids are discussed below.

Audiovisual aids are the best attention compellers:
Those arouse interest and motivate the pupils to action and stimulate physical and mental activity.

Audio-visual aids give variety to the classroom atmosphere:
Variety is always attractive and attention-getting to the child. It breaks the monotony and sustains the attention of the child for a longer period.

Audio reduces verbalism:
Audio-visual aids reduce verbalism or the use of unnecessary language, words and phrases and contribute towards clearness of perception and accuracy in observation

Aids extend freedom:
Aids provide some freedom to the child. The child may freely observe, talk, laugh, question, and comment and may act in a natural manner. An atmosphere of friendliness and cooperation proves inside the classroom between the teacher and the students.

Aids provide first-hand experience:
Audio-visual aids provide first-hand experience when the students see a demonstration, handle the apparatus, perform, the activity operates a model specimen, draw a picture or diagram and manipulate the situation.

Aids being a vivid reality in the classroom:
Aids provide some naturality end reality in the classroom. The students from some images of real objects when they observe. This reduces abstractness and increases Concentrate concepts.

Aids may represent actual sources :
In many cases, actual objects may not be brought to the class for various reasons expensiveness, oversize, danger in handling or difficulty in the collection. In such a situation, the teacher may improvise some aids to represent the real object. For example, it is not possible to bring an elephant to the class, but the teacher can use a mode of the elephant past objects, and distant objects represented through improvised aids.

Aids provide an opportunity to inculcate a scientific attitude and give training in the scientific method:
Children become more sincere, industrious and systematic, they develop the powers of critical thinking, reasoning, and judgement. They develop an enquiring bent of mind through questioning and argument.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 4 Teaching Learning Materials Purpose and Uses

Question 2.
Discuss the different types of audio-visual aids and their functions?
For using the senses children different aids may be used by the teacher. On the basis of the senses, the teaching aids may be broadly divided into the following three categories:

  • Auditory aids
  • Visual aids and
  • Audiovisual aids

Auditory aids :
These aids involve the use of the auditory sense or the ear. The children by hearing various sounds can gain some experiences. Instruments used in such auditory aids are radio, tape recorder, and gramophone records.

Visual Aids:
These aids are meant to utilize the sense of vision, (eye) and therefore are called visual aids. Examples of such aids are many
(a) Charts, globes, specimens
(b) Motion pictures, slides, films
(c) Maps, diagrams, sketches, .models, pictures
(d) Flannel graphs, bulletin board
(e) Printed materials, newspapers

Audio-visual aids:
These aids involve the use of both auditory and visual senses and can be simultaneously heard and seen. Therefore, these aids are called as Audio-visual aids. These includes
(a) Sound motion pictures
(b) Television
(c) Dramatic plays

Broad classification of instructional aids:
Broadly Instructional aids can be classified into three categories, as
(a) Projected aids
(b) Non-projected aids and
(c) Activity aids

Projected Aids:
When a projected aid is used an enlarged image of the material is t projected on a screen kept at a distance from the projector. The room is either totally or partially darkened. A projected aid is bound to be more effective since a darkened room reduces destruction and the bright image on the screen secures the attention of the audience. Colour will make the aid more attractive motio^ more dynamic and motion associated with sound will be most effective.

Projected’aids are suitable for small as well as large groups. Projected materials are shown viewers by means of various projectors. A list of the projected materials is given below. Projected materials include, books, diagrams, pictures, then opaque objects, slides, motion pictures etc. and projectors like Epidia scope, slides projectors, film projectors, motion picture projectors etc.

Non-Projected Aids :
These aids cannot be projected on the wall or on the screen. Such aids individually or in groups can be shown to the students teaching. These can be too, used on the blackboard or classroom walls. All these non-projected aids generally are visual aids.

Examples of these aids are as follows :

  • Graphic aids – line graphs, bar graphs, histograms, pictorial graphs
  • Diagrams with symbols and labels
  • Pictures with various colours, shapes and sizes.
  • Maps, illustrations, flat pictures
  • Posters, cartoons, sketches
  • Charts, models, specimens
  • Globes, improvised materials
  • Display boards, flannel graphs, bulletin board

Activity aids:
Modern educations give stress on learning by doing or learning by experience. The students can get three types of experience during the teaching-learning process.

Direct Experiences:
It consists of having, immediate sensory content with the actual object or place. It is the purposeful experience that is seen handed tested, touched, felt and smelled. Such experiences give first-hand information and are thus the most educative type of experience.

Various experiences :
It refers to the experience gained through the represented or substituted materials models, pictures and specimens, photographs, exhibits and posters. It is not always possible to get direct experiences.’There are situations, objects and phenomena where a representation is better for instructional purposes. For, example, an atom cannot be seen directly but can be studied only through a model or diagram.

Symbolic experience :
Symbolic or abstract experiences are afforded through verbal symbols – oral or written. These experiences occur at the conceptual level. The verbalism is the quickest method representing an experience, at times it becomes more confusing and abstract. These sensory experiences are such effective than, verbal ones. The more will be the number of direct experiences, the more effective will be the learning of a child. Therefore, the teacher must plan activities that can provide first-hand information to, the learners.

Question 3.
Discuss the activity aids and activities that provide direct experiences to pupils in their learning?
From activities, the sensory experiences are gainer which becomes more effective for the learning of a child. The activities that provide direct experiences are as follows.

Field trips:
The learning process should not confine to the four walls of the classrooms. The pupils should be taken away from the school to visit places of educational importance located nearby the school or in the community. They can get some first-hand information regarding the objects or places written in the book or told by the teacher.

Such field trips may be organized to enable the pupils to visit local schools, museums, hospitals, gardens, parks, radio-station, TV stations, telephone exchanges, forests, airports, factories, agricultural and industrial forms, natural spots, and places of such categories situated in the locality. Through field trips, children gather experiences of locality and community life.

Excursions are undertaken mostly for recreation, and pleasure learning experiences outside the local community. The pupils have some knowledge and information the visiting places and the educational information becomes first-hand. They correlate school life with the outside world. Generally, children can be taken to visit lakes, rivers, mountains, forest parks, historical towns, monuments, places of historical importance, airports, zoos, etc. scientific and industrial farms and other places.

The exhibitions arranged in schools are usually planned to communicate something interesting educative and valuable to students, parents and the public. Parents and visitors can have an idea of the talents present in the pupils. Self-activity is fostered in the children who take part in the exhibition.

Individual interests, fancies, and skills are exhibited by the participants. Exhibitions are effective models of mass communication instruction on a large scale. The exhibition must be an annual affair. All students of the school must cooperate and contribute something valuable. Students must be trained as to what features of the exhibit must be stressed while giving explanations.

School museums:
Museums are the wonderful media for mass education. These institutions collect passive original objects and specimens available in the locality. The students must be encouraged to contribute exhibits to the museum. Each exhibit kept in the museum must be properly labelled giving details about the exhibit and the names of the donor.

Nature study:
The pupils can leam many things from the nature and environment through observation. They can get a comprehensive idea of plant and animal life.

Community study:
Community resources provide educational learning situations to the pupils. Through community study, the pupils can understand the value of social life, develop citizenship and civic responsibility achieve vocational understanding and economic self-sufficiency. The child leams what is relevant to him. The school must provide a chance for children for talks to and visit postmen, policemen, political leaders, social workers, farmers, and other people, who help the community. Community study must include visits interviews, participation, field trips and journeys Resource persons may be invited to the school to deliver talk to the pupils.

Creative activities:
Creativity in children is manifested in a number of activities. By observing these activities the pupils can leam many things and can also get many direct and concrete experiences are as follows.

  • Music, dancing, songs
  • Dramatisation
  • Arts and crafts,
  • Play way. activities, like mock

parliament, and assembly, mock elections, students, self govt., school co-operatives, folk music and folktales etc.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 4 Teaching Learning Materials Purpose and Uses

Question 4.
What are objective-based and objective-type test items? What are the different types of objective tests in Mathematics or any subjects?
Tests are essential features in the teaching-learning process. They are used for various purposes. The main purpose is prognosis, diagnosis and survey. Very often we talk of objective-based tests and objective tests. They are not the same. The meaning is different objective-based tests are there which are based on specific objectives. At the beginning, based on specific objectives. At the beginning of the teaching-learning process set certain objectives.

In the end, we have to assess the extent to which broken pupil behaviour patterns and test items asked to evaluate each behaviour pattern. Such test items are called objective-based tests. But, objective test items are those which elicit answers in either a word or in number. Now adays educationists put emphasis on objective test items instead of essay-type items. Various types of objective tests are used.

Alternative response type test :
It is the testing situation in which a pupil has to choose one of the two persons. The items can be answered either ‘yes’ or ‘no’ or by true or false. Such items can even be answered by putting either a tick mark or a cross mark. Example – Some of the following statements are true as some are false. Write ‘T’ against the statement and ‘F’ against false statements in the space provided for Q.

  • The three angles of a triangle are 360°.
  • The sum of two sides of a triangle is greater than the third side.
  • The difference in the length of the two sides of a triangle is smaller than the third side.

Completion type :
In this type, items consist of a sentence or statement in which there is a blank space which is to be filled up by the pupils. Alternate responses may be supplied in the bracket among which the pupils have to choose the correct one.
Example – Fill in the blanks:

  • The square root of 256 is _____.
  • The sum of three angles in the triangle is equal to ______.

Matching type :
In this type of test, two-column of items are given. Each item on the first column is to be matched with the corresponding items on the sound column.
Example Match each item in column ‘A’ with its related item in column‘B’

Reflex angle 45°
Right angle 90°
Acute angle 140°
Obtuse angle 30°

Multiple choice tests :
In this type of test items with each question are given 4 to 5 possible answers among which only one is the correct answer. The pupils have to choose the correct answer. This type is considered to be the best of objective-type test items.
Example – Choice the correct answer from the four alternatives given below which of the following is correct is a right angle triangle?
(a) All angles are right angles
(b) Two angles are right angles
(c) Only one angle is a right angle
(d) No angle is right angle:

Question 5.
What are the different types of items used in classroom evaluation? What is objective-based evaluation?
Objective-based evaluation :
The evaluation process should be based on the intended learning outcomes. The evaluation process should be organized to access the extent to which the instructed objectives are achieved through instruction. If it is found through evaluation that some objectives have not been achieved to the desirable extent.

It will be inferred that the learning experiences and activities provided and the methods of teaching adopted have not been sufficient or appropriate from this consideration evaluation becomes the basis for continuous review and revision. the entire process of education fills the desired level of efficiency is reached.

Types of test items :
A variety of evaluation tools and techniques are needs to be used for making the evaluation process effective. The most frequently used tests that have a direct relationship with classroom instruction, are the achievement tests. The teacher makes use of these tests to access the achievement of pupils in various school subjects.

A science teacher in a similar manner constructs and uses achievement tests at different times. A variety of test items can be asked by the teacher. The different types of test items can be classified in the following manner. The test items include Essay type short answer type, very short answer type and objective types.

The objective-type test questions include:

  • Simple recall/fill in the gaps type.
  • Alternate response type
  • Multiple choice type
  • Correct the error type
  • Matching type
  • Master lost type
  • Analogy type

Essay-type tests :
The items that require a long answer are called essay-type items.
Describe the preparation, properties and uses of carbon dioxide. Explain with a suitable diagram, the cell division (mitosis, in plants and animals)

Short answer type:
The short answer type items usually require answers within a paragraph of about 50-75 words.
Write down the chemical proportion of chlorine, Distinguish between a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse.

Very short answer type :
These items require answers within 10-20 words. State two physical properties of oxygen gas, Define buoyancy.

Objective tests :
The objective-type items require answers in a word or a number or a tick mark or the like. As has been mentioned in the classification tables are a large variety of objective-type items. Some of such items with examples are discussed below.

  • Simple recall fill in the gaps type – Hydrogen is prepared in the laboratory by the reaction of _______
  • A rod made of _______ and H, SO. is, used as an electrode in the dry cell.

Fill in the gap:
Type questions alternate words may also be given in the bracket.
Example: In a dynamic energy is transformed into electric energy (Kinetic, potential, chemical, light)

Alternate Response type:
In this type of item, the examine has to choose the correct answer from among the two alternative answers. The same of each type are yes / no type, right/wrong type (V/x) mark type etc.
Please write ‘R’ for the correct statement and ‘W’ for incorrect statements in the box provided for the purpose.

  • Graphite is an amorphous carbon
  • The chemical formula of lime is CaO

Multiple Choice type:
This type is considered one of the best types. objective test items. Usually, four or more alternate answers called distracters are given under each question. The examine has to point out the most appropriate answer from among those alternatives.
Example – Which of the following is used in the extraction of iron?

  • Graphite
  • Diamond
  • coal
  • charcoal.

Correct the Error type :
In this type, the examinee has to correct the error if any in a statement
Example – Correct the error if any in the statement without changing the underlined portion. Jupiter is the nearest planet to the sun.

Classification type :
This is also called to find the odd man out type item.
Underline the item which does not fall under the groups. Iron, copper, rubber, aluminium, zinc

Matching type :
In this type of item, there are usually two columns, one acts as a stem and the other as an alternative. The number of items in the alternatives column should be more by two / three items them of the item to avoid the chance element.
Example – Join each word of column ‘ A’ with the appropriate word of column ‘B’

Column – A Column – B
Diamond Ammonium chloride
Alternate Current Dil. sulphuric acid Voltaic cell       Transformer
Edonita Armature
Dry cell Copper sulphate solution Non-conductor of electricity Dil. Hydrochloric acid

Analogy type :
In this type of test item, the examinee has to find out an analogous response having the same relationship as in the case of a known relationship.
Example: Fill in the blanks

  • C02 : CaC03 = H2:
  • Anophelis : Malaria _______ : Philaria :

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 4 Teaching Learning Materials Purpose and Uses

Question 6.
Discuss the merits and limitations of objective-type tests?
The merits of objective type test:
It can be scored objectively and easily. The scoring will not vary from time to time, from the examiner. In this test, examiner a more extensive and representative sampling can be obtained. This reduces the role of luck and cramming of expected questions. As a result, there is greater reliability and better content validity. It possesses an economy of time, for it takes less time to answer than the easy test, and comparatively, many test items can be presented to students.

It eliminates extraneous factors such as speed of writing, fluency of expression, literacy style good handwriting, neatness etc. It creates an incentive for pupils to build up a broad base of knowledge, skills and abilities. It measures the higher mental process of understanding, application, analysis, predictions and interpretation.

Limitation of objective type test:
Objectives like the ability to organize matter ability to present matter logically and in coherent fashions etc. cart not be evaluated. Guessing is possible. No doubt, the chances of success may be reduced by the inclusion of a large number of items. The construction of the adequate type of test items is difficult. It requires special abilities and is time-consuming. The printing cost is considerably greater than that of an essay-type test.

Question 7.
Discuss the advantages and limitations of short answer items (T/ F) items, matching tests and multiple-choice items?
Short answer items – A short answer item is classified as a supply type/recall type objective item.
Example: Who succeeded Akabar?
A relatively large sample of content can be covered. It is easy to construct. It provides little opportunity for guessing. It is useful in evaluating the ability to interpret diagrams, charts and graphs. It is useful in evaluating spelling and knowledge of a foreign language. It is mathematics and science where a computational answer is required or where a formula or equation is to be written. Objectives understanding, application and problems during skill can be measured with short answer items.

It is less objective than the other type of objective item. It is almost impossible to write good short answer items that require a student to exhibit synthesis and interpretation so that one and only one answer will be correct. It is limited to questions that can be answered with a word, phrase, symbol or number. Its excessive use may encourage a student to memorise and develop poor study habits because short answer items are best for measuring highly specific facts like dress, names, places and vocabulary.

True / False items :
Here the student is presented with a declarative statement that is true or false.
T / F – The sun rises in the east T/F – Columbus discovered America.

Advantages of T/ F items:
They are good for young children who have poor reading habits. They can cover a large portion of the subject matter in a relatively short space and a short period of time. They provide high reliability per unit of testing time. They can be scored quickly, reliably and subjectively. They are adaptable to most content areas. They can be more easily constructed than other objective-type items.

They can be conveniently used to measure :
The ability to identify the correctness of the statement. The ability to distinguish fact from opinion and The ability to recognize the cause-and-effect relationship. It is carefully constructed they can measure the higher mental processes of understanding, application interpretation.

Limitations :
Pupils’ scores on T/F items can be unduly influenced by good or poor luck in guessing. They are more susceptible to ambiguity misinter pretation than any other selection type objective item and here therefore low reliability They lend themselves most easily to cheating.

They tend to be less discriminating Matching tests :
A matching test consists of two columns ‘A’ and ‘B Each item in column ‘A’ is to be paired with an alternative given in column ‘B Usually with the columns containing an unequal number of items.
Match the dates in column ‘B’ with the events in column ‘A’ by writing the number of items in ‘B’ in the space provided.

1. India got her independence (i) 1525
2. Sepoy muting (ii) 1857
3. Odisha become an

independent province

(iii) 1936
4. First Battle of Panipat (iv) 1947
5. Death of Mahatma Gandhi. (v)1948
(vi) 1950

Advantages of Matching Test:
Because they require relatively little reading time, many questions can be asked in a limited period of testing time. They afford an opportunity to have a large sampling of the content, which ultimately increases the reliability of the test. The matching test can be Constructed relatively easily and quickly. The matching test gives less opportunity for guessing than, T/F items or M.C. items. Like T/F or MC items they are amenable to machine scoring.

If sufficient care is not taken in their preparation, they may encourage serial memorization rather than association. It is sometimes difficult to get clusters of questions that are sufficiently alive so that a common set of responses can be used. They cannot be very successfully used for measuring understanding of the ability to discriminate because of the difference in finding a homogenous response.

Multiple Choice Items :
Multiple choice test items have stems in form of a statement or a question and more than one option is provided. The examinee has to point out the correct answer.
Example: Stem which of the following men invented the telephone Responses or options,
(a) Marcone,
(b) Edison,
(c) Bell,
(d) Morse

Advantages of MC items:
They can measure learning outcomes with respect to factual recall, ability to apply to understand, ability to interpret the data ability to reason, ability to exercise judgement, ability to justify methods etc. They can be scored objectively, quickly, and accurately by machines, clerks and even students themselves. The degree of difficulty of the test can be contained by changing the degree of homogeneity of the responses.

They provide valuable diagnostic information especially if all the responses are plausible and vary only in their degree of correctness. They are easier to respond to and are better liked by the students than T/F items. They can be conveniently used for numerous subject matter areas.

They are very difficult to construct. More skill and more time are required. They are not well adapted for measuring the ability to organize and present ideas. They require more space for items.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 4 Teaching Learning Materials Purpose and Uses

Question 8.
Discuss different kinds of Evaluation. Explain the need for objective-based test items with examples?
In the evaluation of English language teaching, it is needed of the testing the objectives of language learning i.e. knowledge, skill attitude. Therefore mainly three kinds of examination such as
a) Oral,
b) practical,
c) written
a. Oral Examination:
In the oral test, the teacher make some questions and the children answer them orally.

Practical examination:
In the practical examination, the child is given some tasks to perform such as preparation of flashcards or cutting the letters from newspaper etc.

Written examination:
In written examination students are given written answers of 3 kinds such as
(a) Long answer type
(b) Short answer type
(c) Objective tests

Different types of questions:
There are three kinds of questions as there are three kinds of written examination

Long answer type or Essay type questions:
This type of question requires some descriptions etc.
Example: Write what you do in children’s day.

Short answer type questions:
this type of question requires short answers. The child answers each question within two or three sentences. ;
Write an answer within two or three sentences – who was Nehru

Objective test questions:
These questions are answered with one word or so. There are two types of questions in an objective test. Like oral and written English vocabulary is tested through objective tests.

Vocabulary tests :
Oral test:
In the oral test, the teacher assesses recording comprehension and expression.

Written test:
Objective type written test in English is designed to test the different linguistic abilities of the specimen of some questions are given below.

Comprehension type :
This type consists of a sentence or paragraph from which some words and phrases are omitted. The pupil is to fill in the blanks with suitable words or phrases. Correct use of prepositions and vocabulary can be tested with the type.

Fill in the blanks with the words from the box:
(Sighed, caught, heard, switched on, a packed up out, quietly)
Last night Mr Khanna ______ a noise. He _______ a torch from the table. lie _______ the light and saw the thief. The thief was taking Mr Khanna’s clothes
_______ and ________ hold of the man’s collar and _______ I’m going to call the police.

Multiple choice
This type consists of test items which are to be answered by choosing a correct answer from among several possible answers.
The following questions have four characters choose the appropriate one and rewrite the sentences.

Question 1.
They could scarcely believe their eyes when they saw the violets. Here word scarcely means
(a) reading
(b) not at all
(c) hardly
(d) quickly

Question 2.
It was the man who the killing
(a) has done
(b) is doing
(c) does
(d) did

Question 3.
Delicious food was served at the feast Here the best meaning of the word, delicious is
(a) sweet
(b) fragrant
(c) testy
(d) dainty

Question 4.
The little girl asked what to here ice-cream
(a) happen
(b) has happened
(c) it happened
(d) had happened

Composition Test :
The test consists of sentences to be completed with the use of the correct form of the verb indicated within the brackets. This can be reliably used to test the knowledge of the sequence of tense and other abilities.

  • Mohan (seem) tired today.
  • You (remember) the name of the boy who (walk) on the other side of the road.
  • You (look) very thoughtful. What do you (think) about
  • You (see) this box? It (contain) watches.
  • He will met me when I ____ (write)

Substitution Table :
In this test parts of sentences are put in different columns of a box and the pupils are asked to make sentences by joining these parts

Mohan His trousers Tailored
Gopi Had His watch Painted
We Our house Repaired
I Him Punished

The test can be reliably used to assess the pupil’s ability to use sentences correctly.

Matching Test:
Match words of the column – A with the words in the column – B with its,

Bright Soft
Black light
Beautiful wrong
Darkness ugly
Hard bad
Good white

Joining the sentences :
Example: Join the sentences into one using the words in brackets. It was time for dinner, they went on talking up to time (will)

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 4 Teaching Learning Materials Purpose and Uses

Question 9.
Discuss the instructional aids with their use in teaching general science?
The aids are necessary for successful teaching. Science apparently provides sensuous experiences to the students known as visual aids. The instructional materials used for successful teaching are as follows.

Magic lantern:
It is a good device presenting sides useful for projecting pictures and cinema films.

It is more costly than a magic lantern through epidiascope, it is possible to project pictures in much brightness, and by diminishing light, it is also possible to project pictures and sides etc.

It is a very important aid for education. The aid is not available everywhere. We can make arrangements for the techniques through cinema projectors. Projectors are helpful in representing films which are shown in the techniques of cinema. This is again a technical teaching aid.

It is also helpful in the teaching of science. These graphs show the temperature, the pressure of the air, rainfall etc.

Maps are also helpful in science teaching. Through these maps, it is possible to explain to the location of things of scientific importance.

Diagrams are very helpful in giving the correct ideas about scientific instruments and objects to students. These diagrams may be of scientific apparatus.

In the present day, world television has become an important mass media in education and also indoor cheap and best entertainment. Through TV talks and films, important scientific topics are seen and discussed.

This is an instrument through which recorded programmes are displayed before the students. It is not a possibility to get an important doctor or a scientist always to lecture with the class but his voice can be heard through experience.

Radio and Broad Cast task:
Radio is an important medium of education as well as a device of entertainment helpful in science programmes.

Question 10.
Discuss the use of Aids in teaching the mother tongue?
In present-day primary schools to make teaching effective a number of teaching aids and illustrative materials are used. The trained and skilled teachers handle the aids and illustrative aids with great care. To make influential teaching uses the aids while imparting teaching aids, teaching materials are broadly classified into three parts. They are as follows :

  • Audio Aids
  • Visual Aids
  • Audio-visual aids

Audio aids:
Which aids we can hear and learn, as known as audio-visual aids. Audio aids include a tape recorder, radio, and gramophone. Tape recorders and gramophone help in teaching language and literature. Through such instruments, talks lecture songs, speeches, discussion seminars etc. are recorded and used in the classrooms when required. This develops the skill aspect of the children.

In modem times Radio is also used as an aid for teaching. Through Radio, programmes on different study items of school subjects are prepared and propagated. The role of Vidyalaya programmes stands important. The subject matter being discussed was dramatically understood by the children. The children can easily comprehend the subject matter.

Visual aids:
Those aids on teaching materials being seen the children get experience is known as visual aids. It is educative. Example of such visual aids is Blackboard, picture, drawing sheets, picture, films etc.

In every classroom, there is a blackboard. The teacher uses the blackboard. Frequently with chalks, he exposes difficult words. Pronunciation of words, model sentences and solutions to mathematical problems. Without the blackboard, teaching cannot be effective.

In small pieces of glass written and drawn things are reflected through the projector light. A good teacher presents the teaching points before the students. Through the projectors, small picture drawings are seen in big sizes and visible to all. It is expensive but still used in schools for a clear understanding of children.

To give direct experience to the children the teacher prepares drawing, and pictures of historical characters, and things either handmade or collected from the market are shown to the children. It draws their attention towards learning,

Film strip:
In film strips just like a projector, the picture is drawn on the glass pieces exhibited before the student’s small pictures and drawings are seen in large sizes. It also affects the teaching-learning process a lot

Audio-visual aids :
The aids by which we can hear and see are known as Audio visual aids. This type of aid has become very popular among people students. Every primary school is supplied with a TV set to benefit the children to see different school programmes. Vidyalaya programmes like ideal teachings of different school subjects. Such programmes is having a definitely fixed table, as a result, the students are more benefited.

Utility of Audiovisual aids:
In teaching the pupils actively participate In helping in the development of the power of understanding. In the classroom sweet sound peaceful environment is set up. Learning experience develops permanently. It motivates children towards learning. It keeps teaching lively and interesting With the help of AV aids the teacher is able to present the new subject matter quickly.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 4 Teaching Learning Materials Purpose and Uses

Question 11.
Discuss the aids and instructional materials used in teaching history?
While teaching History a teacher in History uses a number of aids and instructional aids and materials for the success of teaching. A number of aids are discussed below.

Models are the substitute for a thing such as a temple, mosques, forts, persons etc.
for example, Taj Mahal, while teaching Tajmahal a teacher uses a small mode! of Tajmahal which gives a clearcut Understanding of the Tajmahalat Agra

While teaching history the teacher uses the. pictures of historical characters. It may be the historical place, fort temple, kings, queens rivers, oceans, etc. the movement pictures of persons are seen to the students as they can easily memorise it. Likewise, stories and samples of different metals and dolls are, used in the classroom.

For entertainment, radio has used the news of distant lands, talks, discussions, criticisms and cultural programmes are also high-lighted through radio. The historical facts, speeches and discussions are also learnt from radio. So radio is used as an aid in teaching history.

Television is also used as an audio-visual aid. It is. one of the aids used by the history teacher. It makes it easy to understand historical facts in school programmes.

If historical facts dramas are arranged by the students they will learn better suppose, the Haladighat war, and Kalinga war the discussion of historical characters gives lively knowledge to the students.

Sometimes the students go on an excursion along with the history teachers to places of historical importance when they will get a clear picture of it.

Historical films are now prepared. lt makes historical facts clear and understanding lively. Through films, the historical facts, are clearly understood by the students.

Timeline and history teaching is interrelated. To provide knowledge of the concept the time of incidents of historical facts timeline is used. It also gives the knowledge of BC and AD in which period the facts occurred. They can easily memorize it.

Question 12.
Discuss the use of teaching Aids in teaching English?
In teaching English in the upper primary and secondary stages the teachers use so many aids to make the teaching effective and successful. The important aids in teaching English as follows:

Auditory aids:
These aids need the sense of learning and the aids are radio gramophones and tape recorders.

Visual aids:
In sense aids of sight are used. The items filling for them are class chalkboard, charts,-sketches, models, graphs, diagrams, bulletin board and flannel graph, motion picture, and film slides.

Audiovisual aids:
These aids need require the senses of hearing as well as sight. These are included in their films, television and video etc.

Activity Aids:
In these aids activity is the main function these are museum, excursion, nature study, garden, field trip, visits etc.

Graphic aids:
Photographs, and pictures flashcards, posters, charts, diagrams, graph maps etc.

Display boards:
Blackboard, planned board, bulletin board, magnetic etc.

Three-dimensional Aids:
Models, objects, specimens, puppets etc.

Projected Aids, Films, Film strips and slides:
In the modem times, radio and television are used as programmes for school subjects. The students can get a clear knowledge of the subjects studied. In English teaching field trips, excursions, fours and travelling develop the knowledge of concepts. Demonstration helps in speech development.

While teaching English the teacher uses pictures, models, graphs, charts etc. the develop their knowledge in language learning. Debates, seminars and discussions are necessary to develop language and pronunciation. So in English teaching, aids are essential to leam & a foreign language.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 4 Teaching Learning Materials Purpose and Uses

Question 13.
Give the main apparatus and tools used for teaching geography?
To make the teaching of Geography effective, lively, interesting, and understandable instructional materials as well as aids, audio-visual aids are used by skilled teachers With the use of such aids the students take a keen interest in learning geography. It becomes memorable to them and remains in their memory. Such aids are used in teaching the different fields of geography. The aids used in teaching geography are as follows

A number of blackboards:
A number, of blackboards, are used for drawing outlines, sketcher pictures and graphs and developing blackboard summaries.

Study materials:
The study materials include to “government prescribed textbooks, coloured magazines globes etc. These study materials help in the study of geography.

Written materials:
Written aids like graphs, maps, etc. help in the teaching of geography,”stick aids are helpful in providing the knowledge of earth, the natural things of the world the global view.

Wall pictures:
Sharing the life of the people of different1 regions should be preferable kept hanging and be changed according to the heeds of the class. Sets of pictures showing. vegetation and cultivated products.

Visual aids:
Visual aids include globe, samples, model, pictures; maps, graphs, photographs, slide etc; helps in teaching geography. The teacher remains careful in handling these materials. The child has seen this and gets geographical knowledge and a concept of the earth.

In teaching, geography teacher uses audio aids such as radio, gramophone, jape recorder, discussion, speeches, lecturers, conversations etc. the geography special teaching are given by experts in geography through radio programmes.

Audio-visual aids:
The teacher “of geography while teaching in the class uses certain audiovisual aids for effective teaching; The concept becomes clear. Model teachings by experts are also provided to the students. The audio-visual aids that function in this respect are like TV, Films, documentary films etc. The child gets the chance to hear and to see and gets practical knowledge about the subject of geography.

Activity Aids:
The activity aids and materials that help in the study of geography includes study pictures, travelling, excursions, study tour, and visiting zoo & exhibitions, the collected and presented materials help the child to develop knowledge of geography. Thermometers, barometers, crashes etc. also provide knowledge of geography. These aids are very much essential for practical knowledge of Geography.

Projected aids:
The projected aids chart assists, the teacher to impart teaching to geography including magic lantern pictures* films, slides etc. these aids attract children towards study.

Display Aids:
The display aids include cloth, blackboard, newspaper, panel board etc. the newspapers pictures and paper cut news gives fresh news of the geography of the world.

the role of the model is important in teaching geography. The teaching shows the models of the snow house Eskimos, large van, Paradip port and each other interesting things like Konark temple, Jagannath temple etc. for clearcut knowledge.

In the charts, the comparative data given is prepared through geometrical or arithmetical knowledge. For example, in the chart, a comparison of the length of different rivers, and oceans is given and there is a comparison chart, a chart of Odisha state. The children derive direct experiences of comparison.

Different maps like physical, relief maps, are helpful to the teacher to teach the places of the world the geographical situations, the forests, hills, mountains mines, and rivers oceans etc. The physical knowledge of the world and the situation of the states. Continents, subcontinents are known from maps.

Globe is a mini form of the earth. The students in this aid can derive ‘the knowledge of the geographical places, the population habitation. It also gives the knowledge of the North pole, Southpole, different places of the world etc. if develops a geographical outlook.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 4 Teaching Learning Materials Purpose and Uses

Question 14.
What are the general principles of teaching? Explain?
There are some general principles which need to be followed by a teacher for successful teaching in the classroom. They are as follows:
Principles of motivation :
Motivation is the driving force behind all kinds of purposeful activities and most learning is the outcome of motivation. The learner has to be motivated to learn and to react to the stimulus whether it is an object or situation or information self-motivation is the best motivation. It is the duty of the teacher to arouse interest in the teacher before any teaching is done.

There are some natural angles in the child and sometimes the interest is also created or required. The teacher has to utilize natural urges as well as acquired interests for teaching different topics. Curiosity is another strong urge for motivation. If a child is curious to know how people in different parts of the world live it is natural on his part to read the relevant books and journals, listen to suitable radio programmes or view TV. Programmes, programmes dealing with the people of different lands.

Principle of Activity :
Learning by doing is the basic principle enunciated by Froebel who successfully implemented c. it in the kindergarten system. It is found that learning becomes more effective if the child is physically and mentally made active in the teaching-learning process. The head with the hand should work together for making learning easier and more interesting.

For example, for effective teaching about Odisha to different children, we can ask them to draw a map of the state, dramatic scenes from Odisha history and so on. All these activities must create interest as well as curiosity among children and enrich learning experiences about Odisha. Similarly, in science teaching the principle of learning by doing is very well applied and students are required to observe.

the garden, make experiments in the laboratories and the activity methods are followed by teachers not only at the primary stage but also at the higher stages of education. The project method, the problem-solving method, the Heuristic method and so on are all based on activities in and outside the classroom. Students’ participation and involvement in the teaching-learning process make their education.

more relevant and meaningful. The principles of learning by doing is not only adopted in teaching various curricular subjects but also applied in organizing co-curricular activities, the programmes like sports and games, debates and discussions drama and music fieldwork and excursion etc. emphasize such activities.

Principle Relating to life :
All educationists and psychologists insist that teaching should always be related to life and its problem. While teaching children of pre-primary and primary schools their environment home, village, community-related to learning experiences. Education has been accepted as a preparation for life, teaching should be related to life and students be prepared to face the challenge of life with success.

The educational institution should satisfy individual and social needs teaching is linked to life and the issues to be effective and useful. The education commission 1964-66 also emphasized that our education has to be related to the life needs and aspirations of the people.

Question 15.
Explain the maxims of methods of teaching?
Various methods of teaching have been developed by educationists around the world b. through the ages for teaching students effectively.
But there are certain basic principles of teaching which are called the maxims of methodology and from the basis of the method of teaching. Adequate “knowledge of these maxims is essential for a teacher quality to perform his teaching activity with proficiency; They are as follows:

From the known to the unknown :
The most common way of teaching a lesson is to proceed from known to unknown. The pupils are taught end reminded about which they are already familiar and acquainted with them the facts and figures, which are not c. known but useful to them. They move from the familiar, concepts to the unknown and unfamiliar.

For example, to teach about warm deserts, we can draw a picture of the hot summer, with which they are acquainted. For teaching about freedom struggle, we can start with the Independence Day or Republic day celebration. Secondly, for teaching a lesson on profit and loss,- children may be reminded about their experiences in buying.

a certain thing and the Sale of goods in the local shops Thirdly in the teaching of new and difficult words in a language, the already known and familiar words with similar meanings can be recapitulated and made of it. Thus we proceed from known to unknown and from knowledge to experience.

From the simple to complex :
The topics to be taught are arranged according to the degree of complexity. In teaching a topic we divide various aspects or units of the topic according to the degree of simplicity so the teaching can be easier from the point of view of learning. The concepts which are simple to one may be complex to another so the experience of pupils is given importance while planning the teaching of a lesson. Topics are thus arranged according to the principle of proceeding from the simple to the complex.

From the concrete to the Abstract :
The abstract or vagueness of a topic poses a problem in understanding. Children find difficulty in understanding an abstract object or concept due to vagueness or lack of preciseness. For example, if we ask a pre-scholar to make a total of 2 and 3, he may find it different but if weask him to count 2 sticks after country 3 ones, then it may not be a problem.

Thus, manipulation with concrete things is easier than with abstract ones for children. In teaching a Geographical topic like Australia, the land and people, adequate use of maps, charts, models, and illustrations will be useful. Rather the use of radio and video programmes in Australia can make teaching more effective and interesting by going lively ideas and . experiences to the learner.

From the Indefinite to definite :
In the child’s mind, all concepts are indistinct, and unclear the interest and attitudes of children are also indefinite. But teaching aims at making all these ideas distinct and precise. In Indian schools, we emphasize blind memorization without understanding the meaning and implications which does not help in clarifying the concepts and removing the vagueness. We should give more emphasis on teaching concepts clearly and definitely. Teaching with the use of audio-visual aids should help on making the ideas distinct.

From the particular to the general :
Some students can easily comprehend particular of specific objects and ideas teaching should be started from the particular knowledge and proceed to give general knowledge which are comparatively vague and abstract in nature. The observing the specific objects, generalizations are drawn. In teaching various topics in arithmetic, sciences, geography and the like, this principle can be effectively applied in inducting method of teaching.

Induction followed by Deduction :
Induction is found more useful for teaching different subjects. In this method, teaching starts with particular examples then the conclusion is drawn. We accept a general principle or formula as valid which is then applied to individual or specific cases.1 This method is not proven sound and scientific for children’s learning. Both inductive and deductive methods have their advantage and can be used in teaching Suitable subjects.

For example, in teaching a new formula or a new theory the Inductive method can be used effectively. After teaching the formula of theory in the method it is easier to use the deductive method for teaching most of the exercises in arithmetic algebra and geometry and other subjects. So inductive teaching is always followed by deductive teaching.

Psychological vs logical :
The successful teacher teaches everything according to the psychological needs and conditions of pupils. But in the text-books topics are arranged logically. It is the duty of the teacher to arrange them Psychologically in the scheme of lessons as he is aware of the behaviours, needs, and interests of the students. Even in teaching a lesson a group’s teaching is to be done to their psychological needs and conditions. The remapping power is understood from the logical presentation. The teacher should apply the general principles and maxims in a psychological manner more effectively.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Foundations of Education Unit 4 Teaching Learning Materials Purpose and Uses

Question 16.
Discuss the relationship between teaching and learning. Discuss the factors affecting the teaching-learning process?
Prior the 20th century, teaching is considered a rigid, formal and stereotyped process of transmitting knowledge, facts and figures. Education was taken as a Bipolar process in which teachers are giving and pupils are receiving end. Teachers are the source of knowledge and schools are knowledge shops. Methods of teaching are logical and routine without the psychological needs and conditions of learners, their interests, curiosity, freedom and flexibility emphasis was laid on rigid discipline blind memorization and hard reinforcement.

Verbalism was enforced and no audio-visual aids or materials were utilized in the field of education. The learner is considered an empty vessel to be filled up with knowledge and information, facts and figures. But in the 20th century, the child is considered a tender plant and a teacher as a gardener. The child is taught according to his abilities, attitude interests and aptitude.

He is helped to learn to teach nourish, and cultivate the growing child and guide his growth. Children are motivated to search experiments, gathering facts and information. Various media and materials are used for making learning more interesting and effective. Now, learning has assumed more importance than teaching.

There has been a change in the learning process. New theories of learning highlight the principles of contiguity and the importance of the environment etc. Multimedia systems and educational technology.  Now, stress is given in the principle of learning, than traditional teaching. There are three types of effectiveness in teaching such as pre-stage effectiveness, process effectiveness and product effectiveness.

The quality of learning depends on the quality of teaching. The end result of the teaching process determines the product’s effectiveness. The important teaching results in the outcome of learning. It is evaluated through achievement tests, and personality tests administrated to students. The input of teaching is results in the outcome of learning.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 History Unit 1 Sources of Indian History Long Answer Questions

Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 12 History Solutions Unit 1 Sources of Indian History Long Answer Questions.

CHSE Odisha 12th Class History Unit 1 Sources of Indian History Long Answer Questions

Long Type Questions and Answers

Sources Of Odisha History Question 1.
Discuss the various aspects regarding the relevance of History?
History is a pressing social need. Whether he may be a play writer, storyteller, doctor, scientist, pact, educationist, or the common. It is for all History teaches us about the past. The study of the past is important to understand the events of the present. history continuous story of one event leading to another, the present cannot be understood without understanding the past.

History provides identity to a nation. It is a natural instinct for the people of every country nation or society to know of their past. Because it contains the descriptions of generation. A nation needs its identity before the world community. History provides identity. History is not merely a certificate of praise for any nation. It is both a source of inspiration as well as of warning.

If some particular reasons lead to a downfall at one time, the nation should remain wide awake against those follies not to suffer again. Thus, to the thinking minds and the rulers of men, History holds lessons about the strength and weaknesses of the nation. History because learn many lessons from it. If we study history, there is a lesser chance of repeating the mistakes made by our ancestors.

History teaches us how harmful and destructive wars can be. History reminds the people of its past glories and inspires the nation to face the challenges with courage. For example, during the evil days of British rule, the Indian Nationalists thought of their glorious past and inspired the people to stand up against the foreigners. Thus, history proves, how a small band of united people can defeat a much stronger enemy.

History of ancient and great countries has greater relevance in modem age when the man has conquered time & distance of the world is regarded as a ‘global village’ countries with rich historical heritage invites countless visitors from all parts of the world. This led sot greater understanding among nations. The teachings of great men in the mirror of histories such as Buddha, Gandhiji, Gum Nanak, Sri Chaitanya, and many others are of great relevance.

We try to follow their teaching in our daily lives. This makes us better human beings and helps society to function better. History is regarded as the highest court of justice to pass judgment on the deeds or misdeeds of great men of the past. However, a great one could have been he cannot escape the verdict of history. History is the eternal witness to man’s virtues and vices, good deeds wind evil doings.

History also holds lessons about good and bad governments. It is witness to various systems such as monarchy, oligarchy, aristocracy, despotism, and democracy. Showing the merits and demerits of different systems of governance helps modem society to choose its own method. History holds examples of how smaller notions like Greece.

Italy could fight for Independence against stronger powers by deriving pride from its ancient past. History has relevance for self-revival in times of crisis. To sum up, it may be said that the relevance of History in the supreme lessons of upholds regarding the victory of truth over untruth of justice over injustice, and of moral values over forces of evil. History shows the causes and consequences of various actions. It provides an ideal for mankind to uphold.

Sources Of History Question And Answer Question 2.
Verify the dignity of Archaeological and Epigraphical sources of Indian History?
Historians reconstruct events of the past system manually and scientifically using various tools and sources of information. They depend on archeological and literary sources along with the study of coins, inscriptions, and accounts of foreign travelers. Archaeological sources include houses, temples, tools, jewelry, fossils, and other objects left behind by people.

Archaeological sources:
For collecting information about the pre-historic, past historians have to depend solely on the remains or nuns of the past. Archaeologists dig up sites where people might have lived and bring out various objects which have been lived and bring out various objects which have been buried under the earth for many years. These objects may include fools, jewelry, fossils, and arts and crafts. At times houses where people lived, temples where people went to worship, and even the log out of an entire city have been excavated by archaeologists.

These provide valuable clues to historians for reconstructing the history of that period. The knowledge of most of the ancient civilizations such as Harapan, Mesopotamian, and Egyptian is based on archaeological evidence. Archaeologists while digging have found such objects which throw light on the life of the people and give information about the objects they used.

However, the task of archaeologists is extremely difficult because in most cases, the excavated objects are in fragments and archaeologists have to study the pieces minutely and carefully to get an idea about their use. In their work, they have to take anthropologists, physicists, and biologists to determine the bone structure or age of an object, etc. However, in the case of monuments, buildings, and other objects found above ground level, they may not have such problems.

The study of inscriptions in knowledge as Epigraphy. In the absence of paper, people used sharp instruments to write on hard surfaces. These are referred to as inscriptions. Inscriptions may be found on seals, copper plates, stone pillar rocks, or temple walls. They provide valuable information. Though the Harappan were the first to inscribe their script on seals, these have not yet been deciphered.

The oldest Indian inscriptions to have been deciphered so far are those issued by Asoka in the third century B.C. Though the earliest inscriptions have been found on stone, copper plates were used by the First century A.D. such copper plates have been found near Taxila. Earlier inscriptions were in Prakrit. Ashok and edicts were inscribed in Greek Aramaic and karoshi Scripts in the language of the local people.

Sanskrit was used in inscriptions bearing the history of the Mauryan post-Mauryan and the Gupta period has been published like. Allahabad pillar inscription of Samudragupta, Junagarh inscription of Rudraman I. Aihole stone inscription of pulses II, etc. From the language, script style of composition, and the occasion when inscriptions were engraved we come to know about the political, social, economic conditions of the period to which they belong. The inscriptions being engraved on metals and stones cannot be tampered with without detection.

The study of coins is known as numismatics coins struck at different times by different rules provide valuable clues regarding dates names of rules, regions where these have been struck as well as the metal sued. Ancient coins were made of Copper, Gold, Silver, or lead coin molds made of burnt clay have been found in large numbers. Coins made of metal first appeared in the Buddhist period.

They were made of silver or copper and were called punch-marked coins because pieces of these metals were punched with certain marks such as trees, fish, etc. Early coins were known as cricks or stamina. Most of the coins however belonged to the Kushana. period. People kept the coins in earthen or bronze used as precious hoards, to be used in times of heed. Such hoards coins have been found in the southern part of India especially in Arikameda on the eastern coast, indicating commercial contact with the Roman empire.

The Gupta period is well known for gold coins. Coins bore the names of the rules and often carried the image of the gold they worshipped. For example “Samudragupta’s coins show him playing the veena, so we can see that coins provide various types of information about a particular period. Socio-economic and cultural aspects of a particular period may be inferred from the details Quailable on coins. Thus, coins are important sources of information.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 History Unit 1 Sources of Indian History Long Answer Questions

Sources Of History Question Answer Question 3.
Stress regarding the builders of the Indus valley civilization?
Who were the builders of the Indus civilization on this point, historians hold different opinions. According to some, long before the Aryans came to India, the Dravidians lived on the soil of this land. They were highly civilized. They built the Indus civilization. It was thus pre-Aryan and pre-Vedic civilization. To others, Ariane was the makes of Indus civilization. They came much earlier than it is supposed.

Their early settlements were in the northwestern regions of India and the Indus valley. Mohenjo-Dara and Harappa were their work. The third opinion is the builders of the Indus civilization were the Sumerians of Mesopotamia or some other people of that group of men. It is for this reason that there is a good deal of similarity between the civilizations of the Samer and Indus valley. The last of the three opinions do not seem to be correct.

There were trade relations between Mesopotamia and India from very ancient times. Different goods of Mesopotamia came to this country and many Indian goods were sold in Samer or Babylon. It is for this reason that similar goods have been found from the rains of the Samer and Indus cities. It is also natural that many ancient peoples used similar things for their livelihood. But comparing such things one cannot say that people of both places belonged to the same race or group.

Thus the Indus Valley people and the people of Sumer or Babylon were not the same. The question, however, remains if they were Dravidians or Aryans. Enough though has been to this subject. It is seen at last that there were some basic differences between the Indus civilization and the Aryan civilization. In view of these differences, it is difficult to suggest that the Aryans were the author of the Indus civilization. John Marshall has described those differences in the following manner. The Vedic Aryans worshipped the Bull.

The Aryans were the worshippers of Nature, they performed yajna and offered prayers to their Gods. But the Indus people were devoted to a mother Goddess and they worshipped trees, animals, and snakes. The Aryans did not like to live in cities, they loved to live in a simple rural atmosphere a mind the beauty of Nature. But the people of Indus culture built beautiful cities and loved to live prosperous urban life.

The Aryans were not in great favor of trade and commerce, they did not like sea Voyages. But the Indus people were fond of trade and commerce for which they traveled far and wide across the seas. The ancient script and writings of the Aryans have not yet been discovered. But the Indus valley people had developed scripts that are available in plenty from the rains. The Aryans were a race of warriors, they used various weapons to attack others. But the Indus people seem to have been a peace-loving race.

The Aryans used horses very much. But the Indus people knew very little of that animal. With such differences between the Aryans and the Indus people, it will be perhaps wrong to say that the Aryans built the Indus civilization. It is imagined, therefore, that the Indus valley civilization was the work of the Dravidians. It may be said, however, that history needs still more evidence to accept this theory.

Sources Of History Questions And Answers Question 4.
Explain the Chief features of town planning in Harappan civilization?
The ruins of the cities of the Indus valley civilization display the remarkable skill of the people in town planning and sanitation. The main features are cities with their wide and straight stress efficient and covered drainage, structurally comfortable houses with bathrooms, and built of burnt bricks of various shapes.

The cities of the Indus valley were well-planned. The main roads followed a straight course from north to south and east to west intersecting at right angles. Houses were constructed in an orderly fashion on both sides of the Street. Harappa was famous for its town planning.

The drainage system was very impressive. The main drains covered with bricks or stones ran below the streets and were connected with the house drains. The bathrooms had sloping floors and drain that were connected to the street drains. The kitchen too had drained. The street drains ran along the sides of the street and were covered with bricks. They were cleaned at regular intervals. This system shows that the people paid great attention to health and Sanitation.

The citadel:
The cities were divided into two parts. The upper part has built on raised ground. It has been called the citadel or the acropolis. The citadel had high walls which provided protection during floods. It contained public buildings, religious structures, and granaries probably, the rating classes lived here. The lower part called the lower town was much bigger. It contained the houses and workplaces of the common people.

The Great bath:
The most striking feature of Mohenjodaro is the Great Bath. It is a rectangular structure resembling a swimming pool. There were some small bathrooms attached evidently for bathing before entering the Great bath provision was made for draining the bath when needed.

At Harappa, a number of granaries have been found surplus grains were stored in these granaries. Granaries were located near the bathroom. Near the granaries, circular brick platforms have also been found. They were probably used for threshing grain.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 History Unit 1 Sources of Indian History Long Answer Questions

Sources Of History Question Answers Question 5.
Explain the socio-economic and religious life of the Indus valley people?
Many things have been discovered from Mohenjodaro and Harappa. They include small images and seals. From the designs on the seals and the images, scholars, from ideas regarding the social economic, and religious conditions of the Indus civilization. There is other evidence also to give a clear picture of the Indus life. Below is given a brief account of the social, economic, and religious life of the Indus Valley people.

Social life :
The social life of the Indus people was highly developed. The Indus people were as advanced as the ancient. Egyptians and Sumerians are spheres of education. This is proved countless seals which contain very find scripts. Unfortunately, scholars have not yet been able to read the Indus scripts.

Attempts are being made to read them when they will be read many things will be known about the culture of that time. For the time it is enough to say that the existence of letters meant the existence of the art of writing. As many as 396 letters have been discovered so far. The Indus people lived a luxurious life. It is known from their ornaments and dress. People were fond of beautiful ornaments. The rich and the poor alike used them. The rich people used ornaments of gold, silver costly stones, and ivory.

The poor people used ornaments of copper, bones, and even burnt clay. Neckless, rings, earrings, and armlets are commonly used by women. Even men used different types of ornaments. The ornaments were artistic and attractive. The Indus people also used good dress. They were experts in the art of weaving.

In their food habits, the Indus people were quite advanced. They ate wheat, rice, barley, meat, fish, fruits, and vegetables and drank milk. They used cows, lambs, pigs, buffaloes, camels as domestic animals. Elephants were also used for various purposes. It is, however, not yet clear if they knew the use of horse and dog. The latest discoveries suggest, perhaps they did know. The Indus people knew the use of several metals.

They prepared many things of day to day use from those metals. Gold, silver, copper, tin bronze and lead were of common use. It is to be noted however that no iron has been discovered from the ruins of Mohenjodaro and Harappa. People made their utensils in copper or bronze. Earthen pots were used in plenty. They were painted in color. Toys of many kinds have been recovered from the rains.

Small figures of animals, birds men, and women were prepared in clay. Perhaps children used those as toys. The grown men and women played different games. They lived happy life. They enjoyed dancing. An attractive dress was used. Both men and women used combs and they liked attractive hairstyles. The bathrooms in every house prove that people believe in cleanliness. The Indus people were patrons of art.

Excellent ornaments, painted earthen pots, earthen toys of any kind, images made of bronze or stone, and the attractive designs on the seas give testimony to the love of the people for art. The figures of animals on the seas prove that the Indus artists and craftsmen were very competent in their work. The Indus valley people used copper and bronze weapons.

Battle axe dagger, spear, bow, and arrow were their main weapons. It is not yet clear if they used swords and shields. The Indus people used to bum or bury their dead. All these points give some idea about the social aspects of the Indus Valley civilization.

Economic life :
It can be easily said that the people who built great cities like Mohenjidaro and Harappa were economically prosperous. It is on economic foundations that an Urban civilization grows up. Mohenjudara and Harappa passed that foundation. It is believed that in those remote days there used to be heavy rains in the Indus region. Side by side the river Indus supplied much water for rice cultivation.

The soil was fertile and the Indus people were hardworking. They produced plenty of wheat and barley. According to some scholars, the living standard of the common men of the Indus valley than the standard of the common people in the Nice valley and Mesopotamia. The areas around Mohenjodara are still known as Pakistan or the ‘Garden of Singh’. The Indus people were also efficient in art and Crafts.

They were excellent weavers. They prepared beautiful dresses both in cotton and wool. Ornaments, weapons, utensils toys, and other goods of luxury were prepared by able artisans. Those groups of people were economically well off. The people of the Indus valley is wre great in trade and commerce. Inside India, they carried their business from the Kashmir Valley to the Deccan. For external trade, they moved far and wide. That was one of their chief achievements for fame.

They had trade relations with outside countries both through land and sea routes. It is known that the Indus people had close commercial relations with Sumeria, Egypt, and create. The seals of Mohanja-dar have been discovered in Mesopotamia. Similarly, the cuneiform writing of Mesopotamia has been discovered at Mohenjo- Daro. This proves the contact with the people at those two distant times. Agriculture, industry, and trade were the three chief occupations of the Indus valley people. Their economic condition, therefore, was prosperous.

Religious life :
From the relies on the Indus valley we get some idea about the religious life of that time from small female figures discovered from the rains some scholars believe that the people perhaps worshipped a mother Goddess, of course, it has not yet been possible to form a clear idea about that goddess. A female figure on a seal has created much interest. Some say it is the figure of the Earth Goddess. To others, it is the goddess of Nature.

The worship of the mother Goddess was prevalent in many ancient societies. The Indus people also might have believed that some people think that Mother Goddess of the Indus religion appeared as Goddess Durga or kali in the Indian Religion of the future ages. Besides the Mother Goddess, the people also worshipped a God. A beautiful figure appears on a seal which is like a powerful God.

Fie has three faces. There are harps on his head. He is sitting in the posture of a Yogi. On his four sides, there are figures of four animals, such as elephant, tiger, rhinoceros, and buffalo. Near his feet is the figure of a deer scholars feel that this god was Siva Pashupati. From a study of these figures, Sir John Marshall imagined that perhaps Saivism was the earliest religion of India. No temple has been discovered from the reigns of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro, It is not clear, therefore how the people worshipped their Gods and Goddess.

May be the temples of Mohenjodaro are still lying buried under the Indus sands, not yet discovered. Similarly, the temple bricks of Flarappa might have been carried away from their original sites. The images or figures were all found in the dwelling houses of common men. It may be that the people of the Indus valley offered worship in their own houses. Besides the Mother Goddess and Siva, the Indus people also worshipped several other things and symbols.

They paid religious respects to the Bull, Tiger, Elephant, and some other animals that were also considered sacred, Perhaps these animals were regarded as the bananas of the deities. Some say that the Indus valley people worshipped even snakes. Similarly, worshipped several trees. It seems as if the religion of the ancient Indus Valley and the future Hinduism of India have similarities in many respects worship of Gods and Goddesses, animals, and frees, as was prevalent in the Indus valley, is also seen in the Hindu mode of worship.

It may be that the earliest religion did not disappear with the fall of the Indus civilization. The Aryans were influenced by the prevailing faiths of the Indus region. They accepted many features of pre-Aryan worship. From the faiths of the early Aryans later Hinduism developed. Sir Mortimer Wheeler believed that the worship of Siva came to later Hinduism from the ancient Harappan religion. The Harappans regarded the Bull as sacred.

So too, did the Hindus of later times. The similarities between the Indus religion and the later Hinduism prove that the civilization of India has maintained its unbroken continuity from a remote pre-historic past to recent times. The religion of India is a product of ages. It is vast and broad enough to cover the faiths of all peoples of all times who lived on the soil of this great country.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 History Unit 1 Sources of Indian History Long Answer Questions

Sources Of Odisha History Pdf Question 6.
Discuss the authenticity of foreign accounts and their impact on Indian history?
Accounts of Indian life and civilization written by foreign travelers are important sources for the writing of ancient Indian history classical or Greek writers have recorded information about India beginning from the Persian invasion in the 6th century B.C. Hero dots and Ofesias have narrated the history of the Persian domination over north-western India. The floodgate of Indian contact with the west was opened with the invasion of India by Alexander the Great.

The historians like searches, one serious, etc. who accompanied Alexander have recorded remarkable accounts about North-Western India and the story of Alexander’s invasion. Among the classical authorities in India, the most renowned is Megasthenes, the Seleukidian envoy to the court of Chandragupta Maurya. He wrote a remarkable book named the Indika, which depicts the political, and social life of the Indians.

The value of Indika as a source of ancient Indian history of Immense. Unfortunately, the contents of the book are not available in full. Strabo has recorded fragments ofMegasthenes account in their books. Dr. Sehwanbeek has collected and edited them. Platarch wrote a biographical sketch of Alexander in which narratives about his invasion of India are included. Justin wrote a book named Epitome which throws light on the early life of Chandragupta Maurya.

The periplus of the Erythralan sea supplies accounts for Indian ports, harbors, and goods. An unknown Greek sailor wrote this book in the first century A.D. No. a correct account of the economic and commercial life of India for the late centuries before Christ and for the late centuries before Christ and for the early Gentries can be written without the help of this book. Ptolemy’s Geography is a famous work.

Pliny has furnished a study of India’s flora and fauna in his Natural History. Quintus has written an account of Alexander’s Invasion of India depending on earlier records. The spread of Buddhism in China promoted contact of china with India. Buddhist pilgrims from china came to India to visit the holy places of Buddhism in India. Some of the pilgrims left valuable accounts about life and society in India.

Chinese historian SSA-ma chiefs composed an annual about India in the first century B.C. Chinese historian Fan-ye recorded information about the Yue-chi and the Kushanas. The Chinese pilgrim Fa- Hien visited. India in the reign of Chandra Gupta II. He left a good narrative about India which is regarded as a source of Gupta history. Fa-Hien visited North-western India and the Gangetic Valley.

His writing is devoid of any political matter. He was interested in Buddhism and social life in India. He lived in Pataliputra for six years and sailed for China from the port of Tamralipta in Bengal. He wrote several books on Buddhism in India, was Hiuen-Tsang. He visited India during Harshavardhana and left a detailed account of the political and social life of India. The name of his book is si-ya-ki.

This narrative is more descriptive and elaborate than the account left by Fa-Hien. But Huen-Tsang was not above a Buddhist bias which is evident from his unblessing eulogy for the Buddhist emperor Harsha. Tibetan historian Lama Taranatha’s writings named Dawa and Tangyur are also valuable sources. A comparative study of the classical and the Chinese sources would reveal that the classical writers were particular in the observation of political and administrative matters.

The Chinese travelers being mostly Buddhist pilgrims were indifferent to political events and administrative matters. They, however, give emphasis on the condition of Buddism and the social fragments contain details about Chandragupta’s administration his court and camp life, and the general condition of the People the flora and fauna of India. The Chinese accounts are not so complete and versatile.

From the 8th century AD, Arabian scholars like Al-Beruni visited India. Al-Beruni was a great scholar of Sanskrit. He has left a capital account in India. Al-Beruni’s work is named Tahaki Hind. It is a mine of information about India and her people other Arab writers like At Biladuri etc. may also be mentioned. The historical value of the foreign accounts about India can hardly be exaggerated.

These foreign writers often wrote with great detachment and critical observation. But their narratives suffer from several general defects. Firstly, most of the writers did not know the local languages and customs. Secondly, they did not stay in India for a long time. Thirdly, some of these writers particularly the Greeks did not always write from personal observation but from hearsay. As a result, they occasionally recorded wrong information,

Question 7.
Evaluate the relationship of the Indus civilization with the Sumerian civilization?
Sumerologists find a striking resemblance between the Indus civilization and the ancient civilizations of Sumer and Mesopotamia. pictorial writings, the developed city life, burnt bricks, wheel-made potteries, the cult of the mother Goddess, the hairstyle of-Indus women, the use of bronze and copper for making implements are great points of similarities between the civilizations of the Indus, the summer and that of Mesopotamia.

The second notable point of resemblance between the three civilizations is that they flourished in the valley of great rivers like the Indus, the Euphrates, and the Tigris. The above similarities coupled with the mature character of the Harappan civilization have led some scholars to suggest that the Indus people had borrowed the pattern and ideas of their culture from the Sumerians and the Mesopotamians.

It is also argued that the citadels found at Harappa and Maheiijodaro bear the influence of the architectural designs of Sumer. Probably the firsts at Harappa and Mahenjodaro were erected by a foreign race most possibly the Sumerians. They built these first in order to impose their authority upon the local urban population. The citadels were drowning the cities with a hint of alien domination.

However, on a sober consideration of the matter, the theory of the Sumerian authorship of the Indus, civilization is-still in-the speculation. There is still a lack of concrete evidence to prove the theory of the Sumerian origin of the Indus civilization. Despite its close contact with Sumer, the Indus civilization had many peculiarities and features of its own. This has led prof Gordon childe to emphasize the distinctive character of the two cultures. In spite of many appearances.

Similarities between the two, the Harappan was distinctly Indian. In its origin, the Harappa culture was not a fruit of burrowing transplanting from the Sumerian culture. Dr. Basham has pointed out that the Indus civilization was the creation of a people who lived in the Indus valley for several centuries and that this great civilization and little to the Sumerian culture of the Middle East. Firstly, there was very little intellectual exchange between the two sister cultures.

Secondly, the Indus style of sculpture, the stone saving, the terra-cotta, and the art of Indus seals are basically local and peculiar to the Indus people. They bear no trace of foreign Influence. Thirdly, the resemblances between the two, civilizations may be their inherent cousinship or due to the Dravidian authorship of the Sumerian civilization. The same Dravidians are also supposed to be authors of the Indus civilization.

Thus, the integrity of the Indus civilization stands unchallenged. Kumaraswamy has suggested that the Indus civilization spread from the Indus Valley to the valleys of the Euphrates and the Tigris and became known as the Sumerian Mesopotamia civilization sir ariel stein has concluded that possibly a parent civilization grew up in a place in between the Indus valley and the Euphrates Valley and branched off to the east and the west. However, all these are hypothetical theories.

Their authenticity has not yet been proven. Though the theory of the Sumerian origin of the Indus civilization is a hypothetical one the fact remains that there was a good deal of intercourse between the Indus, Sumer, and Mesopotamia people. There is an overwhelming through the land route via Baluchistan and probably through the sea routes across the Persian Gulf also. Numerous Indus types of deals have been discovered at Sumer. Akkad and Elan. Again Sumerian articles though fewer in number have been discovered in the Indus Valley.

Question 8.
Discuss regarding the earliest home of the Aryans and their coming to Indian Soil?
Among the various groups of mankind, the Aryans are the most famous. In the Sanskrit language, the word Arya means the man of noble character the ‘free-born’. The descendants of the ancient Aryan race spread over wide areas of Europe and Asia. From the, earliest Aryan language, classical languages such as Sanskrit, Latin, and Greek came into being. From these languages, several other languages developed. They are all from the Aryan family of languages.

The Earliest Home of the Aryans :
Nobody can say exactly which place on earth was the earliest home of the Aryan people. To some Indian scholars, the Aryans were the original inhabitants of India and they did not come to this land from outside. On the other hand, some Patriotic European scholars believe that the Aryans originally lived on the shores of the faraway Baltic sea. The majority of historians, however, believe that the early Aryans lived in that region of Europe which now comprises such places as Austria, Hungary, and Bohemia.

From their original home, the ancient Aryans spread away to different places. Going south and westward they divided themselves into several branches and entered Greece. Italy, Germany, Spain, and England came in another direction, they entered into Iron and India. The name Iran (Persia) comes from the word Aryanam which is the country of the Aryans In India, the Aryans first settled in the area known as Punjab.

At first, the name of that place was captained, or the land of the seven rivers. Subsequently, it was called Panchanada, or the land of the Five Rivers. Punjab means the land of the five1 Rivers. The fact that the Aryan tribes of Europe and Asia came; from common ancestors is known from their earliest religious and social ways of life. From the original Aryan word Dyu, came the words Deva in Sanskrit, Deas in Latin Zeus in Greek.

Tiu in Saxon and Zio in German. The original fire God of the ancient Aryans became Agni in India, is in Italy, and in East European lands. The use or Dawn of the Indian Aryans was the same as the EOS of the Greeks and Aurora of the Italians. Similarly from the root family terms of the ancient Aryans came such words as Peter Matar.

Bharat and Duhitar in Sanskrit and Father, Mother, Brother, and Daughter in English. Many such words in Sanskrit and several European languages came from the same Aryan roots. Though they came from the same ancestors, the different branches of the Aryan people in course of time lived as separate races and developed their separate individualities.

Coming of the Aryans to India:
The time when the Aryans entered India is yet a subject of debate. Attempts are made to know that time from Vedic literature. According to some learned Indians like Bal Gangadhar Tilak, the earliest Veda, favors as the Rigveda, was composed about 4,500 years before Christ. The Aryans must have come, therefore, several generations before that time. According to a famous western scholar. H.T. Colebrooke discovered the Vedas for the Western people the composition of all the Vedas was perhaps finished by the 14th century B.C.

For several centuries before that, they must have settled in Punjab. Max Muller believed that the Vedas were composed about 1500 years before Christ. Another western scholar Whitney believed that the hymns of the Rigveda were composed between 2,000 B.C. and 1,500 B.C. Most likely, the Aryans entered India around 2,000 years before the birth of Christ.

This opinion is held by the majority of historians. Soon after their entry into India, the Aryans began to compose the Vedas. Much about their early life in India is known from the descriptions in the Vedas. At first, they settled in the Punjab region where the rivers, Sindhu, Vitasta, Chandrabhaga, Iravati, Bipasa, Satadru, and Saraswati flowed.

At that time they had to fight against the primitive people of the land as well as perhaps with the civilized Dravidians. The enemies were described in the Vedas as Dasyus and Asuras. In course of time, the Dravidians migrated towards the south, and the primitives retired into mountains, hills, and forests. The conquered or subjugated enemies were described as the Dasas.

From Punjab, the Aryans moved eastward into the river valleys Ganges and Yamuna. They called that region Madhya Desa. Gradually they spread over the whole of the Uttarapatha. The Landmass between the Himalayas and the Vindhyas and from the western seas east was named as the Aryavarta.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 History Unit 1 Sources of Indian History Long Answer Questions

Question 9.
Evaluate Regvedic society and discuss their economic life?
The early Vedic society represented human quality and simplicity at their best. It was a society of high moral standards. It showed advanced civilization, a settled and organized human relationship. The Aryan families were the backbone of the society. Society was organized on the basis of the family as a unit. Each home was like an abode of happiness. This is because the Aryans laid great emphasis on the virtues of family life.

A good family man was a good social being. Usually, the father was the head of the family. As the head, he controlled the other members. The younger members senior members. The relationship between father, mother, brother, and sisters rested on a sense of duty, devotion, affection, and cordiality. The size of a family could be big enough to contain many members from grandparents to grandchildren.

But they all lived in peace. In their daily life, the Aryan householders lived in plain living and high thinking. Truth, mercy kindness, goodness, mutual help, and understanding were the ideals of family life. The Aryans believed in the system of Chaturashrama or the four-fold division of one’s life. At a young age when the man received education and training, he practiced Brahmacharya.

Thereafter he married and led the Garhasthva life or the life of a house-holder. When the man reached the third stage of his life, he adopted Vanaprastha. During that period he lifted in a cottage away in the forests to perform religious duties. In the final phase of life in old age, he practiced the Sannyasa Vrata by renouncing everything. These practices showed the disciplines of the Aryan life.

Women held a high position in the Aryan Society. Inside the family, they played a prominent role. They exercised much influence in domestic affairs. In religious ceremonies and festivals, women enjoyed equal place with men. Before their marriage, Aryan daughters received education in the house of their parents. The word Duhitri in Sanskrit and Daughter in English came from the root Aryan word Dough which means milking the cow.

Perhaps the Aryan girls were fond of looking after the cows as their domestic duty. There was no child marriage in the Rigvedic society. Girls lived in the house of their parents till they attained marriageable age. They had the freedom to select their husbands of arranged marriages were a more usual custom. Marriage was considered a sacred obligation in Vedic culture.

It was indissoluble. There was no secession of women in the Vedic society. The Vedic women took part in the highest socio-religious duties. They studied the Vedas. Some of them like Lopamudra Ghosh, Vishwavara and Apala became mortal as the authors of the Vedic hymns.
The most praised worth feature of the early Vedic society was the social equality of men. All Aryans were equal among themselves.

There was no caste system to separate man from man. Every Aryan could learn the Vedas could fight battles as a soldier, and work as a cultivator. It is only the conquered people who were given a lower rank in society as the basis. In brief, the Rigvedic Aryans lived in an ideal society that was unique in the ancient world.

Economic Life:
The economic condition of the people in the early Vedic society was prosperous. The Aryans were a hard-working race. They were also believers in the simple life. They loved to live in villages. Their economic activities mostly centered around their villages. Agriculture was the Chief occupation of the Vedic Aryans. They regarded cultivation as the main source of their livelihood. Around every village, there were plenty of cultivable lands and wide pastoral fields for cattle.

Each family had its own land to grow crops. Grasslands for the animals were held in common by all villagers. The lands under cultivation were called kshetra. The Aryans depended much on the rains and rivers for agriculture. They also took water from canals to their fields. To make the land service, they used manure. Dhan and you were the two chief products of agriculture. Since the lands were fertile in those days and the population was small, there was enough food in Vedic India to keep the people happy and self-sufficient.

Next to agriculture, the Vedic Aryans paid great attention to the rearing of cattle and various other domestic animals. Milk was regarded most useful and cows paid the minimum care. In every village, there were cowherd boys to drive the cattle to the green pasture lands. Sheep, goats, and horses were the other useful animals in Vedic society. The early Aryans also developed trade, commerce, and industry.

Merchants were there to carry various useful goods from place to place. Varieties of cloth, metal goods, and skin products were sold by traders in different markets. Carts drawn by horses and oxen usually carried the articles of trade. Boats were used in rivers for internal movements of goods. Rare evidence is also there to prove that the Vedic Aryans had maritime activities across the seas.

Cottage industries flourished in Vedic society. In most villages, there were weavers smiths, metal – workers carpenters, and also tanners. Artistic goods were made at select centers ornaments, weapons, chariots, implements for cultivation, utensils, and many other useful things were made by the people for regular use. The Aryans loved to eat rice, barley, milk, meat fish, and fruits.

In festivals and religious occasions. They used to drink soma rasa, on the whole, the economic life of the Vedic period was a life of plenty and prosperity. It is said that the early Aryans did not build big cities or Nagara. But they built strongholds and forts known as PURA with walls around and strong houses inside.

Question 10.
Evaluate the political status of the early Vedic people?
The Aryans were a powerful people. The Aryans were a powerful people. They came to India in an organized way. As they spread themselves in India and settled permanently they developed political organizations in their society for a better life.

The nature of the Vedic political organization was as follows:
Several families formed a village or the Gram. The head of the Grama was called Gramani. He regulated the affairs of the village maintained peace in his area. Several villagers formed a district or canton which was very big in size, and the visit ruled more or less like a king. Several districts formed A Jana or people, which was like a big political unit or the Rastra. The Rastra or the state or the Jana was ruled by a head named the Rajan or the king.

He was said to be “without a rival and a destroyer of rivals” In later times, when the territory became big in size the Rajan became a Samrat In Vedic India, the kingship was generally a hereditary institution. The kind occupied a position of honor. He was appointed by the chief priests. He usually enjoyed the confidence and loyalty of the people. He lived in his palace. In dress, manners, and style he maintained the dignity of royalty. The son of the king had his right to his father’s kingdom.

Because of such continuity, it was the duty of the railing king to train his successor in the art of good government as well as in various virtues required of a monarch. In places, the subjects also could elect or select a king for their land. The king appointed several officers. Among such officers, the purohit or chaplain, the scenario or the commander of the army, the Duta or the messenger, and the Gramani or village headman played a prominent role.

The king also had his adviser or ministers. He appointed spies to collect information about the people. The king was required to perform two main duties. One was the protection of his land and the people from outside enemies. For this, he maintained his army. The other was to serve and please tie people. The king or the Rajan of the Vedic age was not an autocrat.

He governed according to the laws and customs of the land according to religious beliefs and with the advice of the seers, Sagar, and elders. There was even some kind of popular assemblies in those days called Samiti to give opinions on the affairs of the state. There was also the Sabha or council of Elders, containing wise men to advise the Government. The monarchy was thus limited. It is also understood that in places there was some kind of republican can government among some of the Aryan tribes.

The term Gana or people was perhaps used for such a state. Its head was called Ganapati or Jyeshtha (elder). On the whole, the Vedic political organizations were sound and stable. The state rested on the foundations of ethics, morality, virtue, and popular will. In course of time, smaller kingdoms fielded place to bigger kingdoms. Powerful monarchs wanted to rule over larger territories. Stronger political units and organizations thus became the need of the time.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 History Unit 1 Sources of Indian History Long Answer Questions

Question 11.
Narrate the religious life of the early Vedic people?
The Aryans were deeply religious. Their spiritual thoughts were of the highest order. Among the ancient races of the earth, no race was equal to the Indian Aryans of the early Vedic age in spiritual and religious thoughts. While the whole world was in the darkness of ignorance and blind beliefs, Rigvedic India held the lamp of wisdom. Among the ancient most religious of mankind, the Vedic religion is considered the best.

The Rigvedic Aryan’s thoughts of the supreme creator through the creation. Nature represented the different manifestations of that creation. They, therefore, became the worshippers of Nature. The mighty elements of Nature were regarded by the Aryans as their gods. All the useful elements of Nature appeared in divine form in the Aryan religious thoughts.

While the whole world was in the darkness of ignorance and blind beliefs, Rigvedic India held the lamp of wisdom. Among the ancient-most religions of mankind, the Vedic religion is considered the best. The Rigvedic Aryans thought of the supreme creator through creation. Nature represented the different manifestations of that creation. Therefore became the worshippers of Nature.

The mighty elements of nature were regarded by the Aryans as their Gods. All the useful elements of nature appeared in divine form in the Aryan religious thought. Dyaus or the shining sky, Prithivi or Mother Earth Indra or the God of Rain and Thunder, Varuna or the Lord of waters, Surya or the illuminator Market or the Lord of stones, Vayu pr the God of wind.

Agni or the God of Fire, and Usha, or the goddess of Dawn, were the famous divinities of the Aryan worship. Every one of them was a part of nature. While believing in several Gods and Goddesses the early Aryans developed faith in the supreme Being who was the creator of all Every other god was only his representation.

Therefore, they sang:
“They call him, Mitra, Varuna, And Agni To what is one the poets give much anime, They call it Agni, Yama, Matrisvan.” The seers and sages of Vedic India were the epitomes of wisdom. They searched for the origin and meaning of the universe and came to know the first cause of creation. “Neither death nor deathlessness existed of day and night there was yet no distinction. Alone that one breathed calmly, supported, other than it was none, nor aught above it.”

While the religious faith of the Vedic Aryans was deeply spiritual their religious practices were simple. They performed Yajnas in which they made offerings of ghee, milk, grain, and other things while singing hymns in honor of gods and goddesses. In their religious conduct, they became virtuous, kind charitable, and truthful. This was the early Vedic civilization glorified. The social political and religious conditions of the time were the brightest proofs of that great civilization.

Question 12.
Explain the inner system of Later Vedic Society?
The greatest change that the later Vedic period saw in the Aryan society was the rise of the rigid caste system. It destroyed the values of human equality of the earlier days and created a distinction between man and man. It was natural that there should be different kinds of work in any society at any time. Generally, the people were required to perform four sets of duties. Some were bound to perform worship, prayers, and religious rites.

The second group of men had to learn the arts of warfare to fight battles against enemies or invaders. The third set of people was called upon to cultivate lands, carry on trade and commerce, and produce necessary goods for the need of tire society. The fourth group of people had to perform various social-service works from sweeping or cleaning to other works of personal needs. Any man could do any such work according to his own free choice or ability.

In course of time, these four main works led to the rise of four main castes. Those who performed religious duties formed the priestly caste known as the Brahmana those who looked to agriculture, trade, or other productive works came to be known as the Vaisya. And finally, those who performed social and menial services to the society formed the lowest caste and were called the Sudra.

The supreme tragedy of this division of labor was that the castes became hereditary. son of a Kshatriya even if learned could not be a Kshatriya. Secondly, the Brahmana and ‘the Kshatriya regarded themselves as higher classes and made a monopoly of social privileges. key looked down upon the other classes. Intermarriage among the castes stopped. Two more evils followed. First, some castes broke into several sub-castes.

For example among the Vaisya caste, several divisions rose up according to hereditary professions. Cultivators, merchants, smiths, carpenters, and artisans formed distinct castes. The studies were also divided into many sections. Secondly the Sudras, because of their mental works, came to be regarded as impure. The Upper castes needed their services in most matters but denied them many social privileges.

The non-Aryan tribes who were taken into society became members of the Sudha caste. That also was a reason for considering the Sudra as inferior. The caste system became more and more rigid. The evils of inequality became more painful to the lower castes. A time, therefore, came when Buddhism and Jainism appeared as strong movements against such evils. During the later Vedic age, women also lost their earlier status. Polygamy or marrying several wives by the man became a social vice.

The higher castes practiced this system because of their wealth child marriages also appeared. The Dowry system was practiced. Women gradually lost their right to property cause women still enjoyed their equal position with men in religious matters. They still received education and could show their talent. Celebrated women like Gargi and M’aitreyi showed their merit in the spheres of highest learning. On the whole, the later Vedic Society became the forerunner of the social systems of the future Hindus India.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 History Unit 1 Sources of Indian History Long Answer Questions

Question 13.
Evaluate the religious life of the later Vedic People?
During the later Vedic period, much of the simplicity of the Rigvedic religion was lost. The hold of the priestly class became more absolute. The priests developed complicated modes of worship. Sacrifices became more common. The rites and rituals became difficult. Superstitions entered in the name of religion. Fear of evil spirits and witches came in. Philosophical and theological speculations became more complex.

In the spirit of such developments, the later Vedic sages laid greater emphasis on the faith in the supreme being the Absolute. The concept of the param Brahma or the Paramatma dominated the man’s mind. The supreme Gods like Vishnu or Siva were paid greater devotion. The later Vedic period produced many religious doctrines to influence Indian thought forever. The doctrine of karma or results according to deeds.

Maya or illusion, Mukti or the supreme release, Jan antra or the transmigration of souls, etc. made a deep impact on the Aryan mind. The individual soul or Jiva came from the universal soul or Brahma and could go back to that origin. This was possible through the most correct ways of life and thought. Tat Twain Asi or That Thou Art was the identification of the individual Atman with the universal Atman.

The supreme goal of life was the Moksha or the liberation when the individual sous were absorbed in the universal soul. Thus, cm side there developed deep spiritual ideas in the later Vedic age which had no parallel elsewhere in the world. The deep-rooted superstitions began to dominate the mind of the common man making religious practices mostly meaningless. Amid such developments future Hinduism was beginning to take its shape.

Ramayana and Mahabharata:
Towards the dose of the Vedic age the Ramayana and the Mahabharata were composed. These two great Epics became the fountain source of Indian religious and spiritual thoughts, Balmiki was the author of the Ramayana. The Chief .characters of this Epic represented the highest ideals of worldly life. The Aryan virtues and nob RV were reflected in them.

The political social and religious conditions of that time arc known from the Ramayana. Vyasa was the author of the Mahabharata. describes every aspect of life and thought of that remarkable period. Its influence on the future is deep. Srimad Bhagavad Gita is a part of the Mahabharata. It contains the highest spiritual thoughts of everlasting value

Question 14.
Narrate the economic condition of later Vedic Aryans?
In the later Vedic age the economic activities of the Aryans grew greatly. The population began to increase and so also did the number of Aryan settlements. New kinds of works and efforts appeared side by side. New means of livelihood were discovered and developed. The Aryans became more concerned with the progress of agriculture. In the fertile soil of the Gangetic valley, they cultivated many types of crops. They improved the modes of cultivation.

For example, for using heavy plows in fields, they even engaged as many as 24 bullocks in each plow. The Aryans learned more and more about the use of different metals. They made different types of weapons, ornaments agricultural implements, various tools for work, and other equipment. With the expansion of Aryan settlements and the rise of bigger kingdoms, roads and communication systems, began to develop.

As a result, the volume of trade and commerce increased. It is known from the Atharva Veda that there were different types of roads in those days. There were ordinary paths for walking winder roads for bullock carts, and better roads for swift-running chariots. The traders and merchants carried their goods to distant places for better communication facilities. Side by side, travel by boats in rivers became more common.

Trade relations between distant places on the river banks developed rapidly. Both by land and water routes the merchants carried on their economic activities. It was during this time that the Aryan traders ventured into the seas for external trade. This was a notable feature of the later Vedic age. It was during the later Vedic age that the Aryans improved the art of weaving to a remarkable extent.

Various types of costly and attractive dresses and clothes were made to meet the new social demands. As the people became richer, there were greater demands for gold ornaments. Goldsmiths of that time were more advanced in their profession than in earlier times. They made ornaments in new designs and in a good many numbers. The art of pottery was also developed.

The blacksmith, too, enlarged the scope of their work to meet new demands. During the later Vedic age, plenty of fertile lands were available all over the Indo-Gangetic plains. Being very hardworking, the Aryan Cultivatoks produced enough to meet the needs of society. On the whole, the later Vedic Aryans Lived an economically prosperous Life.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 History Unit 1 Sources of Indian History Long Answer Questions

Question 15.
Discuss the socio-economic condition in the 6th century B.C. or at the time of sixteen Mahajanasadas?
In the sixth century B.C., most of the people of India lived in the villages. The villages were of varying sizes. They were inhabited by a number of families. These families were very large consisting of various members from the grand-father to the grandsons including their wives and children. Agriculture particularly the cultivation of rice was the Chief occupation of the. people, other kinds of grains, sugarcane fruits, and vegetables were also cultivated.

A method of irrigation by community attempt and protection of field by community fencing came into vogue. Channels were dug at the boundary of each plot for cooperative irrigation. The village headman supervised the operation of these schemes. Arable land was absent of big estates-peasant proprietorship was the general custom. Land could be sold by the owner. But custom demanded that he should not sell his land to an outsider of the village.

There were common pasture lands for grazing cattle. The burden of taxes varied from 1/6 to 1/12 of the produce which collected through village headmen. The tax was generally paid in kind. We have no direct evidence regarding the system of taxation in the republican states. But Prof. Rhys Davids has suggested that the republics must have some system of taxation. Famine and scarcity due to floods or failure of rain were not unknown. The Buddhist records refer to famines.

Cattle rearing trade and commerce formed other occupations of the people. Partnership for trade was a common practice. Trade relation within India was wide. Trade with foreign lands by sea became fashionable also. Inland trade was carried by caravans while foreign trade was carried by ocean-going vessels. Many parts grew up along the coast for the export and import of goods. Bhrigukachchha or Bharuch, support known so para on the western coast became famous parts.

Inland cities like Taxila, Ujiaini, Champa, Rajagriha, and Ayodhaya also became great emporiums for trade. Occupations tended hereditary in the sixth century B.C. caste system began to be crystallized in this period. Though there was no iron-bound truth for the son to follow the calling of the father. There are many instances of the chance of occupation. A brahmana became a cultivator or a trader.

Again many Kshatriyas were cultivators of the soil spite of such departures there was a marked tendency towards rigidity of caste. Change of hereditary occupation was disliked inter-dining and inter-marriage between different castes were disfavoured. The barter system has ceased to exist and transactions were made with copper coins called Kar shaping weighing 140 gains.

Gold coins were rare in this period. Arts and crafts in this period were generally practiced for the needs of society. The black-smith, gold-smith, fanner, potter, etc made their articles for the people. Specialization in arts tod crafts appeared. Guides of work with elected presidents were also formed.